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A real take on coach and his players

UMGriz75 said:
MrTitleist said:
Welp, didn't take long at all! Obviously Leo knows more about the inside of the locker room than the players do.
Well, I've been there much longer than they have, for starters. But, you know all about how young men celebrate failure at Thanksgiving. It's what they do, right?

You'd have to wonder if they understood Stitt's mea culpa that, yes, just about everything went wrong and he has to rethink everything, because he didn't before.

Maybe it was the eggnog.

First of all, ask the honest question. Given the season and the season ending, are the OP comments even plausible?

WOW we know!!! you hate Stitt! NOW SHUT UP!!!!!!!
Everything the OP posted mirrors what I have learned the last two years from kids I know on the team and their parents. They do look at egriz, so I'm pondering creating bingo cards for a certain poster so they can have fun with the BS he posts about what they are thinking or feeling happy or sad about. What holds me back is that would require them to read more drivel...
Grizbyblood said:
This is my first, and probably last, post on this forum. I promised myself not to get involved with it mainly because of the uncalled for player bashing amongst other negatives.

The majority of you have no idea how hard these kids work and how much blood, sweat, and tears go into being a Division 1 athlete, especially football. Please keep that in mind next time you want to call out an 18-22 year old. Unfortunately, some of this stuff is read and does get back to them. Most laugh it off and chalk it up to a crazy fan base, but some of it can bother these kids.

My nephew is a part of this football team. He isn't a huge contributor, yet, but has a good future ahead of him. After all the coach bashing, I talked with him and a number of his teammates who were around for Thanksgiving. They are very excited for their futures and the future of Grizzly football. They admit that coach runs a tight ship, demands perfection, and can rub some the wrong way but overall they are happy with him and what he is doing with the program. They feel they have a ways to go but that the pieces are coming into place. The young talent coming up and also coming in will have this team doing just fine. I asked specifically if coach had lost the locker room. One of them laughed and said only on Griz Nation (assuming he was referring to Egriz).

I'm sure coach isn't everyone's best friend, but he doesn't need to be. He is there to win football games and these kids get that. I know for a fact this group will give him 110% like the majority of the players do each and every day, both on and off the field.
An excellent opportunity to get their insight into the cause of the woeful finish to the season in spite of that 110%. I'm sure you did that; please share.
MrTitleist said:
grizfnz said:
How soon until Tolstoy shows up to dispel the OP's account as a great fabrication??

Welp, didn't take long at all! Obviously Leo knows more about the inside of the locker room than the players do.

for the love of god get rid of his garbage
UMGriz75 said:
Grizbyblood said:
I asked specifically if coach had lost the locker room. One of them laughed and said only on Griz Nation (assuming he was referring to Egriz).
A bit of a suspect claim.

The sanity check on this is the complete disconnect from reality.

1) It does not agree with the coach himself who claimed this team plays with "no fire" that it has been playing with "no fire for some time," and that it "plays flat." That was not featured on "egriz," the players, had they actually read anything, would have read it in the post-game pressers in the words of the head coach himself.

2) It does not agree with the demeanor of the team seen on the playing field the last five games. It just doesn't. In no way, shape or form.

3) It does not explain in any way, shape or form the humiliation of losing to "the worst team in the conference" on our home field or why this team lost to that team and played in such a half-hearted way.

4) It does not agree with the complete absence of favorable player commentary on social media about this coach. The near complete opposite of Coach Delaney or Gregorak.

5) It does not explain the obvious frustration of the D-Line throwing up their hands in frustration on the field at last minute "chaos" over formations.

6) It does not agree with the campus student-athlete consensus.

7) It does not agree with a 0.325 conference record.

8) It does not agree with the increasingly vocal game play announcers publicly questioning the coach's skill and the game play strategies.

The story is a bit too convenient, and simply does not reflect the final half season of observed team demeanor, which is no secret, nor the loss to the Cats. Indeed, if you want a "real" take on the state of the Griz players, point to any "fire" they have shown as a team in the last half of the season.

You can't.

