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Who's your pick for QB?

griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
griz5700 said:
Who would have thought Stitt would go hire an OC from ISU after year 2?

to NOT be an OC.

Just like how Stitt doesn't use TE's? Sure...

You don't hire an up and coming OC to not contribute in that aspect in some sense.

You would hope, but how much input will Stitt let others have? I am not sure much in the overall scheme of the offense.
HelenaHandBasket said:
griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
griz5700 said:
Who would have thought Stitt would go hire an OC from ISU after year 2?

to NOT be an OC.

Just like how Stitt doesn't use TE's? Sure...

You don't hire an up and coming OC to not contribute in that aspect in some sense.

You would hope, but how much input will Stitt let others have? I am not sure much in the overall scheme of the offense.

Depends how much his wife likes Missoula I'm guessing.
I really like how this offense has 11 players and not just one. Like any other dominant offense, you need all units to execute in order for the offense to be effective... If you have a dominant OL and solid playmakers, you don't need an ultra-talented QB. For example, EWU's QB is widely acclaimed as the best QB in the conference, but he also had a very good OL and the best WR corpse in the country last year. The year before their QB "sucked". Do you think that was solely because of the QB or was it because their OL couldn't block anyone? It is so simple to place the blame or praise at the QB position though... It will be interesting to see how quickly you guys fall over yourselves to either praise or criticize the opening day starter and call him the savior or call for the backup.
HelenaHandBasket said:
griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
griz5700 said:
Imagine what BG's numbers could of been if he had even a semi reliable receiving corp??

Sent from my STV100-2 using Tapatalk

Or if he was more than an average QB.

He is above average. And he showed that in 2015 with Jones, Henderson, and Roberts.

Without BG, the Griz definitely lose the home opener to NDSU - big time performance that should tell you a lot about his game.

After that win against NDSU, teams figured Stitt out and Stitt still hasn't adjusted his offense.

Drops plagued the 2016 receivers. Would you disagree with that?

Actually, I think the receivers in 2015 made BG better and the receivers in 2016 could not play to the same level. BG was an average QB both seasons.

Or like this on 4th & 7 at EWU to start the 2nd half?

Sam A. Blitz said:
I really like how this offense has 11 players and not just one. Like any other dominant offense, you need all units to execute in order for the offense to be effective... If you have a dominant OL and solid playmakers, you don't need an ultra-talented QB. For example, EWU's QB is widely acclaimed as the best QB in the conference, but he also had a very good OL and the best WR corpse in the country last year. The year before their QB "sucked". Do you think that was solely because of the QB or was it because their OL couldn't block anyone? It is so simple to place the blame or praise at the QB position though... It will be interesting to see how quickly you guys fall over yourselves to either praise or criticize the opening day starter and call him the savior or call for the backup.

Can't underrate QB talent that yeilds results. UNAU would have tanked badly w/o the backup stepping in when he did, even with the o-line and a pair of great receivers. Still got to know where to go with the ball & deliver it. And in Stitt's offense, the level of knowledge & talent has got to be even better to operate it effectively.
griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
Or if he was more than an average QB.

He is above average. And he showed that in 2015 with Jones, Henderson, and Roberts.

Without BG, the Griz definitely lose the home opener to NDSU - big time performance that should tell you a lot about his game.

After that win against NDSU, teams figured Stitt out and Stitt still hasn't adjusted his offense.

Drops plagued the 2016 receivers. Would you disagree with that?

Actually, I think the receivers in 2015 made BG better and the receivers in 2016 could not play to the same level. BG was an average QB both seasons.

Or like this on 4th & 7 at EWU to start the 2nd half?


