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Will Vaccine Passports Creep into Stadiums and Sports?

ilovethecats said:
I guess my point is let’s not pretend too much this is about keeping people healthy and saving lives.
Hi Suckacats, it’s me again and there’s that word again—pretend. You’ve said this like 5 times and I’ve called you out on it each time, but you keep refusing to explain it. You usually just ignore it and sulk away. What do you mean by “pretending”? Who’s pretending? Why are they pretending? Please don’t duck this again—you’re the one who keeps bringing it up.
Thanks abunch, your pal,
PlayerRep said:
grizghost said:
...I think if people want to get vaccinated and are compromised great get one!...I personally don't want it
in my body...I got a flu shot 8 years ago nearly kill me... so I will pass and just do my best to stay healthy
....close to 99 percent survival rate I think I will do fine! ...so if you got your shot pat yourself on the back but
don't expect us to do the same!...

It's not a 99% survival rate for many other people, i.e. those who are older or have health problems. It's much more than about yourself. People over 85 have a 175 times chance of dying from covid than those 30-39. 75-84 have a 62 times chance of dying than people 30-39. These figures don't include people who have health problems. Much much higher for them.

I used this example earlier PR but I find it interesting.

What if UM said that no people over 80 could go to football games? Then those in the next age bracket got like 3% of your capacity. And below them like 5% of your capacity.

People under 18 would have no limitations and those 19-35 could make up 85% of your capacity. Instead of focusing on the vaccine UM chose to let age and vulnerability determine attendance?

Being vaccinated or already have gotten Covid wouldn’t matter in this scenario. As being vaccinated or already having Covid doesn’t limit any current limitations as we know them.

Would you be ok with this? You’re getting up there and I assume are relatively healthy. But health wouldn’t matter; only your age would and how vulnerable you are based on that age. I’d imagine you and many others would not approve of this method of entrance.

But based on my age and health I’d support it!

Just another hypothetical of course. But I’d love to see businesses and universities go this route. ;)
It's not just about death. For instance, being a vascular disease that attacks small blood vessels, it appears erectile dysfunction is as common as loss of taste for COVID symptoms. It's just that nobody admits to ED. The blood vessel damage may be permanent too.

I got the vaccine. But then again, I don't fear needles. Nor do I let the government inadvertently dictate what I do by stubbornly doing the opposite. You see, I like my chances of side effects of the vaccine (practically none) WAY WAY WAY over the side effects of COVID.

That said, to each their own. I like it when Darwin comes into play. Cull the herd.
garizzalies said:
ilovethecats said:
I guess my point is let’s not pretend too much this is about keeping people healthy and saving lives.
Hi Suckacats, it’s me again and there’s that word again—pretend. You’ve said this like 5 times and I’ve called you out on it each time, but you keep refusing to explain it. You usually just ignore it and sulk away. What do you mean by “pretending”? Who’s pretending? Why are they pretending? Please don’t duck this again—you’re the one who keeps bringing it up.
Thanks abunch, your pal,

I’ve given you my opinion on this like 5 times. Likely after each time you asked me. But I’ll give it one more whack as to not be “ducking”. Whatever that is on a message board? :?

As I’ve suggested before, not ducking, I have a hard time with the emphasis on this virus for a couple reasons.

1. It has consumed our lives. You’re probably asking what I mean about “our” and I don’t want to “duck” that. To clarify, it’s all anyone seems to worry about day in and day out. You’re probably asking, “who’s anyone”. By anyone I mean it seems like the general population, social media, news outlets, fcs football boards, etc seems super concerned about this virus in which 98+% of us will survive.

Because of my (#1) I don’t like that it appears that all anyone is concerned about is people dying of Covid. I don’t think I need to address “anyone” again, as you should get my point. However, you’re probably taken aback by my use of “appears”. This is a fancy way to say “seems like”. In some connotations “seems like” is similar to “pretend”. But I’ll get there.

Because of the two points I’ve mentioned, it feels like some people only care about Covid with blind disregard to the plethora of other countless things wrong in life right now. I could get into these as well but I’ll keep trying to simplify it.

