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The case for Ty Gregorak

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I'm reading many posts here and gotgame is all over it. I'm also wondering why I CAN'T find any posts about our mission to develop a young Q.B.???? So... is this chopped liver or the main f.....g course?? The most important issue we will be facing soon is the quarterback. (excluding the hiring of our coach) The game of football is q.b. driven. The rules now make it even more critical than in the past. Food for thought guys... :egriz: and save me the Chalich banter...we'll see if and when.
AllWeatherFan said:
Spanky said:
This debate is great. My only concern is that we do a national search that is a true honest national search. Does anyone know if the search has started?


As others have mentioned, I think "national search" means different things to different people. In this case, it sounds like Haslam is putting together a list of names with input from his various contacts (including people who express an interest), and will gradually whittle that down to a short list of people that he will interview. I suspect some people on that list may be coaching games in upcoming weeks, so I'd guess there will be an announcement shortly after the Griz season ends. I would also guess that we won't hear many details, if any, before the selection is made.

Anybody else have insights?

I think they will start off with a "National" search, but then every one from Charlie Weiss and Mack Brown on down are eligible so there has to be some parameters to narrow the field.

are they willing to coach for the money we offer
are they willing to coach for a FCS team (a power FCS team)
can they recruit in the states we think are important (Montana and the northwest ,maybe other new areas are opened up by this new coach)
Do they know the U of Montana history
do they know how important the Griz/Cat rivalry is
and other things....
Once a coach meets those criteria,(that is why current coaching staff members have a advantage ) then that is your possible new head coach
billingsgriz said:
I agree NEZD with your comments about Ty making adjustments to our D, and I think he has improved also in this area of his coaching over the past 3 years !

He doesn't have the experience of a 50-60 year old HC applying for the GRIZ job, putter--I agree, but Ty does have the drive, enthusiasm and energy of a 37 year old coordinator that loves what he does--he has a passion for football and it shows !!!

I think his positives far outweigh his negatives !!!

I agree. The youthful energy and the way he relates to the players matter. It's playoff time and for much of the season the defense was there, ready to carry the team when the offense was sputtering. Many times this season, the defense changed the momentum in the game and it fired up the offense. The only difference is, he's gonna have to "run the corporation" and if he can prove that in his interview, he'll be the front runner for the job. He's 37, believes in Griz Nation, and will be here for a while. That head coaching consistency is what we need after the last two regimes.
BWahlberg said:
5. He gets what it means to be a Grizzly. He hates the cats. He knows our traditions. He knows our expectations and shares those with all of us.

I was thinking about this last night.. trying to figure out why this matters at all. This is basically true for every school, esp those with long traditions and history (way longer than Montana). I was thinking about when Wyoming hired Craig Bohl.. he had no idea what being a Cowboy was about when he was hired.. but he figured it out in a hurry. You don't need to be inbred to the program to understand a program's tradition and history.
There's no better job application than play-off performance, he has the next several weeks to prove he's the best guy for the job. If we win and advance more than one round, that's a real resume maker, if not.....
rocklobster said:
billingsgriz said:
I agree NEZD with your comments about Ty making adjustments to our D, and I think he has improved also in this area of his coaching over the past 3 years !

He doesn't have the experience of a 50-60 year old HC applying for the GRIZ job, putter--I agree, but Ty does have the drive, enthusiasm and energy of a 37 year old coordinator that loves what he does--he has a passion for football and it shows !!!

I think his positives far outweigh his negatives !!!

He's 37, believes in Griz Nation, and will be here for a while. That head coaching consistency is what we need after the last two regimes.

He's already been here for a while. He's gone from an "up and comer" as PR has described him in the past to a 12-year coach that no school other than the Montana Tech Orediggers, has ever acknowledged as a finalist for anything. Other than UM Butte, Gregorak has never made it to the interview round for any head coaching job at any college program. He's never even publicly withdrawn his name from consideration at any school.

In fact you can't even find an egriz type message board for another school where Ty Gregorak has ever been suggested as a potential DC, HC or even position coach sought after by any other team.

He's a football coach at a university that has all of its games televised, several of them regionally, a few of them nationally during the decade he's been here. The rest of the coaching world does get opportunities to see his work. Maybe he's the best kept secret in college football. I guess he could be. But to go from never considered a finalist for anything other than UM Butte to being the best of all applicants for the head coaching job at at perennial playoff program, with excellent facilities and millions of dollars of infrastructure improvements on the way? That seems unusual.
MrTitleist said:
BWahlberg said:
5. He gets what it means to be a Grizzly. He hates the cats. He knows our traditions. He knows our expectations and shares those with all of us.

