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State of the Union Drinking game

ursusmissoulus said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Probably much like if when Clinton lied and there was a majority of Dems in Congress there might not have been the impeachment.
I think that's "impeachment process" you mean. Which is a good reminder to us all to make sure you do your laundry promptly, double wash to get out those difficult stains (DNA).

Ah yes, thank you for the correction, and the words of advice. :)
Wiretapping huh? You mean like Bobby Kennedy did to MLK to discredit the black guy that was making head way with his civil rights movement?

Like both the Republican/Democrat party's wiretapping each other to get information to discredit the other party for their own political gain. (Watergate).

This is a whole different thing and the democrats know it, it is just the only thing thing they can glam onto to try and discredit a fairly respectable President Bush.

I have respect for the office of President of the United States. No matter who is in there I will respect it, some are harder to deal with IMO but they are still leading my country. The level of venom from both sides is sickening and I wish we could get rid of each and every one of them and start over.

Except Bush. He can stay as long as he wants to if he quits spending, cuts more taxes and drops the Patriot Act.

The problem is that a lot of issues have been black-white, whith very little gray. With as many "issues" as there are in this country, you would think that there would be more agreement between the two parties. However, because of "competitive politics" and "campaigning" there is less cooperation between them anymore. I remember Sen. Baucus was named a traitor and was ridiculed (ferociously by Kennedy by the way) by the Democratic party for supporting Bush's tax cuts. McCain has received the same type of grief for supporting liberal environmental issues such as global warming. Politicians standing weakens for standing up for something that their party doesen't represent, and that is wrong. I listened to a speech by a former Democrat Congressman from Texas who talked about this very thing in regards to Social Security, which should be a bipartisan issue, but is instead used as political bait. All of our leaders know that it won't survive unless privatization occurs, but many democrats won't buy into it because it was a conservative's idea. Similar things happen on other issues that shouldn't be bias issues, on the fault of both parties. I wish that our leaders would realize this and get stuff done, and get rid of Kennedy of course.
Kennedy is the single biggest problem this country faces.

If he had any class and respect for this country he would step down and use his many talents in other areas such as:

Ship Captain
Wine Tester
Scotch Tester
Swimming Instructor
Scuba Coach
Spokesperson for National DWI campaign
Counselor for Parents that have lost children

:party: :drinking: :drinking: :drinking: :party:
polsongrizz said:
Grizo406 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Alpha, just wondering, she's a b---h because she's upset her son got killed in Iraq and now she wants the troops home? How is that?

No one ask me, but I'm going to chime in anyway.

I don't think she's a bitch because her son was killed in Iraq, and wants the troops home. I think she's beyond bitch status because of her timing. Where was her "Against The War Manifesto", and Bush before her son tragically died? That, to me, speaks volumes.

War is a Mother F'er, and the ugliest thing ever, and it took her son's death for her to get the picture? Puh-leeze...this gal's got Jane Fonda written all over her dumb ass.

I am going to bet she was always there bud. But she was a nobody until her son was killed and now the media is rolling with it. F**k them. And she is right.

I always like your post but you are wrong on this one. Ms. Sheehan is a stupid bitch who is trying to undermine the war effort because she never liked conservative politics in the first place. Ask yourself this. Would she be doing what she's doing if there was a Democrat in office? I'll bet not. I hope she burns in hell or is put on trial and shot as a traitor. Along with John Murtha. Its one thing to protest but its another to undermine the efforts of the military in the middle of a conflict and try to affect troop moral which will only result in more deaths. Where were all of these protester when Clinton was waging his wars and bombing missions? Oh thats OK because a liberal was doing it.

I always think it's funny that the military is good enough for there children when it comes to getting the college money they offer but when they have to go out and do the hard work of the nation they whine like little liberal stooges. The military is not a fund raiser for college kids thats only a benefit if you survive.
You know the sick thing about the Kennedy's? Is the fact that his son is going to take his place when Teddy goes south of heaven. Yuck just a never ending string of these monsters.
I suppose the bigger question Savage is, would we still be fighting a war in Iraq and not offering any plan to withdraw troops if a Democrat were in office? Probably not.
Re/MaxGriz said:
I suppose the bigger question Savage is, would we still be fighting a war in Iraq and not offering any plan to withdraw troops if a Democrat were in office? Probably not.