Covid is the number one issue in the world right now. The government has offered their solutions to this crises. They have the answers because the answers are science. We don’t question science but rather we accept science as 100% truth. I’ll get on board with that. I assume the ultimate role in fighting this vicious disease is to limit death. I could be wrong on this. It could be to stop spread but it seems to me that every person in the world could get the virus and if people aren’t dying, that’s good. So preventing death is the end all be all.

Because death is the end all be all, and nearly 99% of people won’t die of Covid, i ask questions. Why so much emphasis on Covid and vaccines. Is it to prevent spread and prevent deaths? If so we are doing incredibly well. Is it because we all care so much about saving lives? (Again, by “we” I mean me, you, egriz, Montana, the United States and the world) If “we” do care so much about saving lives, why just Covid?

I know. It’s contagious. And as deadly as this contagious virus is, somehow you, me, egriz, Montana, the United States, and the world had survived to a tune of 98.7%.

So I ask myself; why are “we” (you, me, egriz, Montana, the United States and the world) “pretending” I.e. acting like we’re so concerned about a tiny percentage of people dying all of a sudden?

People die every second from very preventable things. Most of these things aren’t contagious, though lives are lost just the same. Why do “people” “pretend” that they truly care about others in regards to Covid, but are more than happy to turn a blind eye to people dying every day of other ailments?

Why are people ok treating people like shit, even on an anonymous message board, without knowing what those others might be going through? Why would a person “pretend” to give a shit about other people, and then be a complete prick to a person online? Say a person found out his daughter was sexually assalted 3 nights ago, and escaped to a message board that used to be used to talk football, only to have an internet tough guy act Iike a POS and “pretend” he’s super smart because he disagrees with that persons take on people giving a shit about other people?

That’d be wild huh?

Hope this diatribe of a 6th response is long enough to trigger your memory to my last 5 responses. :thumb:
grizghost said:
SoldierGriz said:
I got the shot. No issues.

I also don't care if others get it. Just like I don't care if others wear a mask.

How are mask mandatory states having infection rates go up while those with no mandate are not?

This whole thing is a cluster. I'm to the point where I don't trust anything Politicians say...Fauci is a national disgrace.

...I think if people want to get vaccinated and are compromised great get one!...I personally don't want it
in my body...I got a flu shot 8 years ago nearly kill me... so I will pass and just do my best to stay healthy
....close to 99 percent survival rate I think I will do fine! ...so if you got your shot pat yourself on the back but
don't expect us to do the same!...

Yeah...I don't care if you get it or not. You do you. It's sorta still America.🇺🇸
ChesterGriz said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
That is hospitalizations, not reported cases. Soldier specifically stated infection rates, which is false.

Did you read the article?
"On Saturday, Texas' seven-day COVID positivity rate reached an all-time low of 5.27 per cent, while hospitalizations fell to their lowest level since October, according to the latest state data.

The state recorded 2,292 new coronavirus cases, about 500 fewer on average from last week, and 107 new deaths."

Yeah, my bad. I was only looking at the actual day-to-day numbers, which of course fluctuate up and down and up and down.
astutegriz said:
It's not just about death. For instance, being a vascular disease that attacks small blood vessels, it appears erectile dysfunction is as common as loss of taste for COVID symptoms. It's just that nobody admits to ED. The blood vessel damage may be permanent too.

I got the vaccine. But then again, I don't fear needles. Nor do I let the government inadvertently dictate what I do by stubbornly doing the opposite. You see, I like my chances of side effects of the vaccine (practically none) WAY WAY WAY over the side effects of COVID.

That said, to each their own. I like it when Darwin comes into play. Cull the herd.

The thought of not being able to get a boner will undoubtedly cause a stampede toward the vaccination sites. Guys at the lead, significant others pushing the still reluctant.
I know. It’s contagious. And as deadly as this contagious virus is, somehow you, me, egriz, Montana, the United States, and the world had survived to a tune of 98.7%.

So I ask myself; why are “we” (you, me, egriz, Montana, the United States and the world) “pretending” I.e. acting like we’re so concerned about a tiny percentage of people dying all of a sudden?

