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Caleb Lyons doesn't have a full ride? C'mon Man!

Ken Jones said:
"Lyons has lead in receptions in both scrimmages and shown incredible ability to pile up “yards after catch”. He’s been doing kick returns as well. Caleb has a chance to get some time on the field this season. He needs to keep working on blocking and probably not grabbing negative 6 yard passes (ha) but he’s been one of the younger guys that’s really jumped out."

- BWahlberg

I think Caleb Lyons is earning notoriety and respect. The coaches will make the right decision for the team.
If your basing his popularity off of what Wahlberg writes then every student athlete on the Griz deserves a scholarship. They are all bigger, faster, stronger, catch everything, really making a move this spring/fall, opening eyes and whatever other hyperbole you can think of.

Our players have no weaknesses, only strengths.


Griz parents too right?
CV Griz Fan said:
Ken Jones said:
"Lyons has lead in receptions in both scrimmages and shown incredible ability to pile up “yards after catch”. He’s been doing kick returns as well. Caleb has a chance to get some time on the field this season. He needs to keep working on blocking and probably not grabbing negative 6 yard passes (ha) but he’s been one of the younger guys that’s really jumped out."

- BWahlberg

I think Caleb Lyons is earning notoriety and respect. The coaches will make the right decision for the team.
If your basing his popularity off of what Wahlberg writes then every student athlete on the Griz deserves a scholarship. They are all bigger, faster, stronger, catch everything, really making a move this spring/fall, opening eyes and whatever other hyperbole you can think of.

Our players have no weaknesses, only strengths.


Griz parents too right?
No, they are a whole different animal, they are just better than everyone else regardless of the adultery, STDs, tax evasion, drunk and disorderly conduct or assaulting children they do........you just have to sit back and deal with them being better people.

Their kids are good at sports so they by default are more awesome than most.

Spanky said:
Interesting comments about parents of athletes........

Just the continuing lies from Alpha. Doubt that he could back up any of those things. He's still smarting from some of the parents telling him what they think of him a few years ago--and this is his (Internet bully) response.
IntuitiveGriz said:
Kenny -

Just because you run the Lakes Lancers Football Facebook page, hyping every single Lancer, doesn't mean Caleb Lyons has earned a full-ride. C'MON MAN :!:

I promote Lakes' student-athletes nationally. And, I will continue to promote Griz Athletics to Lakes Lancers (LLs) and their offspring as long as the UofMontana Athletics are solid. :cool:

More full disclosure, I've promoted UofMontana football since the arrival of Kendrick van Ackeren and as long as LLs and offspring of LLs (KVA and the current men's head basketball coach) get fair treatment in UofMontana Athletes, I'll continue to promote UofMontana to LLs. :)

As former head coach of the UofWashington (Steve Sarkisian) learned from his unfair treatment of LLs, we communicate frequently and we're always watching out for LL alumni ... Once A Lancer, Always A Lancer. :thumb:

Caleb will earn a scholarship or he won't ... he wouldn't have it any other way. :clap:
PlayerRep said:
Spanky said:
Interesting comments about parents of athletes........

Just the continuing lies from Alpha. Doubt that he could back up any of those things. He's still smarting from some of the parents telling him what they think of him a few years ago--and this is his (Internet bully) response.
Alpha might not want to go there but I can back it up. It is funny to me you continue to suck their cock but you didn't witness the incident you keep bringing up. We did and you are wrong, again Jack
CV Griz Fan said:
Ken Jones said:
"Lyons has lead in receptions in both scrimmages and shown incredible ability to pile up “yards after catch”. He’s been doing kick returns as well. Caleb has a chance to get some time on the field this season. He needs to keep working on blocking and probably not grabbing negative 6 yard passes (ha) but he’s been one of the younger guys that’s really jumped out."

- BWahlberg

I think Caleb Lyons is earning notoriety and respect. The coaches will make the right decision for the team.
If your basing his popularity off of what Wahlberg writes then every student athlete on the Griz deserves a scholarship. They are all bigger, faster, stronger, catch everything, really making a move this spring/fall, opening eyes and whatever other hyperbole you can think of.

Our players have no weaknesses, only strengths.


Griz parents too right?
No, they are a whole different animal, they are just better than everyone else regardless of the adultery, STDs, tax evasion, drunk and disorderly conduct or assaulting children they do........you just have to sit back and deal with them being better people.

Their kids are good at sports so they by default are more awesome than most.


Kinda like the "daddy baller" coaches in Little League. They say "it's about the team" but it's really about their kid....So sad..
Wow, must have hit a little too close to home for one Griz mom! That was a very angry PM!

Maybe a side effect of Valtrex?
Wow, must have hit a little too close to home for one Griz mom! That was a very angry PM!

Maybe a side effect of Valtrex?

Well, mood changes, agitation and aggression are side effects of said drug......
AZGrizFan said:
GrizSpartan said:
Your suggestion is a fine one. However, with our limited number of available scholarships I am sure the staff wants to have the right kids receiving scholarship support. It is their call. They are the professionals.
agreed. Let's stop with this "opinion" crap on eGriz.
That's just your opinion......
Shit. :oops:
CV Griz Fan said:
Wow, must have hit a little too close to home for one Griz mom! That was a very angry PM!

