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UM Name Change?


Well-known member
Hey CDA?

You are one of the sharper knives in this drawer (no offense) so I have a question for you.

Last night over drinks a couple dozen of us were talking about the fall of Montana and its football/athletic program. When one guy mentioned the one thing that really hasnt changed is the domination of the cats.

A few opinions were thrown around and I stepped in to say, "Why is it even called a rivalry? Why does anyone care if its Griz cat or cat Griz? The fact is we own this to the point its just another game in our season, it doesnt make and it rarely ever breaks our season, even when we have turmoil that would crush most programs, injuries, legal problems bad coaches etc we still give them everything they want. Even on the extremely rare cases when they get a victory its by just a few points."

People agreed (I only hang with smart people) and I then declared "What Montana needs to do is change the name of the Griz cat game, we need to axe the Brawl of the Wild, or the Fall Classic and repackage this game as "Simply the Last Game of the Regular Season", "Just another semi meaningless conference game" or "Another W"

What do you think?



P.S. Any other name change suggestions are welcome, when we arrive at a consensus I will file the legal paperwork. Thanks for playin
As CDA's official representative, I can assure you he concurs with your sentiment. He's currently locked away in his basement, doing trademark research on possible replacement names.
AZGrizFan said:
As CDA's official representative, I can assure you he concurs with your sentiment. He's currently locked away in his basement, doing trademark research on possible replacement names.

Hence why I posed the question to him. I do apologize for not CCing you on the matter, my bad. Can I buy you a Bud Light sometime to make up for my ugly, ill conceived error?

AZGrizFan said:
As CDA's official representative, I can assure you he concurs with your sentiment. He's currently locked away in his basement, doing trademark research on possible replacement names.

Hence why I posed the question to him. I do apologize for not CCing you on the matter, my bad. Can I buy you a Bud Light sometime to make up for my ugly, ill conceived error?


You may. You may. I shall be in your neck of the woods in mid-late June. :cool: :cool:
I vote for "Another W"
Keep it short and simple to the moo-u faithful won't be confused.
A very good point, indeed. After much thought, I believe there are several solutions that are neither mutually exclusive nor collectively exhaustive:

1. Move the game up in the schedule. There is really no reason why it should be the last game of the regular season for the Griz, and the last game of the season for MSU. A swap of dates with the EWU game might provide the short term fix until the next challenger emerges. The obvious downside to this is that the EWU game would be played in colder weather, and the extra clothes required would therefore make it easier for EWU players to sneak guns into Wa-Griz.

2. Change the BSC schedule to have the Griz play a more worthy adversary every year instead of MSU. There is no need for these teams to clash each year. The downside to this is that the Griz would no longer be able to pencil in a near-certain victory against MSU in putting together the remainder of the schedule. Another drawback is that C.A.T.S. fans might not record as many golden parody songs in Bozeman nursing homes, thus adversely impacting thousands of Americans.

3. Keep everything the same and classify the game for what it is: a tune up for the Griz before the first playoff game. It's akin to a college basketball team that finishes its regular season conference games early, and schedules a tune up before the postseason. This is most in line with the original suggestion, and therefore likely requires the name change. My vote is currently "The game on Saturday." The obvious drawback is the red tape involved in the name change. While the potential legal logistics may pose a bit of a hurdle, any and all such changes will have to run through the Front Street Pour Boyz' bureaucracy as well.

I admire the initiative AG1 and others took in getting this dialogue started.
AZGrizFan said:
As CDA's official representative, I can assure you he concurs with your sentiment. He's currently locked away in his basement, doing trademark research on possible replacement names.

Hence why I posed the question to him. I do apologize for not CCing you on the matter, my bad. Can I buy you a Bud Light sometime to make up for my ugly, ill conceived error?


Buying someone a Bud Light (or drinking one) is an ugly, ill conceived error all on its own.
Grizzlies1982 said:
Buying someone a Bud Light (or drinking one) is an ugly, ill conceived error all on its own.
That's about as true as any statement I've ever seen on eGriz.
'68griz said:
Grizzlies1982 said:
Buying someone a Bud Light (or drinking one) is an ugly, ill conceived error all on its own.
That's about as true as any statement I've ever seen on eGriz.

If you guys knew AzGriz you'd know that he'd be as happy as a pig in shit if he received a Bud Light or two. You literally couldn't get the guy away from you if you bought him a case.
MrTitleist said:
'68griz said:
Grizzlies1982 said:
Buying someone a Bud Light (or drinking one) is an ugly, ill conceived error all on its own.
That's about as true as any statement I've ever seen on eGriz.

If you guys knew AzGriz you'd know that he'd be as happy as a pig in shit if he received a Bud Light or two. You literally couldn't get the guy away from you if you bought him a case.
:cool: :cool:
I will drink just about anything but even I draw the line on Bud Light. I think bottled water has a higher alcohol content.

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