ILTC, you keep mentioning survival rates. Those didn't occur in a bubble. In large measure they're as low as they are because of the steps taken to mitigate them: lockdowns, mask mandates, advancement in treatments and -- yes -- the vaccines. You have been a staunch and vocal opponent to all of those measures (perhaps excepting the vaccine, to which you seemingly have an oddly neutral position).

Seems to me you can't have your Rona and eat it too. You can't say we shouldn't have taken the heroic measures we did while trumpeting their successes.

Look, (and this isn't personal to you as I firmly believe you'll get the vaccine because you're an intelligent person) if you don't want the vaccine -- if you believe your right to say no is greater than the common good -- great. Good on ya, I guess. But decisions and choices have consequences. And one of those consequences might be you can't attend football games and concerts. That's not the fault of the team, the university or the concert promoter. That's the fault of the person in the mirror, who felt the need to make a political statement in the time of people's need.
ilovethecats said:
garizzalies said:
Hi Suckacats, it’s me again and there’s that word again—pretend. You’ve said this like 5 times and I’ve called you out on it each time, but you keep refusing to explain it. You usually just ignore it and sulk away. What do you mean by “pretending”? Who’s pretending? Why are they pretending? Please don’t duck this again—you’re the one who keeps bringing it up.
Thanks abunch, your pal,

I’ve given you my opinion on this like 5 times. Likely after each time you asked me. But I’ll give it one more whack as to not be “ducking”. Whatever that is on a message board? :?

As I’ve suggested before, not ducking, I have a hard time with the emphasis on this virus for a couple reasons.

1. It has consumed our lives. You’re probably asking what I mean about “our” and I don’t want to “duck” that. To clarify, it’s all anyone seems to worry about day in and day out. You’re probably asking, “who’s anyone”. By anyone I mean it seems like the general population, social media, news outlets, fcs football boards, etc seems super concerned about this virus in which 98+% of us will survive.

Because of my (#1) I don’t like that it appears that all anyone is concerned about is people dying of Covid. I don’t think I need to address “anyone” again, as you should get my point. However, you’re probably taken aback by my use of “appears”. This is a fancy way to say “seems like”. In some connotations “seems like” is similar to “pretend”. But I’ll get there.

Because of the two points I’ve mentioned, it feels like some people only care about Covid with blind disregard to the plethora of other countless things wrong in life right now. I could get into these as well but I’ll keep trying to simplify it.

Covid is the number one issue in the world right now. The government has offered their solutions to this crises. They have the answers because the answers are science. We don’t question science but rather we accept science as 100% truth. I’ll get on board with that. I assume the ultimate role in fighting this vicious disease is to limit death. I could be wrong on this. It could be to stop spread but it seems to me that every person in the world could get the virus and if people aren’t dying, that’s good. So preventing death is the end all be all.

Because death is the end all be all, and nearly 99% of people won’t die of Covid, i ask questions. Why so much emphasis on Covid and vaccines. Is it to prevent spread and prevent deaths? If so we are doing incredibly well. Is it because we all care so much about saving lives? (Again, by “we” I mean me, you, egriz, Montana, the United States and the world) If “we” do care so much about saving lives, why just Covid?

I know. It’s contagious. And as deadly as this contagious virus is, somehow you, me, egriz, Montana, the United States, and the world had survived to a tune of 98.7%.

So I ask myself; why are “we” (you, me, egriz, Montana, the United States and the world) “pretending” I.e. acting like we’re so concerned about a tiny percentage of people dying all of a sudden?

People die every second from very preventable things. Most of these things aren’t contagious, though lives are lost just the same. Why do “people” “pretend” that they truly care about others in regards to Covid, but are more than happy to turn a blind eye to people dying every day of other ailments?

Why are people ok treating people like shit, even on an anonymous message board, without knowing what those others might be going through? Why would a person “pretend” to give a shit about other people, and then be a complete prick to a person online? Say a person found out his daughter was sexually assalted 3 nights ago, and escaped to a message board that used to be used to talk football, only to have an internet tough guy act Iike a POS and “pretend” he’s super smart because he disagrees with that persons take on people giving a shit about other people?

That’d be wild huh?

