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2025 UM Football Recruiting Offers (53), 2025 HS Verbals (5), Transfers/2024 Additions (8)

Bobby got you workin’ overtime this year, PL!
Yep used to be I had 3 months off and then maybe in August things started reving up...

This is a very good change and I think UM will scoop some players that they never would have had a chance on before.

Not all but some players really respect an early offer as a sign that the school really wants them. When you come in late and 5 other schools have been on them for months, it is really hard to change their minds

Oh and by the way... The early results are good.
UM has 8 verbals already and the kittens are at scratch
Does not mean that those kittens wont have a good class- But I think the change is REALLY good