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2025 UM Football Recruiting Offers (46), 2025 HS Verbals (5), Transfers/2024 Additions (8)

Some Notable changes in recruiting this year
1- Almost 70 offers, and its not even the middle of June! (I'm sure there are also a dozen+ silent offers)
2- 3 Star recruits... Way more than usual
3- Small VERY fast WR. I think the coaches got the memo that UM needs more game breakers
4- OL offers are through the roof.
5- Waiting to give Montana HS player offers. Use to be the first ones we saw, just now getting started
6- Speed. Yes, coaches always look, but this year seems to be a bigger priority.
7- I think the camps were more specific to players the coaches Wanted. IE made sure to get them to camp.
8- Coach Green seems to have stepped back a bit from recruiting. Seeing the other coaches names way more than ever before in the players offer posts.
9- Way more involved in Texas. UM has more Texas offers this year than they have had in the last 5 combined.
10- Arizona recruiting use to be a priority... this year only one offer.
11- Being in the championship game has made a huge difference in recruiting.
Re #10: Even stranger is ZERO offers to Oregon kids...that used to be very fertile ground...
Some of these guys have a zillion other offers. I used to think that it was silly wasting our time going after guys with so many offers but I have changed my mind. Not only is it possible to land one or two in the short term, but you are also indicating interest so that if and when they end up in the portal there's already a connection made. I just feel bad for Payton having to keep track of all of it. We need to double his pay. 😁
Parker's dad confirmed this shortly after you posted, that their trip here originally set up this commitment. Good call!
Seems like there's A LOT of OL offers, but I guess that's to be expected since that camp just happened. I've said it before, but I'm really excited to see what Pawlak does with the o-line - everything starts there.
Yes! yes it does. I have been preaching this forever. A team can have average skilled players who look elite as long as they have an elite Oline blocking for them. Conversely, the most elite skilled offensive players can look average with an average Oline. Oh and Defense normally wins Championships, as long as you have an Oline that can make things happen.