Hope this diatribe of a 6th response is long enough to trigger your memory to my last 5 responses. :thumb:

Oh boy. A 13 paragraph “diatribe” at 2am? And you still ducked the questions. It “seems like” and “appears” you may have finally cracked. Get help. For reals.

I love shutting up Cat Fats. They will have this huge rant and you know it makes no sense because they can’t answers the simplest of questions—reporter questions like “who?” or “why?”.

I never asked why people are more concerned about Covid than other ailments, but that did not stop you from ripping that strawman to shreds like a rabid flying monkey. Instead, I keep asking super simple questions and you keep ducking. Let me see if I can help you (again for like the 49th time).

Question#1. Who is pretending? The answer is: you. You want to speak for everyone or the “general population” but you can’t. I’m not pretending—you’re not speaking for me. Or my family. Or anyone I know. You “seem” like a great representation of BM. Maybe you are speaking for them. If so, just say that, but don’t claim to be speaking for “everyone” because I am sure the families of the 2million dead Americans in our “general population” will be thrilled to learn it was all just pretend.

Question#2. Why are you pretending? The answer is: god only knows. My guess is it’s some dumb political issue or another conspiracy theory. Great. Good for you. All that I ask is that you stop spreading misinformation. The crazy part is, you’ve come on here and complained about actually getting Covid. In fact, I “seem” to recall you saying it kicked your ass, and you had some long haul symptoms. But it’s all just pretend, right? Do you see why you get called on your blather? If you don’t like getting called out on your dumb opinions which you can’t even articulate, then don’t come over here and share them (ad nauseam)

Sorry about your daughter. That’s horrible.
garizzalies said:
ilovethecats said:

I’ve given you my opinion on this like 5 times. Likely after each time you asked me. But I’ll give it one more whack as to not be “ducking”. Whatever that is on a message board? :?

As I’ve suggested before, not ducking, I have a hard time with the emphasis on this virus for a couple reasons.

1. It has consumed our lives. You’re probably asking what I mean about “our” and I don’t want to “duck” that. To clarify, it’s all anyone seems to worry about day in and day out. You’re probably asking, “who’s anyone”. By anyone I mean it seems like the general population, social media, news outlets, fcs football boards, etc seems super concerned about this virus in which 98+% of us will survive.

Because of my (#1) I don’t like that it appears that all anyone is concerned about is people dying of Covid. I don’t think I need to address “anyone” again, as you should get my point. However, you’re probably taken aback by my use of “appears”. This is a fancy way to say “seems like”. In some connotations “seems like” is similar to “pretend”. But I’ll get there.

Because of the two points I’ve mentioned, it feels like some people only care about Covid with blind disregard to the plethora of other countless things wrong in life right now. I could get into these as well but I’ll keep trying to simplify it.

Covid is the number one issue in the world right now. The government has offered their solutions to this crises. They have the answers because the answers are science. We don’t question science but rather we accept science as 100% truth. I’ll get on board with that. I assume the ultimate role in fighting this vicious disease is to limit death. I could be wrong on this. It could be to stop spread but it seems to me that every person in the world could get the virus and if people aren’t dying, that’s good. So preventing death is the end all be all.

Because death is the end all be all, and nearly 99% of people won’t die of Covid, i ask questions. Why so much emphasis on Covid and vaccines. Is it to prevent spread and prevent deaths? If so we are doing incredibly well. Is it because we all care so much about saving lives? (Again, by “we” I mean me, you, egriz, Montana, the United States and the world) If “we” do care so much about saving lives, why just Covid?

I know. It’s contagious. And as deadly as this contagious virus is, somehow you, me, egriz, Montana, the United States, and the world had survived to a tune of 98.7%.

So I ask myself; why are “we” (you, me, egriz, Montana, the United States and the world) “pretending” I.e. acting like we’re so concerned about a tiny percentage of people dying all of a sudden?

People die every second from very preventable things. Most of these things aren’t contagious, though lives are lost just the same. Why do “people” “pretend” that they truly care about others in regards to Covid, but are more than happy to turn a blind eye to people dying every day of other ailments?

