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2019 Defense

Kinda missed the point. CP is usually awful but they could still run us down in recent years. The stud CP player said so himself—I don’t have the link but he basically said our D was the most physical he had faced to that point.
Stopping the run is the most fundamental part on a good D and we’ve sucked ass at that for far too long. Last year I saw improvement in that department; first time in a long time. Still a long ways to go, but a step in the right direction.
garizzalies said:
Kinda missed the point. CP is usually awful but they could still run us down in recent years. The stud CP player said so himself—I don’t have the link but he basically said our D was the most physical he had faced to that point.
Stopping the run is the most fundamental part on a good D and we’ve sucked ass at that for far too long. Last year I saw improvement in that department; first time in a long time. Still a long ways to go, but a step in the right direction.

Yep Griz finished 3rd in the conference at run D, only giving up 179 yards per game. Only Weber and EWU proved better at stopping the run.
HookedonGriz said:
garizzalies said:
Kinda missed the point. CP is usually awful but they could still run us down in recent years. The stud CP player said so himself—I don’t have the link but he basically said our D was the most physical he had faced to that point.
Stopping the run is the most fundamental part on a good D and we’ve sucked ass at that for far too long. Last year I saw improvement in that department; first time in a long time. Still a long ways to go, but a step in the right direction.

Yep Griz finished 3rd in the conference at run D, only giving up 179 yards per game. Only Weber and EWU proved better at stopping the run.

Defensive Stats are tricky because they are largely reactive. If you can run on a team why bother passing, and if you can pass why bother running. So total yards given up is a more accurate piece of data/stat, but even that can be misleading. If your offence can't hold the ball your defensive numbers are going to rise, if you have a ball control offence your numbers are going to shrink.

Even individual stats like total tackles is a factor of how often/how little your offence had the ball.
Before many Egrizzers time but the Jets had a linebacker named Greg Buttle from Penn State in the early 80's who used to be there or thereabouts in tackles each year for the whole NFL. Good player but few would have picked him over Lambert, Ham, Carson, or Gradishar.
SaskGriz said:
HookedonGriz said:
garizzalies said:
Kinda missed the point. CP is usually awful but they could still run us down in recent years. The stud CP player said so himself—I don’t have the link but he basically said our D was the most physical he had faced to that point.
Stopping the run is the most fundamental part on a good D and we’ve sucked ass at that for far too long. Last year I saw improvement in that department; first time in a long time. Still a long ways to go, but a step in the right direction.

Yep Griz finished 3rd in the conference at run D, only giving up 179 yards per game. Only Weber and EWU proved better at stopping the run.

Defensive Stats are tricky because they are largely reactive. If you can run on a team why bother passing, and if you can pass why bother running. So total yards given up is a more accurate piece of data/stat, but even that can be misleading. If your offence can't hold the ball your defensive numbers are going to rise, if you have a ball control offence your numbers are going to shrink.

Even individual stats like total tackles is a factor of how often/how little your offence had the ball.
Before many Egrizzers time but the Jets had a linebacker named Greg Buttle from Penn State in the early 80's who used to be there or thereabouts in tackles each year for the whole NFL. Good player but few would have picked him over Lambert, Ham, Carson, or Gradishar.

Yep all valid points
PlayerRep said:
horribilisfan8184 said:
PlayerRep said:
AZGrizFan said:
Like I’ve said 20 times, if SEMORE had had last year’s results, Kem (and others) would be leading the pitchfork parade...but because BOBBY hired Baer, he’s suddenly a tremendous upgrade who “just didn’t have the horses”....the spin is palpable...

No, the difference is that Semore was here to recruit the "horses" (or lack thereof), and Baer wasn't. And Semore was around to train the horses for several years, and Baer was around only for a year. It's not who hired the coach. In the 4th year, you don't get the we don't have the horses excuse.

And if he does better with Semore's recruits this season, it begs the question why he couldn't do so last season. I would think after 45 years Baer has faced the "it wasn't my players" scenario and figured out ways to play a defense that take advantage of what talent he has and protects the vulnerable (lesser talented) positions. Again I'd really like to see some form of independent grading of these defenses.