My point is that for every play like that by a WR you can go and find a similar poor play by the QB. Or have you forgot all the high throws over the middle to the point that BG pretty much forgot the middle of the field existed for example. I don't think I would ever classify BG as a QB that made the guys around him better, it was the guys around him in 2015 that made him look better. He didn't have the same type of players in 2016.
So is there any word on how things are going for the QBs in spring practice? I know they are closed but there has to be something to talk about. Like the center is taking the job as QB because no one can tackle him.
IdahoGrizFan said:
So is there any word on how things are going for the QBs in spring practice? I know they are closed but there has to be something to talk about. Like the center is taking the job as QB because no one can tackle him.
Phillips the #1 guy right now. Jensen looking good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Personally, I would love Jensen to get the nod. Having a 4 year starter in this offense would be huge
HelenaHandBasket said:
My point is that for every play like that by a WR you can go and find a similar poor play by the QB. Or have you forgot all the high throws over the middle to the point that BG pretty much forgot the middle of the field existed for example. I don't think I would ever classify BG as a QB that made the guys around him better, it was the guys around him in 2015 that made him look better. He didn't have the same type of players in 2016.

Those were two crucial drops though, right? I could provide more, but won’t. The second half at NAU comes to mind.

You acknowledge the receivers in 2016 were not "the same type of players”, yet you have no criticism or concern there? Just that BG was average and didn’t make the players around him better? I don't understand that?

Was BG supposed to teach them how to catch the ball, or should he have thrown the ball softer? Given Curran a lot of hugs? Or should he have got in the o-lines face after their hundredth missed block? Would that have given those guys the athleticism or technique to block? Seems like a coach’s job to me.

Stitt sounded like a moron talking about Tom Brady… The Pats entire team is accountable and makes big plays in big moments because of Belichick, not because of Brady’s rah-rah shit.
griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
My point is that for every play like that by a WR you can go and find a similar poor play by the QB. Or have you forgot all the high throws over the middle to the point that BG pretty much forgot the middle of the field existed for example. I don't think I would ever classify BG as a QB that made the guys around him better, it was the guys around him in 2015 that made him look better. He didn't have the same type of players in 2016.

Those were two crucial drops though, right? I could provide more, but won’t. The second half at NAU comes to mind.

You acknowledge the receivers in 2016 were not "the same type of players”, yet you have no criticism or concern there? Just that BG was average and didn’t make the players around him better? I don't understand that?

Was BG supposed to teach them how to catch the ball, or should he have thrown the ball softer? Given Curran a lot of hugs? Or should he have got in the o-lines face after their hundredth missed block? Would that have given those guys the athleticism or technique to block? Seems like a coach’s job to me.

Stitt sounded like a moron talking about Tom Brady… The Pats entire team is accountable and makes big plays in big moments because of Belichick, not because of Brady’s rah-rah shit.

Granted the patriots do more with less due to their system and coaching, but to minimize what Brady means to that team is ridiculous. I am a Patriot hater and lifelong Bronco fan, but I can also put my blinders down enough to see that Brady is one of the top 3 QBs to ever play the game if not the top 1
brewskis said:
IdahoGrizFan said:
So is there any word on how things are going for the QBs in spring practice? I know they are closed but there has to be something to talk about. Like the center is taking the job as QB because no one can tackle him.
Phillips the #1 guy right now. Jensen looking good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

More than one qb is getting reps with the 1's. Alternating in the 11 on 11. They all look talented.
griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
My point is that for every play like that by a WR you can go and find a similar poor play by the QB. Or have you forgot all the high throws over the middle to the point that BG pretty much forgot the middle of the field existed for example. I don't think I would ever classify BG as a QB that made the guys around him better, it was the guys around him in 2015 that made him look better. He didn't have the same type of players in 2016.

Those were two crucial drops though, right? I could provide more, but won’t. The second half at NAU comes to mind.

You acknowledge the receivers in 2016 were not "the same type of players”, yet you have no criticism or concern there? Just that BG was average and didn’t make the players around him better? I don't understand that?

Was BG supposed to teach them how to catch the ball, or should he have thrown the ball softer? Given Curran a lot of hugs? Or should he have got in the o-lines face after their hundredth missed block? Would that have given those guys the athleticism or technique to block? Seems like a coach’s job to me.

