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LongTimeCatFan said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
I didn't say it was a rodeo song.

The Rodeo Song goes like...

Well, it's 40 below and I don't give a Fvck, got a heater in my truck and I'm off to the rodeo.


Yes you did, granted one might have to read between the lines but anytime you say MSU and championships in the same sentence you are basically saying "rodeo". Its MSU, its what you do.

Why would I write another rodeo song when clearly THE Rodeo Song is a clear masterpiece and is unrivaled? There's no competing with the original.

No, I was not talking about our 8 Rodeo Championships.

Besides, this is ASKCDA... Would you like me to start an ASKAG1 so you can get the attention you crave?

Now quit mucking up the unqualified man's thread.

His answers may be terrible and utter garbage, but at least he's entertaining like Springer. You, are neither, which is probably why we agree so damn much.

Here's a question CDA... WHY (you fill in the rest)?

There is already an Ask Alpha thread on maroonblood...............if that site is even still up on the internet.

Good to know... So if one wishes to seek your council we know where to find you. Now that we've established the proper place for that, THIS AINT IT.

LTCF you may be infected with whatever this guy has got..............he has been uber melancholy lately. Maybe you two could go to group meetings and be sponsors and stuff?


LTCF you may be infected with whatever this guy has got..............he has been uber melancholy lately. Maybe you two could go to group meetings and be sponsors and stuff?


Can't you just get anti biotics for that?
Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
I didn't say it was a rodeo song.

The Rodeo Song goes like...

Well, it's 40 below and I don't give a Fvck, got a heater in my truck and I'm off to the rodeo.


Yes you did, granted one might have to read between the lines but anytime you say MSU and championships in the same sentence you are basically saying "rodeo". Its MSU, its what you do.

Why would I write another rodeo song when clearly THE Rodeo Song is a clear masterpiece and is unrivaled? There's no competing with the original.

No, I was not talking about our 8 Rodeo Championships.

Besides, this is ASKCDA... Would you like me to start an ASKAG1 so you can get the attention you crave?

Now quit mucking up the unqualified man's thread.

His answers may be terrible and utter garbage, but at least he's entertaining like Springer. You, are neither, which is probably why we agree so damn much.

Here's a question CDA... WHY (you fill in the rest)?

Asking "Why" about life is often viewed as a sure sign of depression. This coupled with your uncontrolled crying in early December makes me think this is a "cry" for help.

He actually left is open to finish the question. Not sure if that was intentional.

LongTimeCatFan said:
"WHY (you fill in the rest)?"

CDA, WHY, over time, will the Cats always be just a bit worse than the Griz in every way?

CDA, that is quite possibly the greatest and most intelligent question anyone has ever asked me. It's just the way things are. Certain things in the universe just work out a certain way without a concrete explanation. The Positraction on the back end of a Plymouth comes to mind. So do vegans. The relative merit of UM and MSU is just another example. There isn't a good reason for MSU's inferiority, but it's a constant in the universe.

How about a Fresca?

Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
Yes you did, granted one might have to read between the lines but anytime you say MSU and championships in the same sentence you are basically saying "rodeo". Its MSU, its what you do.

Why would I write another rodeo song when clearly THE Rodeo Song is a clear masterpiece and is unrivaled? There's no competing with the original.

No, I was not talking about our 8 Rodeo Championships.

Besides, this is ASKCDA... Would you like me to start an ASKAG1 so you can get the attention you crave?

Now quit mucking up the unqualified man's thread.

His answers may be terrible and utter garbage, but at least he's entertaining like Springer. You, are neither, which is probably why we agree so damn much.

Here's a question CDA... WHY (you fill in the rest)?

Asking "Why" about life is often viewed as a sure sign of depression. This coupled with your uncontrolled crying in early December makes me think this is a "cry" for help.

He actually left is open to finish the question. Not sure if that was intentional.

LongTimeCatFan said:
"WHY (you fill in the rest)?"

CDA, WHY, over time, will the Cats always be just a bit worse than the Griz in every way?

