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The Donald Humiliated


Well-known member
How else to view this?

--He loses to Joe Biden, a man he called "sleepy," "demented," and a "Washington political hack," by more than five million popular votes.

--He loses to Joe Biden, a man who has been running unsuccessfully for President since 1988.

--He calls Mitt Romney "a loser" and yet Mitt Romney came closer in the popular vote to an incumbent President, Barack Obama, than Trump could come to a 77-year-old man who has been out of office for four years.

--Not only does he lose the same states he flipped in 2016, he loses two traditionally solid red states, Arizona and Georgia.

--He then goes on TV and delivers a torrent of lies and baseless claims of election fraud, demeaning our democracy and disgracing our country in front of the world.

Anderson Cooper's epitaph: "An obese turtle on his back, flailing in the hot sun, realizing his time is over, but he just hasn't accepted it and he wants to take everybody down with him, including this country."

citay said:
How else to view this?

--He loses to Joe Biden, a man he called "sleepy," "demented," and a "Washington political hack," by more than five million popular votes.

--He loses to Joe Biden, a man who has been running unsuccessfully for President since 1988.

--He calls Mitt Romney "a loser" and yet Mitt Romney came closer in the popular vote to an incumbent President, Barack Obama, than Trump could come to a 77-year-old man who has been out of office for four years.

--Not only does he lose the same states he flipped in 2016, he loses two traditionally solid red states, Arizona and Georgia.

--He then goes on TV and delivers a torrent of lies and baseless claims of election fraud, demeaning our democracy and disgracing our country in front of the world.

Anderson Cooper's epitaph: "An obese turtle on his back, flailing in the hot sun, realizing his time is over, but he just hasn't accepted it and he wants to take everybody down with him, including this country."


hold on "City Cowboy"...is there something I'm missing here but most pollsters were wrong and there was No Pelosi/Schumer Blue Wave...
College Electoral needs to certify the elections...many states are being contested so this will end up in the courts...Im reading about computer
clichés in some of the states voting machines and fraudulent mail in ballots ...until these are resolved I think its a little early for your diatribe..
CNN, FOX ,MSNBC do not call elections but States do...did you really think Trump was going to roll over to Social Media and Main Steam
Media because they declare Biden the winner ..Cmon Man!...he has the right to fight back if there was any voting corruption..they owe it
to the American people that every election is fair and corrupt free!.........I think you would agree!.........stay tune!

.Montana overwhelming went for Trump and the Repubs...Montana people knew Joe was a loser!
I'm no "cowboy." That would put me in Wyoming. (Remember, Montana rents Wyoming for picnics).

I'm a Griz!

You're reading about "computer cliches"!

Stop the count!

(Oh, wait a minute. That's Pennsylvania.)

Count the vote!

(Oh, wait a minute. That's Arizona!)

At this point, there's only one ghost to listen to, Cato Butler.

"Cat's in the bag, and the bag's in the river."

Time for Trump on January 20 to "saddle up and ride."

Before the Secret Service evicts him.
grizghost said:
citay said:
How else to view this?

--He loses to Joe Biden, a man he called "sleepy," "demented," and a "Washington political hack," by more than five million popular votes.

--He loses to Joe Biden, a man who has been running unsuccessfully for President since 1988.

--He calls Mitt Romney "a loser" and yet Mitt Romney came closer in the popular vote to an incumbent President, Barack Obama, than Trump could come to a 77-year-old man who has been out of office for four years.

--Not only does he lose the same states he flipped in 2016, he loses two traditionally solid red states, Arizona and Georgia.

--He then goes on TV and delivers a torrent of lies and baseless claims of election fraud, demeaning our democracy and disgracing our country in front of the world.