Why are people ok treating people like shit, even on an anonymous message board, without knowing what those others might be going through? Why would a person “pretend” to give a shit about other people, and then be a complete prick to a person online? Say a person found out his daughter was sexually assalted 3 nights ago, and escaped to a message board that used to be used to talk football, only to have an internet tough guy act Iike a POS and “pretend” he’s super smart because he disagrees with that persons take on people giving a shit about other people?

That’d be wild huh?

Hope this diatribe of a 6th response is long enough to trigger your memory to my last 5 responses. :thumb:

Oh boy. A 13 paragraph “diatribe” at 2am? And you still ducked the questions. It “seems like” and “appears” you may have finally cracked. Get help. For reals.

I love shutting up Cat Fats. They will have this huge rant and you know it makes no sense because they can’t answers the simplest of questions—reporter questions like “who?” or “why?”.

I never asked why people are more concerned about Covid than other ailments, but that did not stop you from ripping that strawman to shreds like a rabid flying monkey. Instead, I keep asking super simple questions and you keep ducking. Let me see if I can help you (again for like the 49th time).

Question#1. Who is pretending? The answer is: you. You want to speak for everyone or the “general population” but you can’t. I’m not pretending—you’re not speaking for me. Or my family. Or anyone I know. You “seem” like a great representation of BM. Maybe you are speaking for them. If so, just say that, but don’t claim to be speaking for “everyone” because I am sure the families of the 2million dead Americans in our “general population” will be thrilled to learn it was all just pretend.

Question#2. Why are you pretending? The answer is: god only knows. My guess is it’s some dumb political issue or another conspiracy theory. Great. Good for you. All that I ask is that you stop spreading misinformation. The crazy part is, you’ve come on here and complained about actually getting Covid. In fact, I “seem” to recall you saying it kicked your ass, and you had some long haul symptoms. But it’s all just pretend, right? Do you see why you get called on your blather? If you don’t like getting called out on your dumb opinions which you can’t even articulate, then don’t come over here and share them (ad nauseam)

Sorry about your daughter. That’s horrible.

Two million dead Americans?? The actual number is approximately 540,000 and not all of those deaths were even proven to be caused by covid, just people who died WITH it.
PlayerRep said:
tourist said:
DeSantis made a good point. Having to have the vaccine to board a cruise ship in Miami, bound for the Bahamas, dies not stop the non-vaccinated from flying to the Bahamas and taking the cruise from there. Political BS and economic stupidity.

Where does it say that non-vaccinated people can get on cruises in the Bahamas? I think the cruise companies had created the policies for their ships, not for US ports.

Are you mixing the CDC policy of currently not allowing cruise ships to depart from the US, but people could fly to Bahamas and board a cruise ship?

Of, feel free to explain your point and give us some links.

I was paraphrasing DeSantis from a 30 second news bite. Refer your comments to him.
tourist said:
I believe my right to say 'no' is greater than the common good. :coffee:

Yay! And I'll support that right all day long.

Also, be a man, then, and do not bitch about the consequences of your decision. Perhaps you can attend games again in 2023.
ilovethecats said:
PlayerRep said:
It's not a 99% survival rate for many other people, i.e. those who are older or have health problems. It's much more than about yourself. People over 85 have a 175 times chance of dying from covid than those 30-39. 75-84 have a 62 times chance of dying than people 30-39. These figures don't include people who have health problems. Much much higher for them.

I used this example earlier PR but I find it interesting.

What if UM said that no people over 80 could go to football games? Then those in the next age bracket got like 3% of your capacity. And below them like 5% of your capacity.

People under 18 would have no limitations and those 19-35 could make up 85% of your capacity. Instead of focusing on the vaccine UM chose to let age and vulnerability determine attendance?

Being vaccinated or already have gotten Covid wouldn’t matter in this scenario. As being vaccinated or already having Covid doesn’t limit any current limitations as we know them.

Would you be ok with this? You’re getting up there and I assume are relatively healthy. But health wouldn’t matter; only your age would and how vulnerable you are based on that age. I’d imagine you and many others would not approve of this method of entrance.

But based on my age and health I’d support it!

