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bring em out.... "meh"

bgbigdog said:
I doubt anyone has mentioned it, but the new song should be Casino Royale by Herb Alpert.
Sorry if already posted.


Though I sticking with my suggestion for the image that should finish up the entrance montage.


There is a portrait view of Herb on the back cover but I think his may be just the distraction everyone is looking for.
Wonder where that little lady is.....sure looks delightful! :thumb:
bgbigdog said:
I doubt anyone has mentioned it, but the new song should be Casino Royale by Herb Alpert.
Sorry if already posted.


Though I sticking with my suggestion for the image that should finish up the entrance montage.


There is a portrait view of Herb on the back cover but I think his may be just the distraction everyone is looking for.
Wonder where that little lady is.....sure looks delightful! :thumb:

Fun Fact: Dolores Erickson, the model on the cover, was pregnant when this photo was taken! (She's now 82 years old, just to kill your buzz)
PeauxRouge said:
bgbigdog said:
I doubt anyone has mentioned it, but the new song should be Casino Royale by Herb Alpert.
Sorry if already posted.


Though I sticking with my suggestion for the image that should finish up the entrance montage.


There is a portrait view of Herb on the back cover but I think his may be just the distraction everyone is looking for.
Wonder where that little lady is.....sure looks delightful! :thumb:

Fun Fact: Dolores Erickson, the model on the cover, was pregnant when this photo was taken! (She's now 82 years old, just to kill your buzz)

Actually, every bit of that info only serves to add fuel to the fire! Full disclosure...I'm into some pretty weird sh*t...
Cotton-eyed Hoe said:
PeauxRouge said:
bgbigdog said:

Though I sticking with my suggestion for the image that should finish up the entrance montage.


There is a portrait view of Herb on the back cover but I think his may be just the distraction everyone is looking for.
Wonder where that little lady is.....sure looks delightful! :thumb:

Fun Fact: Dolores Erickson, the model on the cover, was pregnant when this photo was taken! (She's now 82 years old, just to kill your buzz)

Actually, every bit of that info only serves to add fuel to the fire! Full disclosure...I'm into some pretty weird sh*t...

A properly-set fire does not require additional fuel so as to allow the firestarter to remove himself from the scene of said fire before drawing any suspicion, but, um, I guess that's what I've heard though casual conversations, I mean. Anywho, she's been well.

hilinegrizfan said:
Am I the only one that doesn't like the song we run out to? would like to see that changed. I understand the context it just doesn't pump me up... maybe I'm the only one?

You're not the only one. Every game seems like "Groundhog's Day" to me. Same cheesy songs at the same time with nothing original. "John Denver's "Country Boy" is still a standard. Seriously?
We stole the "Bring em Out" intro from another school, and eventually we'll steal/borrow another intro song after we see it works elsewhere and ride that trend for another 10 years too. "Raise a Little Hell" seems to fire up the crowd, so why not play it 15/game? No originality necessary here!
It's not every woman that gets progressively more hot with age...but Dolores Erickson has definitely pulled it off. I mean, DAMN!
Steering this thing back onto the rails...why are we still talking about the run-out tune? "Taking Care of Business" by the awesome Bachman-Turner Overdrive trounced Herb Alpert soundly in a recent eGriz poll and has been very well- received by a whole bunch of people that I've talked to. Nothing left to do but "WORK OUT!"!!

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