Stitt sounded like a moron talking about Tom Brady… The Pats entire team is accountable and makes big plays in big moments because of Belichick, not because of Brady’s rah-rah shit.

So you have no criticism of how BG played? And when did I ever say that there are not concerns about the receivers? I completely understand the criticism of the 2016 receiving corp. But even with all the issues on offense, BG was not a bright spot, he was also an issue. The 2015 receiving corp made BG look better than he really was, and I believe 2016 shows more of BG's talent than 2015.
bgbigdog said:
Sam A. Blitz said:
I really like how this offense has 11 players and not just one. Like any other dominant offense, you need all units to execute in order for the offense to be effective... If you have a dominant OL and solid playmakers, you don't need an ultra-talented QB. For example, EWU's QB is widely acclaimed as the best QB in the conference, but he also had a very good OL and the best WR corpse in the country last year. The year before their QB "sucked". Do you think that was solely because of the QB or was it because their OL couldn't block anyone? It is so simple to place the blame or praise at the QB position though... It will be interesting to see how quickly you guys fall over yourselves to either praise or criticize the opening day starter and call him the savior or call for the backup.

Can't underrate QB talent that yeilds results. UNAU would have tanked badly w/o the backup stepping in when he did, even with the o-line and a pair of great receivers. Still got to know where to go with the ball & deliver it. And in Stitt's offense, the level of knowledge & talent has got to be even better to operate it effectively.

I'm not discounting the importance of the QB position. However, many of the poster on here seem to think that better QB play is going to alone make the difference. It won't. Also, last time I checked NAU didn't make the playoffs despite great QB talent. You need production out of all units in order to win championships, which is the standard that most people have placed on this team. Also, I do not agree that it takes more talent to operate this offense effectively than other offenses. It does help to have a higher football IQ, but you can make this offense work with a good QB when the OL, WR, and RB are getting the job more than a great QB when the other units are struggling. Again, it is easy to place blame on the QB and people will continue to over-value the position. That's what fans do.
grizatwork said:
griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
My point is that for every play like that by a WR you can go and find a similar poor play by the QB. Or have you forgot all the high throws over the middle to the point that BG pretty much forgot the middle of the field existed for example. I don't think I would ever classify BG as a QB that made the guys around him better, it was the guys around him in 2015 that made him look better. He didn't have the same type of players in 2016.

Those were two crucial drops though, right? I could provide more, but won’t. The second half at NAU comes to mind.

You acknowledge the receivers in 2016 were not "the same type of players”, yet you have no criticism or concern there? Just that BG was average and didn’t make the players around him better? I don't understand that?

Was BG supposed to teach them how to catch the ball, or should he have thrown the ball softer? Given Curran a lot of hugs? Or should he have got in the o-lines face after their hundredth missed block? Would that have given those guys the athleticism or technique to block? Seems like a coach’s job to me.

Stitt sounded like a moron talking about Tom Brady… The Pats entire team is accountable and makes big plays in big moments because of Belichick, not because of Brady’s rah-rah shit.

Granted the patriots do more with less due to their system and coaching, but to minimize what Brady means to that team is ridiculous. I am a Patriot hater and lifelong Bronco fan, but I can also put my blinders down enough to see that Brady is one of the top 3 QBs to ever play the game if not the top 1

Not minimizing Tom Brady at all. It is not an argument, he is the best QB to ever play. Period. I'm a huge Steelers fan and love Benny R, but I have no hesitation in saying Brady is the best ever.

But to me what Belichick and the Patriots have consistently built around Brady is absolutely incredible. Especially in todays NFL. It blows my mind.

I even respect how they cheat. Shit, I wish the Steelers deflated balls. It is a huge advantage in the run game.. Ingenius. The Pats are just smarter than everyone else. That's all.

Rings are all that matters - the Pats, Belichick and their teams buy into that.