The head scratchers for me stem from things I saw in games from last years teams I've never seen before out of Montana teams on both sides of the ball. On offense, once teams started chipping away at the defense and big leads, the offense seemed to go into panic mode. Three and outs and turnovers obviously put pressure on the defense. But I am used to seeing UM defenses step up, rather than wilt, when the offense struggled. What do the stats show? Was it more missed tackles? More yards after catch or first contact? More big plays? Less third down stops? Less fourth down stops? More yards given up on first down? Less sacks? Shorter fields? I'm sure these stats are tracked internally, I just wonder if they were tracked anywhere externally?

Next year won't be just Semore's recruits. Will include more and more Hauck/Baer recruits.

Why didn't Semore/Stitt have more experience on defense in 2018? Where were the transfers and JC's to fill in gaps? Shaw? Who else?

The Stitt offense often failed to get first downs as games went on. Put a lot of pressure on the defense.

I am not saying that Baer had better, or much better, results than Semore, 2/3 of the defensive stats were remarkably similar, but the 2018 defense gave up fewer big plays, tackled better, played more physical, etc. In my view, those were positives times for the future.

Note that I was never a Semore basher; mostly a supporter.

The selective memory seems to be a bad problem on egriz these days.

I think this is an excellent point. They certainly were better at fundamentals/tackling. Were also obviously more physical.
I didn't really look at the specific numbers when I accidentally starting this fiasco saying they needed an upgrade at DC, i just used the eye test from watching them both live and on TV last year and this. I was anti Baer from day 1, which I admit probably mucks up the water a bit, but OTHER THAN the fundamentals, I did not see a defense put in the right positions to make plays. Yes, they were short some horses overall, and the increased depth/recruits will help, but the scheme needs to be adjusted in my uneducated opinion.
I agree with those that say if it's really no better this year, it's not a player issue and that year 2 is a bit more important for Baer's job going forward. I also think/feel/hope BH replaces him as soon as someone he wants to hire is available.
On a side note, I chuckle at the jabbing back and forth that happens on here between posters and how some get uptight at times. I, for one, think everyone's opinion is good to read whether I agree or not. Also would love to catch a FB or BB game with PR or some other knowledgeable posters in here some time to talk the game and laugh and the douchery that happens in this forum at times! :lol:
AZDoc said:
PlayerRep said:
horribilisfan8184 said:
PlayerRep said:
No, the difference is that Semore was here to recruit the "horses" (or lack thereof), and Baer wasn't. And Semore was around to train the horses for several years, and Baer was around only for a year. It's not who hired the coach. In the 4th year, you don't get the we don't have the horses excuse.

And if he does better with Semore's recruits this season, it begs the question why he couldn't do so last season. I would think after 45 years Baer has faced the "it wasn't my players" scenario and figured out ways to play a defense that take advantage of what talent he has and protects the vulnerable (lesser talented) positions. Again I'd really like to see some form of independent grading of these defenses.

The head scratchers for me stem from things I saw in games from last years teams I've never seen before out of Montana teams on both sides of the ball. On offense, once teams started chipping away at the defense and big leads, the offense seemed to go into panic mode. Three and outs and turnovers obviously put pressure on the defense. But I am used to seeing UM defenses step up, rather than wilt, when the offense struggled. What do the stats show? Was it more missed tackles? More yards after catch or first contact? More big plays? Less third down stops? Less fourth down stops? More yards given up on first down? Less sacks? Shorter fields? I'm sure these stats are tracked internally, I just wonder if they were tracked anywhere externally?

Next year won't be just Semore's recruits. Will include more and more Hauck/Baer recruits.

Why didn't Semore/Stitt have more experience on defense in 2018? Where were the transfers and JC's to fill in gaps? Shaw? Who else?

The Stitt offense often failed to get first downs as games went on. Put a lot of pressure on the defense.

I am not saying that Baer had better, or much better, results than Semore, 2/3 of the defensive stats were remarkably similar, but the 2018 defense gave up fewer big plays, tackled better, played more physical, etc. In my view, those were positives times for the future.

