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The Cuts Just Keep on Coming

It's hard to hold a discussion about Football on this board. Now egrizers will be debating macro economics, tax policy, politics, world affairs etc? This thread has "crash and burn" written all over it......
CV Griz Fan said:
It's hard to hold a discussion about Football on this board. Now egrizers will be debating macro economics, tax policy, politics, world affairs etc? This thread has "crash and burn" written all over it......
It would be a heck of a lot easier to discuss football if there was any new football stuff to discuss...
A rethinking of the terms "left vs right" and liberal and conservative might help the current situation. The gridlock that infects the Congress at the moment seems to an outsider to be entirely ideological in nature rather than looking at ideas on their merits. Every American should be proud that your incredible governmental system allows the President to act to some extent unilaterally so at least something is getting done. I shudder to think what would happen in a grid locked Canadian system because our chief executive is given no such independent powers, we would seize up like a blown engine.
Atlanta Griz1 said:
I could fix this country easily, get rid of the national debt, and return millions of jobs to this country by doing the following:

1) Passing a law making unions illegal for all public service employees, including federal, state, county, and city. All public service employees would have a standard pay scale, adjusted for local cost-of-living strata, and given raises based on merit. There would be no lifetime benefits for public service retirees. Retirement income would be participatory by the employee until the 401K program, with a 50% match by the government agency.
2) Imposing term limits on Congress, and removing their life-time benefits including health care and retirement. Serving in congress would be an honor, instead of a lifetime ticket to vast wealth.
3) Taxing all goods manufactured in other countries, and consumed here.
4) Cutting several federal agencies, and paring the federal workforce by one-third.
5) Imposing line-item vetoes for all congressional bills, ending pork barrel hidden entitlements
6) Eliminating the IRS, and imposing a VAT tax on consumption of good/services
7) Imposing mandatory drug tests for all entitlement recipients.
8) Allowing federal subsidies for a maximum of two children per mother
9) Substantially increasing the armed forces, creating jobs, and affording maximum defense security for the U.S. in a dangerous world.

Well said. And to that I could only add (assuming the presence of the income tax, instead of the national sales tax - which I like even better) - raise taxes on the lowest tax and non-paying tax brackets where vast numbers of voters, the 47%-49%, are mined by demagoguing politicians. At the same time, abolish the payroll tax withholding system for workers for the income tax, (leaving in effect the payroll tax), and make each and every American pay their income taxes by writing a check from their personal funds to the U.S. Treasury, the way the self employed do now. Nothing deflates the liberal progressive souffle faster than the knowledge that the bill to pay for it is coming to one's own doorstep.

As far as the point of the original post is concerned, the solution is an expanding economy that creates more jobs. Income inequality is exacerbated by a contracting economy, while income inequality dissipates in and expanding economy.
first11 said:
Liberal Arts schools are and will feel the downward spiral much more than STEM institutions.
Well, MSU is quickly becoming Montana's Liberal Arts School, with its enrollment increases due substantially to increases in ... liberal arts enrollment.

UM President Royce Engstrom was hired from October 2010-Present.
UM Fall 2010 vs. Fall 2015 enrollment for the following UM majors:

1) Math 111 students (2010) vs 100 students (2015) = -11 students
2) Political Science 263 (2010) vs 164 (2015) = -99
3) Psychology 586 (2010) vs 398 (2015) = -188
4) Sociology 363 (2010) vs 265 (2015) = -98
5) Chemistry 111 (2010) vs 86 (2015) = -25
6) Pre-Nursing 158 (2010) vs 126 (2015) = -32
7) Biology/Biological Sciences 423 (2010) vs 399 (2015) = -24
8) Art 298 (2010) vs 184 (2015) = -114
9) Business 1697 (2010) vs 1431 (2015) = -266
10) Education 1563 (2010) vs 1397 (2015) = -166

Total UM Enrollment decrease in these majors under Engstrom = -1023 students

MSU President Waded Cruzado was hired from January 2010-Present.