*** Although, let's not forget who's got 6.. Steelers. And the killer B's are climbing the stairway to 7. The Standard is the Standard ***

griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
My point is that for every play like that by a WR you can go and find a similar poor play by the QB. Or have you forgot all the high throws over the middle to the point that BG pretty much forgot the middle of the field existed for example. I don't think I would ever classify BG as a QB that made the guys around him better, it was the guys around him in 2015 that made him look better. He didn't have the same type of players in 2016.

Those were two crucial drops though, right? I could provide more, but won’t. The second half at NAU comes to mind.

You acknowledge the receivers in 2016 were not "the same type of players”, yet you have no criticism or concern there? Just that BG was average and didn’t make the players around him better? I don't understand that?

Was BG supposed to teach them how to catch the ball, or should he have thrown the ball softer? Given Curran a lot of hugs? Or should he have got in the o-lines face after their hundredth missed block? Would that have given those guys the athleticism or technique to block? Seems like a coach’s job to me.

Stitt sounded like a moron talking about Tom Brady… The Pats entire team is accountable and makes big plays in big moments because of Belichick, not because of Brady’s rah-rah shit.
HelenaHandBasket said:
So you have no criticism of how BG played? And when did I ever say that there are not concerns about the receivers? I completely understand the criticism of the 2016 receiving corp. But even with all the issues on offense, BG was not a bright spot, he was also an issue. The 2015 receiving corp made BG look better than he really was, and I believe 2016 shows more of BG's talent than 2015.

No I have said multiple time he could have played better. But he was far and away the best option at QB for the Griz the last 2 years. And if Stitt didn't inherit BG, his seat would be 10X hotter right now. That's what I find so funny about you guys who bash BG, who the hell else did you want?? It's ridiculous.

BG vs NDSU is something I will never forget. Clutch. HE made the plays. Jones, Henderson, and Roberts looked great because of BG.
The most gutsy performance by a Griz QB ever in Wa-Griz. Hands down.

I won't listen to Griz fans bash a kid from Billings West who showed up big time in a game this program absolutely needed in prime time on ESPN.
You all don't give shit about missed blocks or dropped passes, but are happy to pile on BG for anything.
Brady has an overthrow as he stands in the pocket and gets nailed (which he did repeatedly and takes balls to do), and eGriz says Brady sucks. That is what I define as simple-minded.

Simple minds who never played or understand the game.

Stitt owns a 3-5 record in BSC play. It's all on him.

I think this team surprises everyone in 2017 btw.

I want Stitt to succeed, but it all falls on him. Just the nature of the biz. And it is a brutal biz.

Unfortunately, Tom Brady isn't walking through the door. Gotta step up BS.

griz5700 said:
griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
My point is that for every play like that by a WR you can go and find a similar poor play by the QB. Or have you forgot all the high throws over the middle to the point that BG pretty much forgot the middle of the field existed for example. I don't think I would ever classify BG as a QB that made the guys around him better, it was the guys around him in 2015 that made him look better. He didn't have the same type of players in 2016.

Those were two crucial drops though, right? I could provide more, but won’t. The second half at NAU comes to mind.

You acknowledge the receivers in 2016 were not "the same type of players”, yet you have no criticism or concern there? Just that BG was average and didn’t make the players around him better? I don't understand that?

Was BG supposed to teach them how to catch the ball, or should he have thrown the ball softer? Given Curran a lot of hugs? Or should he have got in the o-lines face after their hundredth missed block? Would that have given those guys the athleticism or technique to block? Seems like a coach’s job to me.

Stitt sounded like a moron talking about Tom Brady… The Pats entire team is accountable and makes big plays in big moments because of Belichick, not because of Brady’s rah-rah shit.
HelenaHandBasket said:
So you have no criticism of how BG played? And when did I ever say that there are not concerns about the receivers? I completely understand the criticism of the 2016 receiving corp. But even with all the issues on offense, BG was not a bright spot, he was also an issue. The 2015 receiving corp made BG look better than he really was, and I believe 2016 shows more of BG's talent than 2015.

