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Troxel Back to ISU

kemajic said:
Ursa Major said:
boisebengal said:
I think a lot of what you've all said about Troxel and Kramer is spot on. I think that Kramer was tough on his coaches and had high expectations from them, and I've heard that there were times he interfered with the playcalling. I thought it was strange as well, that Matt would leave as ISU OC to take a wide receiver job at Montana. In any event, the good thing is that ISU returns most of their coaches from last season so that there's continuity. The bad is that Phenicie's never been a head coach before, and past performance is an excellent indicator of future success. I wish ISU could have some semblance of success like Montana's had in the past.

Good Post Boisebengal. Unfortunately, I'm not as kind.

Enjoy cashing your paycheck from UM, Judas. It will be your last.
Enjoy Phen Phen and another half-decade worth of BSC cellar dwelling.
Enjoy your next career opportunity as parking coordinator at Craters of the Moon National Monument.

I'm with Griz2k, f*** him!
Way to diss a former Griz player. Stitt had him in a ridiculously underutilized position; this was inevitable once Phenicie got the job at ISU.
Yep. Agreed 100%. Plus, this board was split on TG long before he went all Benedict Arnold on us...

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If the Griz can't beat ISU, even with some internalized knowledge of the program that Troxel picked up, then those who have made the 10-1, 9-2, and 8-3 predictions on the expectations thread are in deep doo-doo. Along with Valpo and Sav State, ISU should be the least of our worries. Wish the young man well in his career and let it go.
horribilisfan8184 said:
kemajic said:
horribilisfan8184 said:
Look, Stitt and Co. bailed him out of a horrible situation, most likely at his request. Regardless of whatever happened after that at ISU, I see this as a situation where Trox owed the Griz one full season. Hopefully Trox asked for his release and Stitt graciously ok'd the deal.
Maybe. But Stitt did not give him a job in which he could expect to retain him.

Regardless of the pay or responsibilities it was a lifeline. And I saw Trox as a potential OC for the Griz if Stitt was inclined to listen to the eGriz family of experts on that subject.

Quite the oxymoron there.....there is no such thing as an expert on eGriz.
ordigger said:
horribilisfan8184 said:
kemajic said:
horribilisfan8184 said:
Look, Stitt and Co. bailed him out of a horrible situation, most likely at his request. Regardless of whatever happened after that at ISU, I see this as a situation where Trox owed the Griz one full season. Hopefully Trox asked for his release and Stitt graciously ok'd the deal.
Maybe. But Stitt did not give him a job in which he could expect to retain him.

Regardless of the pay or responsibilities it was a lifeline. And I saw Trox as a potential OC for the Griz if Stitt was inclined to listen to the eGriz family of experts on that subject.

Quite the oxymoron there.....there is no such thing as an expert on eGriz.

True...........just as there is no such thing as a poster who will admit (without fingers crossed behind their back) they are not an expert.
Hey everybody......guess what our W/L record is right now? I'll give you a hint. It will be the same from now until September, and nothing that happens with recruiting or coaching changes is going to change that.

We're 0-0 and nothing that is said on here is gonna make a damn bit of difference. With every snap, sack, interception, TD, and coaching change.....egriz loses its shit.

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EverettGriz said:
garizzalies said:
EverettGriz said:
I agree with 8184. Trox owed UM a minimum of a full season after accepting the job here. His role with isu wasn't going anywhere. Phen would have and could have hired him next season.

What?!? Come on, you can't be serious?
He owed us almost a year of his life? What are you a slaver?
Unless there was some kind of noncompete clause in his contract, this is crazy talk.
And you think ISU would hold the OC job open all year, or just fire someone after 1 year? Yeah that sounds real practical.
Griz nation gets more delusional each season

Well, I still believe in a world where a man should honor his commitments, particularly when he was done a favor. There's a right way to do things, then there's the way where as long as you don't violate a noncompete....

What was the favor Stitt did for Troxel? UM needed a receiver coach. Troxel accepted the job.

I agree with your generally on commitments, but I would like to know more about what, if any, commitment there was. Coaches move for bigger and better jobs frequently. Head coaches often support that. Don't know the coaching protocol on this situation, either generally or specifically, tho.
PlayerRep said:
EverettGriz said:
garizzalies said:
EverettGriz said:
I agree with 8184. Trox owed UM a minimum of a full season after accepting the job here. His role with isu wasn't going anywhere. Phen would have and could have hired him next season.

What?!? Come on, you can't be serious?
He owed us almost a year of his life? What are you a slaver?
Unless there was some kind of noncompete clause in his contract, this is crazy talk.
And you think ISU would hold the OC job open all year, or just fire someone after 1 year? Yeah that sounds real practical.
Griz nation gets more delusional each season

Well, I still believe in a world where a man should honor his commitments, particularly when he was done a favor. There's a right way to do things, then there's the way where as long as you don't violate a noncompete....

What was the favor Stitt did for Troxel? UM needed a receiver coach. Troxel accepted the job.

