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4theluvofgriz said:
do any of you recognize just how difficult it is to find a defensive coordinator for an FCS team who has vast experience as a coordinator? It's not like they grow on trees! Obviously Bobby valued his vast experience at the FBS level over hiring an FCS position coach and having him learn on the job.

RayWill said:
Potomac Griz said:
PlayerRep said:
poorgriz said:
well no shitt. How many times has he been fired as a defensive coach? I know at UW, UNLV, and I think others the defenses he coached were among the worst in the country.

Please provide your links on when he was "fired".

Here you go.

Looks like he was fired at Washington after (according to Wikipedia) "At the conclusion of the 2007 season, after a statistically worst defensive season in UW football history, Willingham decided to let Baer go. In the three years at UW, the defense ranked 94, 95 and 98 in total defense, 89, 85 and 94 in scoring defense, and 106, 102 and 85 in passing defense."

Also let go from UNLV. From the wiki on him: "Following the 2017 football season, Baer was relieved of his duties as defensive coordinator and linebackers coach at UNLV, allowing over 31 points per game and over 450 yards to opposing offenses."

I'm a fan of Hauck & am glad he's back, but I have to admit I'm worried about the DC situation and also about why Jensen left. Losing Jensen was a HUGE loss. He was a proven very good QB at this level as a freshman. That doesn't happen often.

poorgriz actually right, he was fired a few times. Most College coaches have been usually when anew coach comes in. Baer was let go twice because the coaches felt the defense was not improving after several seasons.


Okay, show links to more than 3 firings since 1995. That's 23 years. I still don't count the UW "firing" because he'd been with Willingham at 3 schools for many years, and Willingham let Baer and the ST coach go to save his own job and went 0-11 the next year.
I'll try to bring this back to Jensen. I'm always puzzled by those on this forum who don't understand that college football, at what ever level, is business. PR and others are correct that GJ had issues with the current staff, and I suspect it was primarily the OC . Regardless of what the NCAA does, the idea of loyalty to a program has, and will continue to diminish over time. Especially when an athlete is a 4.0 student, with some pretty good freshman stats, you should not expect them to sit idly by and blindly accept coaches decisions. To be fair it is a business for the coaches as well and they have to do what they feel is best for the program because they have a short term contract in which they must perform. Personally it is my opinion that "free agency" for the players is what they deserve for the time and work they have invested since middle school and I respect their ability to tell the coaches to shove it. Actually I would like to see more of it. "Free Agency" may also serve to limit dynasties like NDSU. I hope for the best for Jensen. Because he is such a quality student Juco may not be the best option. What classes would he possibly take that would move him forward to his degree? I think it would be great to see him under Mike Leach at Washington State.
Q - after Stitt was gone, did it matter who the OC was ?
Was Jensen going to work hard for any other OC?

sdk.catfish said:
I'll try to bring this back to Jensen. I'm always puzzled by those on this forum who don't understand that college football, at what ever level, is business. PR and others are correct that GJ had issues with the current staff, and I suspect it was primarily the OC . Regardless of what the NCAA does, the idea of loyalty to a program has, and will continue to diminish over time.
Unread post by Proud Griz Man » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:55 pm

Q - after Stitt was gone, did it matter who the OC was ?
Was Jensen going to work hard for any other OC?

Yes. But not TR after a several incidents that gave him an indication that this was not a good situation for him to be in. Just watch TR's offense later next season after teams get film. Predictable and that will result in more turnovers that we all will not like to see. Jensen - smart kid, smart decision getting out. We can move on until it potentially bites the program in the ass for the next 3 years. If that turns out to be the case I'm sure it will be revisited.
sdk.catfish said:
Unread post by Proud Griz Man » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:55 pm

Q - after Stitt was gone, did it matter who the OC was ?
Was Jensen going to work hard for any other OC?

Yes. But not TR after a several incidents that gave him an indication that this was not a good situation for him to be in. Just watch TR's offense later next season after teams get film. Predictable and that will result in more turnovers that we all will not like to see. Jensen - smart kid, smart decision getting out. We can move on until it potentially bites the program in the ass for the next 3 years. If that turns out to be the case I'm sure it will be revisited.

But I am sure he would have stuck it out in Stitt's predictable offense. And you want to talk about turnovers, just watch GJ play against any average to good team last season.
PlayerRep said:
What are your college coaching and hiring credentials? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Well, what are YOUR college coaching and hiring credentials, PR? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard. And, what does it have to do with the topic, Jensen? Tell us all about it. :roll: :grenade:
by HelenaHandBasket » Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:45 pm

But I am sure he would have stuck it out in Stitt's predictable offense.

