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UM at msu (Saturday 2/25)

MissoulaMarinerFan said:
Dang. Lopez has missed 2 wide open 3's. Would be a different game if he hits those.
ESPN box score says the Griz are 0-5 on treys. Is that right?

Already at 20 total fouls called. Over/under at 40+ looking pretty good.
Ursa Major said:
Weebs is falling apart!
And North Dakota is surging. Nocol kinda held its own for a half (at home), but ND has pulled out to a 10-point lead in the second half.
LivingstonNative said:
What kind of broadcast is this? What, the engineering school doesn't know how to do a replay? Pathetic!
The Compost-fired Generator out at the Settling Pond caught fire and drowned earlier in the day. Hence, the poor lighting tonight. The School of Engineering is out at the Settling Pond trying to resuscitate the Generator.

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