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Stitt Deserves 3 More Years

fanofzoo said:
umwsufan said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
MTGRIZ12 said:
NOT to mention lack of in state players because of his arrogance.

Of all the reasons to want Stitt out, this is probably one of the dumbest.

And why is this reason so dumb, MTGRIZ12? We need to own the Montana recruiting battle because these players bring a home-grown attitude and intensity to the Griz-Cat game. Out-of-state recruits don't really understand the rivalry's long-term effects that linger throughout the state; matter-of-fact, neither do the coaches hired from outside the state.

The Cats landed twice as many Montana boys than the Griz over the past two years. Even if these recruits are not impact players, they bring a sense of pride and urgency to this game and the preparation and mindset leading up to it. It's the difference of maybe 10 percent in effort that wins or loses a game of this magnitude, and Montana-reared players naturally infuse that extra 10 percent before and during this game because they have to go home and face the barrage of either praise or crap for the next 365 days. Out-of-state players, on-the-other-hand, aren't subject to it once the game is over.

18 out of 20 years the team who had the most mt players won. stitt doesn't know mt or understand it

In 20 out of 20 years, the team that had players play the best won. And don't get me wrong, I think good Montana kids are a must, but having the best players is not dependent on where they are from.
Replacing 4 starters on oline ....Who apparently were better than the backups since were starting.... will be a very serious issue. Not often does replacing that many bode well for an offense. The defense will need to be outstanding and that is not likely watching how Semore runs the show.
HelenaHandBasket said:
fanofzoo said:
umwsufan said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
Of all the reasons to want Stitt out, this is probably one of the dumbest.

And why is this reason so dumb, MTGRIZ12? We need to own the Montana recruiting battle because these players bring a home-grown attitude and intensity to the Griz-Cat game. Out-of-state recruits don't really understand the rivalry's long-term effects that linger throughout the state; matter-of-fact, neither do the coaches hired from outside the state.

The Cats landed twice as many Montana boys than the Griz over the past two years. Even if these recruits are not impact players, they bring a sense of pride and urgency to this game and the preparation and mindset leading up to it. It's the difference of maybe 10 percent in effort that wins or loses a game of this magnitude, and Montana-reared players naturally infuse that extra 10 percent before and during this game because they have to go home and face the barrage of either praise or crap for the next 365 days. Out-of-state players, on-the-other-hand, aren't subject to it once the game is over.

18 out of 20 years the team who had the most mt players won. stitt doesn't know mt or understand it

In 20 out of 20 years, the team that had players play the best won. And don't get me wrong, I think good Montana kids are a must, but having the best players is not dependent on where they are from.
18/20 is good betting odds
fanofzoo said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
fanofzoo said:
umwsufan said:
And why is this reason so dumb, MTGRIZ12? We need to own the Montana recruiting battle because these players bring a home-grown attitude and intensity to the Griz-Cat game. Out-of-state recruits don't really understand the rivalry's long-term effects that linger throughout the state; matter-of-fact, neither do the coaches hired from outside the state.

The Cats landed twice as many Montana boys than the Griz over the past two years. Even if these recruits are not impact players, they bring a sense of pride and urgency to this game and the preparation and mindset leading up to it. It's the difference of maybe 10 percent in effort that wins or loses a game of this magnitude, and Montana-reared players naturally infuse that extra 10 percent before and during this game because they have to go home and face the barrage of either praise or crap for the next 365 days. Out-of-state players, on-the-other-hand, aren't subject to it once the game is over.

18 out of 20 years the team who had the most mt players won. stitt doesn't know mt or understand it

In 20 out of 20 years, the team that had players play the best won. And don't get me wrong, I think good Montana kids are a must, but having the best players is not dependent on where they are from.
18/20 is good betting odds

20/20 is better odds.
Of course Stitt should get an extension. Do any of the bitchers think putting the Caddy in for an engine rebuild for 2-3 more years will be better than letting Stitt and Co find their way? Things are pretty good. Coulda shoulda beat EWU. No way should we have beat NAU, Weebs got lucky with every aspect of the game. The cats brought their A game. Whatever. Stitt has lost his starting QB in two seasons but has done admirably nonetheless. It would be a fools errand to think some mysterious savior is going to come in and we will be 10-0 next year. I do think Stitt will have us over the hump next year. The returning players are a talented bunch. The recruits look good. The future is bright.
Buttegrizzle said:
Of course Stitt should get an extension. Do any of the bitchers think putting the caddy in for an engine rebuild for 2-3 more years will be bettter than letting Stitt and Co find their way? Things are pretty good. Coulda shoulda beat EWU. No way should we have beat NAU, Weebs got lucky with every aspect of the game. The cats brought their A game. Whatever. Stitt has lost his starting QB two years but done admirably nonetheless. It would be a fools errand to think some mysterious savior is going to come in and we will be 10-0 next year. I do think Stitt will have us over the hump next year. The returning players are a talented bunch. The recruits look good. The future is bright.
Stitt should be gone. We said exactly what you just said last year. NAU was a lucky win with Cookus being ejected. The way the program is treading doesn’t seem that great.

