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2025 UM Football Recruiting Offers (46), 2025 HS Verbals (5), Transfers/2024 Additions (8)

Could be completely wrong but I noticed Pawlak is the only coach to retweet the cannon could it be an OL commit? Someone like Henry Carlson or Lincoln Hoefer?
Ok, WTH! The Grizbang tweet occurred Friday evening so I was ok with patiently waiting out the weekend but now it’s Monday and the internet sleuths have still not figured out who the #1 commitment for ‘25 is. Unacceptable gentleman! You got the rest of today to get this squared away or I swear to god….😡😡😡
Ok, WTH! The Grizbang tweet occurred Friday evening so I was ok with patiently waiting out the weekend but now it’s Monday and the internet sleuths have still not figured out who the #1 commitment for ‘25 is. Unacceptable gentleman! You got the rest of today to get this squared away or I swear to god….😡😡😡
Well it doesn't help when there's 70+ offers out there compared to previous years when we've had maybe 10-15 offers out this time of year