Anderson Cooper's epitaph: "An obese turtle on his back, flailing in the hot sun, realizing his time is over, but he just hasn't accepted it and he wants to take everybody down with him, including this country."


hold on "City Cowboy"...is there something I'm missing here but most pollsters were wrong and there was No Pelosi/Schumer Blue Wave...
College Electoral needs to certify the elections...many states are being contested so this will end up in the courts...Im reading about computer
clichés in some of the states voting machines and fraudulent mail in ballots ...until these are resolved I think its a little early for your diatribe..
CNN, FOX ,MSNBC do not call elections but States do...did you really think Trump was going to roll over to Social Media and Main Steam
Media because they declare Biden the winner ..Cmon Man!...he has the right to fight back if there was any voting corruption..they owe it
to the American people that every election is fair and corrupt free!.........I think you would agree!.........stay tune!

.Montana overwhelming went for Trump and the Repubs...Montana people knew Joe was a loser!

Time to accept the inevitable there bud. Your Tangerine Ape of an idol sh*t the bed and got decimated in both the popular vote and electoral college. No amount of lawsuits is going to change that. Every voting law expert out there, including the Republican that oversaw Bush's Florida challenge, say these cases are bordering on ludicrous with almost zero chance to succeed. Or do you happen to have some magical evidence of mass voter fraud that no else has been able to produce? Or are you, like your leader, just clinically incapable of losing with grace?

What in the hell is a "computer cliche"? :lol: I suggest you use a dictionary before using words you clearly don't understand.

Trumpians have a truly remarkable ability to ignore truth and reality even when it's bitch slapping them in the face. It's almost like some sort of retarded super power.

The harsh reality is the rest of the country doesn't care what Montanans' perspectives on national politics are. We're almost totally irrelevant. Beyond our measly population numbers, we live in a sheltered rural cultural environment with practically zero diversity that simply doesn't reflect the daily experience of most Americans.
...montana just elected to represent them...
...three out of state millionaire carpetbaggers...
...montana ballot should have supplement i q test...

... :shock: ...
gotgame75 said:
The harsh reality is the rest of the country doesn't care what Montanans' perspectives on national politics are. We're almost totally irrelevant. Beyond our measly population numbers, we live in a sheltered rural cultural environment with practically zero diversity that simply doesn't reflect the daily experience of most Americans.


Lets not forget the balmy weather.
Humiliate Trump...Are you serious? Have you seen all the BS this man has been thru? I don't think it is possible to humiliate him...
gotgame75 said:
grizghost said:
hold on "City Cowboy"...is there something I'm missing here but most pollsters were wrong and there was No Pelosi/Schumer Blue Wave...
College Electoral needs to certify the elections...many states are being contested so this will end up in the courts...Im reading about computer
clichés in some of the states voting machines and fraudulent mail in ballots ...until these are resolved I think its a little early for your diatribe..
CNN, FOX ,MSNBC do not call elections but States do...did you really think Trump was going to roll over to Social Media and Main Steam
Media because they declare Biden the winner ..Cmon Man!...he has the right to fight back if there was any voting corruption..they owe it
to the American people that every election is fair and corrupt free!.........I think you would agree!.........stay tune!

.Montana overwhelming went for Trump and the Repubs...Montana people knew Joe was a loser!

Time to accept the inevitable there bud. Your Tangerine Ape of an idol sh*t the bed and got decimated in both the popular vote and electoral college. No amount of lawsuits is going to change that. Every voting law expert out there, including the Republican that oversaw Bush's Florida challenge, say these cases are bordering on ludicrous with almost zero chance to succeed. Or do you happen to have some magical evidence of mass voter fraud that no else has been able to produce? Or are you, like your leader, just clinically incapable of losing with grace?

What in the hell is a "computer cliche"? :lol: I suggest you use a dictionary before using words you clearly don't understand.

Trumpians have a truly remarkable ability to ignore truth and reality even when it's bitch slapping them in the face. It's almost like some sort of retarded super power.

The harsh reality is the rest of the country doesn't care what Montanans' perspectives on national politics are. We're almost totally irrelevant. Beyond our measly population numbers, we live in a sheltered rural cultural environment with practically zero diversity that simply doesn't reflect the daily experience of most Americans.