That is the test of the team, not a guided conversation around a dinner table in which players show a remarkable knowledge of what they have read on "egriz" but were then also apparently were unable to offer the simple honesty of, if true, why did the team publicly collapse resuling in the public criticism by the coach of the team and "some of these guys?" And, after raking the team and players, why did the coach do a "180" and then take "full responsibility?" For what? According to the OP, the players are happier than hell and have full confidence in the guy. So, what's Stitt's problem then, if the players think he's doing great?

Why leave out a key point like that?

How does one become such a douche bag???
I don't always agree with 75. In fact, I find I seldom agree with him. I think he has what is a valid opinion based on his observations. I wish he would say it once and let it go rather than post on every single thread and repeat the same thing. I understand why he does it. He believes it and feels like he needs to continue to say it so we don't stay on a road that he believes is the wrong one. I personally believe that we need to see improvement next year. Not necessarily in the record, but in fire, discipline, and control. If that happens, the record should take care of itself. I don't think an extension is warranted until then.

I do disagree that he should be banned. He has an opinion that is different than other people, and he can come across in a very condescending way. So what. His opinion is different and he comes across as a jerk. That is in no way reason to ban someone. If that is what is going to happen, why even have a board? Shut it down and we can just sit in our rooms and talk to ourselves so we don't hear any differing opinion.
grizatwork said:
I don't always agree with 75. In fact, I find I seldom agree with him. I think he has what is a valid opinion based on his observations. I wish he would say it once and let it go rather than post on every single thread and repeat the same thing. I understand why he does it. He believes it and feels like he needs to continue to say it so we don't stay on a road that he believes is the wrong one. I personally believe that we need to see improvement next year. Not necessarily in the record, but in fire, discipline, and control. If that happens, the record should take care of itself. I don't think an extension is warranted until then.

I do disagree that he should be banned. He has an opinion that is different than other people, and he can come across in a very condescending way. So what. His opinion is different and he comes across as a jerk. That is in no way reason to ban someone. If that is what is going to happen, why even have a board? Shut it down and we can just sit in our rooms and talk to ourselves so we don't hear any differing opinion.
If he could limit himself it would be ok, but he just kinda can't stop.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
UMGriz75 said:
Grizbyblood said:
I asked specifically if coach had lost the locker room. One of them laughed and said only on Griz Nation (assuming he was referring to Egriz).
A bit of a suspect claim.

The sanity check on this is the complete disconnect from reality.

1) It does not agree with the coach himself who claimed this team plays with "no fire" that it has been playing with "no fire for some time," and that it "plays flat." That was not featured on "egriz," the players, had they actually read anything, would have read it in the post-game pressers in the words of the head coach himself.

2) It does not agree with the demeanor of the team seen on the playing field the last five games. It just doesn't. In no way, shape or form.

3) It does not explain in any way, shape or form the humiliation of losing to "the worst team in the conference" on our home field or why this team lost to that team and played in such a half-hearted way.

4) It does not agree with the complete absence of favorable player commentary on social media about this coach. The near complete opposite of Coach Delaney or Gregorak.

5) It does not explain the obvious frustration of the D-Line throwing up their hands in frustration on the field at last minute "chaos" over formations.

6) It does not agree with the campus student-athlete consensus.

7) It does not agree with a 0.325 conference record.

8) It does not agree with the increasingly vocal game play announcers publicly questioning the coach's skill and the game play strategies.

The story is a bit too convenient, and simply does not reflect the final half season of observed team demeanor, which is no secret, nor the loss to the Cats. Indeed, if you want a "real" take on the state of the Griz players, point to any "fire" they have shown as a team in the last half of the season.

You can't.

That is the test of the team, not a guided conversation around a dinner table in which players show a remarkable knowledge of what they have read on "egriz" but were then also apparently were unable to offer the simple honesty of, if true, why did the team publicly collapse resuling in the public criticism by the coach of the team and "some of these guys?" And, after raking the team and players, why did the coach do a "180" and then take "full responsibility?" For what? According to the OP, the players are happier than hell and have full confidence in the guy. So, what's Stitt's problem then, if the players think he's doing great?

