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Are we EVER Going There ?

What FBS schools wanted him? Don't say Temple either. He kept switching schools because he could never win the starting job at an second-rate FCS school. He got the Montana starting job because Vidlak was such a bust, and we had nobody better.
What FBS schools wanted him? Don't say Temple either. He kept switching schools because he could never win the starting job at an second-rate FCS school. He got the Montana starting job because Vidlak was such a bust, and we had nobody better.
The Temple coach said McDowell was on track to be the starter. McDowell had a terrific season for UM.
Here is a question to ponder: If Bobby Hauck had never joined the staff at San Diego State, would Montana be using the 3-3-5 defense now?
Here's another question. If Hauck had not coached at SDS, would the Griz have gotten to Frisco last season? I say they would not have.
What FBS schools wanted him? Don't say Temple either. He kept switching schools because he could never win the starting job at an second-rate FCS school. He got the Montana starting job because Vidlak was such a bust, and we had nobody better.
Doubling down on stupidity is not a good look.
Unlikely but also unanswerable. Here is a question to ponder; if we didn't use the 3-3-5 would we have still made the National Championship game?

Who would you have taken out of the secondary and who would you have moved off the bench into the line? Or is it a case of if we had stuck with a 4-3 all these years we would have recruited more traditional DT's?
Dude, you might be into participation trophies, with the other geniuses supporting Hauck, but some of us expect more. 0-4 in NC games doesn't cut the mustard.
Yep. As if saying the starting QB of the FCS national runner up is only a D2 QB wasn't already dumb enough.
It's a freaking team game, dude, in case that fact escapes you. We got to the NC strictly because of our defense, some huge special teams scores, and and one "immaculate reception" play
I think you got that aspect cornered, dude. You might wanna know that the first guy you said was a moron, played SEC college football, and coached college football.
People who played football are more than capable of making moronic statements, dude. Few too many hits to the head maybe.
And yet again someone makes a salient point about FOOTBALL, and third completely ignores the argument. Par for the course. (Just wait everyone. He'll snap back with another misogynist comment at any moment.)
Put him on ignore like I did. One of the all-time highly abrasive and insecure people on the board.