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2025 UM Football Recruiting Offers (48), 2025 HS Verbals (5), Transfers/2024 Additions (8)

Yeah, after watching his film, it's was kind to offer. I hope I am proven completely wrong after I say this, but he will never play inside Wa-Griz. I will probably get to see him play in the Horseshoe in Columbus.
You just never know. Lots of things can happen in a kid's career over 5 years. Never say never.
Yeah, after watching his film, it's was kind to offer. I hope I am proven completely wrong after I say this, but he will never play inside Wa-Griz. I will probably get to see him play in the Horseshoe in Columbus.
Are you sure you didn’t look up with brother who is a 2026 recruit that has several offers?
He's staying in Oklahoma, for now. The problem with the high school kids is their parents and coaches have them so high on themselves, they don't understand that a 3* is more or less the equivalent of a 4* or 5* to FCS teams, but a 3* at the FBS level is average. AT the FBS level, a 3* might have an opportunity to become a starter but it's more likely than not that they will ride the bench, maybe move up to a backup role, but it is rare for them to actually see solid starting time at that level of ball. The romance will be over once they sign and the coaching staff have their commitment for at least one season. I see it all of the time. here.
You just never know. Lots of things can happen in a kid's career over 5 years. Never say never.
True, there are a lot of intangibles. He walks the walk of an elite FBS Hog for sure. I probably shouldn't be posting today. I am full of pain meds for appendicitis.
He's staying in Oklahoma, for now. The problem with the high school kids is their parents and coaches have them so high on themselves, they don't understand that a 3* is more or less the equivalent of a 4* or 5* to FCS teams, but a 3* at the FBS level is average. AT the FBS level, a 3* might have an opportunity to become a starter but it's more likely than not that they will ride the bench, maybe move up to a backup role, but it is rare for them to actually see solid starting time at that level of ball. The romance will be over once they sign and the coaching staff have their commitment for at least one season. I see it all of the time. here.

True, there are a lot of intangibles. He walks the walk of an elite FBS Hog for sure. I probably shouldn't be posting today. I am full of pain meds for appendicitis.
Hope you recover quickly! And keep posting. Your addition of thoughts today has been great
I’m surprised we don’t have any commits yet, seems as though all the teams around us are stacking them up NDSU and SDSU are up to like 10 each already and Idaho has like 5-6 and msu has 2.
My opinion is that if we were competing in a playoff based G5 conference we’d be winning these recruiting battles against Wyoming, Fresno St, New Mexico/St, etc. Kids will to choose to play in empty stadiums and for programs void of passionate fans because of the “FBS” moniker.
My opinion is that if we were competing in a playoff based G5 conference we’d be winning these recruiting battles against Wyoming, Fresno St, New Mexico/St, etc. Kids will to choose to play in empty stadiums and for programs void of passionate fans because of the “FBS” moniker.
North Dakota State, South Dakota State, Northern Iowa, Idaho and cats are all doing it.
I’m surprised we don’t have any commits yet, seems as though all the teams around us are stacking them up NDSU and SDSU are up to like 10 each already and Idaho has like 5-6 and msu has 2.
There are 8 spring transfer commits coming to UM this summer, if they're not already here. That could easily be a third of a recruiting class for most years.
But there are what? 70 offers out? Safe to say you can doom scroll Twitter for commitments to other schools and there will be more of those than commits to Montana. That's just how the numbers play out. That would be true if Montana offered no one attending camps this summer.
There are 8 spring transfer commits coming to UM this summer, if they're not already here. That could easily be a third of a recruiting class for most years.
But there are what? 70 offers out? Safe to say you can doom scroll Twitter for commitments to other schools and there will be more of those than commits to Montana. That's just how the numbers play out. That would be true if Montana offered no one attending camps this summer.
Yes there is 8 spring transfers and I’m happy about every one of them the problem I’m seeing is we do need kids to develop in our program also, I don’t understand why we’re losing out on all these recruiting battles especially to Idaho of all places. We have a lot of seniors for 2024 class so we will have a big recruiting class for 2025. I’m not worried yet as it’s still very early but watching what the top teams around us are doing has to be of concern and following the top players in Montana on social media only to have there profiles stacked with msu stuff is concerning too.