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Keep Politics Out of Sports


New member
Sport is not a political platform. It's a character building activity for the kids who play the game. Coach DeCuire lose those basketball jerseys. They are a distraction and divisive. Shame on you for destroying the purity of sport. It's a game. Lead by example. If you want to express your political "solidarity" do so off campus. Encourage your players to exercise their right to free speech elsewhere. This is college, not the NBA.
CampMissoula said:
Sport is not a political platform. It's a character building activity for the kids who play the game. Coach DeCuire lose those basketball jerseys. They are a distraction and divisive. Shame on you for destroying the purity of sport. It's a game. Lead by example. If you want to express your political "solidarity" do so off campus. Encourage your players to exercise their right to free speech elsewhere. This is college, not the NBA.

This post is a giant pile of horseshit.
Did a little digging. I hadn't heard of this, and I haven't watched Griz basketball.
From https://www.montanasports.com/sports/big-sky-conference/montana-grizzlies/montana-grizzlies-encourage-solidarity-with-jersey-message, by Kyle Hansen.
Through their eight games so far this season, the Griz have sported the word "solidarity" on the backs of their game jerseys as a way to keep the conversation going about racial inclusion and equality after protests over the summer surrounding the death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, solidarity is defined as "unity (as a group or class) that produces or is based on a community of interests, objectives, and standards."

I couldn't believe this shit. Where the hell was Haslam when this was going on? Why didn't he put a stop to this? TDC is using the good name of the University of Montana Grizzlies to side with this rabble? Lets look at George Floyd:
"Between 1997 and 2005, he was convicted of eight crimes. He served four years in prison after accepting a plea bargain for a 2007 aggravated robbery in a home invasion."(wiki) " Floyd continued to battle drug addiction and went through periods of use and sobriety."
"In May 2019, Floyd was detained by Minneapolis police when an unlicensed car he was a passenger in was pulled over in a traffic stop. Floyd was found with a bottle of pain pills. Officers handcuffed Floyd and took him to the city's third police precinct station. Floyd told police he did not sell the pills and that they were related to his own addiction. When Floyd appeared agitated, officers encouraged him to relax and helped calm him down, and they later called an ambulance as they grew worried about his condition. No charges were filed in connection with the incident."
"On May 25, 2020, Floyd was arrested after allegedly passing a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood of Minneapolis.[46] He died after Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, pressed his knee to Floyd's neck for over eight minutes[note 1] during the arrest. Floyd was handcuffed face down in the street,[47][48][49] while two other officers further restrained Floyd and a fourth prevented onlookers from intervening."
"Fentanyl intoxication(more than three times the lethal dose) and recent methamphetamine use(diagnosed with HTN, sickle cell trait, and Covid) may have increased the likelihood of death.[61] Other significant conditions were arteriosclerotic heart disease and hypertensive heart disease."
Here is the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Autopsy Report: https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/documents/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf

Anyone who has seen the body cam videos of his confrontation, arrest, and incapacitation can plainly see he is mentally out of it, ignores the officers commands, and has to be subdued. He is not a slightly built man, but BIG, so it will take many officers to subdue him.

Even if the officers had not found him, his Fentanyl level(11NG/ML) would have killed him.
tourist said:
Did a little digging. I hadn't heard of this, and I haven't watched Griz basketball.
From https://www.montanasports.com/sports/big-sky-conference/montana-grizzlies/montana-grizzlies-encourage-solidarity-with-jersey-message, by Kyle Hansen.
Through their eight games so far this season, the Griz have sported the word "solidarity" on the backs of their game jerseys as a way to keep the conversation going about racial inclusion and equality after protests over the summer surrounding the death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, solidarity is defined as "unity (as a group or class) that produces or is based on a community of interests, objectives, and standards."

