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Will Vaccine Passports Creep into Stadiums and Sports?

AZGrizFan said:
SoldierGriz said:
Thanks for posting. Interesting - and not a waste of my time...

Don't be soft EG.

I still want to know what’s in the water in San Francisco. Their death rate is staggeringly low.

Evidently, they are moving to other jurisdictions. Variation on the theme 'I wouldn't be caught dead in San Francisco.'
Exodus: Study reveals dramatic San Francisco population change.
"Some U.S. colleges say students must be vaccinated for the fall. Others want to wait and see."

"At least five U.S. colleges and universities have announced plans in the last few days to require Covid-19 vaccinations for students who will be on campus in the fall. But many more colleges have said they would not require vaccination or would wait and see before setting a policy.

Students at Cornell University in New York, Rutgers University in New Jersey, Fort Lewis College in Colorado, Nova Southeastern University in Florida and St. Edward’s University in Texas will have to be vaccinated before the fall term begins, with a few exceptions for medical, religious or other reasons."

"The Rangers announced in March that the team would sell tickets for every seat of their home opener in a stadium that opened last season. And on Monday that came to fruition, with an official crowd of 38,238 fans. That total, which was announced as a sellout, represented 94.8 percent of the stadium’s 40,300-seat capacity, and it topped the Daytona 500 (which allowed slightly more than 30,000 fans) and the Super Bowl (24,835), both of which were held in February, as the largest crowd at a U.S. sporting event since the pandemic began last year."

1. "European Court of Human Rights rules countries can require childhood vaccinations"

"The case was brought prior to the coronavirus pandemic by Czech families that were either fined or denied entrance to certain preschools or day care facilities for not having their children vaccinated. The court said that while the vaccine requirement did create a burden for families, the Czech Republic government's interest in having children vaccinated superseded that burden.

Other countries in Europe have taken similar actions to require vaccinations for children, and in the United States, all 50 states have individual laws requiring certain vaccinations for school children, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. It remains to be seen whether children in the U.S. will be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine as they become more widely available."


2. "Cornell to require coronavirus vaccination for students"

PlayerRep said:
"The Rangers announced in March that the team would sell tickets for every seat of their home opener in a stadium that opened last season. And on Monday that came to fruition, with an official crowd of 38,238 fans. That total, which was announced as a sellout, represented 94.8 percent of the stadium’s 40,300-seat capacity, and it topped the Daytona 500 (which allowed slightly more than 30,000 fans) and the Super Bowl (24,835), both of which were held in February, as the largest crowd at a U.S. sporting event since the pandemic began last year."


Thoughts on this PR?

Personally I love it. But that’s just my own opinion.

Do I assume this will be a “super spreader” event and cases will obviously skyrocket? Guess we’ll see in a couple weeks.
ilovethecats said:
PlayerRep said:
"The Rangers announced in March that the team would sell tickets for every seat of their home opener in a stadium that opened last season. And on Monday that came to fruition, with an official crowd of 38,238 fans. That total, which was announced as a sellout, represented 94.8 percent of the stadium’s 40,300-seat capacity, and it topped the Daytona 500 (which allowed slightly more than 30,000 fans) and the Super Bowl (24,835), both of which were held in February, as the largest crowd at a U.S. sporting event since the pandemic began last year."


Thoughts on this PR?

Personally I love it. But that’s just my own opinion.

Do I assume this will be a “super spreader” event and cases will obviously skyrocket? Guess we’ll see in a couple weeks.

I'm not PR, but this will be an interesting case study. While I don't believe it will be a super spreader, it has all the components - close proximity and yelling for your team.

The part of the equation that rarely gets talked about is the fact that many had some level of immunity to COVID before it's appearance. That most definitely is boosting the herd immunity aspect in addition to recovery and vaccination.
PhxGriz said:
ilovethecats said:
Thoughts on this PR?

Personally I love it. But that’s just my own opinion.

Do I assume this will be a “super spreader” event and cases will obviously skyrocket? Guess we’ll see in a couple weeks.

I'm not PR, but this will be an interesting case study. While I don't believe it will be a super spreader, it has all the components - close proximity and yelling for your team.

