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cclarkblues said:
Wouldn't it be interesting to ask every head coach in the BSC whether Robby would be good enough to make their team?

I think Robby was a good player that would have started for nearly every big sky team
Ski Bum said:
Cuervohola said:
If that piece of garbage isn't in the CFL next year, he WILL BE ON THE STAFF... Mark my Guaran f###[#] teed words... Daddy WILL hire him, and then he will teach the secondary to play garbage just like he does...

THANK GOD this is his last game.

My god, you're an asshole. Seriously. I don't post much, kinda just lurk around and try to keep my finger a little bit on the pulse of Griz football, but your foaming-at-the-mouth style is really hard to deal with. It's dudes like you that the "block" feature was made for (and I'm using it now). Adios.

Ok. I was really counting on you being my friend. That's just tragic.
hm.grwn.grizfan said:
cclarkblues said:
Wouldn't it be interesting to ask every head coach in the BSC whether Robby would be good enough to make their team?

I think Robby was a good player that would have started for nearly every big sky team

I would say without a doubt. How many of the secondary coaches or HC's would put up with his never ending penalties though?

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