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Stitt/Trump Supporters

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Well-known member
People who wanted Stitt to stay and are mad about his firing are a lot like most die-hard Trump supporters I know...

I get it. You wanted some new blood in office. You thought it didn't matter that he has no experience at this level. He's an outsider. He'd come in here and shake things up and that's what you thought we needed. He was your guy, your horse in the race. Then, by god, he actually got the job. And it was time to see what he could do to lead us. You're excited, your guy won. He won the highest office in the land and beat NDSU.

Right off out of the gate, he starts doing questionable things like saying his inauguration crowd is the biggest ever on record, or going for it on 4th and long when he's in field goal range to take the lead. He even says he doesn't like war heroes that are captured, and starts to plug his hotels while addressing the CIA in front of the fallen agents memorial. He throws 100 bubble screens in a game with no real result. He completely discredits the media and he points the finger at everyone but himself and his staff, and blames his failure on "locker room problems". But still, you give him a pass, because hey... he's your guy. Your guy won the job, and it's early. Give him a chance here.

Then pretty soon more questionable things start to happen, like finding out his family was having secret meetings with Russians, or letting a 3 win cat team come and kick your ass in your own house. He starts adolescently insulting world leaders via twitter, and blows a huge halftime lead to EWU by refusing to make any adjustments whatsoever. He has successfully divided Griz Nation and America more than ever before. He pitted us against each other. By this point, there's a voice inside you saying, "I think this guy might have absolutely no clue what the hell he is doing". And as much as you want to admit that maybe he's not the best guy for the job, you keep on defending him, because hey... he's your guy. You put your name on him and it's too late to back down now.

But then the trend keeps going in the wrong direction. After almost a year of head scratching decisions and questionable comments, he defends Nazis and white supremecists. He goes down by 30 to Weber state at halftime. He turns a blind eye to a republican senators pedophilia. He's ok with blitzing two linebackers from the edge on 3rd and 35. He brings us to the brink of nuclear war. He lets the cats beat us for the second year in a row, doing the exact same thing and preventing us from entering the playoffs once again.

At this point, some of the supporters I know have abandoned ship. But some hang on. Because hey... he's your guy. You defended him through thick and thin against the "other side". You stuck by him every questionable decision and comment. It's too late to back down now. Even though, somewhere deep inside... you know... even if you don't admit it... you know... you'd kill to have Bobby back in office.
I am certainly no fan of Trump or Stitt for that matter, but, this post belongs somewhere other that the football forum. :x
Those are interesting comparisons but one huge glaring difference is that Bob came in for three years and the griz program is worse off. After three years with Trump in house, America will be a greater country because of it.
poorgriz said:
Those are interesting comparisons but one huge glaring difference is that Bob came in for three years and the griz program is worse off. After three years with Trump in house, America will be a greater country because of it.

hilinegrizfan said:
People who wanted Stitt to stay and are mad about his firing are a lot like most die-hard Trump supporters I know...

I get it. You wanted some new blood in office. You thought it didn't matter that he has no experience at this level. He's an outsider. He'd come in here and shake things up and that's what you thought we needed. He was your guy, your horse in the race. Then, by god, he actually got the job. And it was time to see what he could do to lead us. You're excited, your guy won. He won the highest office in the land and beat NDSU.

Right off out of the gate, he starts doing questionable things like saying his inauguration crowd is the biggest ever on record, or going for it on 4th and long when he's in field goal range to take the lead. He even says he doesn't like war heroes that are captured, and starts to plug his hotels while addressing the CIA in front of the fallen agents memorial. He throws 100 bubble screens in a game with no real result. He completely discredits the media and he points the finger at everyone but himself and his staff, and blames his failure on "locker room problems". But still, you give him a pass, because hey... he's your guy. Your guy won the job, and it's early. Give him a chance here.