The part of the equation that rarely gets talked about is the fact that many had some level of immunity to COVID before it's appearance. That most definitely is boosting the herd immunity aspect in addition to recovery and vaccination.
I'm not PR either, but I would point out that the Jays won that game. Before playing like garbage in the next two but that's a different story.
AllWeatherFan said:


COVID is a lose lose for both sides of the aisle. Someone dies, you're blamed for not taking it seriously. Someone is asked to wear a mask, you are infringing on rights.

As someone who got his BS in Microbiology, I've simply kept my mouth shut because you simply cannot win by trying to discuss the topic. I resigned myself to watch a "newish" virus run its course on the way to becoming endemic. In other words, watching this virus follow the path of other new viruses AND follow our hundreds of years of experience in dealing with past paths.
Dave Urbanski, “'Senseless, irrational, cowardice bulls**t': HS track coach refuses to make his athletes wear masks — and says he got fired for it,”

I will not stand up in front of the kids and lie to them and tell them that these masks are doing anything worthwhile out in an open field with wind blowing and the sun shining'

A New Hampshire high school track coach said he was fired after staunchly refusing to make his athletes wear face masks during competitions as recommended by the state athletic association.
What are the details?

I just think people haven't pushed back, and I decided it was time to push back," he told WBZ-TV in a subsequent interview.

Keyes, who is not a teacher at Pembroke, told WBZ that he believes face masks on his athletes are fine when they ride a bus together but not while they're outside competing.
"I wear a mask where I have to. I'll wear a mask when I go into stores or any private business that wants me to," he added to the station. "Based on what I read, honestly I don't believe they do much good."

Keyes explained on his website that when he heard most other schools accepted the state mask guidelines and made them requirements, he emailed Pembroke's athletic director for confirmation — and was told that indeed masks would be required for all races in all meets.

In addition, Keyes said he learned that "masks will be 'required' to be worn DURING ALL WORKOUTS on the track during training — but with a wink and nod, athletes are told they can pull them down around their chins!"

He considered quitting on the spot but then simply decided to refuse to follow the mask mandate. Keyes informed athletic director Fred Vezina of his decision in a blunt letter in which the coach called the mask requirement "senseless, irrational, cowardice bulls**t."
"I'll come straight to the point," he told Vezina. "I will not put kids on the track and tell them to run any races while wearing masks."

Keyes added to athletic director that "I will not stand up in front of the kids and lie to them and tell them that these masks are doing anything worthwhile out in an open field with wind blowing and the sun shining."

He added that the policy is "insane" that plays on "irrational fears and going along with the sheep."
"Show me the data on infections, hospitalizations, and deaths for 14-18 year old athletes…" Keyes also wrote in his letter. "I keep hearing that we're following the science. There is no science behind these restrictions. No, this is not about protecting the athletes, or even their families, it's all about covering bureaucratic asses. I will not try to convince these kids that what's being done to them is right, fair, thoughtful, or sensible."

One of the school's track athletes, junior David Testerman, told WBZ he loves training with Keyes and agrees with him that wearing masks while running isn't the greatest idea.
"It gets you really tired ... it's gonna get up to 80 degrees soon, and it's gonna be really hard for us to keep doing what we live to do," Testerman noted to the station."

PhxGriz said:
AllWeatherFan said:


COVID is a lose lose for both sides of the aisle. Someone dies, you're blamed for not taking it seriously. Someone is asked to wear a mask, you are infringing on rights.

As someone who got his BS in Microbiology, I've simply kept my mouth shut because you simply cannot win by trying to discuss the topic. I resigned myself to watch a "newish" virus run its course on the way to becoming endemic. In other words, watching this virus follow the path of other new viruses AND follow our hundreds of years of experience in dealing with past paths.

Very wise counsel.
AllWeatherFan said:
PhxGriz said:
COVID is a lose lose for both sides of the aisle. Someone dies, you're blamed for not taking it seriously. Someone is asked to wear a mask, you are infringing on rights.

As someone who got his BS in Microbiology, I've simply kept my mouth shut because you simply cannot win by trying to discuss the topic. I resigned myself to watch a "newish" virus run its course on the way to becoming endemic. In other words, watching this virus follow the path of other new viruses AND follow our hundreds of years of experience in dealing with past paths.

