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Scrimmage Report

NativeGriz said:
One of the more fun scrimmages I have watched. It provided a little bit of everything for us football fans. As for the details, I am far from qualified to comment on our QB battle, but I do feel Jensen did great after he settled in, you just have to ignore the first 2-3 drives where he was with the 2s. He did seem to be pressing a bit, but how can you blame him after the way Sneed lit things up in his first 2 drives. I now have less concerns about our O-line. As I recall Hauck was always great in developing that part of the past teams he coached here. Personally, I was more concerned about our secondary. There were a lot of open receivers and in my opinion a lot of YAC-way too many yards after first contact. I hope they pick up another transfer-corner to help us in this area. I agree with PR and feel we will have a pretty good team on the field in the fall. Can anyone comment on whether Rensvold or Nagler played?

There are definitely secondary concerns. However, I do think that they were at a disadvantage in that there was only a 4 man rush with no blitzing. Allows receivers more time to get open. Might have also made the OL look a little better.

Have to take the scrimmage with a small grain of salt. History has shown us that.
fanofzoo said:
Did you all see the attention Bobby gave the kickers, right beside them as they kicked.
That might be his best quality, to be honest.

Former NFL punter Chris Kluwe wrote a really great article a few years ago about how the vast majority of high school, college and NFL special teams coaches know absolutely fuck-all about how to coach the actual act of kicking a football, and how the vast, vast majority of kickers and punters in all of football have probably never had a decent coach that could help them get better at actually kicking the ball.

I think it's no coincidence that Bobby always got the best out of his kickers.
Biggest thing I've noticed, so far, is how much Gresch has improved his footwork and mechanics! Take the numbers off and the two look pretty much the same only Sneed is a little better runner!(=faster it seems?) All I know is they are learning from each other obviously... Gresch is a little more in tune with the receivers and Sneed more comfortable with the offence. But both are looking very good! The team has a great duo there! They give up nothing when the other is playing!!! UNI can't come soon enough for me! RTD ~~Return to Dominance baby!!! SOONER THAN YOU THINK! We got ourselves a damn good team there Griz!!!Not expecting to much here just stating the realistic truth! Go Griz!
uofmman1122 said:
fanofzoo said:
Did you all see the attention Bobby gave the kickers, right beside them as they kicked.
That might be his best quality, to be honest.

Former NFL punter Chris Kluwe wrote a really great article a few years ago about how the vast majority of high school, college and NFL special teams coaches know absolutely f***[*] about how to coach the actual act of kicking a football, and how the vast, vast majority of kickers and punters in all of football have probably never had a decent coach that could help them get better at actually kicking the ball.

I think it's no coincidence that Bobby always got the best out of his kickers.

One has only to ask Mr. Dan Carpenter...
some great football analysis in this thread. funny, though, a couple posters seem to have changed their tunes lately about the quality of athlete. guess they got fat and out of shape between spring and fall?

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