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Are we EVER Going There ?


Third talking Griz football.
Ha Ha Ha. Hell, the Baltimore Ravens won a Super Bowl with freaking Trent Dilfer as their QB? here's a news flash for ya......... football is a team game, involving defense, offense, and special teams. McDowell did nothing in the Furman and NDSU game to win those games. He was pedestrian at best, and looked just like a D2 QB. Some of you are unable to admit how lucky we were to win both of those games. It took Bergen and an "immaculate reception" lucky play to win them. McDowell was a non-factor.
He had better stats in both those games than the other respective QBs, and I'm sure if given the opportunity, you'd gladly huff the nuts of both Tyler Huff and Cam Miller.

Damn, sure are a lot of D2 QBs at the top of FCS. Weird.