Not the real point. Good coaches understand that different motivational techniques need to be applied depending on a variety of factors, intellect and problem solving being just two. It is possible, even probable, that coaches will encounter student athletes with a higher intellectual level than average (even higher than the coach) who are capable of more than following rote instructions and rah rah bullshit. Adjustments need to be made for motivation to succeed. They weren't.
HelenaHandBasket said:
sdk.catfish said:
Unread post by Proud Griz Man » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:55 pm

Q - after Stitt was gone, did it matter who the OC was ?
Was Jensen going to work hard for any other OC?

Yes. But not TR after a several incidents that gave him an indication that this was not a good situation for him to be in. Just watch TR's offense later next season after teams get film. Predictable and that will result in more turnovers that we all will not like to see. Jensen - smart kid, smart decision getting out. We can move on until it potentially bites the program in the ass for the next 3 years. If that turns out to be the case I'm sure it will be revisited.

But I am sure he would have stuck it out in Stitt's predictable offense. And you want to talk about turnovers, just watch GJ play against any average to good team last season.

OK, lets:

Savannah State: 11/15, 3 TD, 1 INT, 1 rushing TD
EWU: 25/49 2TD, 1 INT, 9 rushes for 45 yards net and 1 TD
PSU: 23/38 1 TD, 2 INT
ISU: 23/35 4 TD, 0 INT, 10 rushes for 23 yards & TD
UND: 22/35 3 TD, 2 INT, 6 rushes for 36 yards & a TD
WSU: 21/42 3 TD, 3 INT, 12 rushes for 33 yards & a TD
UNC: 17/25 3TD, 0 INT, 3 rushes, 30 yards & a TD
MSU: 30/49 1 TD, 1 INT, 5 rushes for 35 yards

He had exactly ONE game with more turnovers than TD’s...and that game was a win. You may be glad he left, but there’s no need to make up shit about his performance while on the field.
That is the sum total of his
AZGrizFan said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
sdk.catfish said:
Unread post by Proud Griz Man » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:55 pm

Q - after Stitt was gone, did it matter who the OC was ?
Was Jensen going to work hard for any other OC?

Yes. But not TR after a several incidents that gave him an indication that this was not a good situation for him to be in. Just watch TR's offense later next season after teams get film. Predictable and that will result in more turnovers that we all will not like to see. Jensen - smart kid, smart decision getting out. We can move on until it potentially bites the program in the ass for the next 3 years. If that turns out to be the case I'm sure it will be revisited.

But I am sure he would have stuck it out in Stitt's predictable offense. And you want to talk about turnovers, just watch GJ play against any average to good team last season.

OK, lets:

Savannah State: 11/15, 3 TD, 1 INT, 1 rushing TD
EWU: 25/49 2TD, 1 INT, 9 rushes for 45 yards net and 1 TD
PSU: 23/38 1 TD, 2 INT
ISU: 23/35 4 TD, 0 INT, 10 rushes for 23 yards & TD
UND: 22/35 3 TD, 2 INT, 6 rushes for 36 yards & a TD
WSU: 21/42 3 TD, 3 INT, 12 rushes for 33 yards & a TD
UNC: 17/25 3TD, 0 INT, 3 rushes, 30 yards & a TD
MSU: 30/49 1 TD, 1 INT, 5 rushes for 35 yards

He had exactly ONE game with more turnovers than TD’s...and that game was a win. You may be glad he left, but there’s no need to make up shit about his performance while on the field.
That is the sum total of his

Go back and watch the games, that will tell you much more than just the numbers. The situational football tells more of the story. I am also not sure why I would be glad, my point is, he was not as good as many are making him out.
HelenaHandBasket said:
AZGrizFan said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
sdk.catfish said:
Yes. But not TR after a several incidents that gave him an indication that this was not a good situation for him to be in. Just watch TR's offense later next season after teams get film. Predictable and that will result in more turnovers that we all will not like to see. Jensen - smart kid, smart decision getting out. We can move on until it potentially bites the program in the ass for the next 3 years. If that turns out to be the case I'm sure it will be revisited.

But I am sure he would have stuck it out in Stitt's predictable offense. And you want to talk about turnovers, just watch GJ play against any average to good team last season.

