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Green Bay Packers

Big G said:
The patriots will beat the seahawks, Brady is the best QB in NFL history.

+1 - Maybe Joe Montana is equal but those 2 are in a class by themselves.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Obviously, Wilson just prays harder than anyone else :lol: .

Seriously, as a lifelong Seahawks fan (no, no bandwagon here....you wouldn't believe how sick I am of answering that question), I thought the game was over after the 4th INT. 5:00 left, GB has the ball, up by 12. My wife, bless her soul, says something along the lines of "they still have a chance", to which I replied, "Bullshit. In order for the Hawks to win, everything that possibly can go right, has to go right." And then everything that had to go right went right.

The thing that astounded me was how the Packers never once challenged Sherman late in the game when he was very obviously playing with one arm. I think the only time they threw at him was an under route to Nelson on 3rd and long that was completed, but Sherman made the tackle (while obviously in pain) to prevent a first down. Why not challenge him down the field?

You can say the Packers gave that game away, and to a great degree they did. But the Hawks also took what was given to them after playing like total shit for the first 55 minutes.
Brady when interviewed by the press of course denies any knowledge or involvement but when quoted that he "preferred to passing with deflated balls" he replied, "Yeah, I read where I said that." It is now and forever my go-to line when I am quoted as having said or done something incriminating, "yeah I read where I said that", "yeah I read where I did that". A non-denial denial. Perfect.
Grisly Fan said:
Brady when interviewed by the press of course denies any knowledge or involvement but when quoted that he "preferred to passing with deflated balls" he replied, "Yeah, I read where I said that." It is now and forever my go-to line when I am quoted as having said or done something incriminating, "yeah I read where I said that", "yeah I read where I did that". A non-denial denial. Perfect.
and here on egriz, its "yeah I read where I posted that!" :thumb:
Grisly Fan said:
Brady when interviewed by the press of course denies any knowledge or involvement but when quoted that he "preferred to passing with deflated balls" he replied, "Yeah, I read where I said that." It is now and forever my go-to line when I am quoted as having said or done something incriminating, "yeah I read where I said that", "yeah I read where I did that". A non-denial denial. Perfect.
I'm sticking with "thanks", or "I'm thankful" as my go-to lines.
Grizbeer said:
Grisly Fan said:
Brady when interviewed by the press of course denies any knowledge or involvement but when quoted that he "preferred to passing with deflated balls" he replied, "Yeah, I read where I said that." It is now and forever my go-to line when I am quoted as having said or done something incriminating, "yeah I read where I said that", "yeah I read where I did that". A non-denial denial. Perfect.

I'm sticking with "thanks", or "I'm thankful" as my go-to lines.

Even better, be sure to grab your crotch while saying "I'm thankful." :thumb:
Big G said:
The patriots will beat the seahawks, Brady is the best QB in NFL history.

-(Minus) 1 Did someone mention Karma?? Brady is an excellent QB but saying he is the best in NFL history is just....... deflating the truth!! ;)

grizrgood said:
Big G said:
The patriots will beat the seahawks, Brady is the best QB in NFL history.

-(Minus) 1 Did someone mention Karma?? Brady is an excellent QB but saying he is the best in NFL history is just....... deflating the truth!! ;)


If hes not the best ever he's on a very short list.
Hammer said:
grizrgood said:
Big G said:
The patriots will beat the seahawks, Brady is the best QB in NFL history.

-(Minus) 1 Did someone mention Karma?? Brady is an excellent QB but saying he is the best in NFL history is just....... deflating the truth!! ;)


If hes not the best ever he's on a very short list.

Once you get past Montana and probably Unitas he would have to be in the hunt for #3.
Brady is better than Montana for the fact he has never had any of the talent that Montana had nor the running game. Put Brady on those 49'ers teams and he wins more than 4 superbowls. Both are good QB's but Brady is better than Montana in every phase of the game better arm and just as good a passer.
Big G said:
Brady is better than Montana for the fact he has never had any of the talent that Montana had nor the running game. Put Brady on those 49'ers teams and he wins more than 4 superbowls. Both are good QB's but Brady is better than Montana in every phase of the game better arm and just as good a passer.

g translation: Montana>Brady

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