Note that I was never a Semore basher; mostly a supporter.

The selective memory seems to be a bad problem on egriz these days.

I think this is an excellent point. They certainly were better at fundamentals/tackling. Were also obviously more physical.
I didn't really look at the specific numbers when I accidentally starting this fiasco saying they needed an upgrade at DC, i just used the eye test from watching them both live and on TV last year and this. I was anti Baer from day 1, which I admit probably mucks up the water a bit, but OTHER THAN the fundamentals, I did not see a defense put in the right positions to make plays. Yes, they were short some horses overall, and the increased depth/recruits will help, but the scheme needs to be adjusted in my uneducated opinion.
I agree with those that say if it's really no better this year, it's not a player issue and that year 2 is a bit more important for Baer's job going forward. I also think/feel/hope BH replaces him as soon as someone he wants to hire is available.
On a side note, I chuckle at the jabbing back and forth that happens on here between posters and how some get uptight at times. I, for one, think everyone's opinion is good to read whether I agree or not. Also would love to catch a FB or BB game with PR or some other knowledgeable posters in here some time to talk the game and laugh and the douchery that happens in this forum at times! :lol:
Doc, you started all of this
Spanky2 said:
AZDoc said:
PlayerRep said:
horribilisfan8184 said:
And if he does better with Semore's recruits this season, it begs the question why he couldn't do so last season. I would think after 45 years Baer has faced the "it wasn't my players" scenario and figured out ways to play a defense that take advantage of what talent he has and protects the vulnerable (lesser talented) positions. Again I'd really like to see some form of independent grading of these defenses.

The head scratchers for me stem from things I saw in games from last years teams I've never seen before out of Montana teams on both sides of the ball. On offense, once teams started chipping away at the defense and big leads, the offense seemed to go into panic mode. Three and outs and turnovers obviously put pressure on the defense. But I am used to seeing UM defenses step up, rather than wilt, when the offense struggled. What do the stats show? Was it more missed tackles? More yards after catch or first contact? More big plays? Less third down stops? Less fourth down stops? More yards given up on first down? Less sacks? Shorter fields? I'm sure these stats are tracked internally, I just wonder if they were tracked anywhere externally?

Next year won't be just Semore's recruits. Will include more and more Hauck/Baer recruits.

Why didn't Semore/Stitt have more experience on defense in 2018? Where were the transfers and JC's to fill in gaps? Shaw? Who else?

The Stitt offense often failed to get first downs as games went on. Put a lot of pressure on the defense.

I am not saying that Baer had better, or much better, results than Semore, 2/3 of the defensive stats were remarkably similar, but the 2018 defense gave up fewer big plays, tackled better, played more physical, etc. In my view, those were positives times for the future.

Note that I was never a Semore basher; mostly a supporter.

The selective memory seems to be a bad problem on egriz these days.

I think this is an excellent point. They certainly were better at fundamentals/tackling. Were also obviously more physical.
I didn't really look at the specific numbers when I accidentally starting this fiasco saying they needed an upgrade at DC, i just used the eye test from watching them both live and on TV last year and this. I was anti Baer from day 1, which I admit probably mucks up the water a bit, but OTHER THAN the fundamentals, I did not see a defense put in the right positions to make plays. Yes, they were short some horses overall, and the increased depth/recruits will help, but the scheme needs to be adjusted in my uneducated opinion.
I agree with those that say if it's really no better this year, it's not a player issue and that year 2 is a bit more important for Baer's job going forward. I also think/feel/hope BH replaces him as soon as someone he wants to hire is available.
On a side note, I chuckle at the jabbing back and forth that happens on here between posters and how some get uptight at times. I, for one, think everyone's opinion is good to read whether I agree or not. Also would love to catch a FB or BB game with PR or some other knowledgeable posters in here some time to talk the game and laugh and the douchery that happens in this forum at times! :lol:
Doc, you started all of this

But what does Stitt's offense and what it did to his defenses have to with the 2018 (or 2019) defense? Stitt's offense put pressure on his defenses but how does that relate to giving up 41 point and 48 point runs in 2018 games when Stitt was in Oklahoma? And what did "who Stitt brought in for 2018" (no one he was gone!) to fill in the holes have to do with 2018's defense. Yes, understand the point might be he didn't have the guys coming in had he kept the job, but you never know who may have come had he held the job. Personally, I think Sandry/Epperly wasn't much different than Robby/Arkansas kid.

