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Would You Hire This Guy?

Their AD deserves the credit...he gave the guy a full recruiting cycle (4 years) to get the type of players he needed to run his scheme before reacting. I wish this was the norm for college football.

I think it's funny when fans (and coaches) think they can just overhaul a scheme and have it work immediately. Different offense and defense schemes require completely different body types and hence different recruiting philosophies. For those of you who follow college football in general, see Brady Hoke and Oregon. He's trying to convert a 3-4 to a 4-3 (at a school with plenty of talent) and getting thrashed. You just can't decide "Let's run a 3-4 this week!!" and get any tangible results. Same thing applies on O (power vs spread).

I'm not a Stitt guy, but I do believe in the 4 year cycle.

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