Then pretty soon more questionable things start to happen, like finding out his family was having secret meetings with Russians, or letting a 3 win cat team come and kick your ass in your own house. He starts adolescently insulting world leaders via twitter, and blows a huge halftime lead to EWU by refusing to make any adjustments whatsoever. He has successfully divided Griz Nation and America more than ever before. He pitted us against each other. By this point, there's a voice inside you saying, "I think this guy might have absolutely no clue what the hell he is doing". And as much as you want to admit that maybe he's not the best guy for the job, you keep on defending him, because hey... he's your guy. You put your name on him and it's too late to back down now.

But then the trend keeps going in the wrong direction. After almost a year of head scratching decisions and questionable comments, he defends Nazis and white supremecists. He goes down by 30 to Weber state at halftime. He turns a blind eye to a republican senators pedophilia. He's ok with blitzing two linebackers from the edge on 3rd and 35. He brings us to the brink of nuclear war. He lets the cats beat us for the second year in a row, doing the exact same thing and preventing us from entering the playoffs once again.

At this point, some of the supporters I know have abandoned ship. But some hang on. Because hey... he's your guy. You defended him through thick and thin against the "other side". You stuck by him every questionable decision and comment. It's too late to back down now. Even though, somewhere deep inside... you know... even if you don't admit it... you know... you'd kill to have Bobby back in office.
Stitt supporters are more like Hillary. Still crying over losing and making excuses.
poorgriz said:
Those are interesting comparisons but one huge glaring difference is that Bob came in for three years and the griz program is worse off. After three years with Trump in house, America will be a greater country because of it.

Isn’t that exactly what many fans said when Stitt came in?

And 45 doesn’t have anything like “beating the four-time defending national title at home in his first game” kind of success to hang his hat on right now. Hell, with all the time off he’s taken to golf, you’d think being president was a part-time job.
Stop_HammerTime69 said:
poorgriz said:
Those are interesting comparisons but one huge glaring difference is that Bob came in for three years and the griz program is worse off. After three years with Trump in house, America will be a greater country because of it.

Isn’t that exactly what many fans said when Stitt came in?

And 45 doesn’t have anything like “beating the four-time defending national title at home in his first game” kind of success to hang his hat on right now. Hell, with all the time off he’s taken to golf, you’d think being president was a part-time job.
The former guy never played any golf, did he....
hilinegrizfan said:
People who wanted Stitt to stay and are mad about his firing are a lot like most die-hard Trump supporters I know...

I get it. You wanted some new blood in office. You thought it didn't matter that he has no experience at this level. He's an outsider. He'd come in here and shake things up and that's what you thought we needed. He was your guy, your horse in the race. Then, by god, he actually got the job. And it was time to see what he could do to lead us. You're excited, your guy won. He won the highest office in the land and beat NDSU.

Right off out of the gate, he starts doing questionable things like saying his inauguration crowd is the biggest ever on record, or going for it on 4th and long when he's in field goal range to take the lead. He even says he doesn't like war heroes that are captured, and starts to plug his hotels while addressing the CIA in front of the fallen agents memorial. He throws 100 bubble screens in a game with no real result. He completely discredits the media and he points the finger at everyone but himself and his staff, and blames his failure on "locker room problems". But still, you give him a pass, because hey... he's your guy. Your guy won the job, and it's early. Give him a chance here.

Then pretty soon more questionable things start to happen, like finding out his family was having secret meetings with Russians, or letting a 3 win cat team come and kick your ass in your own house. He starts adolescently insulting world leaders via twitter, and blows a huge halftime lead to EWU by refusing to make any adjustments whatsoever. He has successfully divided Griz Nation and America more than ever before. He pitted us against each other. By this point, there's a voice inside you saying, "I think this guy might have absolutely no clue what the hell he is doing". And as much as you want to admit that maybe he's not the best guy for the job, you keep on defending him, because hey... he's your guy. You put your name on him and it's too late to back down now.

But then the trend keeps going in the wrong direction. After almost a year of head scratching decisions and questionable comments, he defends Nazis and white supremecists. He goes down by 30 to Weber state at halftime. He turns a blind eye to a republican senators pedophilia. He's ok with blitzing two linebackers from the edge on 3rd and 35. He brings us to the brink of nuclear war. He lets the cats beat us for the second year in a row, doing the exact same thing and preventing us from entering the playoffs once again.