OK, lets:

Savannah State: 11/15, 3 TD, 1 INT, 1 rushing TD
EWU: 25/49 2TD, 1 INT, 9 rushes for 45 yards net and 1 TD
PSU: 23/38 1 TD, 2 INT
ISU: 23/35 4 TD, 0 INT, 10 rushes for 23 yards & TD
UND: 22/35 3 TD, 2 INT, 6 rushes for 36 yards & a TD
WSU: 21/42 3 TD, 3 INT, 12 rushes for 33 yards & a TD
UNC: 17/25 3TD, 0 INT, 3 rushes, 30 yards & a TD
MSU: 30/49 1 TD, 1 INT, 5 rushes for 35 yards

He had exactly ONE game with more turnovers than TD’s...and that game was a win. You may be glad he left, but there’s no need to make up shit about his performance while on the field.
That is the sum total of his

Go back and watch the games, that will tell you much more than just the numbers. The situational football tells more of the story. I am also not sure why I would be glad, my point is, he was not as good as many are making him out.

He was a freshman with exactly that many passes in his career...good grief
statler & waldorf said:
PlayerRep said:
What are your college coaching and hiring credentials? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Well, what are YOUR college coaching and hiring credentials, PR? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard. And, what does it have to do with the topic, Jensen? Tell us all about it. :roll: :grenade:

Almost 20 coaches in my wife's and my family.Three relatives who played for the Griz, including my dad. I played football through college. Had many good coaches. Played for a top 20 D-I team.
Have 3 kids who played college sports, including 1 in football. Nephews played football at UW, U of San Diego, Dartmouth, Air Force Academy (still there), UM, Western. Wife's family, at her level, had 1 cousin play for Griz, and 3 for Carroll. 2d cousin played for U of Minn. Another 2d played for Western Oregon.

We've met a lot of coaches along the way. Saw our familys' coaches get hired and fired. Have one athletic/football stadium in MT named after my father-in-law. A number of family coaches the MT athletic hall of fame.

As I said recently, I have gotten to know all of the UM head coaches since Dennehy. BH and MD will be at my annual party this week, along with multiple assistants.

What's you got with respect to football or coaching experience or credentials? Can't wait for your response.

As for Jensen, the stuff I've posted is 100% correct, part of which was from the inside. How about yours. I know you have a big mouth, but do you have any information or game?
AZDoc said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
AZGrizFan said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
But I am sure he would have stuck it out in Stitt's predictable offense. And you want to talk about turnovers, just watch GJ play against any average to good team last season.

OK, lets:

Savannah State: 11/15, 3 TD, 1 INT, 1 rushing TD
EWU: 25/49 2TD, 1 INT, 9 rushes for 45 yards net and 1 TD
PSU: 23/38 1 TD, 2 INT
ISU: 23/35 4 TD, 0 INT, 10 rushes for 23 yards & TD
UND: 22/35 3 TD, 2 INT, 6 rushes for 36 yards & a TD
WSU: 21/42 3 TD, 3 INT, 12 rushes for 33 yards & a TD
UNC: 17/25 3TD, 0 INT, 3 rushes, 30 yards & a TD
MSU: 30/49 1 TD, 1 INT, 5 rushes for 35 yards

He had exactly ONE game with more turnovers than TD’s...and that game was a win. You may be glad he left, but there’s no need to make up shit about his performance while on the field.
That is the sum total of his

Go back and watch the games, that will tell you much more than just the numbers. The situational football tells more of the story. I am also not sure why I would be glad, my point is, he was not as good as many are making him out.

He was a freshman with exactly that many passes in his career...good grief

You're right, he was the savior of Griz football. Heaven forbid someone might think he was decent QB, but not a QB that was irreplaceable.
PlayerRep said:
statler & waldorf said:
PlayerRep said:
What are your college coaching and hiring credentials? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Well, what are YOUR college coaching and hiring credentials, PR? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard. And, what does it have to do with the topic, Jensen? Tell us all about it. :roll: :grenade:

Almost 20 coaches in my wife's and my family.Three relatives who played for the Griz, including my dad. I played football through college. Had many good coaches. Played for a top 20 D-I team.
Have 3 kids who played college sports, including 1 in football. Nephews played football at UW, U of San Diego, Dartmouth, Air Force Academy (still there), UM, Western. Wife's family, at her level, had 1 cousin play for Griz, and 3 for Carroll. 2d cousin played for U of Minn. Another 2d played for Western Oregon.

We've met a lot of coaches along the way. Saw our familys' coaches get hired and fired. Have one athletic/football stadium in MT named after my father-in-law. A number of family coaches the MT athletic hall of fame.

As I said recently, I have gotten to know all of the UM head coaches since Dennehy. BH and MD will be at my annual party this week, along with multiple assistants.

What's you got with respect to football or coaching experience or credentials? Can't wait for your response.

As for Jensen, the stuff I've posted is 100% correct, part of which was from the inside. How about yours. I know you have a big mouth, but do you have any information or game?

