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McDowell Says

At least we would have someone who could lead the team in the future and not pack thier bags when they see greener pasture.
1) Almost nobody in Griz Nation would be fine with a "lose now and hope for the best," approach. Not administration, not the AD, not Bodner, and DEFINITELY not the boosters. Bobby was brought back to right the ship as fast as humanly possibly, and he has done that. If he had said "hey, we're going to take losses for a couple of years and hope we develop a stud," he would have been fired by 2021.

2) As I've shown you, we HAVE brought in good young QBs. Britt, Brown, Huot, Ah Yat, and Flowers were all competitively recruited. But we can't sit the better QB to hope and develop a lesser QB. Then people would just be yelling about how we lost games this year.

3) The current era leads to a lot of guys leaving. Look at Idaho and McCoy. They gave him the reigns and let him "develop" while they had the best wr's in the big sky, and then as soon as he was entering his junior season he left for greener pastures.

I'm sorry, but your model doesn't work. And you can't point me to any other team that is doing your suggestion of scheduling games just to get a developmental QB an easy game that doesn't count toward the playoffs.
The Vidlak I refering to was in the beginning of the season. IMO it does not begin with Ah YAT on development but before him.That's why they have have continued to bring in quaterbacks who have experience.Hoping at some point they have a sustainable one developed to take over. Quaterback play the last few years for the Griz has not been the best.

And it would have been WORSE if we had started the better QB. We made it to the national title, man.

We also moved on from our previous QB coach, and installed a coach who has a long history of successfully working with young QBs.

You just keep harping on this one point over and over and over in multiple threads. Look at the trajectory year over year since Hauck came back. Other than ONE down year due to a QB injury. Our record went as follows --

6-5, No playoffs
10-4, Quarterfinals
10-3, Quarterfinals
8-5 Second Round (the down year)
13-2, 2nd best team in the nation

We are on the right track. The current plan is working. I don't know why some people continue to harp on this coaching staff as if they are a failure. It has gotten better year over year. We played for the Natty. We won the Big Sky Championship. If we had started Ah Yat all year, we would not have gotten to the national championship. He was a freshman, and it takes time to develop mentally and physically.

And, again, the only "solution" you have put forward is to schedule an NAIA team from Montana to beat up and get the young QB meaningless reps against a team that doesn't have the size or speed to even act as an approximation for an FCS defense. No successful teams are doing that. Heck, no unsuccessful programs are doing that either, to my knowledge.

Let it go. You're not even being logical or realistic about this, it is just some odd way to keep criticizing a staff that has been the most successful staff and team since the LAST time Bobby was here.
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At least we would have someone who could lead the team in the future and not pack thier bags when they see greener pasture.
There's zero guarantee that any high school quarterbacks that come in and get developed will stay long term. The only reason Gronowski stayed at SDSU was to get another national championship, otherwise he would have been long gone. Your opinion on how quarterback development should be carried out only works in a make-believe scenario that does not align with the way things work in the real world.

I posted this response before I read Elrod's post, which is 100% spot on.
At least we would have someone who could lead the team in the future and not pack thier bags when they see greener pasture.
There's an old saying in my industry:

"Every player has a ceiling. Some reach it earlier than others. Good coaches can determine if a player is at or near his ceiling (thus making further development unlikely, but maintenance of that level a must) during practice, and there are many more practices than games. Some players will never be great QBs, throw 100mph, dunk over an NBA center, or drive the ball 350yds."

Nothing about this post is what I would term "accurate".
Hey, but wait. Hear me out. We start the worst QB to develop him, he gets really good, and then the next season, we bench him and start the new worst QB to develop him, he gets really good, and then the next season, we bench him and start the new worst QB. This continues in perpetuity. Always starting the worst QB is the mark of a great program.
1) Almost nobody in Griz Nation would be fine with a "lose now and hope for the best," approach. Not administration, not the AD, not Bodner, and DEFINITELY not the boosters. Bobby was brought back to right the ship as fast as humanly possibly, and he has done that. If he had said "hey, we're going to take losses for a couple of years and hope we develop a stud," he would have been fired by 2021.

