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So... about Portland State....

At the Timbers game last Friday they were giving out coupons for the PSU game, buy one ticket and get four free...yikes!
PSU gots issues!
But before we get too smug, our high ticket prices, the "ad-O-Rama" game environment of wagriz may soon reach a saturation level and guess what happens then......
first11 said:
PSU gots issues!
But before we get too smug, our high ticket prices, the "ad-O-Rama" game environment of wagriz may soon reach a saturation level and guess what happens then......
We build on because our attendance has exceeded our seating capacity?
FormerSwoop said:
LDopaPDX said:
EverettGriz said:
FormerSwoop said:
EWU is a commuter school. In recent years it has begun to shift, but it is definitely a commuter school.

Yes, but not like PSU.

Nothing like PSU. Over 80% of Eastern's population lives on campus or in Cheney.

The funny thing is that Portland State was one of the best supported D-II teams during their time at that level. They used to routinely draw 12,000 to play the likes of mighty Texas A&I.

Where did you get that number from?

My recollection that in those days Oregon was semi-relevant but OSU was totally irrelevant. Oregon now owns the state and OSU has evolved to be occaisionally relelvent......except when playing Vernon and the Mighty Eags. Hence PSU is struggling with a another ho hum team. Tim left and Jerry was all hype and they have been going downhill ever since.....IMHO.
first11 said:
PSU gots issues!
But before we get too smug, our high ticket prices, the "ad-O-Rama" game environment of wagriz may soon reach a saturation level and guess what happens then......

Go anywhere else and tell me they don't have ad o rama game environment. It's what pays the bills. Bitch all you want, but take it away and you've got Northern or Western.
grizatwork said:
first11 said:
PSU gots issues!
But before we get too smug, our high ticket prices, the "ad-O-Rama" game environment of wagriz may soon reach a saturation level and guess what happens then......

Go anywhere else and tell me they don't have ad o rama game environment. It's what pays the bills. Bitch all you want, but take it away and you've got Northern or Western.

The predictable response of egriz poster, attack all differing opinions......it is still early on the future of sustaining our status and growth.
first11 said:
grizatwork said:
first11 said:
PSU gots issues!
But before we get too smug, our high ticket prices, the "ad-O-Rama" game environment of wagriz may soon reach a saturation level and guess what happens then......

Go anywhere else and tell me they don't have ad o rama game environment. It's what pays the bills. Bitch all you want, but take it away and you've got Northern or Western.

The predictable response of egriz poster, attack all differing opinions......it is still early on the future of sustaining our status and growth.

I wish EWU got half as much ad revenue as Montana gets. You have contempt for quite a blessing
first11 said:
grizatwork said:
first11 said:
PSU gots issues!
But before we get too smug, our high ticket prices, the "ad-O-Rama" game environment of wagriz may soon reach a saturation level and guess what happens then......

Go anywhere else and tell me they don't have ad o rama game environment. It's what pays the bills. Bitch all you want, but take it away and you've got Northern or Western.

The predictable response of egriz poster, attack all differing opinions......it is still early on the future of sustaining our status and growth.

I apologize if you felt attacked. That was not my intent. My intent was that if you go to any college program in the united states above D2, you will see the same thing. College football for the most part foots the bills for every non money making sport on campus. Without the ads, and the money generated from them, the university of montana is cutting mens track and mens tennis in order to stay in compliance with title 9. At least our ads have a prefessional edge to them. I have seen sandwich boards on the sidelines of some stadiums.
monte is a character said:
EverettGriz said:
MrTitleist said:

Exactly, Mr. T!

What the eff are we doing in this conference??

Yeah, since we are so elite and dominate the conference every year! :roll:
Do you want to challenge our domination of revenue generation in this conference?
bigsky33 said:
It is the liberal way. That football program is doomed.

I can't stand people who bring their whackadoodle politics onto a football board.

But I believe the point that 33 was trying to make is simply that he's a whackadoodle...
EverettGriz said:
bigsky33 said:
It is the liberal way. That football program is doomed.

I can't stand people who bring their whackadoodle politics onto a football board.

But I believe the point that 33 was trying to make is simply that he's a whackadoodle...

I get it now.

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