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TSN / Haley pick CP over the griz

IroneagleXP said:

Am I missing something here? If you look closely at Haley's "discussions", he hints around about some upsets/ possibilities (Montana included) , but I don't see any actual picks for any of the Top 25 games?
griz71 said:
IroneagleXP said:

Am I missing something here? If you look closely at Haley's "discussions", he hints around about some upsets/ possibilities (Montana included) , but I don't see any actual picks for any of the Top 25 games?
There's an "X" next to the teams he picked.
griz71 said:
IroneagleXP said:

Am I missing something here? If you look closely at Haley's "discussions", he hints around about some upsets/ possibilities (Montana included) , but I don't see any actual picks for any of the Top 25 games?

See the X in front of Cal Poly

I think Haley's logic is that we'll lose to Cal Poly because we don't play in the Missouri Valley Conference. Yeah, I know, it makes no sense.
Robsnotes4u said:
griz71 said:
IroneagleXP said:

Am I missing something here? If you look closely at Haley's "discussions", he hints around about some upsets/ possibilities (Montana included) , but I don't see any actual picks for any of the Top 25 games?

See the X in front of Cal Poly


Thanks notes! Curious way of prognosticating. :roll:
Rjones61 said:
EverettGriz said:
Rather odd that an "egale" fan would post this on a a GRIZ board.

How's the bye week looking, "eagle"? I hope the off time will prevent anyone from painting any more gay slurs on the basketball wall this week.

He's a cat troll posing as an EWU fan. Ignore him and eventually he will go away.

Yeah, I'm very aware of that, 61. He's one of many kitties who are too embarrassed to admit it. That's why I referenced a little trouble one the kitty players found himself in recently.
41-21. 78 yards rushing. Allows 528 total yards. No sugar! Where's all the sugar coaters who spout about being #6 or #7? Check out the polls: Massey #32, Sagarin #32, Coaches Poll #12(and the Cats #8). Yeah, I'm a Griz fan, but a REALISTIC Griz fan. At this point in the season, 'adjustments' don't seem possible, as if this bunch of coaches could provide some anyway. Cal Polys coach, when asked if the Griz were 'overrated,' dodged the question. Ready for a 5-7 season?
statler & waldorf said:
41-21. 78 yards rushing. Allows 528 total yards. No sugar! Where's all the sugar coaters who spout about being #6 or #7? Check out the polls: Massey #32, Sagarin #32, Coaches Poll #12(and the Cats #8). Yeah, I'm a Griz fan, but a REALISTIC Griz fan. At this point in the season, 'adjustments' don't seem possible, as if this bunch of coaches could provide some anyway. Cal Polys coach, when asked if the Griz were 'overrated,' dodged the question. Ready for a 5-7 season?

Anyone not drinking the Kool-Aid knows that we are not even a top 20 team this season.

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