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The Third Annual Brinty Awards

Ursa Major said:
Updated. You have one vote per each of the 7 categories (i.e. up to 7 votes). Catagories include:

Best Thread of the Year

Worst Thread of the Year

Biggest Troll of the Year

Biggest Jock Sniffer of the Year

Best gif/Picture of the Year

Thread Killer of the Year

Post of the Year

Does egriz really have to vote for Jock Sniffer of the year? Everyone knows who that is. C'mon
Ursa. I expect more from you......
CV Griz Fan said:
Ursa Major said:
Updated. You have one vote per each of the 7 categories (i.e. up to 7 votes). Catagories include:

Best Thread of the Year

Worst Thread of the Year

Biggest Troll of the Year

Biggest Jock Sniffer of the Year

Best gif/Picture of the Year

Thread Killer of the Year

Post of the Year

Does egriz really have to vote for Jock Sniffer of the year? Everyone knows who that is. C'mon
Ursa. I expect more from you......

We need a someone to nominate "someone", my friend :)
Ursa Major said:
CV Griz Fan said:
Ursa Major said:
Updated. You have one vote per each of the 7 categories (i.e. up to 7 votes). Catagories include:

Best Thread of the Year

Worst Thread of the Year

Biggest Troll of the Year

Biggest Jock Sniffer of the Year

Best gif/Picture of the Year

Thread Killer of the Year

Post of the Year

Does egriz really have to vote for Jock Sniffer of the year? Everyone knows who that is. C'mon
Ursa. I expect more from you......

We need a someone to nominate "someone", my friend :)

Good point. I'll do it tomorrow when I'm sober.....
grizpsych said:
How am I not nominated for best gif?



Best Thread of the Year: Why Travon don't return kicks

Biggest Troll of the Year: Steaming Fecal

Best gif/Picture of the Year:
LongTimeCatFan said:
cclarkblues said:
What about Shortest Shelf Life?

I nominate "It's Lonely On Top" by Long Term Cat Fan.

HA! I'm sure we can find a ribbon for you!

Please also vote for nominees for the shortest shelf life....Nominated by Cclarkblues.
fuck votes, i want to cast aspersions until i'm practiced enough to be awarded the green belt.
Ursa Major said:
Updated. You have one vote per each of the 7 categories (i.e. up to 7 votes). Catagories include:

Best Thread of the Year

Worst Thread of the Year

Biggest Troll of the Year

Biggest Jock Sniffer of the Year

Best gif/Picture of the Year

Thread Killer of the Year

Post of the Year

Best Tread- Ursa's travel tips to Cheney.
Worst Thread- N/A
Biggest Troll- Big G
Biggest Jock Sniffer- PR
Best GIF/ Picture- 420's "boys are back in town(not even close)
Thread Killer- griz 1952
Post of the year- 420's "boys are back in town" response with boys dancing GIF.
Welcome to the Third Annual Brinty Awards

The first Brinty Award goes to a board member for his tireless work providing FCS information on the board. During the season he provides a weekly upset poll. Thank you IdaGriz01 for all of your contributions to the board and keeping all in touch with the FCS outside of the BSC,


Best Thread of the Year
And the nominees are:
1) Nominated by: CDAGRIZ Thread:Why TRAVON don't return kicks!!! viewtopic.php?f=1&t=67482&p=989766&hilit=return+kicks#p986507

2) Nominated by: Proud Griz Man Thread: First Time at EWU
http://www.egriz.com/grizboard/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=68025&hilit=POTY#p998975" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

3) Nominated by: Ursa Major Thread: Not to point out the obvious, but...
This is the thread that made me laugh the hardest last year. This is CDA at his finest...

And the winner is: Dae Dae for: : Why TRAVON don't return kicks!!!

Worst Thread of the Year
1) Nominated by: EverettGriz Posted by: Player Rep Thread: FCS School Connections at Olympics

2) Nominated by Jodcon Posted by: Kokanee Thread: Is this the worst hire in the modern era?

And the winner is:

Kokanee for: Is this the worst hire in the modern era?

Biggest Troll of the Year
And the nominees are:
1) Monte is a character
2) Big G
3) Old Shep
4) IroneagleXP

And the winner is:
Big G

We take you now live to reaction from the Winner Pub in Sidney where Big G is hosting a party.


Biggest Jock Sniffer of the Year
And the winner is:

Best gif/Picture of the Year
And the nominees are:
1) Nominated by CV Posted by: Grizcountry420 The Boys are Back in Town

2) Nominated by Ursa Major Posted by: Bear Axed Rivalry Week

3) Nominated by Buttegrizzle Posted by: EverettGriz Thread: Post on Bobcat Nation

And the winner is:


Thread Killer of the Year
And the winner is:
Ms. Maroon

Many board members claim that Ms. Maroon's frosty death touch goes beyond her writing prowess. Some claim to be as sterile as the inside of a bleach bottle just by standing near her.

Post with the Shortest Shelf Life

And the winner is:
LongTimeCatFan for: It's Lonely On Top

Post of the Year
The envelope please...........................................................................................

And the 2015 Post of the Year goes to Ellis Henderson for THANK YOU GRIZ NATION - from Ellis Henderson

Thank you to all the nominees and the nominators!