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Covid Updates - Not Politics

poorgriz said:
HelenaHandBasket said:

"These findings suggest that among persons with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, full vaccination provides additional protection against reinfection. Among previously infected Kentucky residents, those who were not vaccinated were more than twice as likely to be reinfected compared with those with full vaccination. All eligible persons should be offered vaccination, including those with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, to reduce their risk for future infection."

I don't trust the CDC OR MSM for shit.


And from the other side:

I wouldn't plan on the huskies game actually being played. Things are getting bad in WA and they are considering going back to lockdowns. As of a few minutes ago the local news said the governor made a vaccine mandate for all university campus's. Students and staff must be fully vaccinated or be ejected or fired. No one is certain how this impacts visiting football teams but clarification has been asked for.
in other parts of the world... "you must wear chinese clothes to get a chinese vaccine". a woman who works at a japanese restaurant in china went to get either tested or a vaccine on her lunch break, but didn't change her work clothes, which were kimono-like. the people doing the testing refused her, and kicked her out:


addendum - multiple edits, because it was hard to figure out if she was trying to get tested, or a vaccine. the quote is from chinese media.
RayWill said:
poorgriz said:
No shit? I have NEVER heard of anything like that. Do you have a link?


“Many of the patients are younger and they have fewer comorbidities. Within the last week in a 36-hour time frame, we had 3 people die under 45 and they were healthy individuals before they presented to the hospital,” Cabell said.

Again, that is strangely written. Sensationalism. "We had 3 people die under 45 and they were healthy individuals before then presented to the hospital"? Not even sure what that means. First off, they aren't clearly stating these people died FROM and only from Covid. They may have been healthy when they got to the hospital, then had a stroke or heard attack or something. I'm just saying there's no effing way this happened as the article is suggesting. Either that or there is a variant out there now that is WAY more dangerous to young healthy people than anyone is saying... but if that were the case we'd be hearing about way more deaths. I know a lot of people and I literally know ONE person that has died from Covid. He was 84 and had multiple other co morbidities. Not only do I not know anyone young and healthy that has died from Covid but I don't even think know anybody, that knows anybody, that has died from this thing when there were no pre existing conditions.
argh! said:
in other parts of the world... "you must wear chinese clothes to get a chinese vaccine". a woman who works at a japanese restaurant in china went to get either tested or a vaccine on her lunch break, but didn't change her work clothes, which were kimono-like. the people doing the testing refused her, and kicked her out:


addendum - multiple edits, because it was hard to figure out if she was trying to get tested, or a vaccine. the quote is from chinese media.

Good news, eGriz posters, you can continue your disjointed, incoherent posts and STILL get a reporters job with the Taiwan News. Until the reds invade, that is.
RayWill said:
I wouldn't plan on the huskies game actually being played. Things are getting bad in WA and they are considering going back to lockdowns. As of a few minutes ago the local news said the governor made a vaccine mandate for all university campus's. Students and staff must be fully vaccinated or be ejected or fired. No one is certain how this impacts visiting football teams but clarification has been asked for.

I would not expect the game to be canceled. However, if anyone plans to see it, be certain to bring your vax card.

And yes, things are bad in Washington right now, particularly in the rural, conservative areas where vax rates are abysmal. All three Tri Cities' hospitals are turning ambulances away. Imagine a loved one having a heart attack and getting turned away, or sent 200 miles to Spokane (who is having their own hospitals overrun).
EverettGriz said:
RayWill said:
I wouldn't plan on the huskies game actually being played. Things are getting bad in WA and they are considering going back to lockdowns. As of a few minutes ago the local news said the governor made a vaccine mandate for all university campus's. Students and staff must be fully vaccinated or be ejected or fired. No one is certain how this impacts visiting football teams but clarification has been asked for.

I would not expect the game to be canceled. However, if anyone plans to see it, be certain to bring your vax card.

And yes, things are bad in Washington right now, particularly in the rural, conservative areas where vax rates are abysmal. All three Tri Cities' hospitals are turning ambulances away. Imagine a loved one having a heart attack and getting turned away, or sent 200 miles to Spokane (who is having their own hospitals overrun).

I’d like to see em try to tell me I have to wear a mask and be vaccernaded against this damned sniffle cold deal to exercise muh right to go to the game. Damned government just wants to control me. I’m that important.
3-7-77 said:
argh! said:
in other parts of the world... "you must wear chinese clothes to get a chinese vaccine". a woman who works at a japanese restaurant in china went to get either tested or a vaccine on her lunch break, but didn't change her work clothes, which were kimono-like. the people doing the testing refused her, and kicked her out:


addendum - multiple edits, because it was hard to figure out if she was trying to get tested, or a vaccine. the quote is from chinese media.