It took all of that to say that you have no college coaching and hiring credentials?
HelenaHandBasket said:
PlayerRep said:
statler & waldorf said:
PlayerRep said:
What are your college coaching and hiring credentials? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Well, what are YOUR college coaching and hiring credentials, PR? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard. And, what does it have to do with the topic, Jensen? Tell us all about it. :roll: :grenade:

Almost 20 coaches in my wife's and my family.Three relatives who played for the Griz, including my dad. I played football through college. Had many good coaches. Played for a top 20 D-I team.
Have 3 kids who played college sports, including 1 in football. Nephews played football at UW, U of San Diego, Dartmouth, Air Force Academy (still there), UM, Western. Wife's family, at her level, had 1 cousin play for Griz, and 3 for Carroll. 2d cousin played for U of Minn. Another 2d played for Western Oregon.

We've met a lot of coaches along the way. Saw our familys' coaches get hired and fired. Have one athletic/football stadium in MT named after my father-in-law. A number of family coaches the MT athletic hall of fame.

As I said recently, I have gotten to know all of the UM head coaches since Dennehy. BH and MD will be at my annual party this week, along with multiple assistants.

What's you got with respect to football or coaching experience or credentials? Can't wait for your response.

As for Jensen, the stuff I've posted is 100% correct, part of which was from the inside. How about yours. I know you have a big mouth, but do you have any information or game?

It took all of that to say that you have no college coaching and hiring credentials?

You can't see the experience in hiring in that? Hum, there's a lot there. What you got in terms of hiring, or coaching? Anything?

Okay, let's hear your credentials on college football and UM football. Same with the idiot Statler. Got anything? Or just bags of hot air?
HelenaHandBasket said:
PlayerRep said:
statler & waldorf said:
PlayerRep said:
What are your college coaching and hiring credentials? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Well, what are YOUR college coaching and hiring credentials, PR? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard. And, what does it have to do with the topic, Jensen? Tell us all about it. :roll: :grenade:

Almost 20 coaches in my wife's and my family.Three relatives who played for the Griz, including my dad. I played football through college. Had many good coaches. Played for a top 20 D-I team.
Have 3 kids who played college sports, including 1 in football. Nephews played football at UW, U of San Diego, Dartmouth, Air Force Academy (still there), UM, Western. Wife's family, at her level, had 1 cousin play for Griz, and 3 for Carroll. 2d cousin played for U of Minn. Another 2d played for Western Oregon.

We've met a lot of coaches along the way. Saw our familys' coaches get hired and fired. Have one athletic/football stadium in MT named after my father-in-law. A number of family coaches the MT athletic hall of fame.

As I said recently, I have gotten to know all of the UM head coaches since Dennehy. BH and MD will be at my annual party this week, along with multiple assistants.

What's you got with respect to football or coaching experience or credentials? Can't wait for your response.

As for Jensen, the stuff I've posted is 100% correct, part of which was from the inside. How about yours. I know you have a big mouth, but do you have any information or game?

It took all of that to say that you have no college coaching and hiring credentials?

But he is still a legend in his own mind. Token affirmative action quota. CTE is obvious.
PlayerRep said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
PlayerRep said:
statler & waldorf said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Well, what are YOUR college coaching and hiring credentials, PR? Just curious about your level of expertise and knowledge in that regard. And, what does it have to do with the topic, Jensen? Tell us all about it. :roll: :grenade:

Almost 20 coaches in my wife's and my family.Three relatives who played for the Griz, including my dad. I played football through college. Had many good coaches. Played for a top 20 D-I team.
Have 3 kids who played college sports, including 1 in football. Nephews played football at UW, U of San Diego, Dartmouth, Air Force Academy (still there), UM, Western. Wife's family, at her level, had 1 cousin play for Griz, and 3 for Carroll. 2d cousin played for U of Minn. Another 2d played for Western Oregon.

We've met a lot of coaches along the way. Saw our familys' coaches get hired and fired. Have one athletic/football stadium in MT named after my father-in-law. A number of family coaches the MT athletic hall of fame.

As I said recently, I have gotten to know all of the UM head coaches since Dennehy. BH and MD will be at my annual party this week, along with multiple assistants.

What's you got with respect to football or coaching experience or credentials? Can't wait for your response.

As for Jensen, the stuff I've posted is 100% correct, part of which was from the inside. How about yours. I know you have a big mouth, but do you have any information or game?

It took all of that to say that you have no college coaching and hiring credentials?

You can't see the experience in hiring in that? Hum, there's a lot there. What you got in terms of hiring, or coaching? Anything?

Okay, let's hear your credentials on college football and UM football. Same with the idiot Statler. Got anything? Or just bags of hot air?

What I read is that you have several relatives with coaching and/or hiring credentials. None of that means you have such. We all know that you played college football, but that was not the question.

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