No I have said multiple time he could have played better. But he was far and away the best option at QB for the Griz the last 2 years. And if Stitt didn't inherit BG, his seat would be 10X hotter right now. That's what I find so funny about you guys who bash BG, who the hell else did you want?? It's ridiculous.

BG vs NDSU is something I will never forget. Clutch. HE made the plays. Jones, Henderson, and Roberts looked great because of BG.
The most gutsy performance by a Griz QB ever in Wa-Griz. Hands down.

I won't listen to Griz fans bash a kid from Billings West who showed up big time in a game this program absolutely needed in prime time on ESPN.
You all don't give shit about missed blocks or dropped passes, but are happy to pile on BG for anything.
Brady has an overthrow as he stands in the pocket and gets nailed (which he did repeatedly and takes balls to do), and eGriz says Brady sucks. That is what I define as simple-minded.

Simple minds who never played or understand the game.

Stitt owns a 3-5 record in BSC play. It's all on him.

I think this team surprises everyone in 2017 btw.

I want Stitt to succeed, but it all falls on him. Just the nature of the biz. And it is a brutal biz.

Unfortunately, Tom Brady isn't walking through the door. Gotta step up BS.

Do you even read what people post or as soon as anyone mentions BG you get all defensive. I never piled on BG, I said he was an average QB. Sorry that hurts your feelers. BG had quite the game against NDSU, too bad we never had the chance to see that type of game against a quality team again. I watched Simis and Chalich both have 1 pretty good game playing QB over the last 2 years also. I not once placed blame on BG or excused the play of the OL or receivers. It was a whole lotta of inconsistent, average play, and that includes BG.
brewskis said:
IdahoGrizFan said:
So is there any word on how things are going for the QBs in spring practice? I know they are closed but there has to be something to talk about. Like the center is taking the job as QB because no one can tackle him.
Phillips the #1 guy right now. Jensen looking good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I see that Jensen is listed as no. 3 on the recent depth chart. Where is your "looking good" comment coming from?
HelenaHandBasket said:
griz5700 said:
griz5700 said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
My point is that for every play like that by a WR you can go and find a similar poor play by the QB. Or have you forgot all the high throws over the middle to the point that BG pretty much forgot the middle of the field existed for example. I don't think I would ever classify BG as a QB that made the guys around him better, it was the guys around him in 2015 that made him look better. He didn't have the same type of players in 2016.

Those were two crucial drops though, right? I could provide more, but won’t. The second half at NAU comes to mind.

You acknowledge the receivers in 2016 were not "the same type of players”, yet you have no criticism or concern there? Just that BG was average and didn’t make the players around him better? I don't understand that?

Was BG supposed to teach them how to catch the ball, or should he have thrown the ball softer? Given Curran a lot of hugs? Or should he have got in the o-lines face after their hundredth missed block? Would that have given those guys the athleticism or technique to block? Seems like a coach’s job to me.

Stitt sounded like a moron talking about Tom Brady… The Pats entire team is accountable and makes big plays in big moments because of Belichick, not because of Brady’s rah-rah shit.
HelenaHandBasket said:
So you have no criticism of how BG played? And when did I ever say that there are not concerns about the receivers? I completely understand the criticism of the 2016 receiving corp. But even with all the issues on offense, BG was not a bright spot, he was also an issue. The 2015 receiving corp made BG look better than he really was, and I believe 2016 shows more of BG's talent than 2015.

No I have said multiple time he could have played better. But he was far and away the best option at QB for the Griz the last 2 years. And if Stitt didn't inherit BG, his seat would be 10X hotter right now. That's what I find so funny about you guys who bash BG, who the hell else did you want?? It's ridiculous.

BG vs NDSU is something I will never forget. Clutch. HE made the plays. Jones, Henderson, and Roberts looked great because of BG.
The most gutsy performance by a Griz QB ever in Wa-Griz. Hands down.

