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Vandals Fans not happy with Griz fans

Remember a few years ago when the Vandals had that pantyliner in the shape of an "I" on the rear end of the football pants? :lol:
mtgriz said:
Remember a few years ago when the Vandals had that pantyliner in the shape of an "I" on the rear end of the football pants? :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Grizbeer said:
grizcountry420 said:
The cool thing about that site is that they have no Mods since scout took over..
I think you need a gif of Linehan falling on his face tripping over his own feet - it so perfectly defines Vandal football. I wonder if those head first slides were really just his version of making a cut.

blackfootipa said:
Grizbeer said:
grizcountry420 said:
The cool thing about that site is that they have no Mods since scout took over..
I think you need a gif of Linehan falling on his face tripping over his own feet - it so perfectly defines Vandal football. I wonder if those head first slides were really just his version of making a cut.


BWahlberg said:
Herd said:
Griz1 said:
No one has even mentioned their reduction in scholarships yet. How will that work out?

Reduction in scholarships? Where were they, 64?

They're FBS right now so they currently give out 85 and cannot split those at all. They'll have to scale back to 63 when they officially join the Big Sky.
They currently only use 72 scholarships.
blackfootipa said:
Grizbeer said:
grizcountry420 said:
The cool thing about that site is that they have no Mods since scout took over..
I think you need a gif of Linehan falling on his face tripping over his own feet - it so perfectly defines Vandal football. I wonder if those head first slides were really just his version of making a cut.


Bobcat players - "Damn, that tackling technique the coaches have been teaching the past three years finally worked!"
Yeah, like I am going to lose a lot of sleep over delusional Vandal fans being unhappy with any of us??? LOL!!! And they think they are going to a bowl??? LOL!!!
Hahahahahahaha! :lol: After watching the Vandals struggles against MSU all I can say is "Bring it, Spudboy!"
Love how some of their posters act like they are getting a promotion. Well, they probably are, but they're still a .500 club or worse.
After the Thursday night fiasco I was thinking maybe Idaho should just keep stepping down until they hit DII, but feeling the hatred, fear and envy of those spud jockeys took me back to my youth and I can't wait to start beating them again. Also the Sun Belt Conference has listed the most immediate impact of Idaho's departure. They expect an increase in the cumulative IQ of conference fans by 35 to 50 points. So watch out BSC here come the Vandals and their fans.
I do believe that the Vandals will be bowling this year. Just using 10 pins and a round ball with holes in it in an alley.
If anyone gets the chance, check out the "What game did you watch?" thread over on bobcatnation. I'm too lazy to copy and paste any of the posts but there are some real gems over there. You can't make this shit up...

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