I agree with your generally on commitments, but I would like to know more about what, if any, commitment there was. Coaches move for bigger and better jobs frequently. Head coaches often support that. Don't know the coaching protocol on this situation, either generally or specifically, tho.

I don't either, but I got the impression from one of Troxel's tweets that he got Stitt's blessing...something about "full support of Coach Stitt"...or something like that.
EverettGriz said:
garizzalies said:
EverettGriz said:
I agree with 8184. Trox owed UM a minimum of a full season after accepting the job here. His role with isu wasn't going anywhere. Phen would have and could have hired him next season.

What?!? Come on, you can't be serious?
He owed us almost a year of his life? What are you a slaver?
Unless there was some kind of noncompete clause in his contract, this is crazy talk.
And you think ISU would hold the OC job open all year, or just fire someone after 1 year? Yeah that sounds real practical.
Griz nation gets more delusional each season

Well, I still believe in a world where a man should honor his commitments, particularly when he was done a favor. There's a right way to do things, then there's the way where as long as you don't violate a noncompete....
Filling an open position with an over-qualified Troxel, then not adjusting responsibilities for it to be reasonably equitable with his demonstrated capabilities, is not what I would call a favor. He came into Missoula with a miserable squad in November and put up 44. I doubt Stitt could have put up 44 against the Griz. Inside receivers coach is the best you could do? Can't cry when that doesn't hold him from an OC job; crazy to think otherwise.
kemajic said:
Filling an open position with an over-qualified Troxel, then not adjusting responsibilities for it to be reasonably equitable with his demonstrated capabilities, is not what I would call a favor. He came into Missoula with a miserable squad in November and put up 44. I doubt Stitt could have put up 44 against the Griz. Inside receivers coach is the best you could do? Can't cry when that doesn't hold him from an OC job; crazy to think otherwise.

you must be troxel's baby, because you certainly aren't advanced enough to be his mom.
kemajic said:
EverettGriz said:
garizzalies said:
EverettGriz said:
I agree with 8184. Trox owed UM a minimum of a full season after accepting the job here. His role with isu wasn't going anywhere. Phen would have and could have hired him next season.

What?!? Come on, you can't be serious?
He owed us almost a year of his life? What are you a slaver?
Unless there was some kind of noncompete clause in his contract, this is crazy talk.
And you think ISU would hold the OC job open all year, or just fire someone after 1 year? Yeah that sounds real practical.
Griz nation gets more delusional each season

Well, I still believe in a world where a man should honor his commitments, particularly when he was done a favor. There's a right way to do things, then there's the way where as long as you don't violate a noncompete....
Filling an open position with an over-qualified Troxel, then not adjusting responsibilities for it to be reasonably equitable with his demonstrated capabilities, is not what I would call a favor. He came into Missoula with a miserable squad in November and put up 44. I doubt Stitt could have put up 44 against the Griz. Inside receivers coach is the best you could do? Can't cry when that doesn't hold him from an OC job; crazy to think otherwise.

It's clear to me Troxell wanted out of Pokey. It's clear to me that he understood the position/role he would have at MONTANA when he took the job. Are you suggesting that Stitt should have relieved a current coach of their responsibilities when Trox came on?
by EverettGriz » Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:57 pm
It's clear to me Troxell wanted out of Pokey. It's clear to me that he understood the position/role he would have at MONTANA when he took the job. Are you suggesting that Stitt should have relieved a current coach of their responsibilities when Trox came on?

Isn't that what often happens when you are able to hire a coach with clearly up and coming credentials (as Kem noted he was able to stick 44 up on the Griz at WAGRIZ) as OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR at ISU). So ya, that could have been one scenario.
Good Luck, Mr. Troxell, believe you will be a better OC at ISU than inside wide receiver position coach at UM.

Phenocie, wasn't my favorite OC, however his record at the UM can't be denied, and will be a great mentor for you, in lieu of the mentor you just left.
kemajic said:
Ursa Major said:
boisebengal said:
I think a lot of what you've all said about Troxel and Kramer is spot on. I think that Kramer was tough on his coaches and had high expectations from them, and I've heard that there were times he interfered with the playcalling. I thought it was strange as well, that Matt would leave as ISU OC to take a wide receiver job at Montana. In any event, the good thing is that ISU returns most of their coaches from last season so that there's continuity. The bad is that Phenicie's never been a head coach before, and past performance is an excellent indicator of future success. I wish ISU could have some semblance of success like Montana's had in the past.

Good Post Boisebengal. Unfortunately, I'm not as kind.

Enjoy cashing your paycheck from UM, Judas. It will be your last.
Enjoy Phen Phen and another half-decade worth of BSC cellar dwelling.
Enjoy your next career opportunity as parking coordinator at Craters of the Moon National Monument.

I'm with Griz2k, f*** him!
Way to diss a former Griz player. Stitt had him in a ridiculously underutilized position; this was inevitable once Phenicie got the job at ISU.