Tackled better, more physical, gave up fewer big plays.......but somehow got run over late in many games...and gave up those two consecutive point runs that I venture could be record holders in all-time Griz stats.
Spanky2 said:
AZDoc said:
PlayerRep said:
horribilisfan8184 said:
And if he does better with Semore's recruits this season, it begs the question why he couldn't do so last season. I would think after 45 years Baer has faced the "it wasn't my players" scenario and figured out ways to play a defense that take advantage of what talent he has and protects the vulnerable (lesser talented) positions. Again I'd really like to see some form of independent grading of these defenses.

The head scratchers for me stem from things I saw in games from last years teams I've never seen before out of Montana teams on both sides of the ball. On offense, once teams started chipping away at the defense and big leads, the offense seemed to go into panic mode. Three and outs and turnovers obviously put pressure on the defense. But I am used to seeing UM defenses step up, rather than wilt, when the offense struggled. What do the stats show? Was it more missed tackles? More yards after catch or first contact? More big plays? Less third down stops? Less fourth down stops? More yards given up on first down? Less sacks? Shorter fields? I'm sure these stats are tracked internally, I just wonder if they were tracked anywhere externally?

Next year won't be just Semore's recruits. Will include more and more Hauck/Baer recruits.

Why didn't Semore/Stitt have more experience on defense in 2018? Where were the transfers and JC's to fill in gaps? Shaw? Who else?

The Stitt offense often failed to get first downs as games went on. Put a lot of pressure on the defense.

I am not saying that Baer had better, or much better, results than Semore, 2/3 of the defensive stats were remarkably similar, but the 2018 defense gave up fewer big plays, tackled better, played more physical, etc. In my view, those were positives times for the future.

Note that I was never a Semore basher; mostly a supporter.

The selective memory seems to be a bad problem on egriz these days.

I think this is an excellent point. They certainly were better at fundamentals/tackling. Were also obviously more physical.
I didn't really look at the specific numbers when I accidentally starting this fiasco saying they needed an upgrade at DC, i just used the eye test from watching them both live and on TV last year and this. I was anti Baer from day 1, which I admit probably mucks up the water a bit, but OTHER THAN the fundamentals, I did not see a defense put in the right positions to make plays. Yes, they were short some horses overall, and the increased depth/recruits will help, but the scheme needs to be adjusted in my uneducated opinion.
I agree with those that say if it's really no better this year, it's not a player issue and that year 2 is a bit more important for Baer's job going forward. I also think/feel/hope BH replaces him as soon as someone he wants to hire is available.
On a side note, I chuckle at the jabbing back and forth that happens on here between posters and how some get uptight at times. I, for one, think everyone's opinion is good to read whether I agree or not. Also would love to catch a FB or BB game with PR or some other knowledgeable posters in here some time to talk the game and laugh and the douchery that happens in this forum at times! :lol:
Doc, you started all of this

I certainly did...and did apologize a few pages ago :lol:
I just answered the question honestly and this happened. I really am sorry. Good thing is that it really has turned into a decent conversation.
HookedonGriz said:
SaskGriz said:
HookedonGriz said:
garizzalies said:
Kinda missed the point. CP is usually awful but they could still run us down in recent years. The stud CP player said so himself—I don’t have the link but he basically said our D was the most physical he had faced to that point.
Stopping the run is the most fundamental part on a good D and we’ve sucked ass at that for far too long. Last year I saw improvement in that department; first time in a long time. Still a long ways to go, but a step in the right direction.

Yep Griz finished 3rd in the conference at run D, only giving up 179 yards per game. Only Weber and EWU proved better at stopping the run.