Very wise counsel.

Thank you. I assume the wise part is keeping my mouth shut! :lol:
This would make many a Griz fan lose their $hit

Sandra Tan
BREAKING NEWS: Poloncarz announces full return to @BuffaloBills stadium for in-person attendance at Bills games but ONLY if you have been FULLY VACCINATED. No Vaccine = No Entry.
Vaccines have long been required for enrollment in schools. Why is this different? A new disease, a new vaccine. It’s the cost of the exponential increase of the density of the human population. Anti-vaxxers can stay at home, watch the game on TV and order door dash if they choose to do so. It’s funny how Covid vaccination became a political statement to some, yet when the polio vaccine came out it was considered universally patriotic to get the vaccine and thus the disease was eradicated.
Gov. Greg just killed the vaccine passport idea, by Executive Order. A wooden stake through the heart of this thoroughly idiotic idea.
Buttegrizzle said:
Vaccines have long been required for enrollment in schools. Why is this different? A new disease, a new vaccine. It’s the cost of the exponential increase of the density of the human population. Anti-vaxxers can stay at home, watch the game on TV and order door dash if they choose to do so. It’s funny how Covid vaccination became a political statement to some, yet when the polio vaccine came out it was considered universally patriotic to get the vaccine and thus the disease was eradicated.

Because the current vaccines were fast tracked in less than a year when most take several years? Because it’s not FDA approved like all vaccines required for education? Because one of them was just halted because of the adverse effects?

All that said, I’m getting mine Monday. Wife signed us up. I figure the “science” so far says my chance of of any adverse effects of the vaccine are about .004%. I’d be an idiot to worry about the vaccine. Similar to my chances of dying from Covid. Ironic.
ilovethecats said:
Buttegrizzle said:
Vaccines have long been required for enrollment in schools. Why is this different? A new disease, a new vaccine. It’s the cost of the exponential increase of the density of the human population. Anti-vaxxers can stay at home, watch the game on TV and order door dash if they choose to do so. It’s funny how Covid vaccination became a political statement to some, yet when the polio vaccine came out it was considered universally patriotic to get the vaccine and thus the disease was eradicated.

Because the current vaccines were fast tracked in less than a year when most take several years? Because it’s not FDA approved like all vaccines required for education? Because one of them was just halted because of the adverse effects?

All that said, I’m getting mine Monday. Wife signed us up. I figure the “science” so far says my chance of of any adverse effects of the vaccine are about .004%. I’d be an idiot to worry about the vaccine. Similar to my chances of dying from Covid. Ironic.

6.8 million doses of J&J administered. Six blood clot cases. At the current death rate per million of Covid, out of 6.8 million people, assuming all eventually got covid, at our present death rate of 1.8% that’s 122,000 dead. Yep I’ll take that vaccine every damn time. Oh. And in 1955 when the polio vaccine was rushed to market about 3 per million got vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. It was a good call to get vaccinated then too. So I’m sorry if “Science” and “numbers” aren’t a strength for cat fans but those are the facts.
Buttegrizzle said:
ilovethecats said:
Because the current vaccines were fast tracked in less than a year when most take several years? Because it’s not FDA approved like all vaccines required for education? Because one of them was just halted because of the adverse effects?

All that said, I’m getting mine Monday. Wife signed us up. I figure the “science” so far says my chance of of any adverse effects of the vaccine are about .004%. I’d be an idiot to worry about the vaccine. Similar to my chances of dying from Covid. Ironic.

6.8 million doses of J&J administered. Six blood clot cases. At the current death rate per million of Covid, out of 6.8 million people, assuming all eventually got covid, at our present death rate of 1.8% that’s 122,000 dead. Yep I’ll take that vaccine every damn time. Oh. And in 1955 when the polio vaccine was rushed to market about 3 per million got vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. It was a good call to get vaccinated then too. So I’m sorry if “Science” and “numbers” aren’t a strength for cat fans but those are the facts.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

After reading this post, I came very close to calling the ASPCA Hotline and reporting Buttegrizzle for cat abuse.

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