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Grizo406 said:
As hard as I try, I can't think of a question that he couldn't answer.

So, I'll ask: how's it goin'/what's up, CDA?

Grizo, this is a great question often asked of me. I'm doing great. I have a pastrami just about ready to pull off the smoker. Thank you for asking. I hope you are having a great weekend.
Ursa Major said:

Why can't Grizo come up with a question?

I'm predicting he's going to get rolled.

Ursa, this is a great question that people often ask me. Grizo was able to come up with a question. He asked it twice. Believe it or not, it was a great question, and one people ask me often.
Hey CDA,

I don't know if you're on duty today, but I just have a quick question, and feel free to respond at your convenience.

Why is it that the people who photograph Bigfoot always have such shitty cameras? Is that just a coincidence?

Sorry, I guess that was two quick questions.
AllWeatherFan said:
Hey CDA,

I don't know if you're on duty today, but I just have a quick question, and feel free to respond at your convenience.

Why is it that the people who photograph Bigfoot always have such shitty cameras? Is that just a coincidence?

Sorry, I guess that was two quick questions.

Good evening, AWF. Your first is a great question that people ask me often. As explained earlier in the thread, it's not the cameras that make Bigfoot blurry. As one of the seven people on this planet who has had a nice steak dinner with Bigfoot, I can 100% verify that he is actually blurry in real life. No HD camera is going to get around that. He's also one of those pussies who prefer filet mignon "because it's more tender and has less fat." Fair warning: he will also order it medium-well and try to get you to share sides.

Therefore, to answer your second question (which is a great question often asked of me), no, it is not just a coincidence.
Bigfoot sounds like a real bitch.....Puhleeze

CDA, what if you were shooting a blurry Bigfoot and your camera was "truly" out of focus? Could this kind of freak accident actually bring Bigfoot into focus?

My mind is twisting and turning with possibilities and variations like I am at a Chubby Checker concert!
AG1, that is a great question, and one people often ask me. The "multiplying two negative numbers" approach to Bigfoot photography has been something of a counterculture in the Bigfoot/Sasquatch-Photography Underground Society of Statesmen ("BS-PUSS") for quite some time now. While results are as inconclusive as the claims are plentiful, many Society members boast clearer images with out of focus and faulty equipment. Shifty Dicksleeve, the man behind one of the clearest images yet, claims to have used nothing but a flashlight and a Cuisinart toaster to photograph The Beast.

In the end, yes, Bigfoot is a total bitch.
If it is 33 degrees out in Bozeman, but the wind is blowing, and the chill factor is 22 degrees, will the piles of tailgating puke that the Kitty fans have to walk through on the trail of tears be frozen, or just feel like it???
CDA, is PR a real person? Can anyone really be that arrogant? I mean, I've been called one of the "little people" before, but that was by women who were tallking about...never mind, just forget I ever said that.

Part 2: Would you ever retain him as your attorney?
grizpack said:
If it is 33 degrees out in Bozeman, but the wind is blowing, and the chill factor is 22 degrees, will the piles of tailgating puke that the Kitty fans have to walk through on the trail of tears be frozen, or just feel like it???

This is a great question that people often ask me. The answer is the puke will not be frozen, but the tears themselves will be frozen. I know that none of us have ever walked the true trail of tears, but certain of my sources tell me it's like a hockey rink that requires the "scooting" of ones feet to ensure safe passage. The travelers have to scoot through the puke. Once in a while, it resembles a line dance of sorts. Locals call it the Puke Scootin' Boogie.
JBS said:
CDA, is PR a real person? Can anyone really be that arrogant? I mean, I've been called one of the "little people" before, but that was by women who were tallking about...never mind, just forget I ever said that.

Part 2: Would you ever retain him as your attorney?

This is a great question that I'm often asked. Yes, PR is a real person. As for arrogance, I've never actually met him, so I'm not sure. I honestly believe he is joking more than some people think. The women you reference may just have wide set vaginas,


so, keep your head up, so to speak.

As for part two, it would obviously depend on the type of matter.
Dog bite? No.
Unicycle accident? No.
Insurance claim involving a container of dildos from China that fell overboard in heavy weather (no joke)? No.
Reverse triangular merger? Maybe.
Long time listener, first time caller

CDA, I know it is the off season and certian coaches have an excess of estrogen flowing gently through their veins, but is what is going on with some BSC coaches?

If you throw out the real men in the conference (Stitt, Kramer) you are left with a lot of metrosexual behavior. Baldwin and Ash are acting a lot like Thelma and Louise, is this because it is their time of the month? Could that red field have synchronized their flows?
Long time listener, first time caller

CDA, I know it is the off season and certian coaches have an excess of estrogen flowing gently through their veins, but is what is going on with some BSC coaches?

If you throw out the real men in the conference (Stitt, Kramer) you are left with a lot of metrosexual behavior. Baldwin and Ash are acting a lot like Thelma and Louise, is this because it is their time of the month? Could that red field have synchronized their flows?

I anxiously await the answer to this as well and wonder if the estrogen increase might be dietary as in soy.
LongTimeCatFan said:
Long time listener, first time caller

CDA, I know it is the off season and certian coaches have an excess of estrogen flowing gently through their veins, but is what is going on with some BSC coaches?

If you throw out the real men in the conference (Stitt, Kramer) you are left with a lot of metrosexual behavior. Baldwin and Ash are acting a lot like Thelma and Louise, is this because it is their time of the month? Could that red field have synchronized their flows?

I anxiously await the answer to this as well and wonder if the estrogen increase might be dietary as in soy.

Excellent point and one I overlooked, thanks for the backup
Long time listener, first time caller

CDA, I know it is the off season and certian coaches have an excess of estrogen flowing gently through their veins, but is what is going on with some BSC coaches?

If you throw out the real men in the conference (Stitt, Kramer) you are left with a lot of metrosexual behavior. Baldwin and Ash are acting a lot like Thelma and Louise, is this because it is their time of the month? Could that red field have synchronized their flows?

This is a great question, AG1, and people ask it often. Baldwin and Ash generated a lot of confusion when they announced their bike ride pub crawl plans. Apparently, "We're cycling together" was not taken at face value. What's worse, is their recent public comments that definitely seem to lend some credibility to those who suggest that these two are going through a "journey" a la Bruce Jenner. In the end, I guess the old adage still rings true: If you act like a lil' bitch, you'll be treated like a lil' bitch.

PS: It's not dietary. These "men" have been gluten and dairy free for years now.
Benjamin Franklin said "An ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure." Did he buy his Preparation H in the fancy, e-z open 5 gallon pail?
I heard some good things were taking place with all the advice you have been handing out lately so I have a question for you CDA.

A friend of mine has been having some trouble with the media lately and I wanted some advice on how you would deal with them. My friend is between a rock and a hard place, his job is kind of in the shadow of another more successful job position and it has been that way for quite some time.

What would you suggest to my friend to help him stand out in his profession and try to even the playing field that is very, very one sided?

I will hang up and wait for your words of wisdom, BTW I like what you have done with the place.
*Raises hand*

CDA, for how long will we be graced with Ron Ash's presence on eGriz?
This one has deja vu written all over it...
Ron Ash said:
I heard some good things were taking place with all the advice you have been handing out lately so I have a question for you CDA.

A friend of mine has been having some trouble with the media lately and I wanted some advice on how you would deal with them. My friend is between a rock and a hard place, his job is kind of in the shadow of another more successful job position and it has been that way for quite some time.

What would you suggest to my friend to help him stand out in his profession and try to even the playing field that is very, very one sided?

I will hang up and wait for your words of wisdom, BTW I like what you have done with the place.


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