Defensive Stats are tricky because they are largely reactive. If you can run on a team why bother passing, and if you can pass why bother running. So total yards given up is a more accurate piece of data/stat, but even that can be misleading. If your offence can't hold the ball your defensive numbers are going to rise, if you have a ball control offence your numbers are going to shrink.

Even individual stats like total tackles is a factor of how often/how little your offence had the ball.
Before many Egrizzers time but the Jets had a linebacker named Greg Buttle from Penn State in the early 80's who used to be there or thereabouts in tackles each year for the whole NFL. Good player but few would have picked him over Lambert, Ham, Carson, or Gradishar.

Yep all valid points
I’m thinking you’re being misled.
Mousegriz said:
Spanky2 said:
AZDoc said:
PlayerRep said:
Next year won't be just Semore's recruits. Will include more and more Hauck/Baer recruits.

Why didn't Semore/Stitt have more experience on defense in 2018? Where were the transfers and JC's to fill in gaps? Shaw? Who else?

The Stitt offense often failed to get first downs as games went on. Put a lot of pressure on the defense.

I am not saying that Baer had better, or much better, results than Semore, 2/3 of the defensive stats were remarkably similar, but the 2018 defense gave up fewer big plays, tackled better, played more physical, etc. In my view, those were positives times for the future.

Note that I was never a Semore basher; mostly a supporter.

The selective memory seems to be a bad problem on egriz these days.

I think this is an excellent point. They certainly were better at fundamentals/tackling. Were also obviously more physical.
I didn't really look at the specific numbers when I accidentally starting this fiasco saying they needed an upgrade at DC, i just used the eye test from watching them both live and on TV last year and this. I was anti Baer from day 1, which I admit probably mucks up the water a bit, but OTHER THAN the fundamentals, I did not see a defense put in the right positions to make plays. Yes, they were short some horses overall, and the increased depth/recruits will help, but the scheme needs to be adjusted in my uneducated opinion.
I agree with those that say if it's really no better this year, it's not a player issue and that year 2 is a bit more important for Baer's job going forward. I also think/feel/hope BH replaces him as soon as someone he wants to hire is available.
On a side note, I chuckle at the jabbing back and forth that happens on here between posters and how some get uptight at times. I, for one, think everyone's opinion is good to read whether I agree or not. Also would love to catch a FB or BB game with PR or some other knowledgeable posters in here some time to talk the game and laugh and the douchery that happens in this forum at times! :lol:
Doc, you started all of this

But what does Stitt's offense and what it did to his defenses have to with the 2018 (or 2019) defense? Stitt's offense put pressure on his defenses but how does that relate to giving up 41 point and 48 point runs in 2018 games when Stitt was in Oklahoma? And what did "who Stitt brought in for 2018" (no one he was gone!) to fill in the holes have to do with 2018's defense. Yes, understand the point might be he didn't have the guys coming in had he kept the job, but you never know who may have come had he held the job. Personally, I think Sandry/Epperly wasn't much different than Robby/Arkansas kid.

Tackled better, more physical, gave up fewer big plays.......but somehow got run over late in many games...and gave up those two consecutive point runs that I venture could be record holders in all-time Griz stats.

Forget it Mouse, that’s something the apologists just simply won’t answer. It doesnt’ jive with their narrative.
PlayerRep said:
AZGrizFan said:
horribilisfan8184 said:
Spanky2 said:
184, I hope you aren’t comparing Semore to Baer. Baer is a coach.

Of course not. Can the results of a 45 year, almost exclusively FBS experienced defensive coach with 80% or so of shared athletes, be compared to the results of a 10 year primarily D-2 defensive coach with those same athletes? Preposterous!

I'm a fan of neither coach, but I'm not coach bashing, I'm rolling my eyes at what seems to be hypocrisy in the views of coach rating fans that give passes to these DC's based on who hired them. I'd like to see the results of them independently graded against all FCS DCs, and then we'd have something to discuss

Like I’ve said 20 times, if SEMORE had had last year’s results, Kem (and others) would be leading the pitchfork parade...but because BOBBY hired Baer, he’s suddenly a tremendous upgrade who “just didn’t have the horses”....the spin is palpable...

