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The Mountain West

Mainly because, I think USU will be l left in the MWC in that scenario, and I don't see UM and or MSU being invited either. If they are, great on them, but I don't see it happening coming right from FCS. Also, I think the teams I mentioned in my alignment would be able to compete with each other quite well without one or two schools having a sizeable competitive advantage like Boise State and San Diego State have in the MWC now.
You think Idaho would ever give it another shot at the FBS level?
There big issue last time was scheduling and trying the independent route. Nobody in there right mind wants to come to Moscow unless they have to and as a result they ended up have a very difficult time getting any home games. In this scenario having conference foes mandated for home games and a close proximity to Montana would seem to make it a non-issue.
There big issue last time was scheduling and trying the independent route. Nobody in there right mind wants to come to Moscow unless they have to and as a result they ended up have a very difficult time getting any home games. In this scenario having conference foes mandated for home games and a close proximity to Montana would seem to make it a non-issue.

Didn’t they have conference foes before? Before they went independent?