Kem, I view this as a matter of character. Coach Stitt and UM offered him an opportunity. Sounds like he was stuck in his situation at ISU. He signed a contract. That might mean little to some but not to me. The right thing to do is be a person of character and finish the year with UM.

I wouldn't care if right after the last Griz game of 2017 that Phen Phen barged through the locker room doors dressed smartly, albeit untimely, in an all white Naval dress uniform and carried Coach Troxel away with him to Pocatello.


But before that, do the right thing and be responsible. To me this is a matter of character. Troxel failed that test. This is especially true if you, like me, buy into the narrative of a coach being a role-model for the youth they work with. His Griz card is pulled. Go to your loser people in Pocatello.
EverettGriz said:
I agree with 8184. Trox owed UM a minimum of a full season after accepting the job here. His role with isu wasn't going anywhere. Phen would have and could have hired him next season.

This!!! EG and 8184 get it. :thumb:
I was a douche move not sticking out a year. Griz card pulled. And people who don't "think" some staff are pissed don't "know" the truth.
EverettGriz said:
kemajic said:
EverettGriz said:
garizzalies said:
What?!? Come on, you can't be serious?
He owed us almost a year of his life? What are you a slaver?
Unless there was some kind of noncompete clause in his contract, this is crazy talk.
And you think ISU would hold the OC job open all year, or just fire someone after 1 year? Yeah that sounds real practical.
Griz nation gets more delusional each season

Well, I still believe in a world where a man should honor his commitments, particularly when he was done a favor. There's a right way to do things, then there's the way where as long as you don't violate a noncompete....
Filling an open position with an over-qualified Troxel, then not adjusting responsibilities for it to be reasonably equitable with his demonstrated capabilities, is not what I would call a favor. He came into Missoula with a miserable squad in November and put up 44. I doubt Stitt could have put up 44 against the Griz. Inside receivers coach is the best you could do? Can't cry when that doesn't hold him from an OC job; crazy to think otherwise.

It's clear to me Troxell wanted out of Pokey. It's clear to me that he understood the position/role he would have at MONTANA when he took the job. Are you suggesting that Stitt should have relieved a current coach of their responsibilities when Trox came on?

Far be it that EG would ever need my support on this argument but he is 100% correct. The UM and Coach Stitt reached out and gave Troxell an opportunity to get out of a bad situation. This was repaid by his quitting his post and returning to a program within the conference. Would anyone advocate the rehiring of Troxell at UM?
I can't imagine being in Trox's position...choosing between working for a guy you've known and admired since your playing days....or coaching at your alma mater with a chance to possibly end up the OC or even the HC if you played your cards right. That would be a difficult decision for me.
sdk.catfish said:
by EverettGriz » Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:57 pm
It's clear to me Troxell wanted out of Pokey. It's clear to me that he understood the position/role he would have at MONTANA when he took the job. Are you suggesting that Stitt should have relieved a current coach of their responsibilities when Trox came on?

Isn't that what often happens when you are able to hire a coach with clearly up and coming credentials (as Kem noted he was able to stick 44 up on the Griz at WAGRIZ) as OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR at ISU). So ya, that could have been one scenario.

Yes, that is exactly what happens.

See > Pflugrad/Jonathan Smith.

But, this eStitt my friend.
EverettGriz said:
kemajic said:
EverettGriz said:
garizzalies said:
What?!? Come on, you can't be serious?
He owed us almost a year of his life? What are you a slaver?
Unless there was some kind of noncompete clause in his contract, this is crazy talk.
And you think ISU would hold the OC job open all year, or just fire someone after 1 year? Yeah that sounds real practical.
Griz nation gets more delusional each season

Well, I still believe in a world where a man should honor his commitments, particularly when he was done a favor. There's a right way to do things, then there's the way where as long as you don't violate a noncompete....
Filling an open position with an over-qualified Troxel, then not adjusting responsibilities for it to be reasonably equitable with his demonstrated capabilities, is not what I would call a favor. He came into Missoula with a miserable squad in November and put up 44. I doubt Stitt could have put up 44 against the Griz. Inside receivers coach is the best you could do? Can't cry when that doesn't hold him from an OC job; crazy to think otherwise.

It's clear to me Troxell wanted out of Pokey. It's clear to me that he understood the position/role he would have at MONTANA when he took the job. Are you suggesting that Stitt should have relieved a current coach of their responsibilities when Trox came on?

That sentence is 100 percent spot on. Troxel came to Montana to be the inside receivers coach and, at least at present time, nothing else. He wasn't lured here by promises that were made or specualtion about more responsibilities. I know for a fact, Stitt asked him if he wanted to come be the INSIDE WR COACH, while his good buddy Mike Ferriter was the one promoted to Passing Game Co. Troxel said YES. He didn't ask for more or expect more. Anyone who is trying to say otherwise is either lying or just doesn't have a clue what they're spouting off about. Also, anyone implying Trox went back to ISU for any other reason than what HE SAID he did, is also dead wrong. But don't take my word for it. Ask him.

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