No, the difference is that Semore was here to recruit the "horses" (or lack thereof), and Baer wasn't. And Semore was around to train the horses for several years, and Baer was around only for a year. It's not who hired the coach. In the 4th year, you don't get the we don't have the horses excuse.

:lol: Now we’re willing to give him 4 years?? Semore got TWO. IMO, there better be marked improvement in the results next year. I’ve said from the beginning Baer wasn’t the answer and I think it’s bullshit that BH was basically willing to just look at the next couple of years as throwaway years while he waits for “his guy” (presumably). Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Mousegriz said:
Spanky2 said:
AZDoc said:
PlayerRep said:
Next year won't be just Semore's recruits. Will include more and more Hauck/Baer recruits.

Why didn't Semore/Stitt have more experience on defense in 2018? Where were the transfers and JC's to fill in gaps? Shaw? Who else?

The Stitt offense often failed to get first downs as games went on. Put a lot of pressure on the defense.

I am not saying that Baer had better, or much better, results than Semore, 2/3 of the defensive stats were remarkably similar, but the 2018 defense gave up fewer big plays, tackled better, played more physical, etc. In my view, those were positives times for the future.

Note that I was never a Semore basher; mostly a supporter.

The selective memory seems to be a bad problem on egriz these days.

I think this is an excellent point. They certainly were better at fundamentals/tackling. Were also obviously more physical.
I didn't really look at the specific numbers when I accidentally starting this fiasco saying they needed an upgrade at DC, i just used the eye test from watching them both live and on TV last year and this. I was anti Baer from day 1, which I admit probably mucks up the water a bit, but OTHER THAN the fundamentals, I did not see a defense put in the right positions to make plays. Yes, they were short some horses overall, and the increased depth/recruits will help, but the scheme needs to be adjusted in my uneducated opinion.
I agree with those that say if it's really no better this year, it's not a player issue and that year 2 is a bit more important for Baer's job going forward. I also think/feel/hope BH replaces him as soon as someone he wants to hire is available.
On a side note, I chuckle at the jabbing back and forth that happens on here between posters and how some get uptight at times. I, for one, think everyone's opinion is good to read whether I agree or not. Also would love to catch a FB or BB game with PR or some other knowledgeable posters in here some time to talk the game and laugh and the douchery that happens in this forum at times! :lol:
Doc, you started all of this

But what does Stitt's offense and what it did to his defenses have to with the 2018 (or 2019) defense? Stitt's offense put pressure on his defenses but how does that relate to giving up 41 point and 48 point runs in 2018 games when Stitt was in Oklahoma? And what did "who Stitt brought in for 2018" (no one he was gone!) to fill in the holes have to do with 2018's defense. Yes, understand the point might be he didn't have the guys coming in had he kept the job, but you never know who may have come had he held the job. Personally, I think Sandry/Epperly wasn't much different than Robby/Arkansas kid.

Tackled better, more physical, gave up fewer big plays.......but somehow got run over late in many games...and gave up those two consecutive point runs that I venture could be record holders in all-time Griz stats.

If you didn't notice much difference between Hauck (95 tackles and frosh all-American), Miller (68 tackles), and Robertson (48 tackles), and Epperly (19 tackles), then maybe you should stay on the hoops board.
PlayerRep said:
Mousegriz said:
Spanky2 said:
AZDoc said:
I think this is an excellent point. They certainly were better at fundamentals/tackling. Were also obviously more physical.
I didn't really look at the specific numbers when I accidentally starting this fiasco saying they needed an upgrade at DC, i just used the eye test from watching them both live and on TV last year and this. I was anti Baer from day 1, which I admit probably mucks up the water a bit, but OTHER THAN the fundamentals, I did not see a defense put in the right positions to make plays. Yes, they were short some horses overall, and the increased depth/recruits will help, but the scheme needs to be adjusted in my uneducated opinion.
I agree with those that say if it's really no better this year, it's not a player issue and that year 2 is a bit more important for Baer's job going forward. I also think/feel/hope BH replaces him as soon as someone he wants to hire is available.
On a side note, I chuckle at the jabbing back and forth that happens on here between posters and how some get uptight at times. I, for one, think everyone's opinion is good to read whether I agree or not. Also would love to catch a FB or BB game with PR or some other knowledgeable posters in here some time to talk the game and laugh and the douchery that happens in this forum at times! :lol:
Doc, you started all of this