At this point, some of the supporters I know have abandoned ship. But some hang on. Because hey... he's your guy. You defended him through thick and thin against the "other side". You stuck by him every questionable decision and comment. It's too late to back down now. Even though, somewhere deep inside... you know... even if you don't admit it... you know... you'd kill to have Bobby back in office.

Somebody get this guy some crayons and a juicebox, it's past his naptime apparently.
poorgriz said:
Those are interesting comparisons but one huge glaring difference is that Bob came in for three years and the griz program is worse off. After three years with Trump in house, America will be a greater country because of it.

Wow... no... just no..
grizcountry420 said:
poorgriz said:
Those are interesting comparisons but one huge glaring difference is that Bob came in for three years and the griz program is worse off. After three years with Trump in house, America will be a greater country because of it.

:oops: :oops: :oops: I'm a republican & even I just threw up in my mouth - stop it with this non sense!
Keep politics outta of FOOTBALL period.
poorgriz said:
Those are interesting comparisons but one huge glaring difference is that Bob came in for three years and the griz program is worse off. After three years with Trump in house, America will be a greater country because of it.

donny t is down about 50 in the first half, really think he coming back or you don't like oil
kemajic said:
hilinegrizfan said:
People who wanted Stitt to stay and are mad about his firing are a lot like most die-hard Trump supporters I know...

I get it. You wanted some new blood in office. You thought it didn't matter that he has no experience at this level. He's an outsider. He'd come in here and shake things up and that's what you thought we needed. He was your guy, your horse in the race. Then, by god, he actually got the job. And it was time to see what he could do to lead us. You're excited, your guy won. He won the highest office in the land and beat NDSU.

Right off out of the gate, he starts doing questionable things like saying his inauguration crowd is the biggest ever on record, or going for it on 4th and long when he's in field goal range to take the lead. He even says he doesn't like war heroes that are captured, and starts to plug his hotels while addressing the CIA in front of the fallen agents memorial. He throws 100 bubble screens in a game with no real result. He completely discredits the media and he points the finger at everyone but himself and his staff, and blames his failure on "locker room problems". But still, you give him a pass, because hey... he's your guy. Your guy won the job, and it's early. Give him a chance here.

Then pretty soon more questionable things start to happen, like finding out his family was having secret meetings with Russians, or letting a 3 win cat team come and kick your ass in your own house. He starts adolescently insulting world leaders via twitter, and blows a huge halftime lead to EWU by refusing to make any adjustments whatsoever. He has successfully divided Griz Nation and America more than ever before. He pitted us against each other. By this point, there's a voice inside you saying, "I think this guy might have absolutely no clue what the hell he is doing". And as much as you want to admit that maybe he's not the best guy for the job, you keep on defending him, because hey... he's your guy. You put your name on him and it's too late to back down now.

But then the trend keeps going in the wrong direction. After almost a year of head scratching decisions and questionable comments, he defends Nazis and white supremecists. He goes down by 30 to Weber state at halftime. He turns a blind eye to a republican senators pedophilia. He's ok with blitzing two linebackers from the edge on 3rd and 35. He brings us to the brink of nuclear war. He lets the cats beat us for the second year in a row, doing the exact same thing and preventing us from entering the playoffs once again.

At this point, some of the supporters I know have abandoned ship. But some hang on. Because hey... he's your guy. You defended him through thick and thin against the "other side". You stuck by him every questionable decision and comment. It's too late to back down now. Even though, somewhere deep inside... you know... even if you don't admit it... you know... you'd kill to have Bobby back in office.
Stitt supporters are more like Hillary. Still crying over losing and making excuses.

So you you are not only a Hillary fan, but a closet Stitt fan too! Face it no one has cried more over losing than you. Lol
I was going to respond but I couldn’t think of anything dumber that the original post.
RobGriz said:
I was going to respond but I couldn’t think of anything dumber that the original post.

Well this one is right up there.

poorgriz said:
Those are interesting comparisons but one huge glaring difference is that Bob came in for three years and the griz program is worse off. After three years with Trump in house, America will be a greater country because of it.
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