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UM is 5th best average ranked FCS team in past 3 seasons

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Oldschoolhornet said:
Publicly doxx? Anyone who has paid attention knows Hoops has posted MULTIPLE articles about his personal/athletic and professional life on this site. His identity is well known because he wants it to be. Stating that I know someone is hardly a threat. So much for your threat allegations, Karen.

You are a liar and make racist posts too. A low life.
ElrodGrizzly said:
oldrunner said:
What I don't understand is why anyone would brag about being fith at being average???? ;-)

You would have to be lurking here enough to know that there is a large argument about whether or not the team is going in the right direction since Hauck returned. Some people seem to think it is a huge failure, some think it has been a success. This was one guy making his argument that it is a success because we went from tanked in the 30's to an average of 5th.
It was my attempt at humor. You know, to lighten the mood of this thread.
oldrunner said:
ElrodGrizzly said:
You would have to be lurking here enough to know that there is a large argument about whether or not the team is going in the right direction since Hauck returned. Some people seem to think it is a huge failure, some think it has been a success. This was one guy making his argument that it is a success because we went from tanked in the 30's to an average of 5th.
It was my attempt at humor. You know, to lighten the mood of this thread.

My bad, brother. Good effort.
This thread is a joke. Some of you are accusing this poster of doxxing Hoops, and demanding that he be banned because of it. And everyone on this site knows that I have been doxxed by multiple posters, including hoops. But I don't give a flying f___ who knows my name. Double standard anyone, or do all of you just subscribe to the Democratic party ways? So, doxxing someone you don't like is O.K........... just don't do it to me!

A few of you need to grow a pair.
mthoopsfan said:
Ursus1 said:
second best team in the state, with a losing record against the cats, zero conference titles, after having his recruits a sixth place conference finish in 2022 ? That is not vey "dominant"

You are describing one year. Over 3 seasons, UM has had the 5th best average post-season ranking in FCS. Why can't you just admit that? The Big Sky is currently the top FCS conference. UM played a tough schedule last season and had some bad luck. MSU apparently hasn't played SS since 2015. The Cats will get their due this season.

Yes, NDSU is now the 2d best team in ND too.

Who’s gunna tell him?
CatsRback said:
mthoopsfan said:
You are describing one year. Over 3 seasons, UM has had the 5th best average post-season ranking in FCS. Why can't you just admit that? The Big Sky is currently the top FCS conference. UM played a tough schedule last season and had some bad luck. MSU apparently hasn't played SS since 2015. The Cats will get their due this season.

Yes, NDSU is now the 2d best team in ND too.

Who’s gunna tell him?

thirdandlong said:
This thread is a joke. Some of you are accusing this poster of doxxing Hoops, and demanding that he be banned because of it. And everyone on this site knows that I have been doxxed by multiple posters, including hoops. But I don't give a flying f___ who knows my name. Double standard anyone, or do all of you just subscribe to the Democratic party ways? So, doxxing someone you don't like is O.K........... just don't do it to me!

A few of you need to grow a pair.

It’s also for the two of you making racist comments.
mthoopsfan said:
thirdandlong said:
This thread is a joke. Some of you are accusing this poster of doxxing Hoops, and demanding that he be banned because of it. And everyone on this site knows that I have been doxxed by multiple posters, including hoops. But I don't give a flying f___ who knows my name. Double standard anyone, or do all of you just subscribe to the Democratic party ways? So, doxxing someone you don't like is O.K........... just don't do it to me!

A few of you need to grow a pair.

It’s also for the two of you making racist comments.

You use the race card every time you get embarrassed, which is often. It is no surprise that almost every controversy with another poster on this site has you right square in the middle of it. Your "idiot count" has got to be approaching 100 by now.
thirdandlong said:
mthoopsfan said:
It’s also for the two of you making racist comments.

You use the race card every time you get embarrassed, which is often. It is no surprise that almost every controversy with another poster on this site has you right square in the middle of it. Your "idiot count" has got to be approaching 100 by now.

I don't ever use the race card. Pointing out racism is not playing a race card. Saying that someone is playing the race card is usually an indication that the person saying it is racist. And you are racist.

I have never been embarrassed on egriz.

Are you going to admit that you never played baseball at UM, and that that why your name is not in the UM Red Book, which is the history of UM sports?
Oldschoolhornet said:
Publicly doxx? Anyone who has paid attention knows Hoops has posted MULTIPLE articles about his personal/athletic and professional life on this site. His identity is well known because he wants it to be. Stating that I know someone is hardly a threat. So much for your threat allegations, Karen.

I have no comment on the threat piece...but, anyone...and I mean anyone posting here for a bit knows exactly who PR is. It's not a secret and certainly not "doxxing." The drama here should simmer.


Despite his abrasive posting (save the pot-kettle comments) PR is a Montanan we can all be proud of...and should be. He cares as crap-ton about the Griz, seems to have a fantastic Family, and has done well for himself. Few give him a harder time than me - but, I think we'd enjoy the hell out of a burger and beer at the MO Club.
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