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Troxel Back to ISU

My catline subscription payment is on hiatus. Nothing against Sample or Colter. Both are fine writers. It's just I don't see paying to supplement a bobcat blog. When the coverage is roughly similar, I'll consider coming back.
EverettGriz said:
My catline subscription payment is on hiatus. Nothing against Sample or Colter. Both are fine writers. It's just I don't see paying to supplement a bobcat blog. When the coverage is roughly similar, I'll consider coming back.
$$ to the egriz club likely the best investment. Gonna make another donation here soon myself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
AZGrizFan said:
While I agree this move sucks, and the timing is bad, to put a conspiracy-theory spin on this is ridiculous. Dude doubled his salary. Any one of us would make the same move.

Not a big deal overall. Good move for Trox with a $25k raise.

Be interesting to see who, if anyone, Stitt brings in to replace him.
griz5700 said:
Not a big deal overall. Good move for Trox with a $25k raise.

Be interesting to see who, if anyone, Stitt brings in to replace him.

And that's a $25,000 raise over what he was making at Idaho State which was said to be around 75k. He was probably making 55 or 60 K with the Griz and now up to 100k. In other words, WINNING
The tweets from the Bengal beat writer stating that Troxel leaving is what started the ball rolling on Kramer "retiring" is the most interesting storyline in this whole thing. I hope he gets more on that.

Again, for the non-interested observer it would likely be peculiar that a coach would leave an OC position for a demotion in the same conference. The fact that the same coach went back and took the same position with better pay after the head coached "left" would lead any person without an agenda to connect the dots that the issue with a head coach that Troxel had was with Kramer.
grzz said:
The tweets from the Bengal beat writer stating that Troxel leaving is what started the ball rolling on Kramer "retiring" is the most interesting storyline in this whole thing. I hope he gets more on that.

Again, for the non-interested observer it would likely be peculiar that a coach would leave an OC position for a demotion in the same conference. The fact that the same coach went back and took the same position with better pay after the head coached "left" would lead any person without an agenda to connect the dots that the issue with a head coach that Troxel had was with Kramer.

Sorry. Doesn't fit the conspiracy theorists' agenda....
AZGrizFan said:
grzz said:
The tweets from the Bengal beat writer stating that Troxel leaving is what started the ball rolling on Kramer "retiring" is the most interesting storyline in this whole thing. I hope he gets more on that.

Again, for the non-interested observer it would likely be peculiar that a coach would leave an OC position for a demotion in the same conference. The fact that the same coach went back and took the same position with better pay after the head coached "left" would lead any person without an agenda to connect the dots that the issue with a head coach that Troxel had was with Kramer.

Sorry. Doesn't fit the conspiracy theorists' agenda....

I wish there was a tinfoil hat smilie.
grzz said:
AZGrizFan said:
grzz said:
The tweets from the Bengal beat writer stating that Troxel leaving is what started the ball rolling on Kramer "retiring" is the most interesting storyline in this whole thing. I hope he gets more on that.

Again, for the non-interested observer it would likely be peculiar that a coach would leave an OC position for a demotion in the same conference. The fact that the same coach went back and took the same position with better pay after the head coached "left" would lead any person without an agenda to connect the dots that the issue with a head coach that Troxel had was with Kramer.

Sorry. Doesn't fit the conspiracy theorists' agenda....

I wish there was a tinfoil hat smilie.

:lol: :werd: :shocker:
grzz said:
The tweets from the Bengal beat writer stating that Troxel leaving is what started the ball rolling on Kramer "retiring" is the most interesting storyline in this whole thing. I hope he gets more on that.

Again, for the non-interested observer it would likely be peculiar that a coach would leave an OC position for a demotion in the same conference. The fact that the same coach went back and took the same position with better pay after the head coached "left" would lead any person without an agenda to connect the dots that the issue with a head coach that Troxel had was with Kramer.

Although, if Montana was coming off a deep playoff run and primed to make a run at a National Championship in 2017, that decision to return to a doomed ISU program would be a little more difficult.
$$$$ and job security.....pretty much what we all want.

