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State of the Union Drinking game


Well-known member
Short notice, sorry.

Warning, use light beer, this game will get you drunk.

While watching the state of the union tonight follow these rules;

- Shotgun 1 beer for everytime Bush mentions "partisan politics"

- Take a drink everytime there is a camera shot of Laura Bush. Take two drinks if Mrs Alito is sitting next to her.

- Take a drink everytime the Democrats don't stand up when Bush makes a point that recieves an ovation. Take two drinks if there is a shot of a Dem shaking his head during that ovation.

- Take a long drink for every camera shot of a Samuel Alito, John Kerry, Bill Frist, John Roberts, Hillary Clinton or Ted Kennedy. (add Cindy Shehan, just read that she'll be there too.)

- Take a drink everytime Bush looks around the room with a condecending smirk on his face.

- Take a small drink everytime these words are mentioned;

It's not that, I vote Democrat, I just built a game up based upon what I expected this evening.
Swilly3224 said:
Then take a drink if you dont like democrats

I'm on my 6th one Swilly.

That Sheehan bit*ch got arested and throw out tonight. Hope she didn't fall down a few flights of stairs on her way out.

Bush Rocks.
While I don't like the job Bush is doing, Sheehans approach is all wrong. I understand her grief, but to get arrested for wearing an anti-war t-shirt, how is that going to help her cause?

I can think of many other ways that might work.

Alpha, just wondering, she's a b---h because she's upset her son got killed in Iraq and now she wants the troops home? How is that?
Re/MaxGriz said:
Alpha, just wondering, she's a b---h because she's upset her son got killed in Iraq and now she wants the troops home? How is that?

No one ask me, but I'm going to chime in anyway.

I don't think she's a bitch because her son was killed in Iraq, and wants the troops home. I think she's beyond bitch status because of her timing. Where was her "Against The War Manifesto", and Bush before her son tragically died? That, to me, speaks volumes.

War is a Mother F'er, and the ugliest thing ever, and it took her son's death for her to get the picture? Puh-leeze...this gal's got Jane Fonda written all over her dumb ass.
Grizo406 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Alpha, just wondering, she's a b---h because she's upset her son got killed in Iraq and now she wants the troops home? How is that?

No one ask me, but I'm going to chime in anyway.

I don't think she's a bitch because her son was killed in Iraq, and wants the troops home. I think she's beyond bitch status because of her timing. Where was her "Against The War Manifesto", and Bush before her son tragically died? That, to me, speaks volumes.

War is a Mother F'er, and the ugliest thing ever, and it took her son's death for her to get the picture? Puh-leeze...this gal's got Jane Fonda written all over her dumb ass.

I am going to bet she was always there bud. But she was a nobody until her son was killed and now the media is rolling with it. F**k them. And she is right.
I will admit her timing was/is rather advantageous. I've wondered myself why we didn't hear from her before her son was killed.
She is nothing more than a tool for political purposes.

I have no problem with someone protesting the war it's your right as an American to have the choice to do so. She is nothing but a pawn to the DNP and she isn't even smart enough to know it. I would have no problem with her trying to be on tv all the time and join in on the hate GWB rally, IF the media would show some PRO WAR footage to even out the sick dispicable bullshit I have to wade through everytime I turn on the news.

The media and the DNP hate this country and want us to fail so they can say "I told you so".

Anyone that thinks the media isn't biased didn't watch the guy I saw get his head kicked in by 4-5 cops in California on Monday. He got worked way harder than Rodney King ever dreamed of, still there is a reason he isn't all over the news and most of you never will hear about it.
She is nothing more than a tool for political purposes.

I have no problem with someone protesting the war it's your right as an American to have the choice to do so. She is nothing but a pawn to the DNP and she isn't even smart enough to know it. I would have no problem with her trying to be on tv all the time and join in on the hate GWB rally, IF the media would show some PRO WAR footage to even out the sick dispicable bullshit I have to wade through everytime I turn on the news.

The media and the DNP hate this country and want us to fail so they can say "I told you so".

Anyone that thinks the media isn't biased didn't watch the guy I saw get his head kicked in by 4-5 cops in California on Monday. He got worked way harder than Rodney King ever dreamed of, still there is a reason he isn't all over the news and most of you never will hear about it.

I agree with your post 100% Alpha. Sheehan is a tool for a group called Codepink, which is another liberal group that wants to tell everyone how to live their life. The only thing good about them in my opinion is their dislike of the bitch Hillary.
I'm dissapointed in the Democrats. Bush reached out to them for congress to take on our country's problems with an unbias apporach and to work together. Since then the democrats have done nothing but put him down. We will never move forward as a country as long as politics are this competitive. I don't think I've ever heard Ted Kennedy :party: say anything about an issue without taking a shot at a republican. Hopefully our elected officials will take Bush's advice of starting to work together. We need unity.

Vote McCain "08"
HighLineGRIZ said:
I'm dissapointed in the Democrats. Bush reached out to them for congress to take on our country's problems with an unbias apporach and to work together. Since then the democrats have done nothing but put him down. We will never move forward as a country as long as politics are this competitive. I don't think I've ever heard Ted Kennedy :party: say anything about an issue without taking a shot at a republican. Hopefully our elected officials will take Bush's advice of starting to work together. We need unity.