I won't listen to Griz fans bash a kid from Billings West who showed up big time in a game this program absolutely needed in prime time on ESPN.
You all don't give shit about missed blocks or dropped passes, but are happy to pile on BG for anything.
Brady has an overthrow as he stands in the pocket and gets nailed (which he did repeatedly and takes balls to do), and eGriz says Brady sucks. That is what I define as simple-minded.

Simple minds who never played or understand the game.

Stitt owns a 3-5 record in BSC play. It's all on him.

I think this team surprises everyone in 2017 btw.

I want Stitt to succeed, but it all falls on him. Just the nature of the biz. And it is a brutal biz.

Unfortunately, Tom Brady isn't walking through the door. Gotta step up BS.

Do you even read what people post or as soon as anyone mentions BG you get all defensive. I never piled on BG, I said he was an average QB. Sorry that hurts your feelers. BG had quite the game against NDSU, too bad we never had the chance to see that type of game against a quality team again. I watched Simis and Chalich both have 1 pretty good game playing QB over the last 2 years also. I not once placed blame on BG or excused the play of the OL or receivers. It was a whole lotta of inconsistent, average play, and that includes BG.

Oh, BS. You have been piling on BG for a couple years.
PlayerRep said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
griz5700 said:
griz5700 said:
Those were two crucial drops though, right? I could provide more, but won’t. The second half at NAU comes to mind.

You acknowledge the receivers in 2016 were not "the same type of players”, yet you have no criticism or concern there? Just that BG was average and didn’t make the players around him better? I don't understand that?

Was BG supposed to teach them how to catch the ball, or should he have thrown the ball softer? Given Curran a lot of hugs? Or should he have got in the o-lines face after their hundredth missed block? Would that have given those guys the athleticism or technique to block? Seems like a coach’s job to me.

Stitt sounded like a moron talking about Tom Brady… The Pats entire team is accountable and makes big plays in big moments because of Belichick, not because of Brady’s rah-rah shit.
HelenaHandBasket said:
So you have no criticism of how BG played? And when did I ever say that there are not concerns about the receivers? I completely understand the criticism of the 2016 receiving corp. But even with all the issues on offense, BG was not a bright spot, he was also an issue. The 2015 receiving corp made BG look better than he really was, and I believe 2016 shows more of BG's talent than 2015.

No I have said multiple time he could have played better. But he was far and away the best option at QB for the Griz the last 2 years. And if Stitt didn't inherit BG, his seat would be 10X hotter right now. That's what I find so funny about you guys who bash BG, who the hell else did you want?? It's ridiculous.

BG vs NDSU is something I will never forget. Clutch. HE made the plays. Jones, Henderson, and Roberts looked great because of BG.
The most gutsy performance by a Griz QB ever in Wa-Griz. Hands down.

I won't listen to Griz fans bash a kid from Billings West who showed up big time in a game this program absolutely needed in prime time on ESPN.
You all don't give shit about missed blocks or dropped passes, but are happy to pile on BG for anything.
Brady has an overthrow as he stands in the pocket and gets nailed (which he did repeatedly and takes balls to do), and eGriz says Brady sucks. That is what I define as simple-minded.

Simple minds who never played or understand the game.

Stitt owns a 3-5 record in BSC play. It's all on him.

I think this team surprises everyone in 2017 btw.

I want Stitt to succeed, but it all falls on him. Just the nature of the biz. And it is a brutal biz.

Unfortunately, Tom Brady isn't walking through the door. Gotta step up BS.

Do you even read what people post or as soon as anyone mentions BG you get all defensive. I never piled on BG, I said he was an average QB. Sorry that hurts your feelers. BG had quite the game against NDSU, too bad we never had the chance to see that type of game against a quality team again. I watched Simis and Chalich both have 1 pretty good game playing QB over the last 2 years also. I not once placed blame on BG or excused the play of the OL or receivers. It was a whole lotta of inconsistent, average play, and that includes BG.

Oh, BS. You have been piling on BG for a couple years.

I guess if calling him average and noting areas that he struggles is piling on....guilty. Sorry I hurt your feelers too.

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