And he has a viable out from Stitt and his NAIA approach to football
griz5700 said:
grzz said:
The tweets from the Bengal beat writer stating that Troxel leaving is what started the ball rolling on Kramer "retiring" is the most interesting storyline in this whole thing. I hope he gets more on that.

Again, for the non-interested observer it would likely be peculiar that a coach would leave an OC position for a demotion in the same conference. The fact that the same coach went back and took the same position with better pay after the head coached "left" would lead any person without an agenda to connect the dots that the issue with a head coach that Troxel had was with Kramer.

Although, if Montana was coming off a deep playoff run and primed to make a run at a National Championship in 2017, that decision to return to a doomed ISU program would be a little more difficult.
Respect your opinion, but vehemently disagree.

He's getting full offensive control with the coach he's always wanted to work with on top of a $25,000 raise.

He would be crazy to stay even if we were a shoe-in to win the natty.
grzz said:
The tweets from the Bengal beat writer stating that Troxel leaving is what started the ball rolling on Kramer "retiring" is the most interesting storyline in this whole thing. I hope he gets more on that.

Again, for the non-interested observer it would likely be peculiar that a coach would leave an OC position for a demotion in the same conference. The fact that the same coach went back and took the same position with better pay after the head coached "left" would lead any person without an agenda to connect the dots that the issue with a head coach that Troxel had was with Kramer.

I have heard from 2 separate sources that Kramer was the reason that Troxel left. And if you remember, Phen was leaving also prior to Kramer "retiring". The mutiny was underway, so Kramer was let go.
boisebengal said:
I think a lot of what you've all said about Troxel and Kramer is spot on. I think that Kramer was tough on his coaches and had high expectations from them, and I've heard that there were times he interfered with the playcalling. I thought it was strange as well, that Matt would leave as ISU OC to take a wide receiver job at Montana. In any event, the good thing is that ISU returns most of their coaches from last season so that there's continuity. The bad is that Phenicie's never been a head coach before, and past performance is an excellent indicator of future success. I wish ISU could have some semblance of success like Montana's had in the past.

Good Post Boisebengal. Unfortunately, I'm not as kind.

Enjoy cashing your paycheck from UM, Judas. It will be your last.
Enjoy Phen Phen and another half-decade worth of BSC cellar dwelling.
Enjoy your next career opportunity as parking coordinator at Craters of the Moon National Monument.

I'm with Griz2k, Fuck him!
AZGrizFan said:
While I agree this move sucks, and the timing is bad, to put a conspiracy-theory spin on this is ridiculous.

Man, I get your point, but the spin goes both ways. Griz Nation has a very convenient way of rationalizing these types of moves rather than acknowledging there may be an underlying problem.

Look at how fast the majority of guys on this board turned on TG with the “we didn’t want/need him around anyway mantra”…………….and how has that turned out for us so far?

Just food for thought……
Ursa Major said:
boisebengal said:
I think a lot of what you've all said about Troxel and Kramer is spot on. I think that Kramer was tough on his coaches and had high expectations from them, and I've heard that there were times he interfered with the playcalling. I thought it was strange as well, that Matt would leave as ISU OC to take a wide receiver job at Montana. In any event, the good thing is that ISU returns most of their coaches from last season so that there's continuity. The bad is that Phenicie's never been a head coach before, and past performance is an excellent indicator of future success. I wish ISU could have some semblance of success like Montana's had in the past.

Good Post Boisebengal. Unfortunately, I'm not as kind.

Enjoy cashing your paycheck from UM, Judas. It will be your last.
Enjoy Phen Phen and another half-decade worth of BSC cellar dwelling.
Enjoy your next career opportunity as parking coordinator at Craters of the Moon National Monument.

I'm with Griz2k, f*** him!
Way to diss a former Griz player. Stitt had him in a ridiculously underutilized position; this was inevitable once Phenicie got the job at ISU.
Look, Stitt and Co. bailed him out of a horrible situation, most likely at his request. Regardless of whatever happened after that at ISU, I see this as a situation where Trox owed the Griz one full season. Hopefully Trox asked for his release and Stitt graciously ok'd the deal.

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