CDA, that is quite possibly the greatest and most intelligent question anyone has ever asked me. It's just the way things are. Certain things in the universe just work out a certain way without a concrete explanation. The Positraction on the back end of a Plymouth comes to mind. So do vegans. The relative merit of UM and MSU is just another example. There isn't a good reason for MSU's inferiority, but it's a constant in the universe.

How about a Fresca?


Great answer, and one seldom given. Thanks!
Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
Yes you did, granted one might have to read between the lines but anytime you say MSU and championships in the same sentence you are basically saying "rodeo". Its MSU, its what you do.

Why would I write another rodeo song when clearly THE Rodeo Song is a clear masterpiece and is unrivaled? There's no competing with the original.

No, I was not talking about our 8 Rodeo Championships.

Besides, this is ASKCDA... Would you like me to start an ASKAG1 so you can get the attention you crave?

Now quit mucking up the unqualified man's thread.

His answers may be terrible and utter garbage, but at least he's entertaining like Springer. You, are neither, which is probably why we agree so damn much.

Here's a question CDA... WHY (you fill in the rest)?

Asking "Why" about life is often viewed as a sure sign of depression. This coupled with your uncontrolled crying in early December makes me think this is a "cry" for help.

He actually left is open to finish the question. Not sure if that was intentional.

LongTimeCatFan said:
"WHY (you fill in the rest)?"

CDA, WHY, over time, will the Cats always be just a bit worse than the Griz in every way?

CDA, that is quite possibly the greatest and most intelligent question anyone has ever asked me. It's just the way things are. Certain things in the universe just work out a certain way without a concrete explanation. The Positraction on the back end of a Plymouth comes to mind. So do vegans. The relative merits of UM and MSU is just another example. There isn't a good reason for MSU's inferiority, but it's a constant in the universe.

How about a Fresca?


Ahh... So creation began in the year 1985. That's an interesting factoid Mr CDA

May I offer you some Benadryl Cream?
LongTimeCatFan said:
Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
Why would I write another rodeo song when clearly THE Rodeo Song is a clear masterpiece and is unrivaled? There's no competing with the original.

No, I was not talking about our 8 Rodeo Championships.

Besides, this is ASKCDA... Would you like me to start an ASKAG1 so you can get the attention you crave?

Now quit mucking up the unqualified man's thread.

His answers may be terrible and utter garbage, but at least he's entertaining like Springer. You, are neither, which is probably why we agree so damn much.

Here's a question CDA... WHY (you fill in the rest)?

Asking "Why" about life is often viewed as a sure sign of depression. This coupled with your uncontrolled crying in early December makes me think this is a "cry" for help.

He actually left is open to finish the question. Not sure if that was intentional.

LongTimeCatFan said:
"WHY (you fill in the rest)?"

CDA, WHY, over time, will the Cats always be just a bit worse than the Griz in every way?

CDA, that is quite possibly the greatest and most intelligent question anyone has ever asked me. It's just the way things are. Certain things in the universe just work out a certain way without a concrete explanation. The Positraction on the back end of a Plymouth comes to mind. So do vegans. The relative merits of UM and MSU is just another example. There isn't a good reason for MSU's inferiority, but it's a constant in the universe.

How about a Fresca?


Ahh... So creation began in the year 1985. That's an interesting factoid Mr CDA

May I offer you some Benadryl Cream?

LTCF, that is a decent question people ask me a fair amount. No. No, you may not offer me some Benadryl Cream. I received three pallets three weeks ago from an unnamed source. I'm not sure why, but I ain't complainin'. Week three, and I'm outbreak free.
LongTimeCatFan said:
Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
Yes you did, granted one might have to read between the lines but anytime you say MSU and championships in the same sentence you are basically saying "rodeo". Its MSU, its what you do.

Why would I write another rodeo song when clearly THE Rodeo Song is a clear masterpiece and is unrivaled? There's no competing with the original.

No, I was not talking about our 8 Rodeo Championships.

Besides, this is ASKCDA... Would you like me to start an ASKAG1 so you can get the attention you crave?

Now quit mucking up the unqualified man's thread.

His answers may be terrible and utter garbage, but at least he's entertaining like Springer. You, are neither, which is probably why we agree so damn much.

Here's a question CDA... WHY (you fill in the rest)?