Just another hypothetical of course. But I’d love to see businesses and universities go this route. ;)

While the hypothetical doesn't fit, and I suppose could be unconstititutional, personally, I would be fine with it if it was supported by data and science to stop the spread of the covid and also keep more people healthy.

Note that I think the main goal now is stopping the thread, not saving more lifes by stopping thread at a single event or place.

A NY Times headline today: "U.S. Races to Vaccinate as Variants Threaten to Produce Surge in Cases"

If a variant that isn't covered by existing vaccines gets much bigger and spreads fast, then we'll be back in the pandemic. The South African variant may be the one. Who wants another huge international and US surge covered by another strong variant. Why don't we just do some fairly easy things to stop the spread (and protect ourselves). Getting a shot is easy.
HelenaHandBasket said:
ChesterGriz said:
Did you read the article?
"On Saturday, Texas' seven-day COVID positivity rate reached an all-time low of 5.27 per cent, while hospitalizations fell to their lowest level since October, according to the latest state data.

The state recorded 2,292 new coronavirus cases, about 500 fewer on average from last week, and 107 new deaths."

Yeah, my bad. I was only looking at the actual day-to-day numbers, which of course fluctuate up and down and up and down.
No worries. I hope you and yours are well.
See Political forum for good article on possible Missoula voting irregularities, or worse, in last election.
Da Boyz Mom said:
garizzalies said:
Oh boy. A 13 paragraph “diatribe” at 2am? And you still ducked the questions. It “seems like” and “appears” you may have finally cracked. Get help. For reals.

I love shutting up Cat Fats. They will have this huge rant and you know it makes no sense because they can’t answers the simplest of questions—reporter questions like “who?” or “why?”.

I never asked why people are more concerned about Covid than other ailments, but that did not stop you from ripping that strawman to shreds like a rabid flying monkey. Instead, I keep asking super simple questions and you keep ducking. Let me see if I can help you (again for like the 49th time).

Question#1. Who is pretending? The answer is: you. You want to speak for everyone or the “general population” but you can’t. I’m not pretending—you’re not speaking for me. Or my family. Or anyone I know. You “seem” like a great representation of BM. Maybe you are speaking for them. If so, just say that, but don’t claim to be speaking for “everyone” because I am sure the families of the 2million dead Americans in our “general population” will be thrilled to learn it was all just pretend.

Question#2. Why are you pretending? The answer is: god only knows. My guess is it’s some dumb political issue or another conspiracy theory. Great. Good for you. All that I ask is that you stop spreading misinformation. The crazy part is, you’ve come on here and complained about actually getting Covid. In fact, I “seem” to recall you saying it kicked your ass, and you had some long haul symptoms. But it’s all just pretend, right? Do you see why you get called on your blather? If you don’t like getting called out on your dumb opinions which you can’t even articulate, then don’t come over here and share them (ad nauseam)

Sorry about your daughter. That’s horrible.

Two million dead Americans?? The actual number is approximately 540,000 and not all of those deaths were even proven to be caused by covid, just people who died WITH it.
Nope, your number is a couple weeks old. The actual number is now closer to 560K, with about 1000 deaths/day, and 70K new cases/day. And that does not even include the number of unreported deaths (see, we both can play that game ;)) Over 1500 deaths in MT alone. I was told there would be no math, and it was okay to round up once you go over 0.5.
Irregardlessnessly, does it change anything?
More Americans have perished from Covid-19 than on the battlefields of World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War combined.
garizzalies said:
Da Boyz Mom said:
Two million dead Americans?? The actual number is approximately 540,000 and not all of those deaths were even proven to be caused by covid, just people who died WITH it.
Nope, your number is a couple weeks old. The actual number is now closer to 560K, with about 1000 deaths/day, and 70K new cases/day. And that does not even include the number of unreported deaths (see, we both can play that game ;)) Over 1500 deaths in MT alone. I was told there would be no math, and it was okay to round up once you go over 0.5.
Irregardlessnessly, does it change anything?
More Americans have perished from Covid-19 than on the battlefields of World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War combined.

Two million is still A VERY long way from 560,000. You can't fudge numbers that much and expect to be taken seriously.

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