...listen Bud the constitution lays out the process of being ELECTED not your CNN...there are voting discrepancies in some of the swing
states that should and need to be recounted " got it " all these swing states are run by Democrats...you didn't have a Pelosi Schumer
Schiff Biden Blue Wave btw...Trump should fight tooth and nail in the court system to assure that he and voters were treated fairly and
that constitutional laws were followed in the election process...proud to be in Montana!
reinell30 said:
Humiliate Trump...Are you serious? Have you seen all the BS this man has been thru? I don't think it is possible to humiliate him...

You know, Trump is really a tragic figure. Even from somebody who doesn't like him or agree with his policies, I fully recognize his greatness as a politician--and his ability to command the media.

And media are so important. Hitler had Leni Riefenstahl, the great early filmmaker. John Kennedy mastered TV well ahead of Richard Nixon. Like Clinton and Obama before him, Trump is a commanding public speaker. But most significantly, Trump made full use of Twitter when others said it wasn't "Presidential." Wasn't presidential? Twitter is the way we communicate today! Even doctors use it. Why not politicians? In this, Trump leapfrogged the crusty old political establishment.

So why tragic? Because he completely screwed up the response to the pandemic. If he'd handled it properly--acknowledged it early on, warned the American people, listened to the scientists--his popularity today would be north of 80%. He'd have won in a cakewalk.

But he had a tragic character flaw: Hubris. He was so accustomed all his life to having everything his way, that he thought he could have his way with the pandemic. Talk it down. Belittle people who wore masks. Replace a respected epidemiologist in Fauci with a radiologist (!) from Fox News who didn't know what the hell he was talking about. Make it go away. Bend it to his will.

And of course, he couldn't. In the end, he was humiliated. By the one foe he couldn't beat.

The pandemic.
grizghost said:
...listen Bud the constitution lays out the process of being ELECTED not your CNN...there are voting discrepancies in some of the swing
states that should and need to be recounted " got it " all these swing states are run by Democrats...

Could you give specific, proven examples of these voting discrepancies?
grizindabox said:
grizghost said:
...listen Bud the constitution lays out the process of being ELECTED not your CNN...there are voting discrepancies in some of the swing
states that should and need to be recounted " got it " all these swing states are run by Democrats...

Could you give specific, proven examples of these voting discrepancies?

....they will be coming out shortly..we give AL Gore 37 days to prove his case and re-count now you want to crown Joe the king...
if Joe won after these cases coming to court than so be it...and than the Electoral College can certify the votes...after
he is inaugurated the Senate can proceed with impeachment hearing over the Ukraine remarks like they did to Trump's
phone call...after that DOJ/FBI can get a SC and look into his ties to China like the Mueller Council did to Trump on Russia...
.sounds pretty fair considering what they did to Orange Man. his first couple years...

and I pray to God Trump Intelligent Agencies is spying on Biden's transition team and maybe bring false charges on one
of his potential cabinet picks like they did General Flynn... Joe will be done before even starts.. matter of fact Joe is done!

...boys what goes around comes around!...have a good one!
grizghost said:
grizindabox said:
Could you give specific, proven examples of these voting discrepancies?

....they will be coming out shortly..we give AL Gore 37 days to prove his case and re-count now you want to crown Joe the king...
if Joe won after these cases coming to court than so be it...and than the Electoral College can certify the votes...after
he is inaugurated the Senate can proceed with impeachment hearing over the Ukraine remarks like they did to Trump's
phone call...after that DOJ/FBI can get a SC and look into his ties to China like the Mueller Council did to Trump on Russia...
.sounds pretty fair considering what they did to Orange Man. his first couple years...

and I pray to God Trump Intelligent Agencies is spying on Biden's transition team and maybe bring false charges on one
of his potential cabinet picks like they did General Flynn... Joe will be done before even starts.. matter of fact Joe is done!