Possibly. And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.
Wiretapping huh? You mean like Bobby Kennedy did to MLK to discredit the black guy that was making head way with his civil rights movement?

Like both the Republican/Democrat party's wiretapping each other to get information to discredit the other party for their own political gain. (Watergate).

This is a whole different thing and the democrats know it, it is just the only thing thing they can glam onto to try and discredit a fairly respectable President Bush.

I have respect for the office of President of the United States. No matter who is in there I will respect it, some are harder to deal with IMO but they are still leading my country. The level of venom from both sides is sickening and I wish we could get rid of each and every one of them and start over.

Except Bush. He can stay as long as he wants to if he quits spending, cuts more taxes and drops the Patriot Act.


But I'm not saying that I support previous times either. Wiretapping is legal with a warrant. Bush/NSA didn't get a warrant, but wiretapped phone calls. It's illegal.
Re/MaxGriz said:
I suppose the bigger question Savage is, would we still be fighting a war in Iraq and not offering any plan to withdraw troops if a Democrat were in office? Probably not.

No we wouldn't. The democrats for years have not wanted what is best for our country and go out of their way to NOT defend it.

So you are correct Re/Max.
Re/MaxGriz said:
I suppose the bigger question Savage is, would we still be fighting a war in Iraq and not offering any plan to withdraw troops if a Democrat were in office? Probably not.

Show me Clinton's troop withdrawl plan Re/Max. Oh I guess you can't since he NEVER had one. :loser:
Re/MaxGriz said:
I suppose the bigger question Savage is, would we still be fighting a war in Iraq and not offering any plan to withdraw troops if a Democrat were in office? Probably not.

I think an even bigger question is would Sheehan be doing what she is doing if her son was killed in Afganstan? I bet she would. That war according to the democrats is the "good" war. I think whats really bothering her is the fact that someone she hates (a conservative) ordered her son to his death. If it was slick Willey I don't think she would be saying a word. Because she would have agreed with him before hand.
Re/MaxGriz said:
Wiretapping huh? You mean like Bobby Kennedy did to MLK to discredit the black guy that was making head way with his civil rights movement?

Like both the Republican/Democrat party's wiretapping each other to get information to discredit the other party for their own political gain. (Watergate).

This is a whole different thing and the democrats know it, it is just the only thing thing they can glam onto to try and discredit a fairly respectable President Bush.

I have respect for the office of President of the United States. No matter who is in there I will respect it, some are harder to deal with IMO but they are still leading my country. The level of venom from both sides is sickening and I wish we could get rid of each and every one of them and start over.

Except Bush. He can stay as long as he wants to if he quits spending, cuts more taxes and drops the Patriot Act.


But I'm not saying that I support previous times either. Wiretapping is legal with a warrant. Bush/NSA didn't get a warrant, but wiretapped phone calls. It's illegal.

So did Clinton when asked about the matter and so did Roosevelt during WWII. Two icons of your party.
Re/MaxGriz said:
I suppose the bigger question Savage is, would we still be fighting a war in Iraq and not offering any plan to withdraw troops if a Democrat were in office? Probably not.

No we wouldn't. The democrats for years have not wanted what is best for our country and go out of their way to NOT defend it.

So you are correct Re/Max.

I guess we'll agree to disagree there Alpha.
Re/MaxGriz said:
I suppose the bigger question Savage is, would we still be fighting a war in Iraq and not offering any plan to withdraw troops if a Democrat were in office? Probably not.

No we wouldn't. The democrats for years have not wanted what is best for our country and go out of their way to NOT defend it.

So you are correct Re/Max.

So you are saying a war with a foreign power is what is best for this country? A lot of us believe prosperity, individual freedom, and peace are what is best for this country. We had all three six years ago and where are they now. We are at war, the dollar is down, our economy has been in the toilet for a while, wiretapping without judicial involvement in now "Legal", and we have a President who in a cabinet meeting referred to the Constitution as just "a goddamned piece of paper". While I don't agree with Bush, I do believe in democracy. So the country wanted a Republican Legislature and a Republican Executive. What do Conservatives have to complain about, you are running the show. Clinton had to contend with a Conservative Congress. Bush can't get his agenda through the Congress because too many Republicans are jumping ship. Don't blame the liberals when you're party is in control 100%. As a side not, a GOP congress member's wife was also thrown out of the State of the Union for wearing a T-shirt that read "Support the Troops - Defending our Freedom". They didn't allow anything about the war to be visible, pro or against.
drewklein1 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
I suppose the bigger question Savage is, would we still be fighting a war in Iraq and not offering any plan to withdraw troops if a Democrat were in office? Probably not.

