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CDA, thanks for that answer. It reminded me of a question I've been meaning to ask:

CDA, why is Governor Bullock not best in space?
CDA, I'm considering LASIK surgery to correct my nearsightedness and astigmatism. Will the procedure adversely affect my ability to view the hotties threads that aren't posted here anymore?
EverettGriz said:
CDA, thanks for that answer. It reminded me of a question I've been meaning to ask:

CDA, why is Governor Bullock not best in space?

EG, this one is a great question that people often ask me. Gov. Bullock cannot be best in space because Travon best in space. Bullock isn't even in the top three. Neil Armstrong is second, Buzz Aldrin third.
biga75 said:
CDA, I'm considering LASIK surgery to correct my nearsightedness and astigmatism. Will the procedure adversely affect my ability to view the hotties threads that aren't posted here anymore?

Biga, this is a great question, and one people often ask of me. The procedure should actually positively impact your ability to view the hotties threads that aren't posted here anymore, but it will decrease your desire to view them. They repeat the same girls every year, half of them aren't even hot, and about 1/3 of them are bio pics of backup female athletes with awful gum-to-tooth ratios. Sorry, Weber's second string outside hitter doesn't quite do it for me. And if I have to see that same fucking picture of the Sac St. cheerleader/dance team member from like 2003 (you know the one), I might just burn something to the ground. She's has to be 36 with 4 kids and 3 baby daddies by now, and a stark reminder that gravity always wins.

Tread lightly in the LASIK department.

Since King Arthur never got to answer the Bridge Keeper's question in The Monty Python movie In Search of the Holy Grail, what IS the air speed velocity of unladen swallow? Either European or African swallow will be fine......
CDA I have a friend that skips breakfast on most days, and I have heard that skipping breakfast can set you up for overeating later in the day. A healthy a.m. meal, on the other hand, can give you energy, satisfy your appetite, and set the stage for smart decisions all day long.

Is my friend wrong for not eating breakfast and if so what menu items would you suggest I tell him about to try and help the fade that occurs most days and most Novembers?

Thanks in advance
CV Griz Fan said:

Since King Arthur never got to answer the Bridge Keeper's question in The Monty Python movie In Search of the Holy Grail, what IS the air speed velocity of unladen swallow? Either European or African swallow will be fine......

OK, CV, this is a great question that people often ask me. Because the considerable bulk of my field testing has focused on fully-laden swallows, I might not be the best authority. The distinction between African and European, however, is material. As we all know, wing beat frequency and wing amplitude coincide with body mass. Because the African swallow has a larger body mass, its wings will beat more often, with more amplitude, but will be hauling a more massive bird. Accordingly, an average male European swallow will have greater agility, but suffer in a straight line drag race against the average male African swallow. I would put it at 25mph to 26mph; a marginal difference to most. All this aside European and African versions appear to swallow at an alarming, yet completely equal, rate.
Ron Ash said:
CDA I have a friend that skips breakfast on most days, and I have heard that skipping breakfast can set you up for overeating later in the day. A healthy a.m. meal, on the other hand, can give you energy, satisfy your appetite, and set the stage for smart decisions all day long.

Is my friend wrong for not eating breakfast and if so what menu items would you suggest I tell him about to try and help the fade that occurs most days and most Novembers?

Thanks in advance

Ron, this is simply the latest in a host of ridiculously stupid fucking questions from you, and ones that nobody would ever have the audacity of asking me. Yes, Ron, skipping breakfast is bad news. It's a double whammy of decreased metabolic rates and increased appetite. Your friend (who should retire) is an absolute idiot for skipping the most important meal of the day. It might explain his oversized slacks as something of a "preemptive strike" on his inevitable increased bulk. As for recommendations, ordinarily, I would suggest a gentleman's mix of eggs and a cured dead animal protein of his choosing. In your friend's case, however, I might suggest something more along the lines of a wheat grass and kale smoothie. Baby steps; he can't become an American man overnight.

I hope none of this helps.
CDA. I've been following this thread with great interest. Thanks to you, I now know more about everything than I did before.

I've got a question and a follow-up when you get the time...

I'm planning on whipping up a batch of nachos this afternoon or early evening. I don't have to go into town on a beer run (got plenty of PBR) so I'm looking at sort of a 'working man's' version. A base layer of tortilla chips, then shredded cheddar, then some taco meat, more cheddar, maybe some diced tomatoes, another layer of chips, more cheddar, more taco meat, more cheddar, and then some black olives and chopped green onion. I'll construct this thing in my 12" cast iron skillet and place in the oven at 325 for roughly 30 minutes. When I pull it out, I'll top with a healthy dollop of sour cream and follow that up with a liberal dose of picante sauce (Western Family).

My question is, would you consider these to be nachos, and if so, would this make me a nacho man?

Thanks again.
Wow, it's going to be hard to follow that last question which may be the best one ever asked.....but here goes.

CDA, hypothetically speaking........if you were on. 13 day whiskey bender and you had a trip to Vegas already booked on the 16th of March would you shut the Jets off and coast into this potential 2 week "quiet phase" then ramp back up for the week in Vegas or would you just keep the hammer down and set your focus on a solid 31 days straight?
Wow, it's going to be hard to follow that last question which may be the best one ever asked.....but here goes.

CDA, hypothetically speaking........if you were on. 13 day whiskey bender and you had a trip to Vegas already booked on the 16th of March would you shut the Jets off and coast into this potential 2 week "quiet phase" then ramp back up for the week in Vegas or would you just keep the hammer down and set your focus on a solid 31 days straight?

