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bring em out.... "meh"


How about doing "Feel Invincible" by Skillet since this year's motto is "Return To Dominance"? But start at the 2:37 mark (oohh, it was meant to be). Have a DJ/music major remix it just a tad so the keyboard interlude would stretch out a little longer and build the bass just as the captains are going back into the tunnel and the smoke is just starting to seep out. Then shoot a single firework in conjuncture with the "shot like a rocket into the sky" line. Boom. Hopefully, the firework exploding and the drop at 2:57 are in concurrence and that is when the team enters. Play the song out to the end. Then the whole team is in the NEZ for "I feel it, feel it" chant with the crowd.

Nice build up, tons of energy, lyrics fit and are clean...what's not to like?
CV Griz Fan said:
Once the fear of the Griz at home is established again, I’d go Trevor Hoffman style with ACDC’s “Hell’s Bells”. That single bell tolling while Trevor walked from the bullpen to the mound was spine tingling....

Hell's Bells would be a great "segue to the 4th quarter" tradition. Most teams just raise 4 fingers, indicating they are going to win the 4th quarter but it would be cool to have the bells toll and the crowd in unison chanting "Finish" to the beat of the drum's cymbals like some crazy, hypnotized (or just drunk) cult. (haha whatever they can do to get crowd interactivity and participation)
poorgriz said:
You guys should run out to this one.


I don't think you don't get to play this game, Red.

Has anyone heard if the Cats are going with this for the tunnel run again this year?

I heard it will be to this


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Ringneck said:
Nothing says "you're about to get your ass kicked" like the original jock jam "Entry of the Gladiators," amiright? Even the name of the song sends shivers down the spine. Can you imagine how many opposing players' pants will be pissed when we come storming out of the tunnel to this headbanger!?


:lol: :lol: , Either that or they will be looking at which direction the elephants and tigers will be parading in from.
putter said:
Ringneck said:
Nothing says "you're about to get your ass kicked" like the original jock jam "Entry of the Gladiators," amiright? Even the name of the song sends shivers down the spine. Can you imagine how many opposing players' pants will be pissed when we come storming out of the tunnel to this headbanger!?


:lol: :lol: , Either that or they will be looking at which direction the elephants and tigers will be parading in from.

Oh, I get it...sarcasm.
DoubleNicks said:
CV Griz Fan said:
Once the fear of the Griz at home is established again, I’d go Trevor Hoffman style with ACDC’s “Hell’s Bells”. That single bell tolling while Trevor walked from the bullpen to the mound was spine tingling....

Hell's Bells would be a great "segue to the 4th quarter" tradition. Most teams just raise 4 fingers, indicating they are going to win the 4th quarter but it would be cool to have the bells toll and the crowd in unison chanting "Finish" to the beat of the drum's cymbals like some crazy, hypnotized (or just drunk) cult. (haha whatever they can do to get crowd interactivity and participation)

we cant even get a crowd to be back by haltime...how the hell you think thats going to happen...also it sounds kinda dumb. "finish" really? thank god you're not marketing the football team. Jesus Christ. So we are complaining about old music only to go with older music? if we want a exciting environment....we really have to look have modern new music and old geezers need to either get with the program or stay home. Montana's fan base I think has to be one of the oldest on average. It's sad how many people complain about how loud the music is and how loud the stadium is. EWU cranks their music and the whole stands are rocking. if they had more than 5k fans, that place would be a pretty good environment
mtgrizfankb said:
DoubleNicks said:
CV Griz Fan said:
Once the fear of the Griz at home is established again, I’d go Trevor Hoffman style with ACDC’s “Hell’s Bells”. That single bell tolling while Trevor walked from the bullpen to the mound was spine tingling....