Maybe a side effect of Valtrex?

Well, mood changes, agitation and aggression are side effects of said drug......
True, but I just told her the reason her name is close to getting put on the board is because of PlayaRapE.
Ken Jones said:
"Lyons has lead in receptions in both scrimmages and shown incredible ability to pile up “yards after catch”. He’s been doing kick returns as well. Caleb has a chance to get some time on the field this season. He needs to keep working on blocking and probably not grabbing negative 6 yard passes (ha) but he’s been one of the younger guys that’s really jumped out."

- BWahlberg

I think Caleb Lyons is earning notoriety and respect. The coaches will make the right decision for the team.
If your basing his popularity off of what Wahlberg writes then every student athlete on the Griz deserves a scholarship. They are all bigger, faster, stronger, catch everything, really making a move this spring/fall, opening eyes and whatever other hyperbole you can think of.

Our players have no weaknesses, only strengths.


Theres nothing wrong with being an eternal optimist. I tend to be that way regarding the Griz also.
PlayerRep said:
Spanky said:
Interesting comments about parents of athletes........

Just the continuing lies from Alpha. Doubt that he could back up any of those things. He's still smarting from some of the parents telling him what they think of him a few years ago--and this is his (Internet bully) response.
Alpha might not want to go there but I can back it up. It is funny to me you continue to suck their cock but you didn't witness the incident you keep bringing up. We did and you are wrong, again Jack

Wow, all of this (your quote) is one incident? Must have been quite an incident. "adultery, STDs, tax evasion, drunk and disorderly conduct or assaulting children". This quote looks like a description of your own activities.

I know way more about the (non) incident than you do, because I've talked to several of the people, as well as some observers. That's why I know you are lying.
Wow, must have hit a little too close to home for one Griz mom! That was a very angry PM!

Maybe a side effect of Valtrex?

Looks like another typical Alpha lie. Put up or shut up, Mr. Liar. Most people are now seeing through your lies.
PlayerRep said:
PlayerRep said:
Spanky said:
Interesting comments about parents of athletes........

Just the continuing lies from Alpha. Doubt that he could back up any of those things. He's still smarting from some of the parents telling him what they think of him a few years ago--and this is his (Internet bully) response.
Alpha might not want to go there but I can back it up. It is funny to me you continue to suck their cock but you didn't witness the incident you keep bringing up. We did and you are wrong, again Jack

Wow, all of this (your quote) is one incident? Must have been quite an incident. "adultery, STDs, tax evasion, drunk and disorderly conduct or assaulting children". This quote looks like a description of your own activities.

I know way more about the (non) incident than you do, because I've talked to several of the people, as well as some observers. That's why I know you are lying.
Being an elitist douchebag lawyer you would be wise to not take the words of people too drunk to behave in public, they are making you look like a bigger ass than you normally are.

As far as the comments AG1 made as fast as I know he was talking about a minimum of 3 different parents.

You probably just talked to the drunks and that's why you look like suck a retard right now.
PlayerRep said:
Wow, must have hit a little too close to home for one Griz mom! That was a very angry PM!

Maybe a side effect of Valtrex?

Looks like another typical Alpha lie. Put up or shut up, Mr. Liar. Most people are now seeing through your lies.
I will get together with AG1 when he gets to Butte tonight (currently traveling) and we will slam up some of your PMS and we will throw in this mom's PM as well just so the new people know who they are dealing with when it comes to your lying ass.

You should probably start your lies and spin now to get ahead of the words you typed yet won't own because you are a coward.

See you soon
PlayerRep said:
Wow, must have hit a little too close to home for one Griz mom! That was a very angry PM!

Maybe a side effect of Valtrex?

Looks like another typical Alpha lie. Put up or shut up, Mr. Liar. Most people are now seeing through your lies.
I will get together with AG1 when he gets to Butte tonight (currently traveling) and we will slam up some of your PMS and we will throw in this mom's PM as well just so the new people know who they are dealing with when it comes to your lying ass.

You should probably start your lies and spin now to get ahead of the words you typed yet won't own because you are a coward.

See you soon

Haha. I stopped using PM's with the likes of you, and people I don't know and trust, about 8 years ago--after you altered one of my PM's. And, I've saved all of the few PM's I've sent for the past several years.
PlayerRep said:
PlayerRep said:
Wow, must have hit a little too close to home for one Griz mom! That was a very angry PM!

Maybe a side effect of Valtrex?

Looks like another typical Alpha lie. Put up or shut up, Mr. Liar. Most people are now seeing through your lies.
I will get together with AG1 when he gets to Butte tonight (currently traveling) and we will slam up some of your PMS and we will throw in this mom's PM as well just so the new people know who they are dealing with when it comes to your lying ass.

You should probably start your lies and spin now to get ahead of the words you typed yet won't own because you are a coward.

See you soon

Haha. I stopped using PM's with the likes of you, and people I don't know and trust, about 8 years ago--after you altered one of my PM's. And, I've saved all of the few PM's I've sent for the past several years.
Of course you did..........liar

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