Asking "Why" about life is often viewed as a sure sign of depression. This coupled with your uncontrolled crying in early December makes me think this is a "cry" for help.

It wasn't necessarily about life, but it could be. I left it openended so he could have the opportunity to address whatever subject he wishes to entertain.

However, this isn't ASKURSA. Shall we make you a thread too so you can feel needed?


Given LTCF's admitted uncontrollable crying in early December, asking "why questions" about life and now open irritability, do you think he could be suffering from a form of depression? Perhaps it could be a form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) known as Cat's Annual Terminal Season Affective Disorder (CATSAD)? Is there a cure for this?
LongTimeCatFan said:
Ursa Major said:
Asking "Why" about life is often viewed as a sure sign of depression. This coupled with your uncontrolled crying in early December makes me think this is a "cry" for help.

He actually left is open to finish the question. Not sure if that was intentional.

LongTimeCatFan said:
"WHY (you fill in the rest)?"

CDA, WHY, over time, will the Cats always be just a bit worse than the Griz in every way?

CDA, that is quite possibly the greatest and most intelligent question anyone has ever asked me. It's just the way things are. Certain things in the universe just work out a certain way without a concrete explanation. The Positraction on the back end of a Plymouth comes to mind. So do vegans. The relative merits of UM and MSU is just another example. There isn't a good reason for MSU's inferiority, but it's a constant in the universe.

How about a Fresca?


Ahh... So creation began in the year 1985. That's an interesting factoid Mr CDA

May I offer you some Benadryl Cream?

LTCF, that is a decent question people ask me a fair amount. No. No, you may not offer me some Benadryl Cream. I received three pallets three weeks ago from an unnamed source. I'm not sure why, but I ain't complainin'. Week three, and I'm outbreak free.


Ya welcome
CDA, I have a friend that is going through some rough times and feels all alone. I have noticed his twitter feed is becoming morose and depressing. Is it normal for fans of the opposing team that destroys his team every Novemeber, to use these tweets to belittle and pick on the guy is it?

I mean when somebody is already and down and living in second place is this really necessary?

WWJD? (What would Jerome Souers do?)
Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
Why would I write another rodeo song when clearly THE Rodeo Song is a clear masterpiece and is unrivaled? There's no competing with the original.

No, I was not talking about our 8 Rodeo Championships.

Besides, this is ASKCDA... Would you like me to start an ASKAG1 so you can get the attention you crave?

Now quit mucking up the unqualified man's thread.

His answers may be terrible and utter garbage, but at least he's entertaining like Springer. You, are neither, which is probably why we agree so damn much.

Here's a question CDA... WHY (you fill in the rest)?

Asking "Why" about life is often viewed as a sure sign of depression. This coupled with your uncontrolled crying in early December makes me think this is a "cry" for help.

It wasn't necessarily about life, but it could be. I left it openended so he could have the opportunity to address whatever subject he wishes to entertain.

However, this isn't ASKURSA. Shall we make you a thread too so you can feel needed?


Given LTCF's admitted uncontrollable crying in early December, asking "why questions" about life and now open irritability, do you think he could be suffering from a form of depression? Perhaps it could be a form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) known as Cat's Annual Terminal Season Affective Disorder (CATSAD)? Is there a cure for this?

CDA When did everyone suddenly become psychologists?
Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
Why would I write another rodeo song when clearly THE Rodeo Song is a clear masterpiece and is unrivaled? There's no competing with the original.

No, I was not talking about our 8 Rodeo Championships.

Besides, this is ASKCDA... Would you like me to start an ASKAG1 so you can get the attention you crave?

Now quit mucking up the unqualified man's thread.

His answers may be terrible and utter garbage, but at least he's entertaining like Springer. You, are neither, which is probably why we agree so damn much.

Here's a question CDA... WHY (you fill in the rest)?

Asking "Why" about life is often viewed as a sure sign of depression. This coupled with your uncontrolled crying in early December makes me think this is a "cry" for help.

It wasn't necessarily about life, but it could be. I left it openended so he could have the opportunity to address whatever subject he wishes to entertain.