Hell's Bells would be a great "segue to the 4th quarter" tradition. Most teams just raise 4 fingers, indicating they are going to win the 4th quarter but it would be cool to have the bells toll and the crowd in unison chanting "Finish" to the beat of the drum's cymbals like some crazy, hypnotized (or just drunk) cult. (haha whatever they can do to get crowd interactivity and participation)

we cant even get a crowd to be back by haltime...how the hell you think thats going to happen...also it sounds kinda dumb. "finish" really? thank god you're not marketing the football team. Jesus Christ. So we are complaining about old music only to go with older music? if we want a exciting environment....we really have to look have modern new music and old geezers need to either get with the program or stay home. Montana's fan base I think has to be one of the oldest on average. It's sad how many people complain about how loud the music is and how loud the stadium is. EWU cranks their music and the whole stands are rocking. if they had more than 5k fans, that place would be a pretty good environment

Nailed it! You're all wasting your time posting these dumb-as-shit songs. Nothing's going to change based on the geriatric "suggestions" of crappy old rock songs on eGriz. :roll:
Edit - Bring 'em out is definitely worn out and something new needs to be done.
biga75 said:
mtgrizfankb said:
DoubleNicks said:
CV Griz Fan said:
Once the fear of the Griz at home is established again, I’d go Trevor Hoffman style with ACDC’s “Hell’s Bells”. That single bell tolling while Trevor walked from the bullpen to the mound was spine tingling....

Hell's Bells would be a great "segue to the 4th quarter" tradition. Most teams just raise 4 fingers, indicating they are going to win the 4th quarter but it would be cool to have the bells toll and the crowd in unison chanting "Finish" to the beat of the drum's cymbals like some crazy, hypnotized (or just drunk) cult. (haha whatever they can do to get crowd interactivity and participation)

we cant even get a crowd to be back by haltime...how the hell you think thats going to happen...also it sounds kinda dumb. "finish" really? thank god you're not marketing the football team. Jesus Christ. So we are complaining about old music only to go with older music? if we want a exciting environment....we really have to look have modern new music and old geezers need to either get with the program or stay home. Montana's fan base I think has to be one of the oldest on average. It's sad how many people complain about how loud the music is and how loud the stadium is. EWU cranks their music and the whole stands are rocking. if they had more than 5k fans, that place would be a pretty good environment

Nailed it! You're all wasting your time posting these dumb-as-shit songs. Nothing's going to change based on the geriatric "suggestions" of crappy old rock songs on eGriz. :roll:
Edit - Bring 'em out is definitely worn out and something new needs to be done.

Agreed. I don't care if its an old or new song I just think "bring em out" doesn't really do the trick.
biga75 said:
mtgrizfankb said:
DoubleNicks said:
CV Griz Fan said:
Once the fear of the Griz at home is established again, I’d go Trevor Hoffman style with ACDC’s “Hell’s Bells”. That single bell tolling while Trevor walked from the bullpen to the mound was spine tingling....

Hell's Bells would be a great "segue to the 4th quarter" tradition. Most teams just raise 4 fingers, indicating they are going to win the 4th quarter but it would be cool to have the bells toll and the crowd in unison chanting "Finish" to the beat of the drum's cymbals like some crazy, hypnotized (or just drunk) cult. (haha whatever they can do to get crowd interactivity and participation)

we cant even get a crowd to be back by haltime...how the hell you think thats going to happen...also it sounds kinda dumb. "finish" really? thank god you're not marketing the football team. Jesus Christ. So we are complaining about old music only to go with older music? if we want a exciting environment....we really have to look have modern new music and old geezers need to either get with the program or stay home. Montana's fan base I think has to be one of the oldest on average. It's sad how many people complain about how loud the music is and how loud the stadium is. EWU cranks their music and the whole stands are rocking. if they had more than 5k fans, that place would be a pretty good environment

Nailed it! You're all wasting your time posting these dumb-as-shit songs. Nothing's going to change based on the geriatric "suggestions" of crappy old rock songs on eGriz. :roll:
Edit - Bring 'em out is definitely worn out and something new needs to be done.

Challenge accepted, biga75. As proof that this geriatric old cuss is capable of bringing something fresh to the table, how 'bout this for some tunnel thumpin'?

I think we are missing an obvious one. The Bear Song by Green Jelly.

Cotton-eyed Hoe said:
biga75 said:
Nailed it! You're all wasting your time posting these dumb-as-shit songs. Nothing's going to change based on the geriatric "suggestions" of crappy old rock songs on eGriz. :roll:
Edit - Bring 'em out is definitely worn out and something new needs to be done.

Challenge accepted, biga75. As proof that this geriatric old cuss is capable of bringing something fresh to the table, how 'bout this for some tunnel thumpin'?


As I was saying :coffee:
CEH FTW as per ususal...
You youngsters don't deserve our music!