2) As I've shown you, we HAVE brought in good young QBs. Britt, Brown, Huot, Ah Yat, and Flowers were all competitively recruited. But we can't sit the better QB to hope and develop a lesser QB. Then people would just be yelling about how we lost games this year.

3) The current era leads to a lot of guys leaving. Look at Idaho and McCoy. They gave him the reigns and let him "develop" while they had the best wr's in the big sky, and then as soon as he was entering his junior season he left for greener pastures.

I'm sorry, but your model doesn't work. And you can't point me to any other team that is doing your suggestion of scheduling games just to get a developmental QB an easy game that doesn't count toward the playoffs.

And it would have been WORSE if we had started the better QB. We made it to the national title, man.

We also moved on from our previous QB coach, and installed a coach who has a long history of successfully working with young QBs.

You just keep harping on this one point over and over and over in multiple threads. Look at the trajectory year over year since Hauck came back. Other than ONE down year due to a QB injury. Our record went as follows --

6-5, No playoffs
10-4, Quarterfinals
10-3, Quarterfinals
8-5 Second Round (the down year)
13-2, 2nd best team in the nation

We are on the right track. The current plan is working. I don't know why some people continue to harp on this coaching staff as if they are a failure. It has gotten better year over year. We played for the Natty. We won the Big Sky Championship. If we had started Ah Yat all year, we would not have gotten to the national championship. He was a freshman, and it takes time to develop mentally and physically.

And, again, the only "solution" you have put forward is to schedule an NAIA team from Montana to beat up and get the young QB meaningless reps against a team that doesn't have the size or speed to even act as an approximation for an FCS defense. No successful teams are doing that. Heck, no unsuccessful programs are doing that either, to my knowledge.

Let it go. You're not even being logical or realistic about this, it is just some odd way to keep criticizing a staff that has been the most successful staff and team since the LAST time Bobby was here.
Some are trying to show they never played the game and don't know anything about the game.
Can we not agree that the quarterback is the most important position on the team ? I me even you non football players hopefully could understand that.
I just don't get why some people have to search so hard for things to criticize this program about that they just make things up out of thin air.
Hey, this staff has barely developed a backup punt returner. It would be nice to have Casey get some reps at PR against Hellgate JV to get him ready for the FCS playoffs if Bergen goes down, but, noooo, we have to play "teams in our actual division". smh
6-5, No playoffs
10-4, Quarterfinals
10-3, Quarterfinals
8-5 Second Round (the down year)
13-2, 2nd best team in the nation (lucky that's all )

Not an impressive record to me.Better quarterbacks would may a difference.Tell me SDSU quaterback made no difference.
6-5, No playoffs
10-4, Quarterfinals
10-3, Quarterfinals
8-5 Second Round (the down year)
13-2, 2nd best team in the nation (lucky that's all )

Not an impressive record to me.Better quarterbacks would may a difference.Tell me SDSU quaterback made no difference.
Cam Miller is exactly what you're saying you want in a QB, and we made him look like shit.

At this point it's pretty clear you're just twisting your grievances trying to find something to stick. Our QB play last season was pretty dang good, sorry if that upsets you.
6-5, No playoffs
10-4, Quarterfinals
10-3, Quarterfinals
8-5 Second Round (the down year)
13-2, 2nd best team in the nation (lucky that's all )

Not an impressive record to me.Better quarterbacks would may a difference.Tell me SDSU quaterback made no difference.
Yes, shitty years are bad coaching, getting to the NC was just "lucky".

You motherfuckers never cease to amaze me.

The only UNlucky part was Johnson getting hurt for a good part of 2022, and then McDowell getting hurt early in the NC game. How do you think SDSU would have fared had Gronowski gone down?