Vote McCain "08"

And Kennedy has a dog named "Splash" of all things. :lame:
HighLineGRIZ said:
I'm dissapointed in the Democrats. Bush reached out to them for congress to take on our country's problems with an unbias apporach and to work together. Since then the democrats have done nothing but put him down. We will never move forward as a country as long as politics are this competitive. I don't think I've ever heard Ted Kennedy :party: say anything about an issue without taking a shot at a republican. Hopefully our elected officials will take Bush's advice of starting to work together. We need unity.

Vote McCain "08"

But that's what party affiliation is, issues. Most democrats disagree with most republicans on many issues. The Dems stand for something, and the GOP something else. Many cross over, but there are some issues they differ on. That individual was elected to represent the issues he/she defends and believes in, he/she is just doing their job.

Its funny Republicans blame partisan politics on things "not getting done." Republicans control the executive branch and the congress, some would argue they control the supreme court too. If the republican party wanted a bill passed they could simply vote along party lines and it would go through.

But I do like McCain as a presidential hopeful, theres somethings I disagree with him on, but I think he would bring a lot more cooperation to the white house, and he'd probably not break the law either :wink:
HighLineGRIZ said:
Bush reached out to them for congress to take on our country's problems with an unbias apporach and to work together. Since then the democrats have done nothing but put him down. We will never move forward as a country as long as politics are this competitive. I don't think I've ever heard Ted Kennedy :party: say anything about an issue without taking a shot at a republican. Hopefully our elected officials will take Bush's advice of starting to work together. We need unity.

First off, Kennedy is exhibit #1 on the need for campaign finance reform. Once these ass holes get into power, it's just too damn hard to root them out. The advantages of incumbency are too intense. If guys like him didn't have such severe advantages over their competitors, they would be bounced in a hurry. The Republicans aren't any better on this front, either. They talk a good game about "competition" being good for the economy but the last thing any of the pricks in D.C. want is real competition for their seats. Bastards.

Second, to be fair Bush's version of bi-partisanship is "his way or the highway". He talks a good bi-partisan game but he really doesn't mean it. If a Democrat wants to sign on to one of his pet projects - like the insane Medicare drug benefit plan or the education plan that Kennedy helped out with - then he'll welcome them into the fold but compromise is just not part of his makeup.

Bush needs to be careful - he's starting to alienate the fiscal conservative wing of his party. When you strip the SOU speach down to it's core, he wants more spending on a lot of stuff and more tax cuts on a lot of other stuff. How large of a debt load will Bush pass on when he leaves office? How much of that debt are we comfortable with Communist China owning?

Republicans borrow and spend. Democrats tax and spend. Both paths are insane. What is a fiscal conservative to do? Hold out hope for McCain, I guess.
Re/MaxGriz said:
HighLineGRIZ said:
I'm dissapointed in the Democrats. Bush reached out to them for congress to take on our country's problems with an unbias apporach and to work together. Since then the democrats have done nothing but put him down. We will never move forward as a country as long as politics are this competitive. I don't think I've ever heard Ted Kennedy :party: say anything about an issue without taking a shot at a republican. Hopefully our elected officials will take Bush's advice of starting to work together. We need unity.

Vote McCain "08"

But that's what party affiliation is, issues. Most democrats disagree with most republicans on many issues. The Dems stand for something, and the GOP something else. Many cross over, but there are some issues they differ on. That individual was elected to represent the issues he/she defends and believes in, he/she is just doing their job.

Its funny Republicans blame partisan politics on things "not getting done." Republicans control the executive branch and the congress, some would argue they control the supreme court too. If the republican party wanted a bill passed they could simply vote along party lines and it would go through.

But I do like McCain as a presidential hopeful, theres somethings I disagree with him on, but I think he would bring a lot more cooperation to the white house, and he'd probably not break the law either :wink:


With all due respect, how could any democrat use the word "legal" when you have the Clintons????? :naughty:
Good point, notice I didn't say they were flawless. However this whole wiretapping thing has me upset, what Bush ordered was illegal. Get a warrant, it's that simple, and he (and his staff) didn't want to do that. It's illegal.

Problem is (IMO) with a GOP congress and a GOP Supreme Court this will blow over, and be forgotten. Probably much like if when Clinton lied and there was a majority of Dems in Congress there might not have been the impeachment.
Re/MaxGriz said:
Probably much like if when Clinton lied and there was a majority of Dems in Congress there might not have been the impeachment.
I think that's "impeachment process" you mean. Which is a good reminder to us all to make sure you do your laundry promptly, double wash to get out those difficult stains (DNA).
Re/MaxGriz said:
Good point, notice I didn't say they were flawless. However this whole wiretapping thing has me upset, what Bush ordered was illegal. Get a warrant, it's that simple, and he (and his staff) didn't want to do that. It's illegal.

Problem is (IMO) with a GOP congress and a GOP Supreme Court this will blow over, and be forgotten. Probably much like if when Clinton lied and there was a majority of Dems in Congress there might not have been the impeachment.


Are you trying to actually make me believe the dems wouldn't be all over this if they thought there was a chance in hell this is illegal. I know you are a young guy so maybe you don't realize your dem friends have used the exact same thing Bush is accused of doing. It is all politics as usual. POLI= Many Tics= Blood sucking creatures

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