I couldn't believe this shit. Where the hell was Haslam when this was going on? Why didn't he put a stop to this? TDC is using the good name of the University of Montana Grizzlies to side with this rabble? Lets look at George Floyd:
"Between 1997 and 2005, he was convicted of eight crimes. He served four years in prison after accepting a plea bargain for a 2007 aggravated robbery in a home invasion."(wiki) " Floyd continued to battle drug addiction and went through periods of use and sobriety."
"In May 2019, Floyd was detained by Minneapolis police when an unlicensed car he was a passenger in was pulled over in a traffic stop. Floyd was found with a bottle of pain pills. Officers handcuffed Floyd and took him to the city's third police precinct station. Floyd told police he did not sell the pills and that they were related to his own addiction. When Floyd appeared agitated, officers encouraged him to relax and helped calm him down, and they later called an ambulance as they grew worried about his condition. No charges were filed in connection with the incident."
"On May 25, 2020, Floyd was arrested after allegedly passing a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood of Minneapolis.[46] He died after Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, pressed his knee to Floyd's neck for over eight minutes[note 1] during the arrest. Floyd was handcuffed face down in the street,[47][48][49] while two other officers further restrained Floyd and a fourth prevented onlookers from intervening."
"Fentanyl intoxication(more than three times the lethal dose) and recent methamphetamine use(diagnosed with HTN, sickle cell trait, and Covid) may have increased the likelihood of death.[61] Other significant conditions were arteriosclerotic heart disease and hypertensive heart disease."
Here is the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Autopsy Report: https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/documents/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf

Anyone who has seen the body cam videos of his confrontation, arrest, and incapacitation can plainly see he is mentally out of it, ignores the officers commands, and has to be subdued. He is not a slightly built man, but BIG, so it will take many officers to subdue him.

Even if the officers had not found him, his Fentanyl level(11NG/ML) would have killed him.

Uhm then why are cops on trial for his murder? Don’t you think the grand jury had the body cam videos and coroner’s report? Are you against the grand jury systems too?
No, Jesse, I just don't want petty criminal felon druggie paraded around like a hero. He's the black Horst Wessel.
Remember, the Grand Jury only hears the prosecutions case. This is every bit as much of a political trial as it is a criminal trial.
We all saw the same videos. Pretty damning. Floyd won't be up for sainthood. Will be interesting to watch this play out. If he had cooperated and sat in the back of the police car as instructed, he'd have coded in the back seat, IMO.
tourist said:
No, Jesse, I just don't want petty criminal felon druggie paraded around like a hero. He's the black Horst Wessel.
Remember, the Grand Jury only hears the prosecutions case. This is every bit as much of a political trial as it is a criminal trial.
We all saw the same videos. Pretty damning. Floyd won't be up for sainthood. Will be interesting to watch this play out. If he had cooperated and sat in the back of the police car as instructed, he'd have coded in the back seat, IMO.

Well the cops in the Rodney King case were acquitted after hitting him with their batons over 50 times.lol I don’t think the defense will get much traction with the he was a bad person who was bound to die anyway defense. It just looks terrible to see a brother face down handcuffed with three cops on top of him and one on his neck for 8 minutes and him telling him he couldn’t breathe and they ignored his pleas for his life. I think these guys should have copped a plea because they are truly fucked
Jesse said:
I don’t think the defense will get much traction with the he was a bad person who was bound to die anyway defense.

Interesting choice of words, your words. I noted his serum Fentanyl level was enough to kill three people. He needed Narcan IVP to keep breathing. No Paramedics there as far as I know. That and someone to GET THE HELL OFF HIS NECK AND BACK!!!
tourist said:
Jesse said:
I don’t think the defense will get much traction with the he was a bad person who was bound to die anyway defense.

Interesting choice of words, your words. I noted his serum Fentanyl level was enough to kill three people. He needed Narcan IVP to keep breathing. No Paramedics there as far as I know. That and someone to GET THE HELL OFF HIS NECK AND BACK!!!

Where are you getting your facts and that quote from? I googled fentanyl, lethal does is generally considered to be 2mg or 2000ng. His labs say he had 11ng right? What am I missing?
The Medical Examiners report, toward the end. I cited it. On p.17 of the report, p4 of 7 NMSU Labs addendum, reference comments (9)
"In fatalities from Fentanyl, blood concentrations are variable and have been reported as low as 3 ng/ml."
Again, I have cited my sources.