...boys what goes around comes around!...have a good one!

So nothing.
grizindabox said:
grizghost said:
....they will be coming out shortly..we give AL Gore 37 days to prove his case and re-count now you want to crown Joe the king...
if Joe won after these cases coming to court than so be it...and than the Electoral College can certify the votes...after
he is inaugurated the Senate can proceed with impeachment hearing over the Ukraine remarks like they did to Trump's
phone call...after that DOJ/FBI can get a SC and look into his ties to China like the Mueller Council did to Trump on Russia...
.sounds pretty fair considering what they did to Orange Man. his first couple years...

and I pray to God Trump Intelligent Agencies is spying on Biden's transition team and maybe bring false charges on one
of his potential cabinet picks like they did General Flynn... Joe will be done before even starts.. matter of fact Joe is done!

...boys what goes around comes around!...have a good one!

So nothing.

Yes nothing again. Actually the intelligence agencies were tapping Russian ambassador Kislyak’s phone when Flynn serendipitously called him 5 different times while Obama was still potus. He was directed by Trump to make the calls, then he took the fall and is staying quiet until his pardon. So there’s that. Discuss grizghost?
Jesse said:
grizindabox said:
So nothing.

Yes nothing again. Actually the intelligence agencies were tapping Russian ambassador Kislyak’s phone when Flynn serendipitously called him 5 different times while Obama was still potus. He was directed by Trump to make the calls, then he took the fall and is staying quiet until his pardon. So there’s that. Discuss grizghost?

..oh really... you got it figure out what Comey Brennan and the FBI boys were up too...why don't you explain the Clinton's, Epstein Island,
Hunter Biden dealings with China, Brisma...why your at it!...listen you boy Joe is done before he gets started...its over the Dems are going
to throw him overboard..the guy is full of sh*t baggage...47 years worth!

...the cases of election fraud are building and the ducks are being line up...no reason to discuss because it will all come out! ..and yes
there were 'glitches' in the voting machines that were flipping votes to Biden... yes this will have to be proven in a court of law..so lets see
how it pans out but something suspicious was going on in some of the swing states...let the analytical data guy's explain and prove...
supposedly Barr and the DOJ are looking into it...but if we want the voting to be honest, fair and legal serious allegations need to be
looked at...I think we owe it to the 71 million Trump voters to make sure their vote was fair and honest..I think you all would agree!
grizghost said:
Jesse said:
Yes nothing again. Actually the intelligence agencies were tapping Russian ambassador Kislyak’s phone when Flynn serendipitously called him 5 different times while Obama was still potus. He was directed by Trump to make the calls, then he took the fall and is staying quiet until his pardon. So there’s that. Discuss grizghost?

..oh really... you got it figure out what Comey Brennan and the FBI boys were up too...why don't you explain the Clinton's, Epstein Island,
Hunter Biden dealings with China, Brisma...why your at it!...listen you boy Joe is done before he gets started...its over the Dems are going
to throw him overboard..the guy is full of sh*t baggage...47 years worth!

...the cases of election fraud are building and the ducks are being line up...no reason to discuss because it will all come out! ..and yes
there were 'glitches' in the voting machines that were flipping votes to Biden... yes this will have to be proven in a court of law..so lets see
how it pans out but something suspicious was going on in some of the swing states...let the analytical data guy's explain and prove...
supposedly Barr and the DOJ are looking into it...but if we want the voting to be honest, fair and legal serious allegations need to be
looked at...I think we owe it to the 71 million Trump voters to make sure their vote was fair and honest..I think you all would agree!

I am still waiting for any credible proof it wasn't fair and honest. Sounds like a witch hunt to me. I guess it takes longer than a week to find widespread cheating.
grizindabox said:
grizghost said:
..oh really... you got it figure out what Comey Brennan and the FBI boys were up too...why don't you explain the Clinton's, Epstein Island,
Hunter Biden dealings with China, Brisma...why your at it!...listen you boy Joe is done before he gets started...its over the Dems are going
to throw him overboard..the guy is full of sh*t baggage...47 years worth!