I was thinking about this last night.. trying to figure out why this matters at all. This is basically true for every school, esp those with long traditions and history (way longer than Montana). I was thinking about when Wyoming hired Craig Bohl.. he had no idea what being a Cowboy was about when he was hired.. but he figured it out in a hurry. You don't need to be inbred to the program to understand a program's tradition and history.

Wouldn't this be the argument for any coach who isn't from Montana, never grew up with the Griz-Cat rivalry, never played a game for the Griz and probably wouldn't have considered it as an athlete?

If Gregorak didn't know our traditions, our rivalries, wasn't a Montanan etc, and yet managed to get a glowing endorsement from fans for "getting it" then surely another outsider with no previous ties to Montana or UM football can do the same. It isn't higher math.
If Ty gets hired I will still be a Griz fan, and he is definitely my choice if the hire ends up coming from the current staff. I am also intrigued by the idea of some new blood coming in to the program to build and enhance what we have here. I will be happy no matter what. I do think Titleist make a good point about Bohl at Wyoming. Coaches can come in and learn tradition very quickly, though there is a difference and a cleaner slate when you come in to a program where the last coach was fired and the team has been bad...

One other thought. I am a Niners fan. Several years ago, Mike Singeltary took over as the interim head coach when they fired Nolan mid year. The team improved, and the players responded to him. They were fully on board when the owner proclaimed after the last game of the season in the winning locker room that they would keep him as the permanent coach.

He was terrible. The point I am trying to make, is just because the players like someone doesn't mean they know best. You get in a group think situation sometimes.
grzz said:
If Ty gets hired I will still be a Griz fan, and he is definitely my choice if the hire ends up coming from the current staff. I am also intrigued by the idea of some new blood coming in to the program to build and enhance what we have here. I will be happy no matter what. I do think Titleist make a good point about Bohl at Wyoming. Coaches can come in and learn tradition very quickly, though there is a difference and a cleaner slate when you come in to a program where the last coach was fired and the team has been bad...

One other thought. I am a Niners fan. Several years ago, Mike Singeltary took over as the interim head coach when they fired Nolan mid year. The team improved, and the players responded to him. They were fully on board when the owner proclaimed after the last game of the season in the winning locker room that they would keep him as the permanent coach.

He was terrible. The point I am trying to make, is just because the players like someone doesn't mean they know best. You get in a group think situation sometimes.
I am a Niner fan, too, and the Singletary analogy is spot on in this case. Then there was Erickson....
kemajic said:
grzz said:
If Ty gets hired I will still be a Griz fan, and he is definitely my choice if the hire ends up coming from the current staff. I am also intrigued by the idea of some new blood coming in to the program to build and enhance what we have here. I will be happy no matter what. I do think Titleist make a good point about Bohl at Wyoming. Coaches can come in and learn tradition very quickly, though there is a difference and a cleaner slate when you come in to a program where the last coach was fired and the team has been bad...

One other thought. I am a Niners fan. Several years ago, Mike Singeltary took over as the interim head coach when they fired Nolan mid year. The team improved, and the players responded to him. They were fully on board when the owner proclaimed after the last game of the season in the winning locker room that they would keep him as the permanent coach.

He was terrible. The point I am trying to make, is just because the players like someone doesn't mean they know best. You get in a group think situation sometimes.
I am a Niner fan, too, and the Singletary analogy is spot on in this case. Then there was Erickson....

Oh God...I have blacked that part out of my mind. Should never have fired Mooch, should never have hired Erickson. Erickson's resume should have made it clear he wasn't an NFL coach though, it was a poor hire.
havgrizfan said:
Everything Brint says is true and, like I posted earlier, I think Ty will get a lot more consideration than Gragg. HOWEVER, the OC thing might be a bit of a pipe dream. Are you guys suggesting that IF TG got the job he would look Scott and Kefense right in the eye and send them packing? I pretty much HIGHLY doubt that would happen.

That's an interesting point because, if he can't, he can't be an HC here or anywhere else.
One problem with your logic, Titleist: Wyoming was failing under Christensen after some early success--that's why they fired him and brought in Bohl. While Wyoming has had some periods of success over the past 30 years, they don't have the tradition and success at their level that we have at ours, and that winning tradition at Montana can all be traced back to the construction of WA-GRIZ and the hiring of Don Read. Without a consistent winning tradition, I too would fire and hire coaches from outside Wyoming--what other choice do they have ? Promote a coordinator from an unsuccessful HC's staff ?