However, this isn't ASKURSA. Shall we make you a thread too so you can feel needed?


Given LTCF's admitted uncontrollable crying in early December, asking "why questions" about life and now open irritability, do you think he could be suffering from a form of depression? Perhaps it could be a form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) known as Cat's Annual Terminal Season Affective Disorder (CATSAD)? Is there a cure for this?

Ursa, this is a great question that people often ask me. LTCF does indeed manifest symptoms of CATSAD. Because it is an airborne virus caused by floating spores from fermenting feces, there is no cure. The only real option is prevention. Accordingly, the only way is to connect their two stadiums (stadia?), completely closing the new facility off from the shit pond. At present, the CDC estimates over 3,500 new cases per year. The ball is in MSU's pond. The administration can sit idly by while more suffer, or take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of CATSAD. With that said, I suppose the shit spores could still blow over the top of the East-Southeast end zone, so perhaps a dome is in order.
Ron Ash said:
CDA, I have a friend that is going through some rough times and feels all alone. I have noticed his twitter feed is becoming morose and depressing. Is it normal for fans of the opposing team that destroys his team every Novemeber, to use these tweets to belittle and pick on the guy is it?

I mean when somebody is already and down and living in second place is this really necessary?

WWJD? (What would Jerome Souers do?)

Ron, this is the dumbest fucking question anyone has ever asked me. It should be no surprise that it's not asked often. I looked at his Twitter feed. In the past, I thought your dumbass, Hydrox-eating, Pepsi-drinking friend should retire. Now, I think he should coach until he's 90. He has an administration committed to mediocrity behind him, so he's all good. He knows how to be barely better than shitty, so he's all good there. He inexplicably has the devotion of his team's fans despite not showing ANY results on the field, so he's all good there. He knows how to embarrass his team and athletic department in front of the national media, so he's all good there. It's a career job.

Oh yeah, It is completely normal for the fans of the opposing team to kick an opposing coach when he is down. It's part of the gig. If your friend can't commit to that, he has a thing or two to learn about commitment.
LongTimeCatFan said:
Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
Ursa Major said:
Asking "Why" about life is often viewed as a sure sign of depression. This coupled with your uncontrolled crying in early December makes me think this is a "cry" for help.

It wasn't necessarily about life, but it could be. I left it openended so he could have the opportunity to address whatever subject he wishes to entertain.

However, this isn't ASKURSA. Shall we make you a thread too so you can feel needed?


Given LTCF's admitted uncontrollable crying in early December, asking "why questions" about life and now open irritability, do you think he could be suffering from a form of depression? Perhaps it could be a form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) known as Cat's Annual Terminal Season Affective Disorder (CATSAD)? Is there a cure for this?

CDA When did everyone suddenly become psychologists?

LTCF, that is a great question people often ask me. Everyone suddenly became psychologists very recently. It was sudden.
Are those ribs recipes in that other thread good for you, or will they kill you? If it's the latter, how long will it take? Thank you.

your friend,
LongTimeCatFan said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
I didn't say it was a rodeo song.

The Rodeo Song goes like...

Well, it's 40 below and I don't give a Fvck, got a heater in my truck and I'm off to the rodeo.


Yes you did, granted one might have to read between the lines but anytime you say MSU and championships in the same sentence you are basically saying "rodeo". Its MSU, its what you do.

Why would I write another rodeo song when clearly THE Rodeo Song is a clear masterpiece and is unrivaled? There's no competing with the original.

No, I was not talking about our 8 Rodeo Championships.

Besides, this is ASKCDA... Would you like me to start an ASKAG1 so you can get the attention you crave?

Now quit mucking up the unqualified man's thread.

His answers may be terrible and utter garbage, but at least he's entertaining like Springer. You, are neither, which is probably why we agree so damn much.

Here's a question CDA... WHY (you fill in the rest)?

There is already an Ask Alpha thread on maroonblood...............if that site is even still up on the internet.
Unfortunatley, there is already a Why? thread on this board too.


1. Is Waldo.
2. Have all the flowers gone.
3a. Did that bitch run off to.
3b. Is the toilet paper.
4. Are my glasses.

Thanks in advance

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