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The case for Ty Gregorak

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horribilisfan8184 said:
OK, OK, OK, You've earned my pity and now you have it.
I will say, I am totally enjoying seeing the rabid side of Stitt fans. This is really something.
UMGriz75 said:
bgbigdog said:
Absolutely sure all of that "masterful" coaching designs were Ty's? Stitt likely considered the options, and @ the end of the day, believed the benefits outweighed the negatives. Stitt teaches anyone who will listen how to run this offense, all day long. Don't be too sure that he'll lose any sleep over Gregorak being able to put the brakes on it.

Well, if by the end of the season, Stitt was "fully in charge" of the defense as well, I guess our loss by the highest score, 37 points, all season can't be blamed on Gregorak, right? Against a team we had beaten and was playing its second string QB? That it was both an offensive and defensive failure, right?

But, wow, you know what Stitt considered, what he teaches, and how much sleep he loses?

Are you Mrs. Stitt?

Really, 75?? I used to actually read your posts with a certain amount of admiration as to your neutral position on a lot of topics. You simply put things out there and let the reader make his or own assertion as to the merit of the argument being discussed. Your analysis of what was possibly going on behind the scenes of the JJ trial was extremely helpful to many of us.
But your total bias towards Coach Stitt has just gotten so predictable. Your use of bits and pieces of factual information to enhance your obvious bias is absolute bu!!$**t. You can do better than that. The NDSU rematch??..Let's see, it was Stitt's defense who let the QB run for 45 yards on their 3rd play to set the tone for the whole game, right?? That wasn't the first time that happened this year..every team out there has that on tape...make some adjustments!! And you so conveniently omitted key points to justify your weak argument. Game 1 was before 26,000 Griz fans, game 2 in a fricken dome before 19,000 Bison fans..see any pattern?? Put the game in a neutral site, take away the two pick 6's, the kickoff return(their first in 6 years I think they said)and the 45 yard "QB" run, are we looking at a different game?? Just saying, give us a break with your political satire, ok?.
I sit behind the Grizzlies' bench, so got to see first hand Ty's fire and passion. I also saw the lack of communication or interaction between him and Stitt. So I,like a lot of the posters, was not surprised by this move. I also have no problem with him moving on to promote his career, and move on from a difficult situation working for a HC who he competed with for the job he thought should have been his to lose. Did you really think it was going to end any differently?? Only issue I have is him moving on to the little "bro"..Really Ty??
I for one want to see Coach Stitt succeed, not so I can say I told you so, not for the die-hard Griz Nation, not for the future success of Stitt's career, but for the kids who sign on the dotted line every spring and pour their blood, sweat, and tears into a game they love..JUST GIVE COACH STITT THE CHANCE TO FAIL OR SUCCEED FOR THEM!!
birdieman said:
The NDSU rematch??..Let's see, it was Stitt's defense who let the QB run for 45 yards on their 3rd play to set the tone for the whole game, right?? That wasn't the first time that happened this year..every team out there has that on tape...make some adjustments!! And you so conveniently omitted key points to justify your weak argument.
This is a good example of a fanbase gone off the rails. Several pointing out that Ty's resignation was inevitable because Stitt had already relieved him of DC duties; he was just there to implement the "plans" that Stitt had given to others as in line with "his" defensive strategy.

So, now you are claiming that it wasn't Stitt's defense, it actually was Ty's doing? The exact opposite of what is claimed by most "Stitt!" defenders?

That's the problem here. You guys are so busy with "Stitt!" you are running into each other with conflicting and contradictory claims that finally don't even make sense.

And I am pointing that out because I do think it exposes something very wrong with this fanbase about this particular coach. I am as willing and eager as the next guy to see success at this program; I don't have to lie about it every day simply to observe what is actually happening.
UMGriz75 said:
grzz said:
UMGriz75 said:
grzz said:
Ty did not get the job. If Ty did anything whatsoever to encourage any sort of divide, that is incredibly immature and unprofessional, is it not?
So Ty is immature and unprofessional just because you think he might be if he did anything to encourage this but don't have any idea whether he did or not? Wow.

Good God 75. If he did anything to cause a divide, then yes. Stop projecting. You have no idea about most of the assumptions you post on this board, you find "facts" that you think support you clearly biased views, and then you ignore everything else.

I am not irrational about Stitt, I never said I was.
You are. You needed to project on Ty Gregorak several assumptions. "If he did any" of them, then "yes?"

I don't think the word "projecting" means what you think it means, and as an example of "clearly biased views" totally fabricating allegations about Ty Gregorak is pretty much "it."

I'd call that "a fair trial and a fast hanging." You obviously don't need to know anything more than what you expressly admit you don't even know. To me, that's rabid fandom talking.

Projection (Psychological)

1) An unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else as a form of delusion and denial.

2) A way to blame others for your own negative thoughts by repressing them and then attributing them to someone else. Due to the sorrowful nature of delusion and denial it is very difficult for the target to be able to clarify the reality of the situation.
birdieman said:
I for one want to see Coach Stitt succeed, not so I can say I told you so, not for the die-hard Griz Nation, not for the future success of Stitt's career, but for the kids who sign on the dotted line every spring and pour their blood, sweat, and tears into a game they love..JUST GIVE COACH STITT THE CHANCE TO FAIL OR SUCCEED FOR THEM!!
I'm the guy sticking up the kids; whether half this fanbase wanted them convicted of felonies for getting out of the rain, or the fact that they were deeply disturbed by the way Willy Pflug was canned (one of Stitt's best PR pieces this year was Willy's comments on the ESPN mike), or the fact that the most popular coach on the team was marginalized progressively to the dismay of the players, or the fact that players were justifiably angered by the way Stitt treated Simis on the sidelines, this is a coach rapidly exhausting his loyalty capital with this team.

Don't pull the "coach can do what he wants" card and then argue that its "all about the players," when in fact that's not what you are arguing at all.
grzz said:
IProjection (Psychological)

1) An unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else as a form of delusion and denial.

2) A way to blame others for your own negative thoughts by repressing them and then attributing them to someone else. Due to the sorrowful nature of delusion and denial it is very difficult for the target to be able to clarify the reality of the situation.
And you're the one fabricating "possible" failures on the part of Gregorek that "if he did them" then he somehow got what he deserved, right?

And you don't think that's projecting what you want to believe onto a situation that you candidly admit you have no evidence for, its just that it makes you feel justified in your beliefs? Projecting not just your negative thoughts onto Gregorak, but your hopes that he did those things?

That's twisted, frankly.
Going to lock this thread as it's a bump from a year old post originally. We have multiple threads going on the same topic. Lets point all discussions to this thread please:

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