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Those Scrappy Little BISON...

And all you Griz fans thought you were the only ones passionate about your FB. Well, you've officially met some BISON fans ... PLEASE PLEASE keep underestimating us. Enjoy this one...[/quote]

No one that I know in Grizville thinks we are the only ones passionate about our football program. We have nothing but respect for the programs that are in place at Georgia Southern, McNeese State, Maine, and Deleware, and know that their fans are as passionate, if not more so, than the Griz faithful. (I felt obligated to put Delaware in because of the CHICKEN BROTHERS, and the constant CLUCKING they bring to eGriz).

I'm glad, whether officially or unoffically, that we've had a chance to meet some Bison fans here. I personally look forward to meeting more this Saturday. The dedication you have for your team speaks very loud about what you have to offer whatever conference you end up in.

And as far as us enjoying "this one"...that my friend, you can count on!
grizpack said:
My only hope is that after Saturday, this will actually turn back into a Griz chat board.

Dont your opponents come and go on here every week? We have a few Grizz fans on our boards too. I thought thats what they were for, to get to know one another? I would imagine we will have our hands full with UCD next week and this one will be forgotten. I hope we play hard and stay healthy, thats all you can ask for.
Awe schucks you guys. You are to nice. I learned this skill in the 3rd grade and knew some day id put it to some good use. :roll:
GoodGodGriz said:
I have every confidence that once we've solidly defeated the Bison, we'll not hear from them again... unless they are wanting to join the Big Sky again, and again..... and again........... You get the point. :-?

hahaha cant even beat a div II team at home. now that sux. hows your confidence now?