Montana isn't failing--we're 8-4, 23-14 over the last three years under Mick, and we're heading back to the playoffs for a second year in a row with the Big Sky's best defense. And as I have already mentioned, that includes sailing through the very stormy seas of a scandal, firings of our HC and AD, national investigations and media scrutiny, something Wyoming hasn't had to endure. The reason to go outside and bring in a totally new staff that exists in Laramie--The Cowboys lose more than they win-- doesn't exist in Missoula.

With all due respect, I don't think your analogy to Wyoming's situation holds water !!! And while I hope Coach Bohl does well in Laramie, as evidenced by his first year, he has hands full. As Joe Glenn noted when he was Wyoming's skipper, Laramie is not an easy place to recruit.

PS: Thanks for the great job you do as moderator to allow windbags like me to express ourselves on all things GRIZ, especially football !!!
BWahlberg said:
Don't consider this post an endorsement, however I think this season we have seen Ty emerge as a possible strong candidate for the Grizzly head coaching job. Yes I know, you, the average egriz poster doesn't like the idea. Nepotism, unaggressive defense, national search, need an outsider, and so on. I get it and I know Haslam does too.

However if the best candidate is revealed to be in-house over the course of this national search, I trust Kent makes the right hire here. I don't think he would hire an outsider because he feels he has to nor do I think he would hire a "Montana guy" because he thinks he has to. All I hope is that the best choice is made, and if it happens to be Ty Gregorak (who I assume is applying) then hire this dude.

Here's why I think Ty makes a strong case;

1. The 2014 defense. Ty has his guys and system in place and the Montana defense is tops in many categories this season. If the MSU game was the best job application I've seen in a while, ha! Best scoring defense, 2nd best total defense, 2nd best rush defense, 3rd best pass defense, 4th best in interceptions, the most amount of sacks, 3rd lowest amount of 1st downs allowed per game, 4th lowest in penalties, best in turnover margin at +16, 4th best in total turnovers forced. In his 3 years here he's improved this defense to once again being the solid unit that we've grown use to seeing.

2. He relates incredibly well to his players. The players love him. I'm sure there are some that don't but I'm hard pressed to find them. Even former players who left when Ty had just returned have told me that he's the man for the job. Most all defensive players would run through a wall for this guy and think he's one of the best choices for head coach. I've even heard that from players on offense too.

3. He is an incredible motivator. Go watch a practice or two, you'll see what I mean. Go sit in on a meeting or hear him speak to boosters or supporters, you'll see what I mean. Did you know that Ty was the guy who has been leading the internal push to get the facilities work done? He's gone and talked to the statewide GSA board and got them entirely on board to make facility improvements the #1 concern AND got the GSA to agree to make a sizable commitment (did this a few years back now). I've heard stories of pre-game speeches, actions, and spectacles. This guy gets it when it comes to motivation.

4. He's a great speaker, he's empathetic to fans, and connects well with boosters. I sat in on a GSA meeting in my last year on the local board where Ty came and told us straight up he was more pissed off than all Griz fans combined about the play of his defense in the year before (I believe this was after his 1st year as DC). Ty is personable, he connects well with people, and he's got a good presence when speaking to fans or the media.

5. He gets what it means to be a Grizzly. He hates the cats. He knows our traditions. He knows our expectations and shares those with all of us.

6. He presumably has his pulse on who to keep from this staff. This is a guess on my part but with Ty's tenure here I assume he knows who is worth retaining in this staff and what areas need an upgrade.

7. He could help bring along another emerging DC and hire and OC who can have total control of the offense. People that are worried about his defense that they label isn't flashy probably don't have much to worry about, I assume his choice in OC, be it the current guys or a new hire, would have a large portion of control of the offense. I don't see Ty calling plays on offense, but that's just this fan's opinion.

8. We probably wouldn't lose anyone from the roster. Or hardly anyone at least. The kids know and respect Ty. The recruits do too. This would be a smooth transition that wouldn't put the loss of recruits or talented current roster players in out there.

9. He's a leader. His actions speak for themselves. He leads by example.

Admit it - most of you probably think Ty is an up and coming head coach anyways. You probably hold reservations though from being too soon for him, to not wanting him simply because he would be an internal hire, to not liking his style of defense. There's other concerns that maybe Haslam and Engstrom would have, Ty had a bump in the road with his dismissal from UNLV, there's no hiding or denying that - even though the charges against him were dropped.

