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Trolling - How to be Set Free


Well-known member
Trollin, trollin, trollin
Boy my arse is swollen
From all this insane trollin
Goooooo Griiiiiiz!

Man the amount of trolling taking place on this, a University of Montana fan forum, is incredible as of late. I used to get mad and wonder why these ass clowns bother to come on our board to talk smack. But I am learning to look at this in a new light.

I've decided we, the Grizzlies, are like the Yankees of the FCS....hear me out:

If you are a Griz fan, you absolutely love this team with all your heart and soul. You go to every game, rain, snow, or shine. If you cant make the game in person, you do everything in your power to get it on-line, on a radio, on a TV....whatever it takes. You give money and time to the program and you experience the emotional roller coaster that goes with wins, losses, and nail biters. You do this year end and year out and you wouldnt have it any other way. You couldn't be more proud to root for the Griz and when the season comes to an end you walk around aimlessly in a depressed, zombie-like state until the season rolls round again.

Now, if you are not a Griz fan, you absolutely despise this team. You hate them with all your being. Most of it stems from jealousy, which is a tough thing for most to handle with any kind of level head. You are so sick of getting owned and man-handled and beat down by this football team that it begins to fester. For once your team looks good and you get high hopes that this year is going to be "the year". Your team is finally going to become something....a playoff run, a contender, we got this! And then the Grizzles shatter all your hopes....all your dreams...everything you've worked so hard for with another buzz-saw win in Washington-Grizzly stadium. That's it.....you lose it! Your entire existence, all your energy, all your thoughts, all your dreams become consumed with Grizzly football. Your work production suffers. Your home life starts to suffer. You start having problems with your spouse, your kids. Your friends even pitch in money to send you to Hawaii in an effort to get you back, but not even that works. All is lost. All is hopeless. It's the end of the world as you know it.

And then IT happens.....you lash out on E-Griz. It's all you got left....it's the only possible thing you can do to feel life again. You are so consumed with everything Grizzly, that you can't stop. You know you shouldn't do it....you know it's not right but you just can't stop. You post and it feels good but then you feel bad about it later, but you can no longer control yourself. You have to have a way to be heard and to vent and this is the only avenue. Oh the humanity!!!!

So I am now looking at these trollers in a whole new light. I am becoming flattered by their presence. Instead of spending time with their wives (or boyfriends for many of them) they instead spend their entire day on our fan forum. Every single thread....every single topic...they have to see it...they have to read it....they have to comment. Instead of playing with their kids (who unfortunatley will also inherit this sickness after watching their Daddy become consumed) they would rather be on our board. Instead of hanging with friends, or hunting, or fishing, or anything they used to enjoy doing....E Griz now rules their day. Their downward spiral continues as they live a life of misery eating, drinking, breathing everything Grizzly.

Only 1 in 1000 ever come out of this sickness, and it can only happen one way...when they finally realize one extremely important thing...that with every fiber of their being they just want a pice of what we've already got!! They just want to be associated with a winner. They just want to feel the thunder of 26,000 rabid die-hard fans cheering on a dominant team to victory at home games. They just want to be on ESPN. They just want consistent deep playoff runs and national championship appearances. They just want multiple national championship banners. They just want a dynasty.

So come one, come all trollers. Im talking to you Cats2506...to you ScreamingEagle174.....come on FormerEag.....you too BigSkyFan33....yes PoorGriz even you.....come on JerryPunch....put your computers down.....go talk to your wife or boyfriend....they need you...you're just not there for them anymore.....go play with your kids....give them some hope that Daddy is back. There is enough Griz love to go around. We will be happy to share our dynasty with you. We know how much it will help. The words in this summary have the power to save you and set you free. I hope this helps you find your path again. Life is too short to be consumed by everything Grizzly!
"So come one, come all trollers. Im talking to you Cats2506...to you ScreamingEagle174.....come on FormerEag.....you too BigSkyFan33....yes PoorGriz even you.....come on JerryPunch..Life is too short to be consumed by everything Grizzly!"

I bet you get some bites before long.
Right on hooked on.............I, am a lurker have been for many years....love to go to
WGS....(every home game----Take my grandchildren----Love to win more than anything, but nearing 73 years old, a win or loss is not going to end my life.

GO GRIZ.....Beat Eastern

Have a good night and hope you wake up in the morning.....it will be a great day if you did.


Love ya

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I am sure as soon as that list gets somebody to read the big words to them.......the responses will be coming within the next 48 hours.

I am sure as soon as that list gets somebody to read the big words to them.......the responses will be coming within the next 48 hours.


Stop now. I have confidence they can mouth out the syllables, Sss....ll....oooow...ly.
I am sure as soon as that list gets somebody to read the big words to them.......the responses will be coming within the next 48 hours.


I think there is another bus leaving for the Spokane Public Library at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. They'll respond around that time.

EDIT: And that is one great post, HookedOn. Great way to sum it up. :thumb:
signedbewildered said:
I am sure as soon as that list gets somebody to read the big words to them.......the responses will be coming within the next 48 hours.


Stop now. I have confidence they can mouth out the syllables, Sss....ll....oooow...ly.

You can't mouth words with meth teeth............

signedbewildered said:
I am sure as soon as that list gets somebody to read the big words to them.......the responses will be coming within the next 48 hours.


Stop now. I have confidence they can mouth out the syllables, Sss....ll....oooow...ly.

You can't mouth words with meth teeth............


At least it's easy to say meth teeth if you have meth teeth.
jodcon said:
Mineral Griz said:
I AM TO OLD TO KNOW what you are saying.......sorry.....

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

GO GRIZ..........................



I'm shocked.

Six full paragraphs? Count me out; I have to mail a letter and return an e-mail today.

I'm stuck working on Saturday cuz I've gotta get a project thats gotta be done by next week except that the weather is gonna turn to shit and the excavator I use isn't available til Saturday morning. I found this out last night and I've been in a semi distructive mode since I found out. Not really thinking about it but I guess it's more sub conscious. Honestly I never really thought about much else since then. But my mind has been full of how I'm gonna set the lap top up or my phone in the cab of the track hoe to stream the game. I haven't missed a game since the SFA game in '09 whether it be at Wa-Griz, tv, or radio. But it's looking more and more like I'm gonna miss this one. :censored:

Bring on the trolls!! One of those turds will eventually drive me to the edge of getting the boot from here :lol: I've been warned quite a few times. Guess I'll try this approach :thumb:
Hey CDA?

Since the beating of these EWU fans is so one sided do you feel a little bit like one of the "LA Four"?

I will be "Twan Miller" and you can be "Football Williams"


Now let's get some more Denny's
Hey CDA?

Since the beating of these EWU fans is so one sided do you feel a little bit like one of the "LA Four"?

I will be "Twan Miller" and you can be "Football Williams"


Now let's get some more Denny's

Not sure I can sign off on that one. Local media here says it's "too soon." It is metaphorically accurate, however.

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