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MBBALL Big Sky in the NBA Draft

Dillon Jones ended up at OKC. They traded up to get him. 5.8 million the first two years and if extended it will be over 13 million over 4 years. He did well by coming back to school for one more year. He went from a second round, no guarantees, to a first round with guarantees. He made a $3,000,000+ good decision.

Weber may have paid a little price by highlighting him over the team on occasion. Hopefully, it pays off in recruiting for the future. No one player to highlight this year.

Dalton seems to have made a good choice. He went from a relatively unkown to a first round pick. Remains to be seen on some of our other BSC transfers.
That’s impressive. Since losing Harden, Westbrook and Durant, the Thunder have drafted astutely. They are now loaded with young talent.

Even more impressive, they gave up five second round picks to get Jones. Five.
Any chance Josh Bannan goes late second round tonight? He's had about 10 workouts with NBA teams, and that would look great for us as well. Dischon Thomas has had a couple workouts as well, but I'd be very surprised if he got drafted tonight.
Any chance Josh Bannan goes late second round tonight? He's had about 10 workouts with NBA teams, and that would look great for us as well. Dischon Thomas has had a couple workouts as well, but I'd be very surprised if he got drafted tonight.
6'10'' guys with his skill level don't grow on trees. I think he has a chance to be drafted and a greater chance to wind up with a better pro contract, either in the G league or elsewhere. Weber has big men who weren't as good as Bannan, who are still playing professionally over seas. At the very least, he returns to Australia with a better contract.

Thomas may have a bit less of a chance, but he will still be getting money to play BB somewhere this year.
All five of Weber's seniors, this coming year, will be playing for money after graduation. 4 are shoe ins for playing over seas and one will get some looks from NBA scouts. He probably won't get drafted, but will get some looks and either go G league or over seas. It all depends on how Dyson Koehler's senior year goes. He turned a lot of heads from scouts who were there to see Jones.

The Laker's scout also like Threatt. He has the size and strength to play PG at the next level. His shooting needs to improve to have any chance at the G league. He is a sure bet for over seas.