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Ursus1 said:
Replacing 4 starters on oline ....Who apparently were better than the backups since were starting.... will be a very serious issue. Not often does replacing that many bode well for an offense. The defense will need to be outstanding and that is not likely watching how Semore runs the show.

We heard poor o-line a lot in the Spring......3 guys will have some solid game experience. As a group they improved from last year, and most if not all have been with Germer since they got here. I'm not as worried about the o-line, as I am some other areas.
Montana37 said:
Buttegrizzle said:
Of course Stitt should get an extension. Do any of the bitchers think putting the caddy in for an engine rebuild for 2-3 more years will be bettter than letting Stitt and Co find their way? Things are pretty good. Coulda shoulda beat EWU. No way should we have beat NAU, Weebs got lucky with every aspect of the game. The cats brought their A game. Whatever. Stitt has lost his starting QB two years but done admirably nonetheless. It would be a fools errand to think some mysterious savior is going to come in and we will be 10-0 next year. I do think Stitt will have us over the hump next year. The returning players are a talented bunch. The recruits look good. The future is bright.
Stitt should be gone. We said exactly what you just said last year. NAU was a lucky win with Cookus being ejected. The way the program is treading doesn’t seem that great.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You think Nick Saban is coming to town? Who is going to give us 11-0? A new staff comes in and we lose some recruits, they need 2-3 years to get “their guys” into the system, rebuilding years, blah blah blah.
We have a lot of positives: Great young QB, great recruit class, tons of returning talent, a shiny new athletic complex and a large, faithful crowd of fans. I’m wondering what coach could lose his No 1 and still finish this strong? Look at show NAU fared with their No. 2. Got beat by our No. 4. Stitt knows what he is doing. It would be a huge setback to scrap the program for an untested new coach with no better guarantee of success.
For $800, the answer is "A coach needs more time."

What do Griz fans say when their current coach sucks?

Griz2k said:
For $800, the answer is "A coach needs more time."

What do Griz fans say when their current coach sucks?


But a mysterious new coach won’t need any time, right? It will just happen overnight? If you can tell me our next coach would be Saban or Petersen or Andy Reid or Hell even Bohl, then by all means let’s rocket into the future!
I must say my piece, even tho I know it will be ignored, argued or ????? I think Stitt represents the U and Montana very well as head coach, and as such will be a valuable person in many ways for the overall good. He looks fine, talks fine, and seemingly has a good heart and true moral valuses. But obviously his teams have not lived up to expectations, and he's had some legitimate reasons for not doing so, but the one attribute that is seemingly missing, is his ability to fire up and motivate the players. Some people just don't have that rah rah ability, but if they are smart and successful, they hire those who will compliment themselves. Doesn't seem like that has been done, but also seems like it could be..So, for those who know-assume thats Haslam- give Stitt some help, and force a change in that direction, and give him another year which will settle the troops( I think-although I have no insight to team thinking) and give his talent a chance to become what the press says they can be.
ordigger said:
Ursus1 said:
Replacing 4 starters on oline ....Who apparently were better than the backups since were starting.... will be a very serious issue. Not often does replacing that many bode well for an offense. The defense will need to be outstanding and that is not likely watching how Semore runs the show.

We heard poor o-line a lot in the Spring......3 guys will have some solid game experience. As a group they improved from last year, and most if not all have been with Germer since they got here. I'm not as worried about the o-line, as I am some other areas.

The only real area I am worried about is cornerback. Nash showed talent but pretty uncertain after that. What areas do you see?

I think LB depth is good and besides OL, all other areas return.
grizfan95 said:
ordigger said:
Ursus1 said:
Replacing 4 starters on oline ....Who apparently were better than the backups since were starting.... will be a very serious issue. Not often does replacing that many bode well for an offense. The defense will need to be outstanding and that is not likely watching how Semore runs the show.

We heard poor o-line a lot in the Spring......3 guys will have some solid game experience. As a group they improved from last year, and most if not all have been with Germer since they got here. I'm not as worried about the o-line, as I am some other areas.