There's no cocaine involved it this bender extension, correct? That might influence CDA's advice......
None yet, but I am heading to Vegas............anything is possible there. Hell, in Vegas I have even seen Titleless respond to a woman that asked if he wanted more water, there are no rules.
None yet, but I am heading to Vegas............anything is possible there. Hell, in Vegas I have even seen Titleless respond to a woman that asked if he wanted more water, there are no rules.

While in Vegas, feel free to call John Goodman for a "pick me up" if needed. If it worked for Denzel, it'll work for you. I guess if you're on a budget, you can call TG....
snap said:
CDA. I've been following this thread with great interest. Thanks to you, I now know more about everything than I did before.

I've got a question and a follow-up when you get the time...

I'm planning on whipping up a batch of nachos this afternoon or early evening. I don't have to go into town on a beer run (got plenty of PBR) so I'm looking at sort of a 'working man's' version. A base layer of tortilla chips, then shredded cheddar, then some taco meat, more cheddar, maybe some diced tomatoes, another layer of chips, more cheddar, more taco meat, more cheddar, and then some black olives and chopped green onion. I'll construct this thing in my 12" cast iron skillet and place in the oven at 325 for roughly 30 minutes. When I pull it out, I'll top with a healthy dollop of sour cream and follow that up with a liberal dose of picante sauce (Western Family).

My question is, would you consider these to be nachos, and if so, would this make me a nacho man?

Thanks again.

Snap, this is a great question, and one that people ask me often. Yes, these would be nachos. Your layering sounds adequate, but you might consider some beans, and use the real spice. I would switch the oven to broil for the last 3-5 minutes to get some char on that top layer. Then, and only then, will you have Mega Dope 'Chos. I know you can do it.
Wow, it's going to be hard to follow that last question which may be the best one ever asked.....but here goes.

CDA, hypothetically speaking........if you were on. 13 day whiskey bender and you had a trip to Vegas already booked on the 16th of March would you shut the Jets off and coast into this potential 2 week "quiet phase" then ramp back up for the week in Vegas or would you just keep the hammer down and set your focus on a solid 31 days straight?

AG1, this is a great question asked of me often by people. I would definitely not go for a two week "quiet phase." Such a phase would remove everything you've been working toward. Your first night in Vegas would be an early one, and you would be kicking yourself for taking time off. Remember, this isn't like riding a bike, it's serious shit.

Rolling through a 31 day stretch is equally unadvisable. You want to be able to feel it when you're there. You need to shift back to neutral, recharge the batteries so you can charge that Strip like it's fucking Normandy. A gentleman's three day (maximum) cleanse will be just what you need. Plenty of lemon and pepper sauce water, and try to minimize the carbs. By the third whiskey sour at Encore, you'll be right in the sweet spot. Also, check out the Cosmo. I hear there are all kinds of slutty chicks roaming around there who have low to no standards. Whatever you do, don't invite anyone who lives a 4-hour drive (or $79 flight) away who could just day trip the fucking thing. That would just be weird.

I hope this finds you well.
Wow, it's going to be hard to follow that last question which may be the best one ever asked.....but here goes.

CDA, hypothetically speaking........if you were on. 13 day whiskey bender and you had a trip to Vegas already booked on the 16th of March would you shut the Jets off and coast into this potential 2 week "quiet phase" then ramp back up for the week in Vegas or would you just keep the hammer down and set your focus on a solid 31 days straight?

AG1, this is a great question asked of me often by people. I would definitely not go for a two week "quiet phase." Such a phase would remove everything you've been working toward. Your first night in Vegas would be an early one, and you would be kicking yourself for taking time off. Remember, this isn't like riding a bike, it's serious shit.

Rolling through a 31 day stretch is equally unadvisable. You want to be able to feel it when you're there. You need to shift back to neutral, recharge the batteries so you can charge that Strip like it's fucking Normandy. A gentleman's three day (maximum) cleanse will be just what you need. Plenty of lemon and pepper sauce water, and try to minimize the carbs. By the third whiskey sour at Encore, you'll be right in the sweet spot. Also, check out the Cosmo. I hear there are all kinds of slutty chicks roaming around there who have low to no standards. Whatever you do, don't invite anyone who lives a 4-hour drive (or $79 flight) away who could just day trip the fucking thing. That would just be weird.

I hope this finds you well.


ALPHA, BRING THIS MAN. Also, we're going to the Cosmo!
I will be there March 16th-22nd.....the other 3 or 4 show up Thursday the 18th. I am sure we can find you a room, if for some reason all the slutty chicks are hoarding rooms you can crash in one of ours we will put Titleless on the floor and you can have the roll away.
I will be there March 16th-22nd.....the other 3 or 4 show up Thursday the 18th. I am sure we can find you a room, if for some reason all the slutty chicks are hoarding rooms you can crash in one of ours we will put Titleless on the floor and you can have the roll away.

AG1, that is a great invite, and one that people extend my way often. If I can find a way to get out of PR trip to NYC, I will make this happen.
CDA, I have a acquaintance that was invited on a trip to Vegas, a place where whores, cocaine and Titleless flow like the salmon of Capistrano, and he is choosing to go to the Big Apple with a pompous ass?

How wrong is this guy and what could possibly be effecting his thought process? (mental illness?)
CDA, I have a acquaintance that was invited on a trip to Vegas, a place where whores, cocaine and Titleless flow like the salmon of Capistrano, and he is choosing to go to the Big Apple with a pompous ass?

How wrong is this guy and what could possibly be effecting his thought process? (mental illness?)

Rub your eyes and read his post again. FOCUS! (He's not going to NYC with PR)

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