If Ty were to bring in a vastly experienced OC, hire an experienced special teams coach, and then make staffing moves that he sees fit for the program, I think it would work, it could work real well.

You make a strong case Brint. That said, if the University conducts a fair and open search, and lets the chips fall where they may, I could see Coach Ty as the HC.
billingsgriz said:
One problem with your logic, Titleist: Wyoming was failing under Christensen after some early success--that's why they fired him and brought in Bohl. While Wyoming has had some periods of success over the past 30 years, they don't have the tradition and success at their level that we have at ours, and that winning tradition at Montana can all be traced back to the construction of WA-GRIZ and the hiring of Don Read. Without a consistent winning tradition, I too would fire and hire coaches from outside Wyoming--what other choice do they have ? Promote a coordinator from an unsuccessful HC's staff ?

Montana isn't failing--we're 8-4, 23-14 over the last three years under Mick, and we're heading back to the playoffs for a second year in a row with the Big Sky's best defense. And as I have already mentioned, that includes sailing through the very stormy seas of a scandal, firings of our HC and AD, national investigations and media scrutiny, something Wyoming hasn't had to endure. The reason to go outside and bring in a totally new staff that exists in Laramie--The Cowboys lose more than they win-- doesn't exist in Missoula.

With all due respect, I don't think your analogy to Wyoming's situation holds water !!! And while I hope Coach Bohl does well in Laramie, as evidenced by his first year, he has hands full. As Joe Glenn noted when he was Wyoming's skipper, Laramie is not an easy place to recruit.

PS: Thanks for the great job you do as moderator to allow windbags like me to express ourselves on all things GRIZ, especially football !!!

See, that is where we disagree. Is 8-4 what Griz fans hope for? Is a 3 game losing streak to EWU what Griz fans think is success? How about a 2 game losing streak to NAU? Is a home playoff loss to Coastal a success? 9-8 road record over the last 3 years? Once again, if you are happy with better than average, then OK, but most are not, they aspire for more.
grizindabox said:
billingsgriz said:
One problem with your logic, Titleist: Wyoming was failing under Christensen after some early success--that's why they fired him and brought in Bohl. While Wyoming has had some periods of success over the past 30 years, they don't have the tradition and success at their level that we have at ours, and that winning tradition at Montana can all be traced back to the construction of WA-GRIZ and the hiring of Don Read. Without a consistent winning tradition, I too would fire and hire coaches from outside Wyoming--what other choice do they have ? Promote a coordinator from an unsuccessful HC's staff ?

Montana isn't failing--we're 8-4, 23-14 over the last three years under Mick, and we're heading back to the playoffs for a second year in a row with the Big Sky's best defense. And as I have already mentioned, that includes sailing through the very stormy seas of a scandal, firings of our HC and AD, national investigations and media scrutiny, something Wyoming hasn't had to endure. The reason to go outside and bring in a totally new staff that exists in Laramie--The Cowboys lose more than they win-- doesn't exist in Missoula.

With all due respect, I don't think your analogy to Wyoming's situation holds water !!! And while I hope Coach Bohl does well in Laramie, as evidenced by his first year, he has hands full. As Joe Glenn noted when he was Wyoming's skipper, Laramie is not an easy place to recruit.

PS: Thanks for the great job you do as moderator to allow windbags like me to express ourselves on all things GRIZ, especially football !!!

See, that is where we disagree. Is 8-4 what Griz fans hope for? Is a 3 game losing streak to EWU what Griz fans think is success? How about a 2 game losing streak to NAU? Is a home playoff loss to Coastal a success? 9-8 road record over the last 3 years? Once again, if you are happy with better than average, then OK, but most are not, they aspire for more.

so correct i am not happy with the players he has had anyone could coach them to average, i would like more for montana has had more talent then most in the big sky the last 3 years.
MrTitleist said:
BWahlberg said:
5. He gets what it means to be a Grizzly. He hates the cats. He knows our traditions. He knows our expectations and shares those with all of us.

I was thinking about this last night.. trying to figure out why this matters at all. This is basically true for every school, esp those with long traditions and history (way longer than Montana). I was thinking about when Wyoming hired Craig Bohl.. he had no idea what being a Cowboy was about when he was hired.. but he figured it out in a hurry. You don't need to be inbred to the program to understand a program's tradition and history.
Isn't Wyoming trying to fix a broken football culture?