But what does Stitt's offense and what it did to his defenses have to with the 2018 (or 2019) defense? Stitt's offense put pressure on his defenses but how does that relate to giving up 41 point and 48 point runs in 2018 games when Stitt was in Oklahoma? And what did "who Stitt brought in for 2018" (no one he was gone!) to fill in the holes have to do with 2018's defense. Yes, understand the point might be he didn't have the guys coming in had he kept the job, but you never know who may have come had he held the job. Personally, I think Sandry/Epperly wasn't much different than Robby/Arkansas kid.

Tackled better, more physical, gave up fewer big plays.......but somehow got run over late in many games...and gave up those two consecutive point runs that I venture could be record holders in all-time Griz stats.

If you didn't notice much difference between Hauck (95 tackles and frosh all-American), Miller (68 tackles), and Robertson (48 tackles), and Epperly (19 tackles), then maybe you should stay on the hoops board.

I was too busy noticing the 41 straight, the 46 straight and the 29-3 runs given up to count tackles. When you can’t get off the field, you tend to really rack up the tackles.
AZGrizFan said:
Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
AZGrizFan said:
:lol: Now we’re willing to give him 4 years?? Semore got TWO. IMO, there better be marked improvement in the results next year. I’ve said from the beginning Baer wasn’t the answer and I think it’s bullshit that BH was basically willing to just look at the next couple of years as throwaway years while he waits for “his guy” (presumably). Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Semore got more than two; he was Stitt's guy in 2015 in spite of not having the DC title.
AZGrizFan said:
PlayerRep said:
Mousegriz said:
Spanky2 said:
Doc, you started all of this

But what does Stitt's offense and what it did to his defenses have to with the 2018 (or 2019) defense? Stitt's offense put pressure on his defenses but how does that relate to giving up 41 point and 48 point runs in 2018 games when Stitt was in Oklahoma? And what did "who Stitt brought in for 2018" (no one he was gone!) to fill in the holes have to do with 2018's defense. Yes, understand the point might be he didn't have the guys coming in had he kept the job, but you never know who may have come had he held the job. Personally, I think Sandry/Epperly wasn't much different than Robby/Arkansas kid.

Tackled better, more physical, gave up fewer big plays.......but somehow got run over late in many games...and gave up those two consecutive point runs that I venture could be record holders in all-time Griz stats.

If you didn't notice much difference between Hauck (95 tackles and frosh all-American), Miller (68 tackles), and Robertson (48 tackles), and Epperly (19 tackles), then maybe you should stay on the hoops board.

I was too busy noticing the 41 straight, the 46 straight and the 29-3 runs given up to count tackles. When you can’t get off the field, you tend to really rack up the tackles.

No one counts tackles. You look at the stats after the game. Don't be silly.

The point was to compare safeties. Did you not notice a difference between the 3 mentioned safeties with lots of tackles and Epperly?

Opponent points scoring, opponent plays, and opponent TOP, were virtually the same for 2017 and 2018.
kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
:lol: Now we’re willing to give him 4 years?? Semore got TWO. IMO, there better be marked improvement in the results next year. I’ve said from the beginning Baer wasn’t the answer and I think it’s bullshit that BH was basically willing to just look at the next couple of years as throwaway years while he waits for “his guy” (presumably). Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Semore got more than two; he was Stitt's guy in 2015 in spite of not having the DC title.

AZ only wants to give Baer one season.

I don't view Baer as a placeholder.
kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?

No, because to use his own phrase from above, it doesn’t jive with his narrative.....

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