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UM has top players transferring in, Cats have top players transferring out

Bobby and staff have done a great job. Possibly kids don’t want to play for a program that preaches do as I say, not as I do? The DUI scandal did not sit well with the Cat players. That’s factual and hard to argue against. Those coaches are now gone, which should theoretically help Veg and his staff. I don’t think it will. Mainly because he made a major misstep in the way he handled the DUI scandal. It says something about his values. Griz trajectory is up. Cat trajectory still to be determined.
Bolded players who were successful (in my eyes)
Dylan Rollins (ol- BYU)
Alec Eckert (dt- Wash st)
Samora Ezekiel (ol- North Texas)
Rohan Jones (te- Maine)

Christian Anaya (wr- Western Illinios)
Aiden Parks (safety- Mt Tech)
Garrett Coon (rb- SouthD)
Kade Cutler (db- Montana)
Sebastian Valdez (dt- Washington)
Kendric Bailey (safety-?)
Jace Fitzgerald (lb- Western)
Rush Reimer (ol- Cal)
Jacob Kettels (ol- Kennesaw St)
Omar Aigbedion (ol- Baylor)

I don't know what I find funnier, the fact that THREE O-linemen departed, or the fact that with ALL those OL and DB departures y'all went out and got yourself a TE.
I don't know what I find funnier, the fact that THREE O-linemen departed, or the fact that with ALL those OL and DB departures y'all went out and got yourself a TE.
He also neglects to mention in his point here about how he "just can't tell who is using the portal better," that two Cats players have made the jump from Bozeman to Missoula, but none of our guys are going in that direction. Weird.
I don't know what I find funnier, the fact that THREE O-linemen departed, or the fact that with ALL those OL and DB departures y'all went out and got yourself a TE.
Well we graduated Snell and Pickering which were incredibly important. Two of those OL that left were starters so then we brought two in.
He also neglects to mention in his point here about how he "just can't tell who is using the portal better," that two Cats players have made the jump from Bozeman to Missoula, but none of our guys are going in that direction. Weird.
I believe you and I understand that Cutler’s case was different… who was the other?
I believe you and I understand that Cutler’s case was different… who was the other?
Cutler's case was not "different" in any way. He was underutilized, and not given a chance because he wasn't one of Willie Mack's favorites. Vim said the same, and he is pretty unbiased. He left the team because he wasn't treated well by the coaching staff, and didn't like the culture. He then came home to MSU's rival. That is pretty damning, man.

The other is Bergen.
Cutler's case was not "different" in any way. He was underutilized, and not given a chance because he wasn't one of Willie Mack's favorites. Vim said the same, and he is pretty unbiased. He left the team because he wasn't treated well by the coaching staff, and didn't like the culture. He then came home to MSU's rival. That is pretty damning, man.

The other is Bergen.
Yes he wasn't given much opportunity… but with Garza gone don’t you think he would’ve now gotten the chance?
He also neglects to mention in his point here about how he "just can't tell who is using the portal better," that two Cats players have made the jump from Bozeman to Missoula, but none of our guys are going in that direction. Weird.
If were making comparisons there have been far more MSU guys who end up going to Tech… that doesn’t mean MSU is doing stuff wrong it just means that they aren’t good enough usually
Yes he wasn't given much opportunity… but with Garza gone don’t you think he would’ve now gotten the chance?
I think you are mistaking my knowledge for an assumption. He didn't want to be part of your program, and he didn't like the way he was treated by your staff. He came where he felt was right for him, with the staff he felt was right for him. It doesn't really matter what I think, I wasn't in his meetings at MSU or at practices. I'm just a random on the internet. It matters what he thinks, and what he thinks is pretty clear to anyone who knows the situation.

If were making comparisons there have been far more MSU guys who end up going to Tech… that doesn’t mean MSU is doing stuff wrong it just means that they aren’t good enough usually

Going to Tech is dropping down. Going to Montana is a lateral move to MSU's direct rival. Huge difference.
Cutler's case was not "different" in any way. He was underutilized, and not given a chance because he wasn't one of Willie Mack's favorites. Vim said the same, and he is pretty unbiased. He left the team because he wasn't treated well by the coaching staff, and didn't like the culture. He then came home to MSU's rival. That is pretty damning, man.

The other is Bergen.
So do you think it's possible the feeling was mutual, by the coaches at montana state and cutler that he wasn't going to see any significant playing time and the writing was on the wall about his future with the bobcats?.. happens alot of the time..

The kid probably wanted to be closer to home, and u of montana was his only option to play ball and go to school.
I think you are mistaking my knowledge for an assumption. He didn't want to be part of your program, and he didn't like the way he was treated by your staff. He came where he felt was right for him, with the staff he felt was right for him. It doesn't really matter what I think, I wasn't in his meetings at MSU or at practices. I'm just a random on the internet. It matters what he thinks, and what he thinks is pretty clear to anyone who knows the situation.