MSU Fall 2010 vs. Fall 2015 enrollment for the following MSU majors:

1) Math 159 students (2010) vs 213 students (2015) = +54 students
2) Political Science 132 (2010) vs 143 (2015) = +11
3) Psychology 283 (2010) vs 358 (2015) = +75
4) Sociology 109 (2010) vs 213 (2015) = +104
5) Chemistry 162 (2010) vs 170 (2015) = +8
6) Pre-Nursing 370 (2010) vs 397 (2015) = +27
7) Biology/Biological Sciences 286 (2010) vs 425 (2015) = +139
8) Art 175 (2010) vs 345 (2015) = +170
9) Business 1100 (2010) vs 1381 (2015) = +281
10) Education 1625 (2010) vs 1820 (2015) = +195

Total MSU Enrollment increase in these majors under Cruzado = +1064 students
After Hurricane Katrina devastated Tulane University in August 2005, as part of its recovery plan, it eliminated most of its engineering programs.
Facing a budget shortfall, the Board of Administrators announced a "Renewal Plan" on December 8, 2005 to reduce its annual operating budget and create a "student-centric" campus. At the end of January 2006, the administration reported an estimated $90 to $125 million shortfall for the 2005–06 year. Tulane laid off about 2,000 part-time employees in September and October 2005, 243 non-teaching personnel in November 2005, 230 faculty members in December 2005, and another 200 employees in January 2006.

Under the Renewal Plan, Tulane eliminated six undergraduate and graduate programs in the Engineering School: mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, environmental engineering, and computer science, and also a bachelor's degree in exercise science. The remaining two engineering departments, biomedical engineering and chemical and biomolecular engineering, were merged into the new School of Science and Engineering. The university cut twenty-seven of its forty-five doctoral programs and suspended eight NCAA Division I intercollegiate athletic programs.
Tulane managed a turnaround in two years by engaging in a specific, major reorganization plan. They achieved in two years what Main Hall has been unable to do in six, after our encounter with Hurricane Royce.
On May 8, 2007, Tulane announced that more than 1,375 high school seniors had committed to coming to Tulane University as part of the class of 2011. This increase in enrollment, surpassing 882 students from the class of 2010, and a planned 1,200 students for the class of 2011, marks a strong return in enrollment that nears the level prior to Hurricane Katrina. Tulane welcomed 1,500 new students including 128 transfer students in fall 2007
Meanwhile MSU remains the school of choice for high achieving Montana students. Seventy-two percent Of Montana top high school students plan on attending MSU. That number is more than all the other schools combined. This doesn't bode well for UM.
bigsky33 said:
Meanwhile MSU remains the school of choice for high achieving Montana students. Seventy-two percent Of Montana top high school students plan on attending MSU. That number is more than all the other schools combined. This doesn't bode well for UM.

UM is hurting itself more than anything MSU is doing.
get'em_griz said:
bigsky33 said:
Meanwhile MSU remains the school of choice for high achieving Montana students. Seventy-two percent Of Montana top high school students plan on attending MSU. That number is more than all the other schools combined. This doesn't bode well for UM.

UM is hurting itself more than anything MSU is doing.

I disagree on that. MSU has been light years ahead of UM in reaching out to high school students. They have been very aggressive with their Marketing.
bigsky33 said:
get'em_griz said:
bigsky33 said:
Meanwhile MSU remains the school of choice for high achieving Montana students. Seventy-two percent Of Montana top high school students plan on attending MSU. That number is more than all the other schools combined. This doesn't bode well for UM.

UM is hurting itself more than anything MSU is doing.

I disagree on that. MSU has been light years ahead of UM in reaching out to high school students. They have been very aggressive with their Marketing.

Which is exactly why I said "UM is hurting itself more..." UM has done nothing with their marketing - neither academic nor athletic - and we've known this to be a problem for years.
get'em_griz said:
Which is exactly why I said "UM is hurting itself more..." UM has done nothing with their marketing - neither academic nor athletic - and we've known this to be a problem for years.
They've known it, and can't fix it. UM has gone from its own recruiting (dismal), to hiring an outside "professional" recruiting firm (that sent the first email blast encouraging potential students to attend MSU), to a second "professional" firm, and then back in-house when UM "discovered" that the second "professional" firm was doing exactly what UM had historically done, except at much greater expense.

That's four changes of "recruiting" approaches in six years. It also brings back to campus the task that "the campus" had been failing at in the first place. Firstly, that much turnover in six years is a guarantee that nobody can "come up to speed" and get the job done and secondly, the turnover itself is a symptom of management failure.

There's a point, and the Regents needed to be watching this with great care and concern, when downward spirals begin to become self-perpetuating, when failure becomes a part of the administrative culture, and when failure becomes ingrained as the "brand" in the public mind because of repeated negative publicity.

Seven years is likely well past the point of no return on all of those key aspects.
Bigsky33 posted this already. But it's so nice, I had to post it twice.

Meanwhile, in Bozeman:


"Seventy-two percent of Montana’s top high school students plan to attend Montana State University in the fall."

The Montana University System Honor Scholarship was awarded to 204 Montana high school seniors this year. While those students may use the scholarship at any of the state’s colleges, universities or two-year institutions, 146 of the 204 students have applied to attend MSU this fall, according to Ronda Russell, MSU director of admissions."