They brought in Joe Glenn, and ... nothing. Then Dave Christensen who went 27-39 and is no longer a head coach, but an offensive coordinator.

Wyoming is a good example of spending tons of money to bring in "good outside" talent, that then falls flat. Craig Bohl is yet another outsider, but the "tradition" he is trying to break is Wyoming as a head coach graveyard.

Wyoming is a very good example of 1) the need to bring in outside talent, but 2) the great difficulty that outside talent has in turning around a broken program.

When you don't have a broken program, the idea of "outside talent" has to have much less allure, because it is rarely successful compared to good programs promoting within.
billingsgriz said:
One problem with your logic, Titleist: Wyoming was failing under Christensen after some early success--that's why they fired him and brought in Bohl. While Wyoming has had some periods of success over the past 30 years, they don't have the tradition and success at their level that we have at ours, and that winning tradition at Montana can all be traced back to the construction of WA-GRIZ and the hiring of Don Read. Without a consistent winning tradition, I too would fire and hire coaches from outside Wyoming--what other choice do they have ? Promote a coordinator from an unsuccessful HC's staff ?

Montana isn't failing--we're 8-4, 23-14 over the last three years under Mick, and we're heading back to the playoffs for a second year in a row with the Big Sky's best defense. And as I have already mentioned, that includes sailing through the very stormy seas of a scandal, firings of our HC and AD, national investigations and media scrutiny, something Wyoming hasn't had to endure. The reason to go outside and bring in a totally new staff that exists in Laramie--The Cowboys lose more than they win-- doesn't exist in Missoula.

With all due respect, I don't think your analogy to Wyoming's situation holds water !!! And while I hope Coach Bohl does well in Laramie, as evidenced by his first year, he has hands full. As Joe Glenn noted when he was Wyoming's skipper, Laramie is not an easy place to recruit.

PS: Thanks for the great job you do as moderator to allow windbags like me to express ourselves on all things GRIZ, especially football !!!

Wow, it's actually refreshing to see a poster disagree with someone else's opinion and do so respectfully. What a strange concept for eGriz!
Ty is:

-Had a great year
-Wants to stay in Missoula
-Knows the program
-Knows the players
-Knows the recruts coming in
-Knows the recruting area
-Played here
-Can motivate the players
-A great guy
EdG said:
Ty is:

-Had a great year
-Wants to stay in Missoula
-Knows the program
-Knows the players
-Knows the recruts coming in
-Knows the recruting area
-Played here
-Can motivate the players
-A great guy

you better do some research...
billingsgriz said:
One problem with your logic, Titleist: Wyoming was failing under Christensen after some early success--that's why they fired him and brought in Bohl. While Wyoming has had some periods of success over the past 30 years, they don't have the tradition and success at their level that we have at ours, and that winning tradition at Montana can all be traced back to the construction of WA-GRIZ and the hiring of Don Read. Without a consistent winning tradition, I too would fire and hire coaches from outside Wyoming--what other choice do they have ? Promote a coordinator from an unsuccessful HC's staff ?

Montana isn't failing--we're 8-4, 23-14 over the last three years under Mick, and we're heading back to the playoffs for a second year in a row with the Big Sky's best defense. And as I have already mentioned, that includes sailing through the very stormy seas of a scandal, firings of our HC and AD, national investigations and media scrutiny, something Wyoming hasn't had to endure. The reason to go outside and bring in a totally new staff that exists in Laramie--The Cowboys lose more than they win-- doesn't exist in Missoula.

With all due respect, I don't think your analogy to Wyoming's situation holds water !!! And while I hope Coach Bohl does well in Laramie, as evidenced by his first year, he has hands full. As Joe Glenn noted when he was Wyoming's skipper, Laramie is not an easy place to recruit.

PS: Thanks for the great job you do as moderator to allow windbags like me to express ourselves on all things GRIZ, especially football !!!

Tradition isn't defined by snippets in program history. I mean, let's look at Montana previous to Washington-Grizzly being built. Mostly hot garbage with little success. Let's look at Wyoming around the Joe Tiller/Paul Roach years: Pretty damn good, and a very good team in the 50s and 60s. You can't say, "ZOMG my program is so much better" when looking at snapshots. To say "the Cowboys lose more than they win" is dumb, because you're looking at a snapshot. That's what defines tradition.. long rivalries, trophys, banners, etc. You don't need a coach that was born in that tradition to be able to coach a team, you just need a guy that understands it and can sell it to recruits. That can be anyone.
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