The only real area I am worried about is cornerback. Nash showed talent but pretty uncertain after that. What areas do you see?

I think LB depth is good and besides OL, all other areas return.
Yup. Deja vu all over again. 6-5.
Buttegrizzle said:
Montana37 said:
Buttegrizzle said:
Of course Stitt should get an extension. Do any of the bitchers think putting the caddy in for an engine rebuild for 2-3 more years will be bettter than letting Stitt and Co find their way? Things are pretty good. Coulda shoulda beat EWU. No way should we have beat NAU, Weebs got lucky with every aspect of the game. The cats brought their A game. Whatever. Stitt has lost his starting QB two years but done admirably nonetheless. It would be a fools errand to think some mysterious savior is going to come in and we will be 10-0 next year. I do think Stitt will have us over the hump next year. The returning players are a talented bunch. The recruits look good. The future is bright.
Stitt should be gone. We said exactly what you just said last year. NAU was a lucky win with Cookus being ejected. The way the program is treading doesn’t seem that great.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You think Nick Saban is coming to town? Who is going to give us 11-0? A new staff comes in and we lose some recruits, they need 2-3 years to get “their guys” into the system, rebuilding years, blah blah blah.
We have a lot of positives: Great young QB, great recruit class, tons of returning talent, a shiny new athletic complex and a large, faithful crowd of fans. I’m wondering what coach could lose his No 1 and still finish this strong? Look at show NAU fared with their No. 2. Got beat by our No. 4. Stitt knows what he is doing. It would be a huge setback to scrap the program for an untested new coach with no better guarantee of success.

OMG, what is in your Kool-Aid?
Ursus1 said:
Replacing 4 starters on oline ....Who apparently were better than the backups since were starting.... will be a very serious issue. Not often does replacing that many bode well for an offense. The defense will need to be outstanding and that is not likely watching how Semore runs the show.

I can already hear the excuses now coming from Sugarcoats after next season. “He needs more time to develop this young offensive line”. This has become a smoke and mirror operation by Stitt and Haslam. I know what good football looks like...and I’m not seeing it at all with Stitt.
Gametime said:
Ursus1 said:
Replacing 4 starters on oline ....Who apparently were better than the backups since were starting.... will be a very serious issue. Not often does replacing that many bode well for an offense. The defense will need to be outstanding and that is not likely watching how Semore runs the show.

I can already hear the excuses now coming from Sugarcoats after next season. “He needs more time to develop this young offensive line”. This has become a smoke and mirror operation by Stitt and Haslam. I know what good football looks like...and I’m not seeing it at all with Stitt.
In the tradition of UM, it seems as if we have another back room decision by Haslam to give his buddy Stitt another contract. Hopefully, Bodnar will review the employment status of Haslam.
Spanky said:
Gametime said:
Ursus1 said:
Replacing 4 starters on oline ....Who apparently were better than the backups since were starting.... will be a very serious issue. Not often does replacing that many bode well for an offense. The defense will need to be outstanding and that is not likely watching how Semore runs the show.

I can already hear the excuses now coming from Sugarcoats after next season. “He needs more time to develop this young offensive line”. This has become a smoke and mirror operation by Stitt and Haslam. I know what good football looks like...and I’m not seeing it at all with Stitt.
In the tradition of UM, it seems as if we have another back room decision by Haslam to give his buddy Stitt another contract. Hopefully, Bodnar will review the employment status of Haslam.

I wouldn't call it "backroom" and I am sure Bodner will evaluate all employees, but my understanding is that Haslem is not making a decision on Stitt without backing from Bodner.
HelenaHandBasket said:
Spanky said:
Gametime said:
Ursus1 said:
Replacing 4 starters on oline ....Who apparently were better than the backups since were starting.... will be a very serious issue. Not often does replacing that many bode well for an offense. The defense will need to be outstanding and that is not likely watching how Semore runs the show.

I can already hear the excuses now coming from Sugarcoats after next season. “He needs more time to develop this young offensive line”. This has become a smoke and mirror operation by Stitt and Haslam. I know what good football looks like...and I’m not seeing it at all with Stitt.
In the tradition of UM, it seems as if we have another back room decision by Haslam to give his buddy Stitt another contract. Hopefully, Bodnar will review the employment status of Haslam.

I wouldn't call it "backroom" and I am sure Bodner will evaluate all employees, but my understanding is that Haslem is not making a decision on Stitt without backing from Bodner.
I agree, Helena. Haslam likely had Bodnar’s backing. However, we don’t know what Haslam told Bodnar’s to get his support.

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