No we wouldn't. The democrats for years have not wanted what is best for our country and go out of their way to NOT defend it.

So you are correct Re/Max.

So you are saying a war with a foreign power is what is best for this country? A lot of us believe prosperity, individual freedom, and peace are what is best for this country. We had all three six years ago and where are they now. We are at war, the dollar is down, our economy has been in the toilet for a while, wiretapping without judicial involvement in now "Legal", and we have a President who in a cabinet meeting referred to the Constitution as just "a goddamned piece of paper". While I don't agree with Bush, I do believe in democracy. So the country wanted a Republican Legislature and a Republican Executive. What do Conservatives have to complain about, you are running the show. Clinton had to contend with a Conservative Congress. Bush can't get his agenda through the Congress because too many Republicans are jumping ship. Don't blame the liberals when you're party is in control 100%. As a side not, a GOP congress member's wife was also thrown out of the State of the Union for wearing a T-shirt that read "Support the Troops - Defending our Freedom". They didn't allow anything about the war to be visible, pro or against.

Drew in case you don't remember we the United States of America were attacked on 9-11 we lost 3000 people. You say we had peace, prosperity and individual freedom, and I will give you that, but things changed on 9-11.

War is never a good thing, but sometimes it is the right solution to a problem. The only problem I have with the war is we are not being vicious enough with our military. We can go back and forth all night about who is right and wrong, left/Right but I cannot agree with not taking out dictators and terroists that harbor them. This is what we are doing and it would be alot easier if the left would get on board and help instead of impede. We should have carte blanc when it comes to protecting our country and the left hinders that.

I don't care about the WMD's, the supposed lies, or any other excuse people drum up. We are there we need to finish and we need to stay in Iraq until No Korea shuts there nuclear program down. Iraq is a very strategic location when it comes to dealing with whoever is next. That is the reason we are there and not somewhere else in my opinion.

I don't like a few things about the Bush administration like the spending and the Patriot Act, but if that is all I ahve to worry about it is the lesser of the two evils.

Real Men Prefer Bush.
Events like 9/11, Hurican Katrina, consumers, and other non-controllable events also have a huge effect on the economy, no matter who is in charge. Also remember, that many democrats voted for the war. The difference is they get to change their stance and call it a "mistake" when things have gone rougher than expected. Not saying it hasen't happend the other way around on other issues, but it's something to keep in mind.
A couple points on the situation in Iraq.

The first dust up, you all I am sure will recall, was precipitated by an Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait. The response, UN supported, resulted in a severe ass kicking of Iraqi forces in Kuwait and a hammering of their chicken sh$t butts on the run back into their hole. Iraq's actions led to UN sanctions against them in the ensueing years. One of the many was 2 "no fly" zones. The regime or whoever elected to take potshots at the brave airmen who enforced this UN mandated restriction. Well these airmen weren't French or German or Russian etc. Guess who cowboyed up and did the duty? Us and the Brits. The Iraqis were shooting at us. That, in and of itself, is plenty enough reason for an ass kicking. As far as our troops being there on the ground, pretty damn benevolent. We maybe should have just pounded them into the sand from the air. Too harsh for some to stomach though. What other options were there?

Don't get me started. :twocents:
RE/MAX... people like you drive me to drink... :drinking:

You seem like a rather likeable guy and maybe someday I'll actually meet you in person. Please answer this for me:

Where in the hell were all of the dems that are presently screaming about Bush's terrorists surveillance program when the Clinton's were caught with FBI files on U.S. Citizens in the White House? Huh?

The hyprocrisy is unbelievable. As awkward and bumbling as Bush sometimes appears.... I'd want him protecting me and my family OVER ANY SINGLE DEMOCRAT ALIVE! :loser:

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