Why leave out a key point like that?
BadlandsGrizFan said:
How does one become such a douche bag???
In your case, by invariably attempting to change the thread topic and points made to personal attacks on other posters. I am sure Payton will be right on it.
To recap what we have learned in this thread:

Conversation with player and his friends = not credible.

Large social circle of gossip on UM Campus = credible.

Stop and listen to yourself for a second.

Things that are possible:

-The season ended poorly AND the players still believe in the coaches.

-The system is too complicated AND the coaches will make adjustments.

-The system is too predictable AND the coaches will make adjustments.

-The O-Line is full of great kids who played with heart AND perhaps one or two of them are not as good as fans think.

Could go on and on...
grzz said:
To recap what we have learned in this thread:

Conversation with player and his friends = not credible.

Large social circle of gossip on UM Campus = credible.

Stop and listen to yourself for a second.

Things that are possible:

-The season ended poorly AND the players still believe in the coaches.

-The system is too complicated AND the coaches will make adjustments.

-The system is too predictable AND the coaches will make adjustments.

-The O-Line is full of great kids who played with heart AND perhaps one or two of them are not as good as fans think.

Could go on and on...

Nailed it! Some people hear bad rumors, all the time. They are everywhere. They just don't know they are bad.
Maybe this team just wasn't very good this year. Perhaps they played hard and gave their all and still came up short. Is that impossible?

I mean 40 new faces with 9 freshman who started doesn't scream a recipe for overnight success. I think it's pretty evident based on only having 10 all conference players, none of whom made the first team, and only 1 on the second team that maybe, just maybe, this team wasn't very good.....yet.

I say yet because to me it's still building. Look at Craig Bohl and Wyoming. Would you claim he lost his locker room and the players weren't giving 100 percent after he only won 4 games his first year there and then 2 his second year. Don't look now but he has won 8 games and is playing for a conference title this weekend and will be off to a bowl game. Maybe the Griz will have a similar trajectory when it's all together. Who knows.
Eastern Montana Griz said:
UMGriz75 said:
MrTitleist said:
Welp, didn't take long at all! Obviously Leo knows more about the inside of the locker room than the players do.
Well, I've been there much longer than they have, for starters. But, you know all about how young men celebrate failure at Thanksgiving. It's what they do, right?

You'd have to wonder if they understood Stitt's mea culpa that, yes, just about everything went wrong and he has to rethink everything, because he didn't before.

Maybe it was the eggnog.

First of all, ask the honest question. Given the season and the season ending, are the OP comments even plausible?

WOW we know!!! you hate Stitt! NOW SHUT UP!!!!!!!
I see a post by 75, I just skip it and move to the next post. Makes being on egriz a little better.
Yukon said:
Eastern Montana Griz said:
UMGriz75 said:
MrTitleist said:
Welp, didn't take long at all! Obviously Leo knows more about the inside of the locker room than the players do.
Well, I've been there much longer than they have, for starters. But, you know all about how young men celebrate failure at Thanksgiving. It's what they do, right?

You'd have to wonder if they understood Stitt's mea culpa that, yes, just about everything went wrong and he has to rethink everything, because he didn't before.

Maybe it was the eggnog.

First of all, ask the honest question. Given the season and the season ending, are the OP comments even plausible?

WOW we know!!! you hate Stitt! NOW SHUT UP!!!!!!!
I see a post by 75, I just skip it and move to the next post. Makes being on egriz a little better.

Most threads are killed by the sixth post.
Yukon said:
Eastern Montana Griz said:
UMGriz75 said:
MrTitleist said:
Welp, didn't take long at all! Obviously Leo knows more about the inside of the locker room than the players do.
Well, I've been there much longer than they have, for starters. But, you know all about how young men celebrate failure at Thanksgiving. It's what they do, right?

You'd have to wonder if they understood Stitt's mea culpa that, yes, just about everything went wrong and he has to rethink everything, because he didn't before.

Maybe it was the eggnog.

First of all, ask the honest question. Given the season and the season ending, are the OP comments even plausible?