Good news, eGriz posters, you can continue your disjointed, incoherent posts and STILL get a reporters job with the Taiwan News. Until the reds invade, that is.

alas, "covid updates", the theme of this thread, can include even 'updates' themselves, be they incoherent, disjointed, politically biased, or all four. or three of the four. or maybe even just one. i've written too much.
poorgriz said:
RayWill said:

Again, that is strangely written. Sensationalism. "We had 3 people die under 45 and they were healthy individuals before then presented to the hospital"? Not even sure what that means. First off, they aren't clearly stating these people died FROM and only from Covid. They may have been healthy when they got to the hospital, then had a stroke or heard attack or something. I'm just saying there's no effing way this happened as the article is suggesting. Either that or there is a variant out there now that is WAY more dangerous to young healthy people than anyone is saying... but if that were the case we'd be hearing about way more deaths. I know a lot of people and I literally know ONE person that has died from Covid. He was 84 and had multiple other co morbidities. Not only do I not know anyone young and healthy that has died from Covid but I don't even think know anybody, that knows anybody, that has died from this thing when there were no pre existing conditions.

Well according to the two nurses I know and the interview on the radio that is exactly what happened. They are saying the variant in our area appears to be much more aggressive than the previous variants and maybe a new strain. They weren't diabetic, weren't overweight, weren't suffering from heart disease or other illness, they came in were eventually put on ventilators and they kept getting worse until they all died either from Cardiac arrest or respiratory failure.
EverettGriz said:
I would not expect the game to be canceled. However, if anyone plans to see it, be certain to bring your vax card.

And yes, things are bad in Washington right now, particularly in the rural, conservative areas where vax rates are abysmal. All three Tri Cities' hospitals are turning ambulances away. Imagine a loved one having a heart attack and getting turned away, or sent 200 miles to Spokane (who is having their own hospitals overrun).

I’d like to see em try to tell me I have to wear a mask and be vaccernaded against this damned sniffle cold deal to exercise muh right to go to the game. Damned government just wants to control me. I’m that important.

EverettGriz said:
I’d like to see em try to tell me I have to wear a mask and be vaccernaded against this damned sniffle cold deal to exercise muh right to go to the game. Damned government just wants to control me. I’m that important.


Deplorables huh?
Ursa Major said:
SoldierGriz said:
Deplorables huh?

You don’t need to romanticize them, Brannon. They’re just dipshits.

Must be miserable to hate half of the people in your country. Especially when most of those same people grow your food, mow your grass, and clean your house and corporate office.

Lowlife dipshits indeed.
SoldierGriz said:
Ursa Major said:
You don’t need to romanticize them, Brannon. They’re just dipshits.

Must be miserable to hate half of the people in your country. Especially when most of those same people grow your food, mow your grass, and clean your house and corporate office.

Lowlife dipshits indeed.

i don't agree with the derogatory terminology, i save that for individuals; having said that, trump supporters are by no means 'half the people in the country'. maybe 1/3rd, 1/4, but not half, just like biden supporters aren't half the country. biden lover numbers are definitely dropping, but they aren't heading over to trump's "side".
argh! said:
SoldierGriz said:
Must be miserable to hate half of the people in your country. Especially when most of those same people grow your food, mow your grass, and clean your house and corporate office.

Lowlife dipshits indeed.

i don't agree with the derogatory terminology, i save that for individuals; having said that, trump supporters are by no means 'half the people in the country'. maybe 1/3rd, 1/4, but not half, just like biden supporters aren't half the country. biden lover numbers are definitely dropping, but they aren't heading over to trump's "side".

47% of voters...over 70 million despicable, deplorable, low-life dipshits. That's a lot of Americans no matter how you want to count them...

Like I said, must be miserable to hate all those fellow Americans.
SoldierGriz said:
argh! said:
i don't agree with the derogatory terminology, i save that for individuals; having said that, trump supporters are by no means 'half the people in the country'. maybe 1/3rd, 1/4, but not half, just like biden supporters aren't half the country. biden lover numbers are definitely dropping, but they aren't heading over to trump's "side".

47% of voters...over 70 million despicable, deplorable, low-life dipshits. That's a lot of Americans no matter how you want to count them...

Like I said, must be miserable to hate all those fellow Americans.
And as this new administration rolls along in 2021, it's clear they were the ones who were right.
SoldierGriz said:
EverettGriz said:

Deplorables huh?

Your word, not mine.

My post simply listed facts. The vaccine percentages in rural Washington are deplorable. Those areas are conservative. I didn’t say the people are deplorable, although I have absolutely no issues in calling out their terrible decision making when it comes to this issue.
EverettGriz said:
SoldierGriz said:
Deplorables huh?

Your word, not mine.

My post simply listed facts. The vaccine percentages in rural Washington are deplorable. Those areas are conservative. I didn’t say the people are deplorable, although I have absolutely no issues in calling out their terrible decision making when it comes to this issue.

People need to open their minds and consider the actual data and science... not just listen to what MSM is feeding the masses. It's really sad, and dangerous.

Yeah sure. I’ll believe some yahoo on YouTube or some guy who hawks pillows on Fox over literally every infectious disease expert in the world.

I’ve done my own research. Plenty of it. Get the damn vaccine.

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