"That number is more than all of the other schools combined."

At least you guys will have the national best DII attendance numbers when you start playing Carroll and Rocky in a few years.
I just love that cat fans like dogshitcolliemolester3 and bigshit33 know they can't actually talk athletics on an athletics board, because we regularly and routinely make their "program" look so fucking silly it's laughable.

God Bless being a GRIZ!!!
Atlanta Griz1 said:
SeattleBobcat said:
Grisly Fan said:
SeattleBobcat said:
Spot on IMO. America as a whole is being left in the dust, education wise with the rest of the world. It's hard for our kids to compete with foreigners who get an education for free, while our kids are saddled with debt or just simply can't afford it. In Seattle/Portland area, there are lots of high paying tech jobs, but the vast majority of these positions are filled by people from other countries. We seem to be a country that hate social programs and blames all our problems on them instead of the true culprit. There's is just not enough to go around for everyone, especially when the extremely weathly are hording money at record rates.
How are social programs the solution to anything? We have created a nanny state where too many sit on their butts waiting for their handouts. Foreign students have the guts to travel far from home to get educated. Americans would never do that. (I am not defending free education for anyone by the way because if you don't earn it you won't appreciate it). Our big problem is that only 49% pay taxes and most of the rest just consume space and suck up resources.

Yet thing you don't realize the people who don't pays taxes are usually very rich like Trump, and find loopholes so they don't have to pay. Capitalism only works if you can keep growing, it won't grow when you suppress the middle class. Social programs are vital to every country, now suddenly Police, Firefighters and EMS are creating a nanny state? Education shouldn't be affordable to everyone? only educate the people who can afford it? I'm not talking Foreign students coming here to get educated, and by the way its not guts, it cash that gets them that education, most of these workers were educated in places like India, where its free.

People with attitudes like yours kill me, yeah lets keep letting our populous fall behind the rest of the world... Attitudes like that will keep behind everyone.

Yeah, let's strive to be like "the rest of the world", totally screwed up. This is the BEST COUNTRY in the world! You "progressive" dudes don't get it. The Roman Empire fell because of progressivism, and we will too, with the stupidly prevailing in Washington and among the youth today, who thing everything should be provide free to them. There is no free ticket in this world. Maybe we can strive to be like Greece, or Spain.
CV Griz Fan said:
It's hard to hold a discussion about Football on this board. Now egrizers will be debating macro economics, tax policy, politics, world affairs etc? This thread has "crash and burn" written all over it......
EverettGriz said:
I just love that cat fans like dogshitcolliemolester3 and bigshit33 know they can't actually talk athletics on an athletics board, because we regularly and routinely make their "program" look so f***[*] silly it's laughable.

God Bless being a GRIZ!!!

+ a bunch
EverettGriz said:
I just love that cat fans like dogshitcolliemolester3 and bigshit33 know they can't actually talk athletics on an athletics board, because we regularly and routinely make their "program" look so f***[*] silly it's laughable.

God Bless being a GRIZ!!!

Since your withering shit stain of a university is the foundation of your athletics department, I'd say the conversation is relevant. Bitch.
doc3kgt said:
EverettGriz said:
I just love that cat fans like dogshitcolliemolester3 and bigshit33 know they can't actually talk athletics on an athletics board, because we regularly and routinely make their "program" look so f***[*] silly it's laughable.

God Bless being a GRIZ!!!

Since your withering shit stain of a university is the foundation of your athletics department, I'd say the conversation is relevant. Bitch.

What's that you say? You only molest the collie bitches?
le, Bozeman
bigsky33 said:
get'em_griz said:
bigsky33 said:
Meanwhile MSU remains the school of choice for high achieving Montana students. Seventy-two percent Of Montana top high school students plan on attending MSU. That number is more than all the other schools combined. This doesn't bode well for UM.

UM is hurting itself more than anything MSU is doing.

I disagree on that. MSU has been light years ahead of UM in reaching out to high school students. They have been very aggressive with their Marketing.

You are correct, but it goes beyond marketing. The city of Bozeman has engaged in a high-tech development initiative which has brought many entrepreneurial people to that city, and many new high-paying jobs. In comparison, Missoula's city leaders have no clue, or, even worse, make it clear that they do not want new businesses locating to Missoula. To put it simply, the overall environment and cooperation by the city of Bozeman and MSU has made that city a destination for high-tech business. And, the MSU enrollment has benefited by this cooalition. In Missoula, both the city leaders and Engstrom have no freakin' clue how to compete on any level.

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