Argh! could put his two cents worth at this point. He has said he has taught Doctors pathophysiology/pharmacology or some such academic topics(relying on my memory). What say you, argh?
tourist said:
The Medical Examiners report, toward the end. I cited it. On p.17 of the report, p4 of 7 NMSU Labs addendum, reference comments (9)
"In fatalities from Fentanyl, blood concentrations are variable and have been reported as low as 3 ng/ml."
Again, I have cited my sources.

The medical consensus is still 2mg. So when your article is claiming he had over 3 times the lethal dose in his blood are they using 3ng/ml as the lethal dose? Because that is taking the very lowest reported level out of context which sounds kind of foxish and not relevant to a serious discussion about the matter, would you agree? The metabolic level indicated long term use of fentanyl but not intoxication. His defense lawyers are all over the unintentional overdose defense. The problem is the tape shows murder, question is was it intentional or foreseeable or not. I would bet on not intentional, but was foreseeable and they were reckless or negligent. What’s your prediction on what the verdict will be.
tourist said:
Jesse said:
I don’t think the defense will get much traction with the he was a bad person who was bound to die anyway defense.

Interesting choice of words, your words. I noted his serum Fentanyl level was enough to kill three people. He needed Narcan IVP to keep breathing. No Paramedics there as far as I know. That and someone to GET THE HELL OFF HIS NECK AND BACK!!!

I read a nyt article regarding autopsy report that said no Narcan was needed or administered by paramedics prior to er. So there’s that.
Just PM'd argh! for his input.
Trial, probably involuntary manslaughter, a political trial verdict.
Narcan, I assume Paramedics have protocols to follow. If no reason to think narcotic OD, then no Narcan.
ACLS protocol for code.
tourist said:
Just PM'd argh! for his input.
Trial, probably involuntary manslaughter, a political trial verdict.
Narcan, I assume Paramedics have protocols to follow. If no reason to think narcotic OD, then no Narcan.
ACLS protocol for code.

sent you an attempted answer. from what i know, based on teaching pharmacology to md's and pharmacists, 1.5 - 2.5 mg is the lethal amount, based on a lot of factors, i.e. volume of distribution, habituation (tolerance), etc... it is a cheap opiate that is about 75 - 85 times more potent than morphine, and there are chemical variants out there that could be more potent. easy to make, easy to ship, because it is given in such tiny doses, usually using patches to distribute it. it is a 'downer', so to speak, and withdrawals are pretty obnoxious. i don't think it is a drug that will make anybody more difficult to handle (physically), because it's effects will slow down reaction time, etc...
It will be interesting to see how this plays out in court, a discrepancy of 1000 times. The plot thickens.
Now that you've chummed the water, consider it expressed. Didn't know FSU did that. Don't care. Their business. What is on Griz jerseys supposedly has the blessing of UM students, alum, boosters, etc. Solidarity with a druggie, arrest resisting career criminal ex-con felon is HORSESHIT(genuine Montana frontier gibberish, HHB). IMO, the world became a better place without him. Gotta have equal time, no favorites, so Griz should have to wear 'TRUMP 2024' on their jerseys this coming season. That should be considered appropriate atonement. :thumb: :grenade:
tourist said:
Now that you've chummed the water, consider it expressed. Didn't know FSU did that. Don't care. Their business. What is on Griz jerseys supposedly has the blessing of UM students, alum, boosters, etc. Solidarity with a druggie, arrest resisting career criminal ex-con felon is HORSESHIT(genuine Montana frontier gibberish, HHB). IMO, the world became a better place without him. Gotta have equal time, no favorites, so Griz should have to wear 'TRUMP 2024' on their jerseys this coming season. That should be considered appropriate atonement. :thumb: :grenade:

Guess you don't realize that having "solidarity" on the jersey doesn't have to represent direct support for the man but for the act against the man. Of course not, that would never support your narrative.

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