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The Bubble today

So I hear it's snowing in Montana and it's also kids camp week at UM. I'll bet they're wishing the practice facility was already done.
Absolutely they are wishing that. Thankfully just raining, but it is cold and wet and crappy up here. The kids have been stuck in the champion's center, but it looked like they were having a good time from the pictures.
I actually talked to a bobcat buddy recently and he was giving me some shit about the bubble. When I asked him about their indoor, he admitted it was only 80 yards and was supposed to be some type of fabric or canvas. He wasn’t positive though. He admitted he couldn’t give us much shit if that’s the case.
I actually talked to a bobcat buddy recently and he was giving me some shit about the bubble. When I asked him about their indoor, he admitted it was only 80 yards and was supposed to be some type of fabric or canvas. He wasn’t positive though. He admitted he couldn’t give us much shit if that’s the case.

I think at one point there was talk about the canvas siding being an option, as that was cheaper and could be constructed faster. That said, I think they scrapped the fast/cheap plan and decided to opt for the more expensive $26Million facility that is a steel structure with metal siding and some brick veneer. the 100 yard field is to accommodate the 300-meter indoor track.

When it's all said and done, I think it will be a great option for both football and track.
I think at one point there was talk about the canvas siding being an option, as that was cheaper and could be constructed faster. That said, I think they scrapped the fast/cheap plan and decided to opt for the more expensive $26Million facility that is a steel structure with metal siding and some brick veneer. the 100 yard field is to accommodate the 300-meter indoor track.

When it's all said and done, I think it will be a great option for both football and track.
Remember when their campus building roof collapsed under a snow load recently? My neighbor said they used insurance money from that roof collapse to build the circus tent. Sounds like a Ponzi scheme
Yeah. Looks like that probably the case?

I guess we’ll see here in a few months.
If they were going to change the materials and blueprints, it would have had to go through the Board of Regents. I do not believe that changing the exterior has been proposed.

The schools have a LOT less freedom to build without BoR approval than a lot of people realize.
If they were going to change the materials and blueprints, it would have had to go through the Board of Regents. I do not believe that changing the exterior has been proposed.

The schools have a LOT less freedom to build without BoR approval than a lot of people realize.

Right. Also that doc also doesn’t say really anything about a track. So could be an old doc. Not sure. We’ll all find out together in a few short months.