WOW we know!!! you hate Stitt! NOW SHUT UP!!!!!!!
I see a post by 75, I just skip it and move to the next post. Makes being on egriz a little better.

Most deteriorating or troublesome threads would be improved by about 80% if posters stopped making gratuitous comments that are snippy towards or hammering at those making substantive or semi-substantive posts. Those unnecessary posts/comments are what often starts the deterioration of threads. Not reading certain posters is one thing, but not responding to posts with unnecessarily snippy comments would also help alot. Also, making up stuff that other post4ers supposedly said is another big problem on the board. Just leads to a bunch of unnecessary back and forth.
I post with my rule of thumb being if I won't say it to a person or group face-to-face I don't post it.

I could change my username but I am quite fond of it.

Gerard Poore.
HookedonGriz said:
Maybe this team just wasn't very good this year. Perhaps they played hard and gave their all and still came up short. Is that impossible?

I mean 40 new faces with 9 freshman who started doesn't scream a recipe for overnight success. I think it's pretty evident based on only having 10 all conference players, none of whom made the first team, and only 1 on the second team that maybe, just maybe, this team wasn't very good.....yet.

I say yet because to me it's still building. Look at Craig Bohl and Wyoming. Would you claim he lost his locker room and the players weren't giving 100 percent after he only won 4 games his first year there and then 2 his second year. Don't look now but he has won 8 games and is playing for a conference title this weekend and will be off to a bowl game. Maybe the Griz will have a similar trajectory when it's all together. Who knows.

I think this is it....we were off to a fast start so we likely were seeing a mirrage....

we all beleived we were a very good team...even when odds would suggest with the ammount of turnover and young guys playing that we wouldnt be....

Conference games come around and suddenly we start looking young and inexpeirenced, it probably should have been expected.

The key now is to make sure we get past that next year, next year we shouldnt see the same collapse...if we do then I think its ok to start the panic!
They admit that coach runs a tight ship, demands perfection

This is the part of the OP that caught my eye, but seems to be going un-touched in all the discussions about the coaching staff this season. In a post Krakauer era, I have to believe that the university is every bit as concerned about rebuilding its reputation as it is about rebuilding its glorious football program.

I bet restoring Grizzly football's reputation and maintaining/improving APR rankings are numbers 2 and 3, right behind winning games on Bob Stitt's job description.

For the most part, Grizzly Football has remained out of the headlines for off-field activities. The one guy who seemed to be a repeat trouble maker saw considerably less playing time this year than I expected, despite bringing a needed talent to the table.

For everyone focused on the W/L columns, I'm with you. I am a season ticket holder, and it was a frustrating year. A repeat next year would not be considered acceptable by me, personally...But you have to take a 10,000 foot look at how the football team relates to UM and the MUS. If Bob Stitts teams stay out of the headlines, he's probably going to have a longer leash when it comes to win/loss records. Don't forget where we have been over the past 5 years.
Jaredkuehn said:
They admit that coach runs a tight ship, demands perfection

This is the part of the OP that caught my eye, but seems to be going un-touched in all the discussions about the coaching staff this season. In a post Krakauer era, I have to believe that the university is every bit as concerned about rebuilding its reputation as it is about rebuilding its glorious football program.

I bet restoring Grizzly football's reputation and maintaining/improving APR rankings are numbers 2 and 3, right behind winning games on Bob Stitt's job description.

For the most part, Grizzly Football has remained out of the headlines for off-field activities. The one guy who seemed to be a repeat trouble maker saw considerably less playing time this year than I expected, despite bringing a needed talent to the table.

For everyone focused on the W/L columns, I'm with you. I am a season ticket holder, and it was a frustrating year. A repeat next year would not be considered acceptable by me, personally...But you have to take a 10,000 foot look at how the football team relates to UM and the MUS. If Bob Stitts teams stay out of the headlines, he's probably going to have a longer leash when it comes to win/loss records. Don't forget where we have been over the past 5 years.

Grades/going to class, getting a degree at UM are actually 1B to winning on Stitt's list. But shhhh. No one wants to hear that. And anyone who says that's the priority of every college football coach in Division I either has his head in the sand, or is a liar.

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