Going to Tech is dropping down. Going to Montana is a lateral move to MSU's direct rival. Huge difference.
Here is Vim’s comment “
Didn't work out here in the Nickel or Safety positions. Kade had some injuries his first few years but was ready to contribute this fall and, in my opinion, unfairly never got an opportunity. Ortt/Polidore were our two best safeties to start the year and Dowler/Price locked down the nickel spot. Unquestionably those two spots had the best players starting. However, the depth was shaky. At nickel, we lost both Dowler and Price during the year and instead of moving in another strong safety type like Kade or Aidan Parks (who shined in spring ball in my opinion), we moved Miles Jackson from corner into nickel with mixed results. At safety, Blake Stillwell was the clear #3 per the coaching staff with Bailey/Pottenger jockying for the 4th spot. Next two up were probably Brock Steel and Kade.

Vigen lets his staff decide who is above the line and below the line in terms of "kids who are ready to see the field" each year and that's how the depth gets established. For whatever reason on the defensive side of the ball, I saw the "above the line" players get smaller and smaller the past two years specifically in the secondary and at LB. I completely trust the coaches to play who they feel they can trust. That should be exactly what you want coaches to do as fans. However, I kept hearing more and more this year from spring ball forward that Garza has "his guys" and if you can't break through into that group, it will be hard to see the field. Aidan Parks is a perfect example in my book and a hard-nosed kid like Kade is another. You have to at least give those kids opportunities to prove themselves when they are 3rd or 4th year guys and injuries start to hit. When Miles Jackson was called up at nickel for Sac State instead of Parks, I said to myself (man Aidan is never going to see the field on defense is he).

On the field would it have changed things this year? No not really. I'm a big believer in the best players need to play and if you don't beat out the competition, you are just going to have to improve or see the game from the sideline. I just don't feel like guys like Kade Cutler or Aidan Parks were really given a fair shake to at least get ONE opportunity to play varsity minutes. You need to give kids opportunities to show they can be trusted in a game setting when they've put the time in to your program AND the on-field result is lacking with the players playing in front of them. Our secondary and LB depth took a hit this year because we had a lot of sophomores and juniors sitting on the roster with no game experience. In some cases, freshman played in front of them. Daly & Co. need to figure out how to get our quality depth rotation back in order or else we're going to struggle again in 2024 as injuries always happen each year. That's all.”

Seems fair but I strongly believe that thing would’ve been different if the main issue was Garza. Maybe it was other coaches too?
Here is Vim’s comment “
Didn't work out here in the Nickel or Safety positions. Kade had some injuries his first few years but was ready to contribute this fall and, in my opinion, unfairly never got an opportunity. Ortt/Polidore were our two best safeties to start the year and Dowler/Price locked down the nickel spot. Unquestionably those two spots had the best players starting. However, the depth was shaky. At nickel, we lost both Dowler and Price during the year and instead of moving in another strong safety type like Kade or Aidan Parks (who shined in spring ball in my opinion), we moved Miles Jackson from corner into nickel with mixed results. At safety, Blake Stillwell was the clear #3 per the coaching staff with Bailey/Pottenger jockying for the 4th spot. Next two up were probably Brock Steel and Kade.

Vigen lets his staff decide who is above the line and below the line in terms of "kids who are ready to see the field" each year and that's how the depth gets established. For whatever reason on the defensive side of the ball, I saw the "above the line" players get smaller and smaller the past two years specifically in the secondary and at LB. I completely trust the coaches to play who they feel they can trust. That should be exactly what you want coaches to do as fans. However, I kept hearing more and more this year from spring ball forward that Garza has "his guys" and if you can't break through into that group, it will be hard to see the field. Aidan Parks is a perfect example in my book and a hard-nosed kid like Kade is another. You have to at least give those kids opportunities to prove themselves when they are 3rd or 4th year guys and injuries start to hit. When Miles Jackson was called up at nickel for Sac State instead of Parks, I said to myself (man Aidan is never going to see the field on defense is he).

On the field would it have changed things this year? No not really. I'm a big believer in the best players need to play and if you don't beat out the competition, you are just going to have to improve or see the game from the sideline. I just don't feel like guys like Kade Cutler or Aidan Parks were really given a fair shake to at least get ONE opportunity to play varsity minutes. You need to give kids opportunities to show they can be trusted in a game setting when they've put the time in to your program AND the on-field result is lacking with the players playing in front of them. Our secondary and LB depth took a hit this year because we had a lot of sophomores and juniors sitting on the roster with no game experience. In some cases, freshman played in front of them. Daly & Co. need to figure out how to get our quality depth rotation back in order or else we're going to struggle again in 2024 as injuries always happen each year. That's all.”

Seems fair but I strongly believe that thing would’ve been different if the main issue was Garza. Maybe it was other coaches too?
It was the staff as a whole, but yes, Garza was particularly egregious, in my understanding.
So do you think it's possible the feeling was mutual, by the coaches at montana state and cutler that he wasn't going to see any significant playing time and the writing was on the wall about his future with the bobcats?.. happens alot of the time..

The kid probably wanted to be closer to home, and u of montana was his only option to play ball and go to school.
You do an excellent job of opining on things when you have no information, while talking to people who know more than you do about a subject. But rather than listen, you tell the people who know more about the situation that they are bad people when they correct you. I'm not going to keep going those same rounds with you. Have a good one.
Yeah but I have a hard time thinking that Daly wouldn’t have played him if he was good.
I guess you and Kade disagree on the subject. You have every right to your opinion. I'd argue he is a little closer to the situation.

I don't know Daly. I know that from other people I know that are closer to the MSU program (I have very little connection to insider MSU people), the idea that Garza played favorites and ignored some kids was a prevalent thought.