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...stinky in helsinki...


Well-known member
...no clinical psychologist...
...the clown shoe has a screw loose...
...wait right here for you guys to defend today...

... :oops: ...
...don't go that far to piss on someone...
...relations been in toilet for a long time...
...say 'howdy' and build from that...
...another 'Swamp' produced sideshow...
zengriz said:
...no clinical psychologist...
...the clown shoe has a screw loose...
...wait right here for you guys to defend today...

... :oops: ...

I’ll defend the Helsinki Summit, at the very least, President Trump is being transparent, unlike his predecessor, saying, wait till after the election I will have more latitude to do things with Russia.
Latitudes to do what? Perhaps President Obama should have been investigated for collusion.
tourist said:
spsyk said:
citay said:
Neville Chamberlain, Munich, 1938

Donald Trump, Helsinki, 2018

Trump derangement syndrome 2016 - 2024

Obama apology tour, 2008 - 2016

Citay naievitay 2010 - present

Tourist: Ray Charles Memorial Thick Sunglasses and Total Blindness Award For Hearing What Valdimir Putin Says While Failing to Read the Incredibly Detailed and Meticulously Researched Indictment Against Twelve Russians Who Hacked Our Election. The prize: A pair of reading glasses.
If our election was hacked, the intelligence people of our country need to do a better job. Don't blame Trump. Getting along with Russia is a good idea....
Happened on Obama's watch, and he KNEW what they were doing. These so called indictments of Russians(no Americans)as he departed on this trip were sure political bullshit. Russians can't be extradited. It is in the Russian constitution. So it's all show by the deep state. There will never be a trial.
reinell30 said:
If our election was hacked, the intelligence people of our country need to do a better job. Don't blame Trump. Getting along with Russia is a good idea....

'if' (bqm).... chortle. and of course, 'if' it happened, then it isn't the putin's fault for doing it, and we should of course be his best friend. oh, and look the other way as he kills off any potential opposition, anywhere they happen to be in the world, using very nasty poisons.

amazed at what has become of 'conservatives' - you lot have given up so much of what you claimed to value, just to feel like you are on some sort of winning team. hint: you aren't.

cue the false equivalencies, hillary email rants, etc etc... anything but admit trump looked like a pathetically weak lap dog during his "news" conference with putin.
tourist said:
Happened on Obama's watch, and he KNEW what they were doing. These so called indictments of Russians(no Americans)as he departed on this trip were sure political bullshit. Russians can't be extradited. It is in the Russian constitution. So it's all show by the deep state. There will never be a trial.

so it did happen. and putin did it. so, obviously 'we' need to be putin's best friend. because... uh... um... trump tells us(bqm)
tourist said:
Happened on Obama's watch, and he KNEW what they were doing. These so called indictments of Russians(no Americans)as he departed on this trip were sure political bullshit. Russians can't be extradited. It is in the Russian constitution. So it's all show by the deep state. There will never be a trial.

But now we know what happened, in exacting, excruciating detail, don't we. We know this was real and not a witch hunt. We know it will happen again, because that's the way the Russians roll. And yes, we might have known during the campaign, had Mitch McConnell, a compliant dupe, not denied Obama a bi-partisan announcement, which would have kept it above political feuding.

As for naivete, hey, check out your buddy spsyk up the thread. He likes Putin. Loves Russia. From his name, wouldn't surprise me if he were a Russian troll.
Citay, I went the rhyming route. Naivete was all I could come up with at the time, so I altered the spelling, just for you. Nothing personal. As for politics, there's two views: my view, and the wrong view. Well, did I win the Ray Charles Award?

Argh!, remember October 1962? No 'Hot Line,' each side making decisions with less than all the information. I grew up in Montana's 'ground zero.' Better to talk than not. Don't have to be buddies.
argh! said:
reinell30 said:
If our election was hacked, the intelligence people of our country need to do a better job. Don't blame Trump. Getting along with Russia is a good idea....

'if' (bqm).... chortle. and of course, 'if' it happened, then it isn't the putin's fault for doing it, and we should of course be his best friend. oh, and look the other way as he kills off any potential opposition, anywhere they happen to be in the world, using very nasty poisons.

amazed at what has become of 'conservatives' - you lot have given up so much of what you claimed to value, just to feel like you are on some sort of winning team. hint: you aren't.

cue the false equivalencies, hillary email rants, etc etc... anything but admit trump looked like a pathetically weak lap dog during his "news" conference with putin.

Ever hear the expression, keep your friends close and your enemies closer?
Remember how many visits Ronald Reagan had with Gorbachev? They became very close. Can you remember the outcome of their friendship? I am a military man and remember very clearly!
reinell30 said:
I am a military man

...military men sticking up for don the dodger...
...what the fcuk are you actually thinking...
...really seriously need/want to know...

... :wtf:...
His performance in Helsinki goes to the core of his total lack of qualifications to be potus. Has zero to do with conservative or liberal ideology. He was totally exposed as being unprepared, intellectually challenged as to the art of international diplomacy and foreign affairs, and demonstrated how his hubris and ego always puts his personal interests above the interests of the country. After his 27 hr walk back there is no way to put a positive spin on his performance. Trumps weaknesses and who he really is was on full display for the whole world to see, except for his most ardent supporters.

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