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Way to Stay Classy Cat Fans

Insert Griz in front of fans and IT'S A BN post and any MSU fan that posts here that won't admit that Cat Fans would have jumped all over this if the roles were reversed is a big liar. I agree with AG1, it's harmless and funny. I have no issues with it whatsover, but lets not pretend at least ONE MSU fan wouldn't have been outraged if this came up on the other side.

Still, it's a pretty funny, albeit obsessive move by an MSU fan.
havgrizfan said:
Insert Griz in front of fans and IT'S A BN post and any MSU fan that posts here that won't admit that Cat Fans would have jumped all over this if the roles were reversed is a big liar. I agree with AG1, it's harmless and funny. I have no issues with it whatsover, but lets not pretend at least ONE MSU fan wouldn't have been outraged if this came up on the other side.

Still, it's a pretty funny, albeit obsessive move by an MSU fan.

Look at post number 2
brewskis said:
This is the most "Bobcat" thing I've seen in a while.

You mean since this?

good stuff, fellas! a few chuckles from this thread, along with it being hump day on the Chive is really helping me get through my slight hangover from golf league last night.....
havgrizfan said:
Insert Griz in front of fans and IT'S A BN post and any MSU fan that posts here that won't admit that Cat Fans would have jumped all over this if the roles were reversed is a big liar. I agree with AG1, it's harmless and funny. I have no issues with it whatsover, but lets not pretend at least ONE MSU fan wouldn't have been outraged if this came up on the other side.

Still, it's a pretty funny, albeit obsessive move by an MSU fan.

I see your point, but this did also happen to Brekke, but I don't remember a huge uproar on BN about it. I agree it's pretty funny joke, but I think that's all this was a joke. An obsessed MSU fan could/would have gone a lot darker, past joke status. This looks like a good natured ribbing to me, although I realize you guys are a lot better at giving it, than taking it.
NorthwestFresh said:
billingsgriz said:
Can you say, "GRIZ Envy ? !"

I liked Coach Stitt's comments about preseason polls at CSM--during his 15-year tenure there, they won three conference championships


But the egriz spin machine can explain that one away in a jiffy... he did very well there considering all his players were super smart engineers. :clap:
I love it when Cat fans like to point out that Stitt only won 3 conference titles in 15 years at CSM when their own Ron Ash couldn't do much better when he was at Drake.

Ron Ash, Career Record at Drake: 125-63-2
*Only won four Pioneer Football League titles in 18 seasons.
get'em_griz said:
I love it when Cat fans like to point out that Stitt only won 3 conference titles in 15 years at CSM when their own Ron Ash couldn't do much better when he was at Drake.

Ron Ash, Career Record at Drake: 125-63-2
*Only won four Pioneer Football League titles in 18 seasons.
Perhaps it is a sly attempt to warn Griz fans due to the similarity of coaching records that we may need to adopt their kind of "realistic expectations". I would assert that Stitt will not be given the time to accumulate Ash-like results.
get'em_griz said:
I love it when Cat fans like to point out that Stitt only won 3 conference titles in 15 years at CSM when their own Ron Ash couldn't do much better when he was at Drake.

Ron Ash, Career Record at Drake: 125-63-2
*Only won four Pioneer Football League titles in 18 seasons.

And the 'scat fans slink away, back under their couches. :clap: :clap: :clap: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well there weren't too many people excited about Ash's hire when he was hired. Ash was hired to clean up the program, run a clean ship, and win games, in that order. He actually has done better than I thought he would, but it sure would be nice to make a playoff run once in a while, rather than win one and then bow out.

But yea, when Ash was hired, I was pretty skeptical a guy from a non-scholarship conference who had been there for 18 years could win at MSU. I wasn't sure he could recruit top-tier Big Sky talent. I wondered why he been at Drake so long, did he never get any offers, and if so, why not?

The only positives that immediately came to mind was that he would certainly clean up the program, and if he worked out, he would likely retire in Bozeman so he'd stay put for a while.
Grisly Fan said:
get'em_griz said:
I love it when Cat fans like to point out that Stitt only won 3 conference titles in 15 years at CSM when their own Ron Ash couldn't do much better when he was at Drake.

Ron Ash, Career Record at Drake: 125-63-2
*Only won four Pioneer Football League titles in 18 seasons.
I would assert that Stitt will not be given the time to accumulate Ash-like results.

A big fat noooo!
get'em_griz said:
I love it when Cat fans like to point out that Stitt only won 3 conference titles in 15 years at CSM when their own Ron Ash couldn't do much better when he was at Drake.

Ron Ash, Career Record at Drake: 125-63-2
*Only won four Pioneer Football League titles in 18 seasons.

I don't recall 'Cat fans being very excited with the hiring of Ash. He was what, the fifth choice or so?

Compared to the parade that Griz fans are already planning for Stitt, who has a similar background and record of success, yet at a lower level of football. I mean come on. UM put the guy as the focal point for their poster this season. I like the excitement, but we'll have to see if Stitt is worth all of the praise he's already being given by Griz fans.

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