...the cases of election fraud are building and the ducks are being line up...no reason to discuss because it will all come out! ..and yes
there were 'glitches' in the voting machines that were flipping votes to Biden... yes this will have to be proven in a court of law..so lets see
how it pans out but something suspicious was going on in some of the swing states...let the analytical data guy's explain and prove...
supposedly Barr and the DOJ are looking into it...but if we want the voting to be honest, fair and legal serious allegations need to be
looked at...I think we owe it to the 71 million Trump voters to make sure their vote was fair and honest..I think you all would agree!

I am still waiting for any credible proof it wasn't fair and honest. Sounds like a witch hunt to me. I guess it takes longer than a week to find widespread cheating.

....you are laughable we watch for almost 4 years the Democrats witch hunt with fake dossiers and other bogus complaints
that Jerry Nadler and Schiff storm up in back rooms to destroy Trump...if I were Trump I bring down the house and DE_CLASSIFLY
everything that the government has been up too...yeah Obama told us he would bring transparency ( what a joke! )...so bring it
on Trump!

but really and all of sudden Trump is expected to concede and say the election were fair and honest...Cmon man! ..maybe the
Russians tweak the machines like the did last election and let Hillary lose! ..matter of fact its got to the Russians!
grizghost said:
grizindabox said:
I am still waiting for any credible proof it wasn't fair and honest. Sounds like a witch hunt to me. I guess it takes longer than a week to find widespread cheating.

....you are laughable we watch for almost 4 years the Democrats witch hunt with fake dossiers and other bogus complaints
that Jerry Nadler and Schiff storm up in back rooms to destroy Trump...if I were Trump I bring down the house and DE_CLASSIFLY
everything that the government has been up too...yeah Obama told us he would bring transparency ( what a joke! )...so bring it
on Trump!

but really and all of sudden Trump is expected to concede and say the election were fair and honest...Cmon man! ..maybe the
Russians tweak the machines like the did last election and let Hillary lose! ..matter of fact its got to the Russians!

I guess you weren't smart enough to pick up on the "witch hunt" sarcasm. But once again I will ask, is there any credible evidence that the election was not "fair and honest"?
grizindabox said:
grizghost said:
....you are laughable we watch for almost 4 years the Democrats witch hunt with fake dossiers and other bogus complaints
that Jerry Nadler and Schiff storm up in back rooms to destroy Trump...if I were Trump I bring down the house and DE_CLASSIFLY
everything that the government has been up too...yeah Obama told us he would bring transparency ( what a joke! )...so bring it
on Trump!

but really and all of sudden Trump is expected to concede and say the election were fair and honest...Cmon man! ..maybe the
Russians tweak the machines like the did last election and let Hillary lose! ..matter of fact its got to the Russians!

I guess you weren't smart enough to pick up on the "witch hunt" sarcasm. But once again I will ask, is there any credible evidence that the election was not "fair and honest"?

...sorry about that :cry: ...I have read somethings that sound disturbing but until the DOJ or some other liable agencies I don't really
now what to think...but there are questions that need to be answered especially from the cities count..I think this is going
to take some time to sort out but it needs to be done for future elections.... so people can have confidence in the system!
..I'm thinking the courts will take a look and than to the Supreme Court for final ruling...best guess!
grizghost said:
grizindabox said:
I guess you weren't smart enough to pick up on the "witch hunt" sarcasm. But once again I will ask, is there any credible evidence that the election was not "fair and honest"?

...sorry about that :cry: ...I have read somethings that sound disturbing but until the DOJ or some other liable agencies I don't really
now what to think...but there are questions that need to be answered especially from the cities count..I think this is going
to take some time to sort out but it needs to be done for future elections.... so people can have confidence in the system!
..I'm thinking the courts will take a look and than to the Supreme Court for final ruling...best guess!


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